Guy Swallows His Own Cum

Guy Swallows His Own Cum


Guy Swallows His Own Cum

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Last Updated: March 19, 2022 Maine Bel
What every man needs before committing to a relationship
Learn how to swallow cum the easy way! Swallowing your man’s cum may be something that he didn’t ask you to do in the past.
However, it doesn’t mean that he doesn’t like it.
Most men may bring this up with their partners once or twice but would not force the subject if their girlfriends weren’t comfortable with it.
You may be one of those women who have not yet given this much thought.
To help you understand why it’s something that you must absolutely consider doing for your man’s pleasure, I’ve rounded up the top five reasons your man likes it when you swallow his cum .
Most men see your swallowing of their cum as an act of acceptance. It means you, as his girlfriend, accepts and even worships him and his entire being. When you do, it makes him feel more special, bringing him closer to you.
But only if he sees you enjoying the act . If he sees you’re only doing it because he wants you to and your heart is not 100 percent into it, he may feel rejected. This can ruin his mood for sex.
Your boyfriend or husband, even if he doesn’t say it, wants to be the driving force in bed. Even if he likes when you take control sometimes, he still thinks that the ultimate control should be his.
So when you allow him to ejaculate into your mouth and you swallow his cum afterwards, it means you’re giving him the power in bed. You’re letting him dominate.
There are times when your man will feel that sex or a blowjob is better if you accept his semen orally. This is because he doesn’t have to take out his male organ from your vagina or mouth when he’s about to come, allowing him to experience a better orgasm .
Nothing beats the look on your face when you swallow your man’s cum and you look like you’re having a good time while doing it. It can send him to cloud nine.
There are many reasons women can’t stand the idea of swallowing their boyfriend’s cum, let alone allow them to ejaculate into their mouths.
Let’s be honest here. Semen doesn’t taste like your favorite ice cream. If it did, swallowing your man’s cum wouldn’t be this much big of a deal, right?
Your boyfriend’s cum doesn’t usually smell the best. Yes, there may be instances that it will be odorless but more often than not, it smells less appealing than you’d like.
Also known as laryngeal spasm, the gag reflex is caused when an object is thrust toward the opening of your mouth, touching its roof, the back of your tongue or throat, or the area surrounding your tonsils.
Simply put, it’s that feeling you have when his penis is in your mouth and he pushes it down your throat . It’s not pleasant at all so it’s no surprise that you don’t always relish the sensation.
Most men’s semen has an unusual color. If your boyfriend’s or husband is the same, it may not look pleasant to you at all. Seeing it that way can have a huge effect on how you’ll feel about it when the time for swallowing it comes, right?
If his cum is too thick and chunky, say like cottage cheese or yogurt, it may not be too appealing to let it into your mouth then swallow it after.
A man’s ultimate goal is to give you a huge load of their cum. It makes them feel so virile. However, it’s a major turn off for some women. They can feel that a large amount of semen, even if it’s from the one they love, is just too much to swallow in one go.
When you haven’t been with your boyfriend for quite a while, it’s understandable if you have reservations about swallowing his cum during intercourse.
However, if you’ve been together for quite some time already, know that he may, in passing, mention it to you. To avoid the awkwardness that such a conversation can cause, it’s best to prepare for it.
Figure out if swallowing his cum is something you’d be okay with doing. Remember, you should never be coerced or pressured into doing anything you’re not ok with.
More importantly, no matter what you do for your man in bed, you can’t be half in and half out of it. You should be 100% into it.
Now that we’ve got the crucial stuff out of the way, it’s time to drop the juiciest information I know you’re dying to know about – that is, if you’re ready to swallow his cum or you’ve been swallowing but are having a hard time with it.
Here are seven tips to make swallowing cum easy for you.
An hour or two before you make love, it’s a must to have him drink apple or pineapple juice. This will help improve the texture, smell, and taste of his semen. This way, when he ejaculates into your mouth, it won’t taste as bad as before.
Now, it’s important to know that this recommendation is only based on forums from the internet. There is no established medical research that supports this claim. Even so, it won’t hurt to try, right?
Not all men are keen on drinking juice. If your boyfriend is one of them, don’t fret! You can suck peppermint while giving him head. When he ejaculates, the peppermint will help mask the semen’s natural smell and taste. This is worth a try, don’t you think?
Before you jump into bed, get yourself a glass of wine, iced tea, chocolate, or your favorite liquor. Put it above the cabinet so that it will be within your reach after you swallow your man’s cum.
Doing this will help prevent you from feeling nausea. It will help to mask the strong taste of semen in your mouth so you don’t look like you’re about to vomit.
Many reports suggest that swallowing semen has a number of health benefits. It can lower your blood pressure, boost your immune system, lessen acne, enhance your overall mood, improve the quality of your sleep and memory, increase your energy level, and reduce pain from wounds.
Keep all these amazing benefits of swallowing his cum in mind for when the time comes.
When your man performs cunnilingus on you, he gets a taste of your very own nectar. Imagine if he ran to the bathroom to spit while in the middle of the act. How would that make you feel?
Performing fellatio on him and then swallowing his cum afterward is kind of the same thing. The bottom line is that it’s something you do wholeheartedly because you want to please him.
Let’s say you’ve tried tips one to five and you’re still not comfortable with swallowing his cum. To help you start being more comfortable with it, ask him to come first on your breast, chest, chin, lips or other body parts of your choosing.
