HIV transmission pathways and symptoms

HIV transmission pathways and symptoms

Today, the number of people killed by the HIV virus may increase, as this hidden disease is transmitted through common methods that anyone might not be aware of. AIDS is the name of the disease that is caused by the HIV virus, but if someone has this virus, this does not mean that one hundred percent of the AIDS patients are infected. The virus progresses in three steps, the first one is several weeks after the transfer, the second phase is the clinical delay, and eventually the third stage, which is the same AIDS condition, is emerging. The rate of progression of this disease often varies from person to person in the second phase. It may take several months or several years!

AIDS symptoms

As a result of this time that varies from person to person, the symptoms of HIV in the early stages will differ with the final symptoms.

Symptoms of AIDS in the first few months

After the HIV virus is transmitted to an individual, an acute infection occurs. At this point, the HIV virus is growing rapidly. The person's immune system will fight like an ordinary virus with infection. People usually have no symptoms at this stage, but in others, signs may appear in the first two months of infection. Most people in the early stages of the disease do not know their disease, which is because the symptoms of AIDS are very similar to common flu. It may even be possible for a person to think that he does not need to go to a doctor and can overcome this short-term illness with self-healing and rest. But gradually the development of the virus in the blood increases, which in turn makes the virus easily transmitted from person to person.

AIDS symptoms

Early signs of AIDS include:



    Swollen lymph nodes

    General pain

    Sore throat



    stomach discomfort

After the person enters the clinical lag, these symptoms are resolved. In fact, the disease begins to disrupt the immune system secretly. At this stage, there may be irrelevant symptoms that may include the following:

    Various pains in different parts and especially headaches

    Swollen lymph nodes for more than two weeks

    Long and frequent fever

    Night sweats

    Excessive fatigue

    Prolonged nausea



    Weight Loss

    Oral secretion

    Various infections



People with AIDS usually end up with one common infectious disease, with more tuberculosis and more flu among the victims.

For further study on this disease and other diseases, we suggest that you visit the Baser Ophthalmology Center website.

In summary…

The AIDS virus, which is the result of the HIV virus, is a dangerous disease transmitted by multiple methods. The disease has three main stages, including transmission, clinical delays, and AIDS. This disease has several symptoms, but is largely ignored due to its similarity to the flu. Early signs of Eid include fever, chills, sweats, sore throats and stomach pains. These are the early signs of AIDS that may disappear after several weeks and return after the end of the second phase.

In the secondary symptoms that occur in the second stage, the clinical delay, a person experiences diseases such as shingles and pneumonia. Also, symptoms such as headache, excessive fatigue, night sweats, and ... are also unrelated symptoms that may appear after entering this stage. Back

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