Gynarchy Stories

Gynarchy Stories


Gynarchy Stories
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Despite the successes of the Gynarchy, crime still exists in the world. Some men simply weren't able to be instituted into the gynarchic world, and sometimes women would be just a little too uninhibited. Typically, women are simply given a fine and a warning not to repeat the offense. Occasionally, a few women require probation and some therapy. Very seldom are women required time in prison. Men, on the other hand, frequently are required a fine, probation, mandatory education courses, and/or jail time. This is for minor offenses such as theft or sexual harassment. For worse offenses, there are far worse punishments employed. In some countries, men who are minors can be tried with the same standard as adult men. Criminal statistics show that men are much more likely to be stopped by the police, be arrested, commit crimes, and be incarcerated. Men are typically taken to the criminal courts for any crime, no matter how petty. This leads men to be afraid to do so much as compliment a woman or lean against buildings. Men are encouraged to be on their best behavior. If a woman accuses a man of committing a crime, it only needs to be proven possible that said man could have done it for the man to be found guilty. If a man accuses another man of a crime, the accused male is often found guilty automatically, and the accuser male is required to pay an exorbitant amount for the entire case. Women, on the other hand, often harass men. There have also often been men being reported missing after talking to a woman, or men being raped. These are dismissed as rumors, however, and rarely get taken to court. If a man does take a woman to court, it is required the woman be proven beyond a reasonable doubt to have committed the crime. Even then, a woman isn't guaranteed to be found guilty, and women will often sue the man for wasting her time, regardless of the outcome. No matter the outcome, the man is expected to pay for the entire case. On the occasion that a woman accuses another woman of a crime, court cases can take months, sifting through every fact to reach an impartial and indisputable conclusion. In civil cases, women have a major preference. In the case of a car accident, for example, the man is always found at fault and forced to accept whatever judgement is passed, usually a large fine and harsh corporal punishment. A man is always considered guilty until proven innocent, and must not only prove his innocence, but also that the woman was completely at fault. Failure to meet that ends with a failed case. All a woman has to prove is that an incident occurred and the man was involved. A civil incident with two men involved is often dropped without consideration, while an incident between two women is often a search for an agreeable compromise, often ending with both women being compensated. Women are always given lawyers with very good reputations if they can not afford one of their own. In some countries, such as America, men must either afford their own lawyer, or present their own case. Although there are male lawyers, they are often only allowed to represent small-scale cases between two men, though they will sometimes be faced against a female lawyer. On rare occasions, a man is allowed to represent in higher-end cases, sometimes between a man and a woman. Women will never hire a male lawyer, and male lawyers can never gain a very good reputation. Any evidence a male lawyer presents is faced with scrutiny and suspicion while any evidence a female lawyer presents is automatically accepted, even if it is forged evidence.

All the women have important, high-paying jobs while the boys are only allowed to have the menial, low-wage jobs. Except superheroes like Superman. In the world where women are everything and boys are nothing, Superman stands out as a paragon of justice, fighting crime and keeping the city safe from the bad guys. But in a world where women are meant to be superior, why has he been allowed to exist Firstly, it gives boys a role model to look to. In truth, every woman, from Supergirl to one's mother, is vastly superior to Superman. Any one of them could easily replace him and do his job better. But by allowing a boy to do this, the other boys will see Superman keeping Metropolis safe and think, "It's not unfair. Boys are allowed to have important jobs too." With that in mind, the only reason they're doing so much worse than women is because they themselves are inferior. Secondly, while Superman is busy stopping these petty crimes all over, it gives women time to focus on better, more
World of Gynarchy: MtF Transgenderism
One of the most controversial aspects of the gynarchal world is transgenderism. Male to female, that is, as no female would ever debase herself to becoming a male. Should transgenderism be allowed? And if so, would these new females be equal to any other female? It should naturally be expected that any boy would yearn to become like their female superiors, but would a boy actually be equal in intellect, physical ability, and status just by changing genders? Furthermore, if a boy can become equal to a female by becoming transgender, wouldn't that seem too easy, and the difference in status seem nonexistent in the first place? There is still much to debate about it, but one area has implemented a "trial run" of a system to compromise. Transgenders are indeed equal in status to any female, but there are requirements to be eligible for the operation. Firstly, a boy must have contributed greatly to their neighborhood. This goes beyond simply obeying and pleasing all the women in their
After his last battle, Deku's opponent had left behind a strange device when they fled. Deku decided to take it home to investigate it. While looking at it, Deku found a small button, so he pressed it. Immediately, Deku shrunk. Oh no, what do I do?

"Deku, I'm home. Where are you?" Deku's hairs stood up. His mom, Inko Midoriya, had come home from shopping. Deku desperately tried to shout for his mom's attention. "Mom! Mom! I'm down here!"