Doing this will help you get accustomed to the smell and texture of his semen. When you become familiar with it and you get used to the sensation it gives you, swallowing his cum the next time you make love should be easier.
Yes, you read that right! Since we all know practice makes perfect, it only makes sense to practice swallowing his cum whenever there’s an opportunity. So if you and your boyfriend make love three to four times a week, you should swallow his cum each time.
With regular practice, you should be on your way to learning to swallow cum without much effort and difficulty. You’ll also discover that swallowing cum shouldn’t be that hard, especially if you’re doing it for the man you love.
It is common knowledge that semen may contain viruses that can be transmitted from an infected man through bodily fluids. So before you swallow your man’s cum, it is crucial to know about your boyfriend’s medical history.
If he is infected with Hepatitis B or is currently dealing with any Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) like chlamydia, gonorrhea, or herpes, it’s important that he tells you about it before you engage in oral sex.
Additionally, if you have any open sores in your mouth, bleeding gums or gingivitis, you should give fellatio on your boyfriend a pass as the risk of getting STIs is higher when you perform oral sex at that time.
Having said this, make sure you sit down with your man and talk about this with him. Because if you don’t, you could face huge problems down the line. Through honesty and open communication with him, you’ll prevent having to deal with STIs.
Swallowing your man’s cum isn’t rocket science. There are several ways to make it easier for you. All you have to do is go through this guide and make sure you put every piece of advice into practice.
Once you learn this by heart you’ll become a pro at swallowing your boyfriend’s cum. You’ll start loving it and when he sees that you’re enjoying yourself as you give him the pleasure he deserves, he’ll be even more satisfied .
The look on his face will tell you how he feels after you give him head. So if you’re in doubt, just look at him. If you see the spark in his eyes and the curve of his lips when he smiles, you’ll know you’re sending him to sexual paradise .
Lastly, remember that honest communication with your man about each other’s medical history is the key to avoid contracting any STIs. Be sure to sit down with him and have a talk about it before you jump right into bed.
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Is it weird for a guy to taste his own cum?
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Very interesting question. I’ve never been able to swallow, however I know it totally turns guys on for their women to take in their seed, so I really wanna try. But, I also feel they should know how it taste to maybe understand why some women don’t. So, me and my man decided that we would try it together. He came all over my tits, I scooped some up on my finger, licked it off and then passionately kissed him. Afterwards, we shared our opinions of it. Long story short, don’t think he’s going to be begging me to swallow again. Lol However, it was a super hot experience we shared together.
Sorry, to answer your question... no, I don’t think it’s weird at all.
I have yet to find a guy who has tasted his own cum. My ex kept asking me what it tasted like, so I told him to try it himself. But he was completely grossed out by the idea. Does your question imply that you have or that you want to?
Weird is a personal thing - what's weird for one person might be totally normal for another. For me, tasting my own cum is not weird - I enjoy it. Often will taste my pre-cum while edging (just dab some on my finger) - and sometimes I'll finish by laying on my back and putting my legs over head so can shoot in my mouth. When I was a flexible teen, I could get my mouth over the head - wish I was still that flexible lol. Often I will go down on my wife after cumming in her. So for me, it's not weird at all
Nah, I guess it might be good to know what your own cum tastes like so you know if a girl has any reason not to want it in her mouth. My girlfriend loves the taste and the women in the cuckolding couples I frequent love feeding it to their guys, so I never feel a need to try it myself.
I used to just taste my precum and could never come to licking my cum off my hand after orgasm. Lose the interest after you cum. But recently I’ve learned to edge and get some spurts of cum out without actually having an orgasm so I would scoop it off with my finger and swallow it. Loved the taste tbh. Then one time I got so horny that I flipped my legs over my head and shot my load into my open mouth with just a little bit missing. Can feel it filling up in my mouth and I just committed myself to finishing it all into my mouth before closing it. Swallowed it all and now I do it all the time.
No it is not weird... it came from your body after all. I am assuming almost all guys have they just will never admit it.
Na not for me at least, hell I’ve done it accidentally a few times masturbating, so no not weird at all I’d say although maybe not for everyone.
Nope i tasted my own cum. I was curious to see what the whole thing about it was especially if a girl was going to swallow it i wanted to make sure i wasn't forcing her to swallow something that was probably nasty.
Not weird at all. My boyfriend eats his cum out of my pussy after he fucks me. I love it. We had a threesome with one of his friends and they both fucked me and came in me. My boyfriend knew I didn't orgasm yet, so he just went down and ate me to a powerful orgasm.
So he ate both his cum and the other guys cum? That’s kinda hot actually
Its very sick to do that, bot men and women. Just as weird as it is to taste your own bowel movements... or eat a rat or toxic waste at a nuclear power plant.
whatever turns you on is the answer, but i think most men have at least been curious enough to taste it once.
Taste once or twice, no, everybody can tries everything. If it's often, yeah, that's weird
Not at all. Doesn't hurt to know what the hell you're feeding your lovers.
I had to ask a gay guy what cum tastes like. He said it's not bad, it's like egg white.
I think it is. I've never even thought about it.
Continually, but most guys probably try it once
Yeah, it is weird to taste your own kids.

