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The wonderful Darcie Dolce adds director to her resume with this entertaining Filly Films release, and provides a most stimulating final segment starring herself. She's paired with tattooed lady Karma RX, performing outdoor sex in a swimming pool. The squirting from DD is impressive, even including moments of launching the ersatz Golden Showers from below the surface of the water, an unusual gimmick. In another segment, I perceived a send-up of the entire phony Squirting phenomenon, as Christy Love, lying on a kitchen counter, shoots a fountain of liquid from her vagina several yards across the room as lesbian partner Aaliyah Hadid holds up her fingers like playtime goal posts. Interracial sex is provided by Jena Foxx sharing a shower with Alex More, a segment which minimizes the squirting to the point where it seems real for a change, an extension of legitimate "wet down there" female ejaculation, instead of the pint of Poland Spring effusions the fans seem to love so much.
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Karlee Prazak
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Cal Poly San Luis Obispo's News Source
To some, it is a fantasy come true, a scene straight from porn. To others it is worthy of the title “most embarrassing moment ever.”
It isn’t getting a visit from Aunt Flow during intercourse or peeing while in the midst of the deed — not that either of these are desirable sexual occurrences.
The matter at hand is female ejaculation, better known as the act of “squirting.” Believe it or not, every woman ejaculates. It just depends on where and when the burst of love juices is expelled.
Squirting is typically shunned and denounced as disgusting, and, when faced with an acquisition, is fought tooth and nail against until the claims have been dropped. Simply because it is wrongly associated with urinating on a partner, the bed, couch, floor or wherever the dirty is taking place, squirting is considered to be a disgraceful act.
So — just to clarify — despite popular belief, squirting is not urine. Hopefully this is a relief to anyone who has experienced female ejaculation firsthand. No longer can it be chalked up to a drunken mistake or lack of peeing beforehand.
According to Dr. Laura Berman , a sex and relationship expert and frequent guest on “The Oprah Winfrey Show” and “The Dr. Oz Show,” all women experience ejaculation during intercourse, but most women are not relaxed enough to actually squirt.
Instead, once the Grafenberg spot , or G-spot, is pleasured continuously in a rhythmic pattern to the point of orgasm, women tend to experience “retrograde ejaculation,” according to Berman during an appearance on “The Oprah Winfrey Show.”
For all those who haven’t been able to locate a woman’s G-spot yet a quick route is to feel for a squishy area a few inches into the vagina in the direction toward the bladder.
Berman said that retrograde ejaculation occurs during an intense, G-spot stimulated orgasm because women “clench and squeeze in when (they) reach orgasm.” This causes the tsunami to be redirected up into the bladder instead of flowing out and drenching the sheets.
In fact, she said any woman can learn the talent of squirting by relaxing and, instead of clenching, imitating the pushing sensation felt when trying to urinate. This will direct the flow outward as opposed to inward.
Don’t worry about actually peeing. Every “how to squirt” advice piece assures that it will feel like a peeing sensation, but instead of urine you get the pleasure of encountering another bodily fluid.
In the book “ The Clitoral Truth ” by Rebecca Chalker, she references two studies that support the fact that women are not peeing — even if the act is simulated.
One study was performed by a female student at Dalhousie University in Nova Scotia and the other by Spanish researchers at the World Congress of Sexology in Valencia, Spain. Berman further confirmed the studies during her appearance on “Oprah.”
Every study referenced collected samples from women after orgasm. The juices expelled by squirters were compared to the urine of non-squirters. Both samples showed the presence of a prostate stimulating antigen, or PSA .
Berman said that PSA is a chemical originating in the Skene’s glands, or what is now being referred to as the “female prostate.” PSA is similar to the semen generated by the male prostate glands, so it is easy to see the comparison between the two.
The trickiest part of it all is getting the woman to relax enough to shoot out instead of in. If it is mastered, Berman said “a much more intense orgasm” will be the reward.
It is even noted that lesbians are more prone to be squirters because they experience stimulation focused mainly on the clitoris and G-spot regions of the vagina — both of which are heightened pleasure zones when trying to orgasm — basic Sex Ed people. Combine this with their less self-conscious sexual views, and it is the perfect recipe to uncover the hidden talent of squirting.
