Guys Frot

Guys Frot


Guys Frot
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frot & grind (13k) @frotlovers · May 21, 2020 It's so hard to find good frot content especially if you want to see black men grinding 17 62 393 frot & grind (13k) @frotlovers · Jun 1 something about spreadin them legs… strokin, grindin, solo with a partner… … This Tweet is unavailable. 2 2 Age-restricted adult content.
Let's jump right in! 1. Decide the optimal time The very first thing you are going to need to do is figure out the optimal time for freeballing. Based on reader input, it may be best to go during non-peak hours. Then, as you gain more confidence, you can freeball it during prime time. 2. Leave the underwear at home
just a gay bro who loves frotting and bating
A form of mutual pleasuring then begins, with the prepuce or prepuces rolling back and forth over each male organ, or with male organs thrusting against each other inside the prepuce. For men with very stretched and commodious prepuces, the goal is to engulf as much of the other man's male organ as possible. Not just a gay activity
G0YS represent the majority (say "majority") of all men (+60%), -who experience affection for masculine traits & choose to express it in an atmosphere of pure respect - without any compulsion to promote unhealthy, emasculating stereotypes. G0YS: A sane, sober, approach to masculine intimacy, respect & health; -With extremely comprehensive ...
Putting pants on takes too much energy. In Barcelona, photographer Walter Jenkel's photos of non-art-directed, carefree guys have a spontaneous magic. You might remember his photos from this ...
Briefs Stories. Swapping Stories. Daily Underwear. Undies Reviews. Briefs 1. Show us your Pants 1. Submit your pic. Gallery. Briefs in Movies.
they range from simple posing routines by bodybuilding stars keith stephan and amg favorites forrester millard, john davidson, and steve buono to sword-and-sandal star ed fury's first physique film...
In this episode of "Show Me Your Junk," watch as two well-endowed men — Rome and Jerrell — strip down and swap stories with average-sized Kenneth and Nick. In 2013, Nick won Brooklyn's ...
Straight men will absolutely deny any accusation of a sexual connection or feeling in their need to have close male buddies. This is usually due to the memes of social stigma. The cliché, "It takes a village to successfully raise a child," describes tribalism. This bonding is a good survival strategy and is the "glue" holding tribes ...
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As all men know, the male
organ is a resilient source of incredible and ecstatic pleasure, but some
activities may also produce a bit of male organ pain if not practiced
carefully. Many men engage in the practice known as male organ docking or male
docking (or simply docking). For most of these men, docking is both a source of
enormous physical sensations and a unique bonding experience with another man;
to get the most out of it, men will need to make sure they practice appropriate male organ care along the way.
Docking is a sensual
activity involving two men, at least one of which must be uncut. In docking,
two men stand across from each other in a firm state. The tips of their male
organs meet and touch; in many cases, frottage would ensue at this point, but
the docking enthusiast takes a slightly different route.
If only one of the pair
is intact, he then rolls back his prepuce, revealing the naked glans; if both
are intact, they both retract the prepuces. Then the prepuce of one man is
rolled back over his glans and stretched across so that the other man’s male
organ is also covered by the prepuce. If both men are intact, the other man
then releases his prepuce. A form of mutual pleasuring then begins, with the
prepuce or prepuces rolling back and forth over each male organ, or with male
organs thrusting against each other inside the prepuce. For men with very
stretched and commodious prepuces, the goal is to engulf as much of the other
man’s male organ as possible.
While this may strike
many men as a very odd or even distasteful activity, many other men find it
thrillingly sensual and report that the pleasure achieved via this method is
intensely powerful.
As might be expected,
docking is thought to be practiced more frequently among men who are
male-oriented; however, there seem to be a considerable number of straight men
who have docked with another man. This is perhaps more common among teen-agers,
but it is not unheard of for two straight adult males to dock. Think of it as
the ultimate expression of bromance.
Not every uncut man is
capable of enjoying the docking experience. Certainly those whose prepuces are
especially tight or are shorter in length will have a more difficult time
docking than those whose prepuces are much looser (whether by nature or by
active stretching) and who enjoy a bit of extra length in the skin department.
It’s also essential that
both male organs involved be properly lubricated before embarking on a docking
expedition. Some men report that pre-emission fluid is sufficient for this
activity; others definitely require the use of a proper lubricant on both the
accommodating male organ and the male organ that is invited in as the guest of
the prepuce.
Clearly, the man whose
prepuce is containing both male organs may find his prepuce has become sore
from overstretching. The potential for tearing is present, so care must be
taken to avoid any damage. In addition, there is always the possibility of
spreading a communicable disease or a yeast infection.
Because the male organ is
so sensitive, docking can also result in rashes, itching or other skin
And, of course,
overaggressive male organ play on the part of one or both participants can
result in plain old male organ pain.
Fortunately, a sore male
organ or one that is rashy or itchy, can be aided through the use of a high
quality male organ health formula (health professionals recommend Man
1 Man Oil) . Whether docking or not, regular use of such a formula keeps the
male organ in prime health; the desired formula will include an agreeable
moisturizing ingredient such as vitamin E, as well as a high end natural
emollient like shea butter. In addition, those formulas that also feature the
antioxidant alpha lipoic acid can help avoid the aging process that sets in
early in many male organ skin cells.
additional information on most common male organ health issues, tips on
improving male organ sensitivity, and what to do to maintain a healthy male
organ, visit: .
John Dugan is a professional writer who specializes in men's health issues and
is an ongoing contributing writer to numerous online web sites.