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M en.. Do you swallow your own cum?

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Y a when i cum in my partners mouth she sometimes keeps it in her mouth and kisses me deeply passing it into my mouth and i swallow it.
y es, sometimes, it tastes better from her mouth or pussy though
Y es, there is of course a barrier to overcome! You are horny and masturbating and want to lick it up or even come in your mouth, but whem the cum is shot, you want to get rid of it ASAP. It took some pratice but now I do it regulary. I am a bi-sexual, married guy, who has a secret affaire with a gay man. My wife is not so keen on oral sex, my boyfriend won't let me leave him if he does get my cum in his mouth. So there is to me not a big problem blowing a man and drinking his cum as well as drinking your own!
Y es of course! It was a barrier to overcome but now I would not say daily, but at least a couple of times a week. As a bisexual man, I clean my wife up when I came in her and regulary blow my (secret) boyfriend. He does the same to me and we exchange our cum when we came in eachother mouth, so in the end I often get my own back and swallow it. No big deal!
y es, it tastes nice and makes me horny, but generally only do it on videos for women who want to seee it!
i have at times. have to be in the right mood though
I 'm 45 and I shoot in my own mouth often. I can get my cock about three inches from my mouth so I fully enjoy it. It really turns me on when I shoot it against the back of my mouth and feel the hot cum. Sometimes I give myself a facial too. My wife feeds me my cum sometimes just after i shoot. She knows I like my cum but has not yet helped me shoot it straight in. I'm looking forward to it though. I especially enjoy doing this after sunning nude. I really work up a strong orgasm this way.
Y es I have swallowed my own cum and love the taste of my own jizz. There's nothing better than to see your hard swollen cock swell just before that hot load shoots out and lands in your mouth. I want to be able to get my cock in my mouth but have not made it yet. Still trying though!!

Love to watch and feel cocks turn purple b4 they shoot that hot load all over my face and mouth
I don't do it regularly, but every 2 weeks or so, sometimes I'll do it a couple times a week or even a day if I'm in the right mood. I've found that you have to shoot it straight in or else you won't do it.

I'm completely straight by the way.
I don't do it regularly, but every 2 weeks or so, sometimes I'll do it a couple times a week or even a day if I'm in the right mood. I've found that you have to shoot it straight in or else you won't do it.

I'm completely straight by the way.
y es i have but im bi,i just love the taste of cum.
i have
it has a nice taste
its salty but i enjoy swallowing it now and then
Y es - I suck it out of my Wife's pussy. I also suck my friends cum from my wife's pussy.
Y es, I swallow my own cum. The very thought of it is a huge turn on. You can see a lot of guy eating their own cum videos at Check it out.

Brian - employs bipedal locomotion daily

Y es, when shot directly into my own mouth. I've done this probably more than five times (even have a video of me doing it - ask if interested in seeing it). I've found it very enjoyable and I like the taste (I have no desire for another man's come BTW - I'm absolutely straight). I also like it, when eating a woman, if there's some of my taste mixed in with hers.
I have tasted mine a few times .... not that bad .
E very time I mastrubate I say to myself this time I got to taste my cum. I am a 61 y/o. When the time comes, I just CANNOT. I wash my hands.

I wish I could so I know how it tastes.
Y es I have no objection to cum whatsoever. My own, my wifes, mine in my wife, and well I will have to see if I go any further but I bet I will.
Y es I do and I Love licking my w
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