Inko bent down near Deku and picked up the device. "Did Deku leave this strange device lying around? He's not usually such a careless boy." She stood back up and went to put it in Deku's room. As she steppe
Prologue to sad-bag's series Eri's Responsibility Part 5


Deku was forced awake by a painful stomp across my entire body. "Wake up, Deku!" He groaned in pain. It was going to be yet another day of pain and humiliation for him. He looked up at Eri, towering way over him. How long had it been since Eri had made him her little toy?

Eri looked down at her little Deku, grinning. "I'm going to U.A. today, so I
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A Caning By Miss Spiteful
Always On The Bare
A Visit To Greenwich
At My Lady's Pleasure
Ball Shackle Story
I Met Claire In A Coffee Shop
Judicial Bastinado
Judicial Punishment
Kevin's Poem
Long Weekend
Long Weekend Conclusion
Loving Domination
My Visit
Robin's Electrical Torture
Shoeshine Boy
Slave To The Cane
The Basement
The Cleaning Maid
The Colony
The Escape Artist
The Huntress Caning
The Language School
The Worm's View
Webb Encounters

She walked around the desk. I stood up.
She led me to a small room. It was like my doctor’s room.
“Please remove your clothes, Peter. Here is a gown for you. Our doctor will need to give you a short medical check, and measure your present weight without clothing. The doctor will be with you in a few minutes”.
She left the room. I undressed, and put on the gown. I sat on the bench, and waited.
The doctor came in. She was a powerful-looking woman with short blond hair. Another woman came in with her. She also looked strong.
“Good afternoon, Peter. Please step onto the scales. And you will need to slip off your gown too. We need your exact weight, without clothes”.
I was embarrassed by this, but did as she asked.
“Very good. You may put your gown back on. Please sit on the bench”.
She gave me a short medical examination. 
“That’s all good” she said at last. “Have you had a tetanus injection within the last five years?”
“Then I recommend that you have one, since you will be on a farm for your training. I can give you one now, if you wish”.
“Ok, thanks, let’s do that” I said.
She prepared a hypodermic needle. 
She looked at me, as if she was trying to say something.
“This also contains a sedative, Peter. Is that ok? You can still refuse if you wish. You still have 24 hours to change your mind, so you may want to wait before getting this shot. So if you don’t want the shot, just say, and I’ll tell them you declined.”
“I don’t understand. Why would I refuse? I want to do this” I said.
She gave me the injection. I immediately felt the effect. I felt sleepy.
“There. No turning back now! Not for you! Lie down on the bench and rest. You’ll be asleep in a few seconds now. We’ll take care of you from now on, Peter” she said.
I lay down. I suddenly felt enormously tired. “Good luck with your new life, Peter” I heard her say. She seemed to be a long way away.
I was not aware of falling asleep, or of sleeping at all, but I must have, because I suddenly woke up.
I was in a different room, which I did not recognize. Time must have passed. I was lying on a stretcher. A Lady I hadn’t seen before stood before me. I had some kind of jacket on. When I tried to sit up, I found I was held down. And my arms were held across my chest by the jacket. I realized it was a strait jacket, strapped tight. I realized I was naked under the canvas jacket.
“Relax, Peter.You have been asleep for 24 hours. We have put you in a lunatic restraint, a strait jacket, as a precaution.” said the Lady “You are perfectly safe, but you won’t be able to get out of that restraint, so don’t bother fighting against it. It’s just a standard precaution. We put you in it while we were transporting you here, while you were asleep, just in case you woke up early. I’ll take if off in a few minutes. Just relax”.
I stopped struggling against the straps, and lay still. She looked down at me, and smiled.
“I welcome you to your new life, Peter. 24 hours have elapsed, so your contract is now fully in effect. You can’t cancel it now. I am your Supervisor. You are now at our Farm. This is where you will serve out the terms of your contract. As you recall, you agreed to the training course that we have devised. Our course is designed to harden males physically, reduce their weight to a value proper for a healthy male, and to modify their male impulses as required for the service of women. For new entrants, this means we need to use methods which require some degree of compulsion. And that includes you, Peter! You probably didn’t realize it, but the contract you signed contained your agreement to be committed here for the term of the contract. We therefore have the legal right to use enforcement. And we intend to!”
She continued “I see you are a well-fed male. And have not been exercising much. All our inmates are overweight and unfit when they arrive. We remedy that gradually, and with care, so that our men become as lean and strong, as males are naturally intended to be. But our Society provides more improvement than purely physical. We modify male attitudes, and make males into good slaves of women. I emphasize the word “good”. Any male can be a bad slave. We train males to be good slaves!”
I still felt sleepy. I must surely be hallucinating from the drug. I could not believe what I was hearing. What on earth was she talking about? Male slaves? She obviously hasn’t heard about gender equality! Time for me to straighten this out…..
“Excuse me? Miss? Miss Supervisor? You are making a mistake, I’m not here for....” I started to explain….
“Be quiet!” she shouted. I was immediately silent. She was quite frightening when she spoke like that! She was very angry!
She took a breath. I did not dare move. I could not, anyway, in the strait jacket. She was clearly angry.
