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We have experience in developing many processes of precision electrochemical machining for many years. Our highly qualified specialists can be proud of having practical experience in the use of PECM technology and our electrochemical machines SFE for manufacturing many complex precision products. Improvement of our equipment, adaptation of PECM technology for manufacturing of many high-precision products are only some of our development goals in the very near future. During the process of precision electrochemical machining direct or reverse copying of the tool electrode shape and dimensions over the whole surface of the processed workpiece is performed. By implementing only one electrochemical machining operation in the technical process of manufacturing articles it is possible to reduce the performance time of manufacturing a finished product by several times, eliminating a great number of mechanical and manual finishing operations, release workers and power intensive equipment. Traditional methods of metal processing in our progressive time have already become outdated and do not give the desired quality and precision. SFE machines solve these critical points, allow to manufacture products that are difficult to produce with the help of traditional technologies. SFE provides a full control of all processes occurring during machining and creates an ideally accurate, mirror-processed product. Electrochemical precision machines SFE cover a wide range of processed materials: Precise Electrochemical machining ECM, PECM is based on the ability of a metal to dissolve as a result of oxidic reactions occurring in the medium of the electrically conducting solution electrolyte under electric current influence. The dissolution process is called electrolysis. Specific features of the electrolysis process are the spatial oxidation dissolution of the anode and the reduction deposition of the metal on the surface of the cathode. During the electrolysis, the anode and the cathode dissolve into an anion negatively charged ions and a cation positively charged ions. When these particles interact with the electrolyte, a forced reaction occurs under the electric field forces — to move accordingly to the cathode and the anode. The resulting reaction of conversion into positive iron ions forms iron oxide hydrate which precipitates as an insoluble chemical compound. Thus, the electrochemical anodic dissolution of iron occurs. ECM uses electrolytes in which cations do not precipitate during electrolysis on the surface of the cathode. This method provides huge advantages of ECM: The electrochemical machine SFE has the technology of mirror surface machining, which allows to get rid of unevenness and burrs on a medical instrument. For the medical industry, the use of the electrochemical precision machining is critically important. Pulsed electrochemical machining is the work basis of our machines, which is ideal for the precision nano-making of a huge number of medical instruments. The electrochemical machining method on SFE machines is widely used at leading souvenir enterprises and mints all over the world. Precision and quality of processing allow obtaining an absolutely smooth surface, the most well-defined drawing and contour of a product. Our machines produce an ideally precise die tool for making coin products of any kind and complexity. Electrochemical machines SFE are used at leading enterprises all over the world for manufacturing all types of die tooling in the production of various jewellery products, cutlery and adornments. The quality of obtained products greatly exceeds their analogs, produced by the usual methods. To obtain an ideal product, the technology of electrochemical dimensional machining and electrochemical copying is used, which allows to produce any kinds of jewellery products with perfect accuracy. Precision electrochemical machining has found wide application in the manufacture of small parts from most metal alloys and precious alloys. Production of tools and fasteners with the use of the electrochemical machine SFE will allow to speed up the production process, make it cheaper, make your product high-quality and not to worry about design and geometric obstacles. The tool industry, tool making, tool production at any enterprise is one of the most important units of the enterprise, providing workshops and departments with technological tooling, die tooling, punch tooling. In many respects, the quality of the final product depends on the quality of products manufactured by tool production specialists. It is exactly in the tool production that the technology and equipment for dimensional electrochemical machining have found their main application. Electrochemical precision machines SFE can embody the most sophisticated technical solutions in the construction of reliable and precision components and mechanisms of a car. The automotive industry is one of the most progressive and developing industries. Manufacturers always forge ahead and progress in their ideas and technologies and are looking for new ways to implement them. Our high-precision technology is used in the aviation and aerospace industry in the manufacture of the latest developments of aircraft engine parts, parts and components of turbines, blisks and bladed disks. The precision electrochemical machining method has long been in service with the largest manufacturers of the aviation and aerospace industry. In such a precise sphere, the best solutions for designing an ideal product structure are needed. The part produced on the electrochemical machine will have a high wear resistance and an ideal precision. Our technology allows to handle without difficulty the most hard-to-process materials, such as heat-resistant steels and alloys, stainless, alloyed, structural, corrosion-resistant, high-carbon, chromium, chromium-nickel, high-speed steels. The machine allows coping with the most complex and precise