HIGHBANK - the stable crypto market diversifies their portfolio in the crypto market

HIGHBANK - the stable crypto market diversifies their portfolio in the crypto market


Salam hangat dengan saya Anakcikal dan saya ingin berbagi sedikit tentang komunitas crypto HIGHBANK untuk memaksimalkan dan mendiversifikasi portofolio mereka di pasar crypto yang volatile

Hari ini, debat mengamuk tentang mata uang virtual akan menjadi mainstream atau tidak berhasil.

Berdasarkan tingkat pertumbuhan saat ini, analisis keuangan dan pakar Blockchainpertimbangan jumlah pengguna Bitcoin melonjak lebih dari 200 juta pada tahun 2024. Dengan demikian, jumlah pengguna, tidak ada keraguan tentang cryptocurrency diprioritaskan untuk koneksi pasar tradisional, karena pengguna ini, investor dan pengguna mengadopsinya.

Terkait dengan statistik luar biasa ini, perlu dicatat cryptocurrency memiliki resolusi mendasar bila dibandingkan dengan pasar tradisional.

Osterrieder dan Lorenz, dalam makalah mereka yang berjudul: "Bitcoin dan Cryptocurrency - Not for Fainting"

Karena perilaku non-Gaussian, harga cryptocurrency rentan terhadap gelembung spekulatif

disaksikan pada tahun 2017 kompilasi harga Bitcoin naik menjadi $ 20.000 untuk pertama kalinya. Meski begitu

Manfaat dapat memperoleh keuntungan tinggi, juga dapat menghadirkan sisi negatif dengan potensi

untuk meningkatkan peluang pasar. Selain itu, pedagang rahasia crypto yang berpengetahuan dan berpengalaman tahu ini adalah jebakan, sebagian besar tampak bodoh atau tidak tahu tentang risiko yang melekat.

Perdagangan crypto.

As with technology and new trends, media attention is more often than not fixed on price movements, which leads to a general feeling about the possibility of returning that virtual currency provides.

However, such assumptions can only be applied to knowledgeable and experienced crypto traders. According to the United Nations Agency (UN) it reveals that nearly 3.9 billion people (representing about 51 percent of the world's population have access to the Internet. However, the same statistics cannot be said about cryptocurrency adoption.

The new report by Cambridge Alternative Finance Center reveals that around 3 million people (less than 1% of all internet users) actively use cryptocurrency. HighBank creates the next generation Blockchain-based ecosystem needed to enable the crypto community to maximize and diversify their portfolios in the crypto market. fluctuating.

We changed the foundation of the crypto market to create a viable trading ecosystem

increase cryptocurrency adoption. Our platform - built on the Ethereum Blockchain - will be the only crypto trading platform that accommodates the Decentralized Crypto Exchange, ICO List, ICO Launch, and crowdfunding, Marketing and Partner programs, Online and Offline community centers, and the Blockchain Consultation.

Unlimited token distribution

This is where the actual automation facilities look like a blessing. After you do everything

marketing and you receive funds from investors, just press our confirmation and smart button

The contract will automatically distribute funds among all your investors, depending on

the amount they have spent.

More than ‘just‘ ICO listing

Ih addition to offering the additional features listed above, we also allow our customers to setup Airdrop

and a full reward program from the dashboard. Both are 'sort of' marketing strategies

and in the past, many ICOs benefited from it.

Usually, this is a manual process, but HighBank handles the automation that is needed

to get the most out of the Airdrop and Bounty campaigns.

Decentralized Exchange

Over the past few months, we have observed exponential growth in numbers

decentralization exchange. There are several reasons, but the main thing is business

This model is beneficial for the founders and investors. Moreover, the thing that makes it so interesting is

that it offers a solution for mainstream cryptocurrency users.

Crypto faces great pressure from organizations that use fiat currencies and hence,

Their regularization has become a big problem. Unless there is a legal framework passed on

international or even national level, it is difficult to expect traditional exchanges, right now

dealing with fiat, will never accept cryptocurrency.

In addition, their nature also makes it difficult for them to trade in several environments

decades old. Because crypto runs on blockchain technology, it's important to make an exchange

infrastructure that supports decentralization.

This is what HighBank offers to the community. However, there is one big difference.

In addition to only launching other crypto exchange exchanges, we have included a broad one

the level of decentralization that you will read and realize in the article below.


Token 'HIGH is a machine that drives all transactions on the platform. It will be compatible

with the Ethereum ERC20 standard and asked to connect the strength of all transactions including


- Facilitating transactions in Decentralized Crypto Exchanges;

- Facilitating ICO Lists on platforms;

- Facilitating ICO Launch and Crowdfunding on platforms; and

- Facilitating marketing programs and partners on the platform

The following table summarizes tokenomics:

HIGH Token Distribution

Overview of the HighBank

Our mission is to create a one-stop platform that provides a holistic blockchain experience for anyone

crypto developer or trader. This business is expected to air in the first quarter of 2019 and this

This section will explain the following most important ecosystem components:

1. ICO Crowdfunding

2. Decentralized Exchange

3. Blockchain Consultation

4. Plan for Income Income

ICO Crowdfunding

Since the launch of Kickstarter and Indiegogo, crowdfunding has boomed significantly

has become a profitable business model. Its dynamic nature allows it to work beautifully

lots of niches. Even more interesting is its ability to adapt to the crypto industry.

2018 has proven good for ICO and the main credit falls to the sensation of BTC being created

end of last year. Fortunately, in the past 12 months, we have observed improvements

crowdfunding campaign, especially for the ICO cryptocurrency business


Of course, there is no barrier and you can use the traditional platform too, but the real one

The problem is the audience and its feasibility. Because the business model for ICO is completely different

from traditional crowdfunding campaigns, it's important to make special crowdfunding

the platform.

It not only allows users to register their ICO on a special, highly targeted platform

audience, but the level of investment also rises. This is because if an investor visits the website,

the goal is clear - he wants to invest in crypto tokens!

This is what allows the crowdfunding platform from HighBank to ICO to offer its users, by allowing

they make a list of businesses or make investments, both short and long term.

Benefits of ICO Crowdfunding

Niche is gaining traction and in particular, the popularity of ICO has increased. Let

see some of the benefits investors and entrepreneurs consider before investing or launching

crypto business, respectively

Accessibility and Affordability

The use of the internet for crowdfunding campaigns removes boundaries. That

means that if the ICO is registered in the US, investors from all over the Globe can try their luck

make an investment.

Another reason for greater accessibility is the use of cryptocurrency when funding projects. That

The main advantage is that transaction costs are cut off significantly and transactions are carried out

come out instantly.

Secondly, there is no geographical limit to having crypto tokens.

However, in traditional crowdfunding campaigns, most investors pay in their chosen fiat

currency which will then be converted into a standard currency (or rather central). This process

it not only requires a lot of time but also creates a large transaction fee.

'Taste' of a product

See, it's important for you to understand the difference between donors and investors. If

someone visited the Kickstarter and paid $ 100 to a grandmother living in Somalia, that was a donation.

But honestly, such people tend to invest heavily in 'real' things.

Investing in ICO gives customers a real feeling. They know that they have poured

in their labors they make money into something far more useful that can potentially pay really well in the future. This feeling is very important for investors.

more detailed information click the link below here:



PENULIS: Anakcikal

PROFILBITCOINTALK SAYA: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile%3Bu%3D1914884

ETH: 0xACE4b197bAEd4ABc6c12fD034BE655ed3141E1c6

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