“Alright Peter. Please excuse my anger. I’m calm now! Please understand that I am not used to a male telling me that I’m making a mistake! And it’s been a long time since a male even spoke to me without permission! But of course you are new here, and do not know our rules. So I won’t punish you! But, please, just be quiet. I will give you a chance to speak later”
She went on. “This farm is owned by a private group of Ladies, who wish to hold men as slaves. We mean real slaves, not pretend slaves. We therefore seek out suitable men, men who are able to make the needed financial and time commitment, and we then train them to be slaves. REAL slaves. You have been selected, Peter. You are now an inmate, and you will now, in your turn, be trained to be a slave. Your weight loss will be attained, although it is just a small part of your training here.”
I opened my mouth to speak, but then shut it again when I saw her expression. She obviously had some big hang up with me speaking. I did not wish to chance my luck about that. I would wait until I was out of this strait jacket, and this mistake was sorted out. Something very strange was going on here, or maybe I was still dreaming.
She continued. “This is real, Peter, not a dream, not just another of your story-fantasies! We have read your stories, of course! They are amusing stories. But now, you are about to experience the reality! This time, it’s not a story! This time, you find out what it’s like, to be a slave, for real!”
“Now. Listen up.You need to learn the facts of life here. Women are in charge here. You, as a male, have no say. None at all. This is a private organization of dominant, sadistic women. Our primary purpose is to find suitable males (like you, Peter), make them into slaves, and keep them to suffer for our enjoyment. But, we are also practical…..this place needs a lot of work and upkeep, so we also use our male slaves for the labour we need. The arrangement works out very well! This is NOT one of your foolish fantasies, Peter! This is a real, working farm, with REAL slaves doing REAL work”
She laughed at my expression. “You no doubt thinking that you are not a slave. Is that right? All men think that! It’s no problem! We have developed methods which efficiently transform any man, even the most arrogant, self-willed ones (like you, Peter!) into good slaves. Our methods are very simple: we keep our slaves chained, and we enforce our strict rules with severe punishments. Our methods have worked on every man who has ever come here. Our methods have never yet failed to make a man into a slave!”
“Our standard punishment is a hard leather strap, applied to the slave’s buttocks until he is red and sore. Our approach might seem cruel, but we have tried other methods, and find ours is the most efficient. We have found that a heavy leather strap, used firmly and strictly, without regard to begging, produces total obedience in a very short time. The use of an individual chain for each prisoner prevents escape, eliminates the need for constant supervision, and allows our slaves to work at their individual work places without any possibility of escape. So we have a very practical system, as you will find out”.
“We have rules, some of which you should know right away: you may not speak without permission. You must obey orders from any free person without hesitation or comment. When you are in the presence of a free person, you must kneel and keep your eyes down. That is all you need to know for now. You can learn our other rules as you go along. Once you have heard a rule, be aware that you will be severely punished if you disobey!”
“You will also have weekly strappings, as a routine matter. All our slaves are strapped, every Sunday afternoon. Only 20 strokes, not too many. These weekly strappings provide a regular reminder of your status here, and a reminder of the penalty for not being a good slave. If you are a good slave, you will probably not get any more additional strokes. You will just get your usual 20 every week. But if you choose to be a bad slave, you will find that each of your errors will be noted by a black mark in the Punishment book, and you will receive fifty additional strokes for each black mark. After you have felt the strap, you will be completely obedient, I assure you! And if not, we will be happy to repeat the lesson!”
I was quite scared by this tirade. It sounded exactly like one of the mad fantasies I had written. Was this woman insane? Nothing like this could really exist. And I had come here to lose some weight, not to be a slave. What in hell was going on here? Why was I in a strait jacket?
“Now, you may speak, Peter. But be brief! I honestly do not have a lot of patience with male slaves” she said hotly.
“Thank you, Miss. I don’t know what to say! I think there’s been a mistake. This has nothing to do with my stories. I’m just here for a weight loss course. I don’t know anything about what you….”
I decided I should stop there. She was staring at me, and she did not look pleased.
She was indeed angry. “I don’t care what you ‘thought’, Peter! This is real! You signed the contract! A legal contract, and you SIGNED it! You probably didn’t read it, but that’s your problem. So forget what ‘you thought’! You are an inmate here now! You are a male slave! You had better learn the rules here, and fast! I don’t have any more patience with you! You must start to learn, or you must suffer the consequences!”
She was flushed, and angry. I was afraid.
“Let’s get on with this!” She said. She turned to the tray beside my stretcher.
She took what looked like a miniature steel bracelet up from the tray. I was naked below my waist except that the strait jacket had a strap passing under my crotch, and my ankles felt like they were strapped down. I felt her pick up my limp penis, and close the steel bracelet around it. It closed with a metallic click. It was a snug fit on my penis. It felt cold. I felt a slight pricking feeling as it snapped
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