C L I C K  0 u r  L O G O 
A b o v e !


They call you a " Side "?

Life-altering, credible-answers! Rare
wisdom! Genuine peace of mind! Countless men
who have looked into the rapidly growing G0YS

(spelled w. a zer0)
movement found there is a
place for men who love
[ ἔρως ]
masculinity, but don't feel comfortable with
contemporary "GAY-Male" culture due to the entrenched stigmas &
appalling health statistics surrounding
it (I.E: a rate of sexually transmitted diseases that is [according
to the American Red Cross] +4,000.00% higher than the general
population)! G0YS represent the majority
(say "majority") of all men (+60%), -who experience affection for
masculine traits & choose to express it in an atmosphere of pure respect
- without any compulsion to
promote unhealthy, emasculating stereotypes. G0YS: A
sane, sober, approach to masculine intimacy, respect & health; -With extremely comprehensive theological apologetics
for those men who have serious concerns about the religious & moral
aspects of Male/Male intimacy!

"True, -

G0YS ALWAYS respect other guys as
MEN . And
THAT makes ALL the difference!" -

Due to
the extremely serious nature of the content within this website, the
intensity of the language may seem elevated in places. In such, we
encourage you to consider the topic/s at hand & ask yourself the simple
question: " Are
these g0ys discussing a group or act that is dangerous, disrespectful,
demeaning, disease-spreading or deadly? " .
The answer generally explains the tone!

take a pragmatic approach! "Seeing then that we have such hope, we use
great plainness of speech" - 2
Cor 3:12

of the men who discover the g0ys men's movement are
looking for answers to some serious questions about themselves. Most are
shocked when they learn that
+60% of all men have similar
feelings (Yes, +60% - a majority )! Most (but not all) of these men
have feelings for women, but grapple with questions arising from the
fact that they also deeply appreciate masculine aesthetics & experience affections for other men! But, such men
simply don't
identify as " GAY "
because that term has been welded with odd,
x-gender behavior & AnalSex ; -Activities that most men consider
unhealthy, disgusting, shameful & emasculating. Because of these core
differences - g0ys do NOT fit into the (GLITQ ETC. .. )
alphabet-soup culture & find much of it to be antagonistic to our
masculine ethos. G0YS do NOT sacrifice the

hard, sobering truth in the name of "Political Correctness"
- & G0YS make many organized religions look extremely negligent, even
callous! A bout
women :
within the g0ys main site are many
editorials that give analytical insight into 3000+ years of history;
-showing that it has always been completely normal for men to seek a
deep bond with other men -even on the physical level (a/k/a
"Bromance"+). "G0YS" know instinctively that
loving other men has nothing whatsoever to do with gender-bending,
x-dressing, AnalSex nor otherwise playing the "female role"! G0YS show how natural male
affection has been stigmatized by a gender-bending, pro- AnalSex ,
set of fetishes; --And how the term "GAY" morphed into a term used to
push every perilous sex-act & bizarre behavior under the guise of
"tolerance". And g0ys show how the predominant stereotypes, of the so-called "gay movement" have
actually been denounced for thousands of years by cultures that
celebrated male/male intimacy! This is because of a loud immoral,
persistent fringe
(referred to as " SemiViri " 2000+ years ago)
that has shamed M2M affection - tainted in the present by pornographers, perverts, &
sociopathic-personalities -all having agendas that attempt to
link their emasculating & disease-spreading fetishes - with all Same Gender Affections
(suggesting that it's all part of the same "movement": GLIBTQ ETC... ).

G0YS, -by our very nature, find the entire notion of AnalSex
in any form to be dirty, dangerous, degrading & damn-un-masculine; -&
by shunning casual sexual encounters
(& completely rejecting
AnalSex), G0YS avoid the very groups & perils that spread +98% of ALL STI's/STD's
among men! Among g0ys, STDs/STIs are virtually nonexistent compared to
the STD/STI figures for the so-called "G A Y-male community" (which, according
to the Red Cross - have STI's at
rates +4000% higher than the general population)!
So, while so-called "GAY"-men are plagued with STDs/STIs;
- G0YS are NOT (a gigantic distinction)!
It's essential to understand how a
movement can be twisted by special interests, & how
important it is to reject that movement after it has been irreparably
perverted by unhealthy agendas. G0YS
understand that when a social movement promotes actions that
indiscriminately harm others, -then it's time to STOP TOLERATING IT . These massive differences are why the g0ys movement matters!
The g0ys movement centers around germane
issues of human behavior: Specifically, why men of good conscience need
to loudly reject the extremely perilous, injurious actions & examples of
flood of old, dead, callous fools who killed themselves by their very
, -&-
the vestige of shallow cultural progeny who wish to perpetuate
those deadly mantras into the future!

