Guides for Counter Strike

Guides for Counter Strike

A mission statement or vision is sometimes confused with a goal. A mission or vision is a more long term version of a goal. McDonald's mission statement is to be the world's best quick service restaurant experience. Your team's mission statement might be to be the best team in North America or even the world, but how are you going to achieve that? Your journey into making your dream a reality starts with goals. A goal is something you hope to csgo skin trade in the relative short-term. A goal is what you are striving for. A goal is what you will achieve. The information in this article is about how to set proper goals, and how to begin to achieve them.

Setting Goals

Goals should be challenging but also at the same time, goals should be realistic. The point of setting challenging but achievable goals is to make your team live up to their full potential. To make them step up to a challenge. At the same time, if the goal is too unreachable, there will be no motivation to achieve it because your team won't believe that they can. Belief is a very powerful thing. Believing is very different from thinking. Wars are fought over beliefs. Believing you can and will achieve something is much more powerful than thinking that it is possible.

Goals should be measurable. The difference between setting a goal of making the playoffs and having a 10-6 record is that you don't exactly know what it takes to make the playoffs and you will have a hard time analyzing your progress that way. If you had a goal of reaching a 10-6 record and your team winds up achieving a 13-3 record, you will know that your team underestimated themselves and that you, as a team, should set a more challenging goal next time. If you didn't quite make it to 10-6 (maybe your team was 8-8 or 7-9), you will have a much clearer view of what you need to do differently to make that goal reachable; rather than if you didn't achieve your goal of making the playoffs.

Achieving Goals

All teams should sit down and discuss what their overall goals are with Counter-Strike. What is each player looking to achieve? What are they hoping to get out of their time spent playing this game? Once you start talking about this, you will realize just how different people's views about this game can be. You may have thought you had five or six individuals on the same mentality but when you talk about it, you may realize that some take this game more seriously than others.

Once individual motivations are discussed, you should begin to discuss a goal that your team is going to achieve. Let's say that your team's goal is to have a winning record of 12-3 at the end of the season. The next logical step would be to ask everyone what they are willing to do to achieve that goal. The cost of success is sacrifice. There is no way around it. You cannot negotiate the cost of success. Every single person on your team is going to have to make sacrifices if your team is going to achieve its goals. So ask your team questions such as "would you be willing to watch five demos of players playing ramp on de_nuke and tell me what you learned?" or "would you be willing to sit in a server and dry run strategies to get that 12-3 record?". If you make the sacrifices and put the work in I guarantee you that you will see results.

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