Gym Foot Worship

Gym Foot Worship


Gym Foot Worship
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Sweaty gym feet worship Published: Feb 5, 2022
Lick my toes and sniff my feet which of course turn him on Subscribe to my Foot fetish gallery for many more vids. 
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@ PsychicPrince Oh thanks. I'm surprised that is hard to find lol.

I'm a long time lurker, and this is my first time posting a story, so I hope you like it. The first part of this story is true, and the rest is fiction. I will mark where the nonfiction ends and the fiction begins with a '-'. 

Part 1

I went to the gym thinking it was going to be like any other day, a hard workout with my gym buddies, then go out on the town with them. First let me tell you a little about myself, I'm 18, and my senior year. I have an average height and build with average looks. That day was leg day, so towards the end of the workout i was really tired and thought to sit down for a few minutes to catch my breath on a sofa in the entrance of gym. A minute after I sat down, an asian woman who looked about 25 came and sat on the other edge of the sofa. Its a a really long sofa, so it was normal if only two people were sitting there they would sit on opposite ends, so it wouldn't be awkward. I looked up and saw that she was cute, not hot, but cute. She had shoulder length jet black hair, and eyes just as dark. She always looked and and away from other people and was extremely shy. She had a slim frame, but still had breasts that looked nice and firm under her white, almost see through workout shirt. She sat there, her legs crossed, not looking at me or anyone, then suddenly she started taking off her small size 6 shoes. I was surprised, but so happy that I'd decided to take a break. Underneath her shoes she had on ankle socks that had white and blue stripes on them and a small tear onn the ball of her foot. I didn't have any more time to inspect the sock, because seconds later that was coming off too. I couldn't believe my eyes, she was taking off her sock two feet from where I was sitting. I was trying to look casual and not stare too much at her feet, but I couldn't help it, she had small, perfectly shaped feet with neon pink toes and red soles from the workout. She crossed her legs again and then started slowly massaging her toes, one by one. Now I'd completely forgotten about being inconspicuous, I was just full on staring and savoring every second. She massaged each toe slowly, then worked her way down to her arch, which she gave a lot of attention, needing it with her thumbs. I'd lost track of time by that point and completely forgot where I was, until she got up and walked away with one barefoot and one shoe, leaving behind her sweaty shoes and socks. I looked at her sock just lying there and tried to get the courage to take just one smell or maybe even take it with me and just leave. But I didn't have the courage to do that, and before I knew it she came back, and immediately started putting her sock and shoe back on and the fantasy was over - or so I thought...

Please tell me what you thought, and part 2 will be coming soon.
Great story. Welcome to the 'Pad.


