Guardians of Hong Kong: An Open Letter to Americans

Guardians of Hong Kong: An Open Letter to Americans

Guardians of Hong Kong, BeWater HK

To whom we cherish as friends from the United States:

Today marks a dark moment in your country's history. Many of us here in Hong Kong recount the dark moment as we watched on live television the collapse of the Twin Towers in 2001.

In memoriam of those who have fallen and the servicemen who have fought valiantly against all forms of terrorism, the people of Hong Kong have unanimously decided to halt all planned protesting activities on September 11th in Hong Kong.

We Hong Kongers have been taken on this decision as the attacks on 9/11 can be relatable to what our city is faced with now. Quoting former U.S President George W. Bush: "Our very freedom came under attack in a series of deliberate and deadly terrorist acts... Thousands of lives were suddenly ended by evil, despicable acts of terror... These acts of mass murder were intended to frighten our nation into chaos and retreat. But they have failed. Our country is strong."

It’s been well over 3 months since our movement began here in Hong Kong. Over the past 90+ days, Hongkongers have fought resiliently but with little success against a state machine, against a regime which has resorted to using the most gruesome of ways to clamp down on our fight for democracy. Over 1,000 residents have been arrested or detained. Three people have been shot in the eye, within which one will permanently lose her sight. Countless teenagers and young adults have been brutally beaten, tortured, harassed and dehumanised right in front of our eyes, and many more of such tragedies remain unseen. Even our innocent children, the elderly, tourists and journalists have fallen prey to such widespread and indiscriminate brutality from the Hong Kong Police Force. The list of terror and atrocities, unfortunately, goes on.

This needs to stop now. The city of Hong Kong is deeply sympathetic to what Americans have faced in 2001. Although one cannot compare the atrocities that your country have faced, Americans and Hong Kongers share similar values on democracy. We strive for a more democratic livelihood, for the safekeeping of our basic human rights, and for the truth about the police brutality to unveil.

We need your help, dear Americans. You can indeed make a difference, here in Hong Kong, to defend freedom and all that is good and just in the world we both live in. You have stood against enemies before, and we hope you can do the same; for Hong Kong.

Send a message to your congressional district representatives, Senators and local representatives to ask for their co-sponsor the Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act (S. 1838 / H.R. 3289) and make it clear that Americans stand with Hong Kong. Please ask your friends, family and neighbours. As we fight on for democracy in Hong Kong, we need your help. This is not merely a domestic Hong Kongers are faced with, it is only a matter of time when Chinese influence finally arrives at America's shores and will affect your way of life.

Regarding the Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act, the Act will:

(1) Impose export controls to deny access to technologies that could be used to violate human rights – including Huawei, which no American businesses should be permitted to do business with.

(2) Pressure the Hong Kong government to uphold formal promises and hold fast the core values of justice, rule of law and human rights, and express serious concern on the deteriorating freedom of the press, freedom of expression and upholding the rule of law instead of a rule by law judicial system

(3) A sanction to freeze the assets of and to deny entry to the U.S. for key officials of the HK government and police force who are responsible for human rights violations and corruption, who has been left unchecked by other means

(4) Demand that the Chinese authorities release hostages from allied nations, including Canadians Michael Kovrig and Michael Spavor and UK British Consulate employee Simon Cheng

Hong Kong needs your help. We plead for your support. Please act and help us in our fight for democracy. We hope that the people of Hong Kong's war of terror will end soon. We need your help.

Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil for you are with me.- Psalm 23

A day of remembrance, for those that lost their lives. And for all of those who gave their lives. We remember.

God bless Hong Kong. God bless America.


Guardians of Hong Kong, BeWater HK

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