tasks in the manufacture of forming surfaces: Advanced technology of our engineers. The embedded experience and developments allow us to progress in the creation and improvement of our equipment. SFEM meets the higher requirements for area parameters and the processing speed. The choice of this model is suitable for already experienced manufacturers who want to introduce into their arsenal serious developments in the field of precision metalworking. Most of these industries require an ideal surface quality and maximum durability for their parts, which is provided by electrochemical machining on our machine. Possessing small dimensions and not requiring special working conditions, the electrochemical machine SFEM will be an excellent choice for a medium and large-scale production. We have created equipment that allows achieving ideal results in the production and processing of the most complex parts and tools. You can apply our high-tech equipment SFEM in many areas of industry: In the age of high technologies and a transparent quality system, companies that monitor their status and work for long-term relationships with their customers are interested in the quality of their products. In order to produce the best product, it is necessary to have the appropriate equipment capable of providing this quality. Our electrochemical precision copying and broaching machine SFEM will allow you to achieve the ideal precision accuracy of processing. Precision electrochemical machining with the use of the copying and broaching machine SFEM will ensure the products quality exceeding all expectations. Our engineers have thought through all the major particulars that relate to the equipment of this class:. All these advantages make the SFEM machine the best choice for the precision production, designed to solve high-tech tasks. Our developments and experience in the production of electrochemical precision machines allow us to improve and refine our equipment. The SFEM machine can be used in the most complex industries, where the highest precision of all machine parts is required, to give the design a long service life and trouble-free operation, even under extreme exploitation. A technologically new solution in the field of the precision electrochemical machine tool industry. Pursuing the solution of exceptionally challenging tasks in precision machining of specialized dies and products of a large processing area, we have developed the electrochemical machine SFEM for solving the most complex tasks and creating perfectly accurate parts. The electrochemical machine SFEM allows to process a huge spectrum of various parts and give them a mirror surface. Increased productivity, the machining process takes even less time, and the accuracy of metal working is higher. Application of electrochemical machines SFE in the technical PECM process of manufacturing tooling, press molds parts, matrices, dies, introduction of the precision electrochemical machining method into the tool production significantly reduces performance time for manufacturing finished products, the cost of the production process, saves energy and manual labor. We are committed to respecting the privacy of individuals from whom we collect personal information. When you visit our website and fill out the request for our products and services, we can collect personal information such as your name, email address, phone number, name of the company you represent and the country of appeal. We collect personal information solely for providing you with our products and services, as well as pre-sales and after-sales services, as well as for:. We use such data only for the purpose for which you disclosed this information to us, for example, to promptly answer your questions, process your orders, provide access to certain information or offers. We will disclose information only for the purpose for which it was collected, or the purpose for which you agree. For example, if we collect your information to provide you with a product, we disclose your information in our freight company so that we can deliver the goods to you. Works with service providers, such as hosting or IT service providers. We transfer your personal data to contract subcontractors only if they have implemented our mandatory corporate rules for the protection of personal data and the signing of an agreement on the non-disclosure of confidential information. Data is only disseminated in connection with applicable laws and regulations. All texts, images, graphics, animations, videos, sounds and other contents of this website, as well as their location, are protected by copyright and other intellectual property laws. All trademarks, logos, emblems and labels of SFE are protected by trademark laws. All claims or claims made in connection with this website or its use are subject to interpretation in accordance with the legislation of the Russian. We do not study information about specific visitors to the site. Our site can provide links to external websites whose security we do not control. Therefore, we can not be held responsible for the content and confidentiality of such web sites. All posted materials related to us, with our permission, were checked for legal violations during placement. In the future, we are not responsible for the reliability of other information and violations from such websites. If any violations are found, we will immediately take action and remove such links. В комплектация формообразующего станка SFEМ используется продукция ведущих мировых производителей в области производства комплектующих для станкостроения. Максимальная площадь одновременно обрабатываемой поверхности и торцовой части заготовки штампа составляет см2. Система управления предусматривает вывод информации о состоянии станка и проходящих процессах обработки на жидкокристаллический монитор. Точность обработки, повторяемость размеров и шероховатость полностью зависят от обрабатываемого материала и от электрода — инструмента и зеркально