After what happened with the woman, I decided to leave the gym and go home because I knew I wouldn’t be able to finish the workout after that. My gym was on the 7th floor so there was no way I was taking the stairs. I waited for the elevator to arrive for a few minutes until I saw the woman walk out of the gym and stand next to me. I tried not to make eye contact or look at her feet, since staring at her barefoot was so embarrassing on its own. When the elevator came, we walked in and stood facing the doors, still not making eye contact. As the elevator doors closed, she chose the 5th floor, and I realized that she lived in that building. When I reached to choose the ground floor button, she swatted my hand away, which caught me by surprise. I turned to look at her and saw she was looking straight back at me, with a sort of smirk on her face, then looked down on her feet and back at me. I thought I understood what she meant but I couldn’t believe my mind. These things never actually happen to people, especially me. A minute later we arrived at the 5th floor and she exited the elevator and turned to look at me, all traces of shyness gone. I was still standing where I was, trying to understand what was happening. She then turned and walked to the right, seemingly to her apartment, I didn’t understand, should I follow her, or was my mind just playing tricks on me? I decided to take a chance and get out, thinking what’s the worst that could happen; if I was wrong, then no harm done.
By that time she had opened the door ad was standing in her doorway, but she still hadn’t said a single word; the only thing daring me to go on was the suggestive look in her eyes. At this point I was having serious second thoughts about the woman and what I was happening. Going into a strange woman’s apartment to do something I wasn’t even sure what I was going to do wasn’t something that I could ever do. But I would probably never have another opportunity like it, so I took the chance and walked into her apartment and she closed the door behind me. I walked into a well-furnished, dimly lit sitting room with a couch, a few chairs, and a table in the middle. On the opposite side of the couch was an enormous flat screen TV, and a small painting hung on the wall under one of the chairs. She flipped the light switch and went in and sat on the sofa, so I followed her lead and did the same, so we were almost touching, this couch being a lot smaller than the one in the gym. She opened her mouth and I heard her voice for the first time, a feminine one, with a slight Asian accent. Her first words were ones that I had been wanting to hear and embarrassed to at the same time, “So you like my feet”. I was speechless, but thought since she had taken me into her home, she didn’t have a problem with it, so I took a gamble and said “Yeah I do” then went quiet in order to gauge her reaction. She had a playful smile on her face, one that made me smile too. “I know, I saw you stare at my foot”. I didn’t know what to say so I just stayed quiet, waiting for her to make her move. After a minute’s silence, she took of her sneakers and put her feet on the couch where since there wasn’t much space, her toes were touching my thigh. My cock was as hard as a rock by that point and could be easily seen through my shorts. The pink nail polish was just visible between the strands of the sock and I couldn’t keep my eyes off of them. The sock was slightly dirty and visibly wet from sweat, so it basically looked perfect. She was wearing yoga pants that stopped halfway down her shin and exposed her beautiful, flawless white skin; I couldn’t imagine what her feet looked like up close.
Since nothing had happened yet, I decided to take the initiative and picked up her soft, socked feet and put them on my lap. My feet are really killing me, so if you want to, you can massage them”. “Yeah um, ok”. At that point I was stuttering and struggling to get the words out because my heart was beating so fast. I took her right foot in my hands and started to massage, not really knowing what I was doing since I’d never done that before. She must’ve realized because she then started giving me directions; “A little harder on my sole and use your thumbs.” I complied, trying to do my best so that I can have as much time as possible with her feet and try to satisfy her so that she doesn’t think the whole thing’s a mistake. I rubbed her sole gently, to her heel. I used both thumbs to rub them hard, which caused a slight giggle to escape her mouth. I wasn’t able to massage her foot that well because she still has her sock on, and since I was little nervous, I decided not to overstep by taking off her sock by myself. She wiggled her toes at me so I went to work giving them the attention they deserved. She saw my struggle against her sock and peeled them off, giving me my first close look of her feet. They were gorgeous and she obviously took extremely good care of them. They were incredibly soft, and white, the product of years of lotion and care. It was like looking at the Holy Grail. I quickly went back to work on her short, perfectly formed and painted toes. First I popped each toe, then I stretched them. As I was about to finish, my phone rang, and my friend said that my ride was there. I was about to say that I wouldn’t be needing him anymore, but I saw that the woman had slipped her feet way towards her, and with one phone call it was over. After the call ended and I put the phone away, she said “Thank you, you can go now” and took out her phone. “Write your phone number so I can call you”. As I wrote the number my heart was racing. It was going to happen again. My raging boner had subsided and I could finally go outside again, so I picked up my bag and stood up, but before I made my way to the door, I bent down and gave each of her big toes a kiss.
Very good and an interesting turn of events, though I'm wondering where the fictional part starts since you didn't mark it as you said (or I didn't notice it). I could probably guess but I'm curious. Are you also going to continue? For all I know you're not at the fictional part yet.
Part 1 was nonfiction and part 2 was fiction
Oh okay, I kind of suspected as much, thanks for clarification and I look forward to what's next.
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Sunny lay on the king-sized mattress comfortable on her side with a cigarette in her mouth and a lighter in her left hand. With an ashtray directly below it. Sunny is about to light the last cigarette in the back. Cleo then walks into the room. Characters Name: Sunny Age: 22 Height: 5'5 Weight: 118 lb Shoe Size: 9.5 Role: Foot Slave, Foot Mistress Pictures: Name: Cleo Age:36 Height: 6'0 Weight: 172 lb Shoe Size: 11 Role: Foot Mistress Pictures: story continued Cleo: Hey it's time for you to go to sleep. Cleo notices the smell of smoke, which dominates the room. Sunny quickly puts the cigarette into the ash bowl. Cleo: What is this??, you're smoking!!!! Sunny: No, Ummm yes. Sunny says confused about what words she should utter. Cleo: In the house!!!! Cleo: Gimme this. Cleo says picking up the ash bowl. Sunny:
My story with rebecca, the last two years which changed both of our lives completely, is close to coming to an end. There are two more important events that happened to me in the last four months, and these were connected to the other three foot-mistresses I worshipped in that time. The one which once was my friend and truly thought of me as nothing but a plaything anymore, Nelly, the one that, surprising enough, became my only remaining friend soon, Natalie, and the one which showed me true domination and teached me absolute obedience, Lauren. But let’s go step by step. After I confessed to Rebecca, our friendship was gone for good. It
From Friend to Footslave

