Growing Lowryder Indoors images

Growing Lowryder Indoors images

Growing Lowryder Indoors images

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Log in or Sign up. We are currently experiencing issues with viewing and uploading images, our team is working on the issue. I have 5 feminized lowryder seeds and would like to grow them in my room. Does anybody have any suggestions on how I should do it? I have a few square meters of pitch black closet in my room. Lowryder is great for beginners because it is auto-flowering. For auto flowering seeds you can place them under 18 to 20 hours of light a days all throughout their lifespan, and the will still bud. This means they are 'non photo-reactive. You got to use something in the right spectrum. Flourescent grow bulbs that work with any fixture are available at home depot for litle money. Look for something in the 27k spectrum. Better yet is a tube flourescent like a T5. These are a little more expensive, and you will want at least a w to w. Lowryder and other autoflowering seeds like between a 2 and 3 gallon pot. You can buy grow bags for very cheap, or improvize. Make sure there are holes for drainage in your container at least 4 half inch holes or equivelant. Buy yourself a good potting soil, but stay away from anything like miracle grow, or anything that claims to have plant food already in it. Blackgold organic is the cheapest good soil you should consider, and is available anywhere. To this soil I want you to mix 1 part perlite super cheap to two parts soil. This adds drainage and allows for airflow on your roots. Liquid fertilizers work awesome. From the time the seeds are germintated and showing leaves, you will have about 8 weeks until you are smoking it! There are two stages to a weed plants life: For growth, plants like fertilizers wth nitrogen. This will encourage the roots to expand looking for water. Once the plant dries out, should be about a week fertilize again at half strength. Wait for it to dry out. By the time you are thinking about your third feeding, it will be thinking about budding, and so you will want to give it something without nitrogen, and with phosphorous and potassium. I would still reccomend half strength for any feedings though, as autoflowering strains seem to need less food. The last two waterings use no plant food of any kind. Make sure in the last two weeks of the plants life, at least 4 times your planters volume in water gets passed through it. This flushes out any nutrient salts in your plant that taste terrible and make your stuff butn funny. Your seeds will need to be germinated. Just google 'how to germinate marijuana seeds' and you will find plenty of advice on that. After the first 36 to 48 hours, go ahead and take a peek every 6 hours or so. They will start to form a tap root and tiny leaves. At this stage the plant can be very carefully planted, leaving the tiny leaves barely above ground. Auto-flowering seeds HATE to be transplanted. Two last pieces of advice: When they are low on water they show you by looking a little like a week old ballon. You can cause mold this way. You will do great, this is a great strain to start with. Feel free to add me as a friend and I can help you along! Nusky , Sep 7, Xzackly said xzackly what you need to know really. WeedChip , Sep 7, Autos are great when you have a few normal plants in the background. You must log in or sign up to reply here. Share This Page Tweet. Your name or email address: Do you already have an account? No, create an account now. Yes, my password is:

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