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The Michigan Republican leadership is working on passing a bunch of budget bills without road funding, hoping Michigan Democratic Governor Gretchen Whitmer will cave. They keep getting rewarded for blocking policies people chose in the ballot box. Zachary Gorchow from Gongwer reported the following, and it made me cringe:. Our reporter who was at the press event on a separate topic featuring Ms. Greig and several House Democrats immediately came into my office upon returning and told me Ms. Yes, Ms. Greig — ostensibly one of Ms. Reporters around the Capitol wondered if perhaps she meant something else. She was discussing the subject in response to a question of what would happen if Republicans, who control the House, were to put the cent per gallon tax increase on the voting board in a stunt to put Democrats in the position of voting for a tax increase that will not happen or voting against it and snubbing their governor. Greig then spoke to reporters at the Capitol as the House convened for session and reaffirmed her comments. She had said what we thought she had said. This was shocking in one sense because Ms. Greig had publicly put the proverbial final nail in the coffin of the cent per gallon tax increase. That Democrats ever allowed a guy like Dillon to become House Speaker shows how lost the Democrats were back then. Look, I think Greig is a bit more liberal than Andy Dillon, no doubt. The point of this podcast is to call it as I see it. They think I should never attack my side. I have to be honest with myself, and honest with you. So, if that means I anger some fellow liberals out there for speaking some truth, then so be it. Democrats, in general, suck at messaging. Not all Democrats, mind you. But the party apparatus tends to suck at messaging. Messaging is an important part of legislating. I know, the odds of a cent gas tax passing were slim considering the state legislature is under gerrymandered Republican power. Republicans think they know better. And now, Michigan Republicans are working to separate road funding from the overall budget in the next fiscal year, which begins on October 1. They play constant defense. Greig is playing defense. We just had a decade in which the national economy improved under Barack Obama, yet Michigan continues to have the worst roads, schools, and government transparency! In that same piece, Demas reminds all of us how Republicans have failed Michigan:. Yes, we had budget deficits, thanks to a decade-long recession, but it was also due to irresponsible GOP policy, like throwing out the state business tax in with no replacement. And boneheaded GOP policy is why we have a failed state today. They keep insisting that we can fund infrastructure on the cheap, even while their business group allies plead with them that our pothole-pocked roads are driving away investment. To those Michigan progressives out there listening to this podcast especially Millennial and Generation Z Michiganders , please consider getting into the game. They actually fight back. They actually push for strong progressive values that will save Michigan from decades upon decades of Republican rule. Skip to content. Republicans will get a budget passed without a road funding measure. They have Democrats to do that for them! Why not push that case? The GOP is in a losing situation. The people voted for change in Michigan. You know what? Republicans will get their wish. They will win. This is a slam dunk for Democrats. But as usual, they mess it up. July 24, at pm. WilliamRaing says:. DanielCot says:. RaymondNat says:. Kennethzic says:. July 24, at am.

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