Guys Double Penetration

Guys Double Penetration


Guys Double Penetration
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"It kind of feels like a hairless cat."
Feb 9, 2016, 10:13 AM EST | Updated Feb 9, 2016
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What happens when men who identify as straight are given the opportunity to touch another man's penis for the first time? YouTube stars Bria Kam and Chrissy Chambers, aka Bria&Chrissy , wanted to find out, so they recruited a few lucky heterosexual gentlemen to have an up close and personal experience with Alex, a man "who happens to have a penis." The video is the latest in a series from the self-described "singing duo/lesbian couple" who have also brought us clips like " Lesbians Touch A Penis For The First Time " and " Gay Men Touch Vagina For The First Time ." To learn more about the inspiration for this video, as well as what Bria&Chrissy want viewers to take away from this experience and what they'd say to someone who thinks the clip is silly or frivolous, we chatted with the duo earlier this week. The Huffington Post: Where did the idea for the video come from? Bria&Chrissy: Following the success of the first two videos of the series, it inspired us to continue to push the envelope. The reactions have varied from video to video, and many of the comments show the extremely varying ways we look at men and women as it relates to sexuality. And they’re pretty fun to watch! How hard was it to find straight-identified men who would agree to be in the video? Where did you find them? It was very difficult to find straight guys who were comfortable participating. We asked about 40 guys, friends, acquaintances -- Craigslist! We asked everyone. We had hoped for four men in the video but only found three that were willing to participate. What statement are you trying to make about how our society views different body parts, masculinity and sexuality? The statement comes from the reaction of the viewers. Our first video where lesbians touch a penis was laughed at. It was funny and cute and there was a fun curiosity that got to be explored. When we had gay men touch a vagina , the girl was ridiculed as a slut in comments and a lot of other comments were sexual in nature. There was no difference in these videos except that there was a gender reversal. This new video will absolutely garner many different reactions.
What do you say to people who claim this video -- and other videos in this series -- are silly, frivolous or unimportant? Of course it’s silly! They’re very silly and funny videos. There’s a great level of innocence to them, which is wonderful. But frivolous and unimportant, on that we have to disagree. This series has managed to show huge disparities between the way we treat men and women and has also illustrated numerous misconceptions we all have on a multitude of issues, from genitalia to gender roles to sexual orientation. They are another part of a larger conversation pertaining to gender and sexuality. There’s a much bigger picture here. These videos are fun, and silly, and isn’t that the best way to educate -- to introduce an idea, create various examples and inspire a dialogue? One of these straight-identifying men said that his face had to be blurred out or he could lose his job for being in the video. What do you think this says about our culture and its approach to sexuality and masculinity? There are a lot of social pressures on straight men to avoid acting in a way that could be perceived as "gay" and that could label them that way for life, and it’s a very honest fear. There’s a very intense need to maintain one’s masculinity, publicly and privately. This man would be fired for participating and being identified in the video because the image it sends about him is too controversial. That’s crazy! But it enforces this idea that anything outside of the masculine norm is just bad. There should be no shame in curiosity, education, and being yourself. So if you’re straight, and you touch a penis, so what? If you touch a penis and you like it? Again, so what? The fear society inspires by saying that men must have a perfectly unmarred heterosexually-masculine image prevents people from even beginning to understand not only our differences, but many of our similarities. What do you hope that people take away from this video? We hope they take a minute to watch and listen and think about how it makes them feel. Uncomfortable? Offended? Did they think it was hilarious or pointless? Why? We want people to enjoy them and laugh and see things from another perspective, but as a series, we hope it challenges the collective perspective of the viewers about gender and sexuality and makes them ask themselves what truly is the difference between any of these videos? For more from Bria&Chrissy, head here .
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Jan 2, 2014 04:05 PM By Justin Caba @jcaba33
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Reddit’s Ask Me Anything (AMA) section is one of the most unique functions the website offers where users can congregate to talk about, well, anything. When Reddit user “DoubleD**kDude” posted “I am the guy with two penises. AMA,” not surprisingly, the Internet came running for an explanation of this medical anomaly.
While the anonymous user kept his name out for obvious reasons, he did share that both are fully functioning and work independently from each other. Translation: both penises can achieve an erection and climax on their own.
“Both are 100 percent functional. It is Diphallia, not an absorbed twin,” he wrote in the post. “It's not genetic or inherited. I am bisexual and in a committed relationship with a man and a woman, but have permission to stray only with James Franco.”
That’s not to say he was free from any setbacks.
Reddit user 10ac: “Are there any possible complications you have to watch for?”
Reddit user DoubleD**kDude: “My prostate gets inflamed if I dont ejaculate enough. I'm probably the only guy with a legit reason to orgasm at least once every day or two days. My prostate gets stimulation from both cocks and creates a lot of seminal fluid. So when i cum it has to be squeezed every few days to get all the excess out. otherwise it feels bloated and painful.”
Diphallia , also known as penile duplication, may seem like it belongs in a science fiction novel, but health care professionals are well aware of this condition. Affecting one out of every five and a half million boys in the United States, diphallia is a rare medical condition with around 100 confirmed reports since Johannes Jacob Wecker discovered it back in 1609.
Experts are unsure of what causes diphallia, but speculate it occurs after the 23rd day of gestation following an injury, chemical stress, or a gene malfunction. Unfortunately, men born with this condition tend to die at an earlier age due to infections and renal failure.
Although both penises are able to function on their own, men with diphallia are usually sterile due to congenital defects. These men are also at a higher risk of developing spina bifida, a condition that results in malformation of the vertebrae designed to protect the spinal cord.
© 2022 Medical Daily LLC. All rights reserved.
Medical Daily is for informational purposes and should not be considered medical advice, diagnosis or treatment recommendation. Read more .

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F or those who have done double penetration with a lady, can you actually feel the other guys cock in the other hole while fucking her? Does the other guy enhance the DP or turn you off a bit? Feelings on DP for people who have experienced it?

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Y es. There's not that much tissue between him and you. There is only just so much 'room' inside her. So it tends to tighten your 'vacancy".

It's hot.
Y es you can def feel the other guy. I have tried this twice with two different girls. The one girl was tiny with barely any space between her pussy and ass. The second girl was a bit heavier and it was not as noticeable. Both girls absolutely loved it. As did we!!! I would recommend this to everyone at least once in your life
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GIRLS: Do you fantasize about being with 2 men?

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Girls....have you actually been with or do you fantasize about being with two men at once?

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Learn how to make a woman want you sexually! In today's video we're talking about sexual attraction and how you make a woman want you! We're going to be discussing some useful tips you can put to work to get a woman interested in you and building that sexual desire. Often men think they know exactly what women want, men in sports cars with big houses a big wallet and a bad boy attitude. This might be what the ladies want in movies but not in real life it's very different. To know what a lady wants you need to understand what you need to do to make her want you sexually. Imagine if you knew the secret formula to do this, the one that tells you exactly what women want sexually. The formula would let you know exactly what you need to do to get a woman to fall into your arms, sounds too good to be true right? Well it's not! It's as easy as being mindful of your own behaviour and adopting steel-proof boundaries. Want to know some more? Well don't move an inch.

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