Growing a new civilisation
The People's Media
SOURCE April 10, 2021
Here is an interesting thing.
In the past few weeks out of the five clients I have worked for, TWO have turned out to be very well informed and strongly motivated freedom fighters.
Of those five clients, apart from the two of the freedom fighter ilk, one was pretty much of our way of thinking but not vociferously so. Of the remaining two, one was strongly pro vax on account of believing for some reason everything the TV tells her and the remaining one, despite being a nice person, is of what we would call a sheeplike disposition – no strong views one way or the other but going with the flow.
The thing that struck me was that totally at random and quite by chance, two out of the last five people I have worked for – forty percent – have been one of us.
One, interestingly, is English and in his twenties, the other Turkish and in his forties.
Both are very well informed and were telling me a few things about the Covid psyop I didn’t know. When people start telling me all about it I let them tell me whether I “already know it” or not. This gives them a win but also I know that it I let them communicate, sooner or later they are going to come up with something I did not know or had not thought of. In fact, this happens frequently.
Both these guys I ran into by chance fully understand how the pandemic is fake, the issues with the vaccines etc etc etc.
The English guy told me that almost all his friends think the same as we do and the Turkish guy mentioned that he is working with friends in Turkey to get the truth out there, not just about the vaxes but the banksters, the globalists etc.
In fact, the Turkish guy, Ibrahim, told me that when he was a kid, around the nineteen-seventies or eighties in Turkey, there was a program to mass-vaccinate the children *for their own good” but it resulted in a real problem with many of the kids growing up sterile and unable to have kids. This was put down – if I understood it right – to an “unforeseen” adverse effect of whatever vax was being used, although he and evidently many other Turks consider that this was a depopulation caper. He is going to get me more data on this but it gels ominously with or provides a precedent for what happening at the moment.
Anyway, what all this suggests is, extrapolating from this “random sampling” of people I encounter during the course of work, that we may already have a situation where around forty percent of the population are to one degree or another of the same mind as we are.
And this is despite the propaganda onslaught via the media across the planet dedicated to preventing this from happening.
Well it hasn’t worked.
This brought home to me by personal experience the reality of another phenomenon that is showing up in various ways: the freedom movement is growing large enough fast enough to terrify the globalist enslavers and that freedom movement is shaping up to be a truly global grass roots phenomenon.
There are two ways to try to unify the human race into a coherent whole:
1. Have an elite impose unity from above by force or trickery upon the bulk of humanity.
2. Grow unity organically from the grass roots by agreement, consent and common goals
Someone has been trying the first for quite some time, as have others before them, and it never arrives whilst resulting in a lot of anguish, misery and death along the way.
It is time we embarked upon the second.
Indeed, we already have for there are a lot of awake people of good will out there and if we can unite we’ll have an unstoppable GLOBAL grass roots freedom movement from which a new and better civilisation can grow.
The People’s Media
Media of the People, by the People, for the People