H.G. Wells «The Door in the Wall» (26/27)

H.G. Wells «The Door in the Wall» (26/27)


Г. Дж. Уэллс «Дверь в стене»

I can see now his rather pallid face (я вижу /как/ сейчас его довольно бледное лицо), and the unfamiliar sombre fire that had come into his eyes (и незнакомый мрачный/унылый огонь, который появился в его глазах). I see him very vividly to-night (я вижу его очень отчетливо сегодня вечером). I sit recalling his words, his tones (я сижу, вспоминая его слова, его интонацию), and last evenings Westminster Gazette still lies on my sofa (а вчерашняя вечерняя «Вестминстерская Газета» все еще лежит на моем диване), containing the notice of his death (содержащая = с заметкой о его смерти; to contain — содержать). At lunch to-day the club was busy with him and the strange riddle of his fate (сегодня за ланчем клуб был занят = в клубе говорили о нем и о странной загадке его судьбы).

They found his body very early yesterday morning in a deep excavation near East Kensington Station (его тело нашли вчера ранним утром в глубоком котловане возле вокзала в Восточном Кенсингтоне). It is one of two shafts (это одна из двух шахт) that have been made in connection with an extension of the railway southward (которые были сделаны в связи с расширением железной дороги в южном направлении). It is protected from the intrusion of the public by a hoarding upon the high road (она защищена от вторжения людей временным забором на шоссе), in which a small doorway has been cut for the convenience of some of the workmen (в котором был прорублен небольшой дверной проем для удобства некоторых рабочих) who live in that direction (которые живут в том направлении). The doorway was left unfastened through a misunderstanding between two gangers (вход оставили незапертым из-за недоразумения между двумя десятниками/бригадирами; to fasten — прикреплять, привязывать; связывать; запирать), and through it he made his way (и через него-то он и пробрался; to make ones way — продвигаться; пробираться)…

My mind is darkened with questions and riddles (мой ум затемнен вопросами и загадками = в моем разуме темно от вопросов и загадок; to darken — затемнять, скрывать; перестать видеть, ослепнуть; ослепить; dark — темный).

It would seem he walked all the way from the House that night (скорее всего, он прошел пешком весь путь от Палаты в тот вечер) — he has frequently walked home during the past Session (он часто ходил пешком домой во время прошлой сессии) — and so it is I figure his dark form coming along the late and empty streets, wrapped up, intent (/так я и представляю/ его темную фигуру, идущую вперед по поздним и пустынным улицам, закутанную, исполненную решимости; to wrap up — закутать). And then did the pale electric lights near the station cheat the rough planking into a semblance of white (а потом бледные электрические огни возле вокзала обманывают /его и превращают/ грубый штакетник в подобие белого цвета; to cheat — жульничать, мошенничать, ловчить, надувать; planking — ограждение котлована; доски, планки; обшивка досками)? Did that fatal unfastened door awaken some memory (пробудила ли та роковая незапертая дверь какое-то воспоминание)?

Was there, after all, ever any green door in the wall at all (в конце концов, была ли когда-нибудь вообще какая-то зеленая дверь в стене)?

I can see now his rather pallid face, and the unfamiliar sombre fire that had come into his eyes. I see him very vividly to-night. I sit recalling his words, his tones, and last evenings Westminster Gazette still lies on my sofa, containing the notice of his death. At lunch to-day the club was busy with him and the strange riddle of his fate.

They found his body very early yesterday morning in a deep excavation near East Kensington Station. It is one of two shafts that have been made in connection with an extension of the railway southward. It is protected from the intrusion of the public by a hoarding upon the high road, in which a small doorway has been cut for the convenience of some of the workmen who live in that direction. The doorway was left unfastened through a misunderstanding between two gangers, and through it he made his way

My mind is darkened with questions and riddles.

It would seem he walked all the way from the House that nighthe has frequently walked home during the past Sessionand so it is I figure his dark form coming along the late and empty streets, wrapped up, intent. And then did the pale electric lights near the station cheat the rough planking into a semblance of white? Did that fatal unfastened door awaken some memory?

Was there, after all, ever any green door in the wall at all?

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