Telling this story isn’t easy, because for the most part it will sound like some sleazy piece of fetish-fiction a lonely, fat redneck wrote. Well, everything I will tell you now actually happened to me two years ago, as fictional and made up as it will sound. I’m only telling this story anonymously in the first place because I want to inspire other people with a secret foot fetish who can’t live it out - If a chance presents before you, take it. Don’t be too ashamed to tell it to someone, if you have a special someone.
Or in my case, don’t be afraid to risk something.

However, I should
Lizzy learns about Nian's foot fetish from learning about her playing with her co employees socks. Will this turn into a great experience for Nian or humiliation.
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Lizzy leaving the Gym after her shift looked at her phone and called Nian. Nian answered her call immediately Hey, Nian do you like… like feet said, Lizzy bluntly. What where is this coming from? Said Nian slightly panicking on the phone. Also, why are you asking that question? The other day I went back to the locker room to pick up a couple of things and I saw you smelling Andi’s socks. I’m not sure but it looks like this isn’t the first time you’ve done it. You saw!!! Said Nian panicking one the other side of the phone. Don’t worry I won’t tell anybody said Lizzy laughing faintly under her breath. Her reactions are so cute and funny thought, Lizzy, to herself. It’s not what you think said Nian. Then what were you doing? Said Lizzy. Taking a big gulp blushing with her hand on her forehead. Ummm I can't tell you the specifics but smelling other girls' socks helps to satisfy my needs said Nian. Nian took a big gulp than before releasing a massive sigh yes it’s true I have a foot fetish and a massive one at that. Oh, that’s interesting I’m surprised she told me so bluntly thought Lizzy. A few seconds of silence transpired between the two then Nian broke the ice. I wonder what she thinks after I said? Ghosh, I shouldn’t have said that stupid stupid stupid ahhhhhh Nian thought to herself. Nian took a deep breath before asking Ummmm Lizzy did I freak you out? Said Nian. Lol no Nian I kinda suspected you’ve had a foot fetish you’ve just confirmed my suspicion. Also, we’ve known each other for a long time you can tell me anything I’m willing to listen. Hey, Lizzy, could we talk a bit tomorrow I remember you saying your off early. Sure thing responded Lizzy. Thank you, Lizzy said Nian. Then both of them ended the call.
. Nian half Chinese/Vietnamese with a slim body, a small chest, and a tiny bubble butt. She has her hair tied in a messy ponytail with white tips at the end and pale skin. She is by a good margin the youngest employee at her GYM. Nian was accepted for the job days after she turned 16. She mainly does cleaning work office cleaning, bathrooms, lockers and she checks people in the gym very little outside of that.
Lizzy is a plain-looking pale girl with a long narrow nose with a slim body build and dark red hair that passes her body. She has narrow feet and slightly large beautiful arches. She works at the same GYM as Nian and also has a job at a local high scale bakery.
