Guide: How to use winpilot on Windows, step-by-step!

Guide: How to use winpilot on Windows, step-by-step!

By: Twapple

Step 1 - The first step, obviously is download winpilot on GitHub: Download here the lastest version of Winpilot by Builtbybel.

Step 2 - After downloading, extract the files and run "winpilot.exe", a warning will be displayed. Don't worry, it's not a malicious app, just allow it to run.

Step 3 - Look, the interface is here! Now is out chance to delete all these useless blotware and settings!

Winpilot - "Inicial" tab

Step 4 - Setup. Go to "setup" and uncheck all options that you don't want. A tip to this step is uncheck all options related to ads, privacy and start menu/taskbar.

Winpilot - "Setup" tab

Step 5 - Debloat. In this step we'll remove all useless windows programs that we don't asked for such as Outlook (if you don't use it, of course), sticky notes, weather, clock and alarms, email app and others. Just look at "recommended for removal", click to uninstall and feel free from it.

Winpilot - "Debloat" tab

Step 6 - Install. This is only if you want to install any of the recommended programs in an easy way. If you don't want, just skip this part.

Winpilot - "Install" tab

Step 7 - Store. Here are only app recommendations to personalize your experience in Windows.

Winpilot - "Store" tab

Step 8 - Restart your PC and enjoy bloatware-free system!

Remind, these are the Windows versions supported by Winpilot:

  • Windows 11
  • Windows 10
  • Windows 10 IoT Enterprise LTSC x32 2019
  • Windows 10 IoT Enterprise LTSC x64 2019
  • Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 21h1 x64
  • Windows Server 2022
  • Windows Server 2019
  • Windows Server 2016

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