So: Even though you may
be a guy who loves men
/too; -Doesn't mean that you need to embrace the alphabet-soup naming culture that is called
"GLITQ ETC. . ". Men loving men
is NORMAL; -- NOT gender dimorphic, nor part of some minority with bizarre
& unhealthy fetishes
! G0YS reject
the entire "Contemporary Paradigm of GLITQ-etc." & instead, choose an older,
healthier & far nobler path! And for this, we're sometimes demeaned
& slandered by those who
think society should embrace the perils of callous disregard, physical-injury,
sexually-transmitted diseases & even death !
Study our posturing.
Decide for yourself. We use well documented knowledge to transform lives.
Many men
who discover the g0ys movement have been abused by
society, religion, etc; -&
told that all physically-intimate Same-Gender-Affections (SGA) are
loathsome. G0YS know that
this abuse ( especially by religion ) is so severe that a section of the
main g0ys website has been developed to give substantial, exonerating ,
in-depth theological
answers from several sources (including a
Rabbinic PhD who has
thoughtfully written on the subject matter). What g0ys have proven in the theological section is
how relying on the actual Scriptures represents the real strength of
our position (instead of trying to water-down or deride Biblical texts
as others do). G0YS also go into great depths to explain
the rationale behind what was & wasn't prohibited in the
Torah &
more importantly:
WHY . G0YS also expose serious, intentional mistranslations in the
Bible and how a gigantic LIE arose over time due to those very mistranslations
- & became the proverbial " beam in
the eye " of many sects! The
section is absolutely liberating & very essential for men who demand solid, in-depth,
in-context answers to
reconcile their faith & feelings without compromising truth, safety or
morality . As a theological side-effect, the ironic result of this
in-depth analysis actually paints those who have falsely accused g0ys
- with the same shade of moral-turpitude that they have been using to
accuse so many others for decades! That's right! Not only do the
Hebraic-Christian Scriptures exonerate people falsely accused due to
mere same-gender attractions; -But actually condemn those who have falsely
accused them - and to the exact same degree! The
Tenak &

Brit-Chadashah (Bible) both issue dire warnings to those who are
lax, sloppy &
deceitful in
handling the Scriptures; -The astonishing conclusion being that so much of what claims to be "sound-theology" is
NOT! In this regard, G0YS accurately claim to be one of the most
comprehensive resources for defensive apologetically reformative answers on the planet!

The g0ys
groups also contain a collection of astonishing images of handsome men
(modern & vintage). You'll discover that g0ys aren't prudes & we have no qualms
against tasteful nudity. We do insist that images
never showcase disrespect of a model. We believe that love is totally awesome
& we have no qualms with images that display it between men. We do not
believe that "genderf!ck", abuse, pain or forms of domination
acceptable content (unless such images are used to deride abusive
principles themselves). G0YS are all about respect. Our use of
imagery tries to relay the clear message that men can totally love
other men without anyone losing his health, respect nor making any sacrifice of
masculinity. G0YS: The timely renaissance of true male friendship,
affection & intimacy!
Within the
g0ys main site you will also find links to other g0y-centric groups that
are growing at a rate almost too fast to keep up with. We've listed
many of them with space to add yours if you decide to become pro-active as
a g0y proponent. We have well over a decade of commentary in some of the core
groups & encourage your participation after you've taken some time to
look over the main site. Doing so will get many of your initial questions
out of the way -so that your appearance in the groups won't leave you too
"green" as to the general posturing of the members &
movement overall.

Need Counseling? Read the contents
within this
site 1 st . It may do the job completely! Knowledge is power! Click here
if you need to know more!
Has positively affected your
life? Share it . Abusive-religious-zealots & those on the
libertine-left are working to censor it on all platforms. Hurt men need
your help!

C L I C K 0 U R L O G O !

Mature Content
/ Imagery


Be Advised: G0YS is a term - that by its very nature - encompasses
mature subject matter.

are Men who love Men/also. G0YS do Not participate in anal sex!
Warning! Some
Translation programs do not accurately render this website!
This website was
designed to provide consolation, education & defense for people injured by lies
about Same Gender Affections; -As well as a scathing, contemptuous rebuke at all
those who promote such lies!

to: G0YS.ORG
Reorient Your Paradigm!

Pressing the
[Ctrl] key with the
[+] or
keys will expand & shrink the website within your browser.

Love, Trust, Respect, Discretion,
Majority of Men Admire Masculinity; -But Do NOT identify with: "GLITQ Etc "!
If the term "GAY"
only implied "Same-Gender-Attracted", - Then there'd be no need for
the G0YS men's movement...But some words change meaning over time!

G0YS: Need Ultra Discrete E-mail Counseling? Click Here!

Remember when summer days were long and led to all-day naps and troublemaking? Read more below.

Somewhere a mother is yelling, "Get out of the damn house! What, are you going to waste your whole summer sleeping? And turn down that damn music."
Walter Jenkel captures perfectly the lazy, humid mood of endless summer days, hanging out with friends and doing nothing worthwhile. Putting pants on takes too much energy. 
In Barcelona, photographer Walter Jenkel’s photos of non-art-directed, carefree guys have a spontaneous magic. You might
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