Later that day laying in her bed Nian thought to herself all the answers she was about to unload on Lizzy formulating a mental catalog in her mind. The only concern to Nian was if Lizzy would tell other people or not and how she suspected her foot fetish. Nian although shy and not much of a talker isn’t a person who traditional hides secrets. She wondered about this the whole night before finally falling asleep. Since Nian wasn’t scheduled to work she decided to sleep in for the night waking up around noon. She tossed and turned in her twin-sized mattress before finally getting out of the bed 10 minutes after noon. She grabbed her phone noticing a text message from Lizzy saying hey what’s up Nian sorry I won’t be able to get off of work early today ahhhh I got called in for a shift at my other job. I should be able to get off at 8:30 pm. Nian responded will we still be able to meet up? She then placed her phone back on the dresser. Nian grabbed a bite to eat cooking some grits and eggs mixed with cheese and a glass of milk. She then took a quick shower, made up her bed, and cleaned the bedroom. Nian had very little planned on her day off meeting with Lizzy was what she’s looking forward too. Huhhhhhhh I need to gain hobbies outside of work. Huh, what should I do thought Nian to herself? I could lay back down in my bed wait, no… I need to be productive she mumbled under her breath. Nian finally decided to watch a movie to pass the time. She watched Mad max off-road fury a movie recommended by Lizzy. Completely fixated on the movie she missed a text from Lizzy and more importantly a call from her supervisor assistant manager Alina.
Once she finished the movie she finally checked her phone. Nian checked Lizzy’s message first on her phone. Hey, Nian since my extended family is at my house and you have other family members at your house. I believe we should find a place to meet up what about the park or something? It will be late at night but the lighting is great. Nian responded Ummm could we meet at the back of the gym? I have a key to get in. After sending this message she checked the voice message Alina sent her. Greeting’s Nian this is Alina I will keep this short and sweat we have had a couple of issues in the locker rooms recently that you may be involved in and it involves Andi. I need you to meet in my office at 7 am proto being late will not be tolerated. Well, I hope you have a great rest of your day bye. I forgot to say I’m not mad at you or anything. Just don’t be late. Nian thought about this message for a couple of minutes then thought about her meeting with Lizzy. If it’s just going to be me and her I wonder if Lizzy would let me play with her feet. I dunno should I text her about? Hmmm, I think it’s better if I tell her in person Nian thought to herself. She sat back on the couch flicking threw Netflix shows. Nian checked her phone seeing Lizzy responded to her message that sounds like a good plan I’ll pick you up right after I finish work around 8:45-9:00. Great can’t wait to meet up responded Nian around 6:30 pm. For the next 2 hours, Nian just lounged around enjoying the pleasure of having the house to herself. Moving from coach to coach without a care in the world. She took a long shower making sure she smells her best. Eagerly waiting back on the coach Nian got a text from Lizzy that she’s outside.
Nian grabbed a couple of water bottles and quickly locked up the house. She Walked to Lizzy’s 2012 Honda Civic wearing a gray T-shirt and black pajama pants opening the right door. Hey, what’s up Nian looks like you went all casual lol said, Lizzy. Lizzy was still wearing her work clothes black closed shoes, long khaki pants, and a nice polo shirt to match. I didn’t get the chance to change so I’m a little sweaty lol said, Lizzy. Oh, that’s ok thanks for picking me up said Nian blushing playing with her fingers. Ummm when we get to the gym can you let me play with your feet said Nian in a low tone. I had a feeling you would ask that my feet get pretty smelly in these closed shoe’s I haven’t taken them off in hours. I could use a foot massage and have my feet pamper said Lizzy with a smile. You have no reason to be nervous. That’s
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