повторяет его качество. Для защиты от КЗ короткого замыкания источника технологического тока станка ИТТ и электрода-инструмента применяется система защиты от КЗ и стабилизации рабочего напряжения. Копировально-прошивной электрохимический станок SFEM оснащается встроенной системой фильтрации и очистки электролита, предназначенной для фильтрации, очистки и подачи электролита на станок SFEM при регулируемых параметрах давления. Электрохимическое оборудование соответствует требованиям по шумовому воздействию и электромагнитной совместимости по требованиям EC. Станки SFEМ могут устанавливаться в любых технических помещениях с ровным бетонным полом, при этом занимают не более 3,6 кв. Станок SFE удобен в монтаже и транспортировке предусмотрена расстыковка станка на 2 части. Оборудование не требует прокладки специальных коммуникаций и подключается к общей вытяжной системе и канализации. Для многолетней стабильной и надежной эксплуатации электрохимического станка SFEМ в комплект поставки входит все необходимое — никаких дополнительных покупных опций. Прецизионная обработка формообразующих поверхностей штамповой оснастки — это один из самых трудозатратных трудоемких , а следовательно, дорогостоящих процессов в инструментальном производстве. Для повышения производительности, удешевления и снижении себестоимости производства используется размерная электрохимическая обработка с применением станка SFEМ. Технологические возможности электрохимического станка модели SFEМ применяются для придания обрабатываемой заготовке нужной формы и размеров, на которой с зеркальной точностью копируется форма и технологические размеры электрода-инструмента. Метод электрохимической размерной обработки достаточно давно и эффективно применяется в отраслях авиастроение, аэрокосмическая отрасль, двигателестроение, связанной с производством авиадвигателей, частей и деталей турбин. В индустрии автомобилестроения, производства комплектующих и автотракторного строения метод размерного копирования с применением наших станков используется с конца х годов и незаменим в инструментальных производствах предприятий. The page you requested does not exist Back to homepage. Length mm 2. Breadth mm 3. Height mm 4. Diameter mm 5. Diameter mm 80 5. Machine control system Model CNC 2. Machining table T-slots L x B mm х 4. Processing accuracy mm 0,01…0, 5. Roughness, Ra mkm 0,16…0,63 6. Number of controllable coordinates Z-axis XY -axis adjustment aid and C-axis — optional Electrode tool wear during processing No tool wear Volume of cooling liquid tank m 3 1,5 Generator А Dimensions L x B x H mm х х Machine weight kg Information on the machine status and the ongoing machining operations is displayed on the LCD monitor. The machine processing speed parameter depends on the material, complexity and depth of the relief and at the same time does not depend on the machining area and averages 0. The machining accuracy, repeatability of dimensions and roughness fully depend on the material being processed and on the electrode tool and mirror its quality. For short-circuit protection of the source of the technological current of the machine and the electrode tool, the system of short-circuit protection and operating voltage stabilization is applied. Electrochemical copying and broaching ECM machine SFEM is equipped with a built-in system of filtration, purification and supply of electrolyte, with adjustable pressure parameters. The electrochemical equipment meets the requirements for noise emission and electromagnetic compatibility according to EU requirements. SFE M machines can be installed in any technical premises with an even concrete floor, while occupying no more than 3. Electrochemical machine SFE M is convenient in installation and transportation separation of the machine into 2 parts is provided for. The equipment does not require special communication lines and is connected to the common exhaust and sewage system. For long-term stable and reliable operation of the electrochemical machine SFEM everything necessary is included in the set — no additional purchase options. The electrochemical machine SFEM is successfully used to produce a wide variety of parts from a huge number of industries: Volume of cooling liquid tank m 3 0,85 The electrochemical copying and broaching ECM machine SFEM is equipped with a built-in system of filtration, purification and supply of electrolyte, with adjustable pressure parameters. SFE M machines are compact enough, can be installed in any technical premises with an even concrete floor, while occupying no more than 3 m 2. The electrochemical machine SFE M is convenient in installation and transportation it is possible to separate the machine in 2 parts. For operation of the electrochemical machine SFEM everything necessary is delivered in the set — no additional purchase options are required for long-term stable and reliable machine operation. Compact high-tech development of our engineers. Volume of cooling liquid tank m 3 1,7 Our engineers have thought through all the major particulars that relate to the equipment of this class: We have experience in manufacturing the electrochemical equipment since Privacy policy Collected data and purpose of processing We are committed to respecting the privacy of individuals from whom we collect personal information. We collect personal information solely for providing you with our products and services, as well as pre-sales and after-sales services, as well as for: Use of Personal Information We will disclose information only for the purpose for which it was collected, or the purpose for which you agree. Copyrights All texts, images, graphics, animations, videos, sounds and other contents of this website, as well as their location, are protected by copyright and other intellectual property laws. External links Our site can provide links to external websites whose security we do not control. Обрабатываемая деталь, габариты максимальные: Масса кг до

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