Gynarchy Femdom

Gynarchy Femdom


Gynarchy Femdom
By Lara M | 2019-03-17T11:59:10-07:00 March 17th, 2019 | Categories: Fiction | Tags: #BOYSHORTS #SUB | 0 Comments
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While I am no psychologist or anthropologist, only an avid lover and believer of Female Supremacy, I cannot help but notice a shift happening in the American culture. What shift is that, you ask? If you look at our American culture, one can definitely trace the beginnings of the Gynarchy and the end (hopefully) of the patriarchy.
A mild browsing of the Female Empowerment Movements such as the notable MeToo and Time’s Up movements happening across the nation, where the demeaning way Womyn are treated is not tolerated anymore and males are being shamed (and rightfully so) for doing so. We also see it in some of the music that’s coming out from Female artists who are reasserting their Femininity in an authoritative way. Artists such as Beyonce and her hit track Run the World (Girls) to name only one, not to mention the iconic Janet Jackson song Nasty Girls. Then there’s the political movements in which strong Womyn are coming to the forefront in the political arenas. More and more Female candidates are running and winning elected offices and their message seems to be Female Empowerment.
Female Supremacy is also very visible in the motion picture industry. Now more than ever we see movies that center around strong, empowered Womyn as the primary character and the male lead is more submissive to the wants of the Female. Look at the movie Arrival, or Atomic Blonde, or even the critically acclaimed Wonder Woman. These movies show a strong, dominant Female and men who, for the most part, were either vanquished by Her or who, in their secondary roles bowed to the Female’s desires. On that note, looking at The Justice League, the scene where Diana and Bruce Wayne are talking in the Batcave, Bruce is telling Diana they need HER as leader. In the fight scene at the end all the males acknowledge that She is their leader.
Nor is Female Supremacy in our culture confined to the big screen. We see it everyday on television as well. To begin with, there are a bevy of commercials which show the Womyn of the household as something to be feared, much more intelligent than their male counterparts. Many of whom, in the commercials, are lost without the guidance of the Female. Plus, there are the shows, themselves. For instance, one of the most popular on television is The Big Bang Theory, which has run for over a decade, has millions of followers, and is RIPE with Female Domination. The show now centers around three couples with the first (Amy and Sheldon played by Mayim Bialik and Jim Parsons respectively) Amy, despite Sheldon’s constant reminder to everyone that he is a genius, more often than not, manipulates him into doing her bidding.
One only needs to watch a handful of the episodes to see how clearly the lead Female character Penny, played by Kaley Cuoco, dominates the lead male character Leonard (played by Johnny Galecki) who is, in many ways, submissive to Her . The same could be said of the characters Bernadette and Howard. The Womyn in these two relationships are Alpha Females. Plus, the show makes no bones about the fact that the two Womyn make more money than the men, and that Leonard and Howard are on monetary allowances given to them by their Wives. Who have on occasion in order to punish them, withheld their allowances. Clearly as a long running and still very popular show, the FemDom aspect of it must be striking a chord here.
So are we seeing the rise of the Gynarchy? If you look at these cultural examples- the rise of the Female Empowerment Movements, the impact powerful Womyn are making in the music industry, and the way Womyn are now being dramatized on the big and little screens, the age old and tired patriarchy is dying and the Gynarchy is on the rise. All Hail The Superior Female!
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 Male supporter of Gynarchy and Female supremacy. I want to see Women completely free from male aggression and control everywhere. I also believe Women should have all leadership roles and that men should be a second class type of citizen. Women should have preferential treatment in all regards, if there is limited supply of goods, property or space then men only get what is left once all Women have taken theirs. Men who break this rule or offend Women should be incarcerated. Men who commit violence against Women should be executed. I think that Lesbian relationships are one of the most beautiful things in the world and the perfect paradigm of future families and societies.






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