So how much sexual eruption can someone who encounters a squirter expect? This question is yet to have a definitive answer.
According to Chalker, it depends on factors like environment, lifestyle, diet and testosterone levels in women. However, those who experience the phenomenon of squirting say they can expect anything from a few drops to four ounces of love.
Four ounces is more liquid than there is in a double shot, not that one would want to take a double shot of these juices; imagine what the chaser would be.
The women who tend to expel larger amounts of liquid surpass the level of squirter and are known as “gushers.” Women classified as gushers must take extra precaution when becoming a freak in the sheets.
Extreme cases have even reported that doing the deed on top of towels doesn’t provide enough material to protect sheets from the flow. One woman quoted in “The Clitoral Truth” said she had to revert to performing intercourse on the floor until she began to use a “lambskin mat” that was able to successfully soak everything up before the sheets were ruined.
Since then, the “ Love Blanket ” has hit the market. The Love Blanket can be found on the Internet for approximately $100. It offers one plush side, one silky, satin-like side and guarantees to protect furniture from any sexual spills or eruptions. The double side ensures the blanket will fit multiple occasions.
The one thing reinforced throughout the study of squirting is that it is nothing to be ashamed of. In fact, according to “The Clitoral Truth,” the art of female ejaculation was mentioned as far back as 500 B.C. in Chinese and Indian sexual advice books.
Squirting is a special talent that should be embraced and celebrated by society, instead of just glorified in the porn industry. Berman even said that, although she does not, there are experts that teach women how to squirt because, believe it or not, it is a sought after skill.
So next time the sex is so great that you are on the verge of an orgasm, take it to the next level, relax, don’t clench in and let the love juices flow.
Karlee Prazak is a Mustang Daily copy editor and journalism junior.
Are you serious? This is an article in the Mustang Daily? This is appalling!
The fact you find sex education “appalling” and “low” says a lot about you. Walk out of the dark ages. There’s nothing wrong with openly talking about sex.
By any chance, were you named after the Fleetwood Mac song “Rhiannon”?
this is an amazing article!!!All you guys hating obviously dont understand the concept of female orgams!!!
Dark ages?…I’m leaning more towards Decency. The thing I find appalling is that this article found a place on the front page of the Mustang Daily on the internet. A top-notch educational institution’s periodical doesn’t seem like the best place to be discussing things like this. There are plenty of magazines on the stands and articles on the internet that will inform and educate you on such matters.
Sex is an amazing gift…
and thus should be discussed. Squirting is a natural occurence, just like taking a dump.
carloossssss! i love you, the article was dddelliiccciiiooouuuusss!!!
You people need to get over sex being such a huge deal. It’s a completely natural thing and talking about it shouldn’t be considered such a horrible thing. If you really feel that way about the article, don’t read it. I hope you realize that our society has made sex the taboo it is – think for yourselves. Once again, if you really are insulted by the article, DON’T READ IT!
I don’t argue the natural occurrences of “squirting” and “taking a dump” but there are doors on stalls in restrooms for you to do that and most people have sex behind closed doors because they are private activities. Hence, their discussions lend themselves to places other than college newspapers.
this article got me a pragnant help
I had a pragnant once, and then I accidentally the whole thing!
There have been other sex articles in the Mustang Daily before this, why is this a huge shock? A lot of readers are college students or older and I would certainly hope that we are all pass the stage of immaturity. It is a bold move for Ms. Prazak to research, write, and publish an article like this and I commend her efforts. Quite frankly, I don’t understand how this is appalling. Yes, it is a little "out there" and a bit "scandalous" for the eye, but I don’t find it inappropriate. I think more articles like these SHOULD be in the newspaper. I don’t think the newspaper should censor such topics. Topics like these are far more interesting and pretty informative.
This is a great article, and I’m not sure why anyone would find it to be offensive in any way. Ignoring or censoring topics such as this are a contributing factor as to why our society has problems with healthy relationships, sexual health, high teen pregnancy rates, etc…general lack of knowledge and comfort around these areas. Keep researching!
I’m not debating the appropriateness of printing this article, although I’ve never seen an article like this in the Harvard Crimson, YDN, MIT Tech or Georgetown Hoya, but I really don’t think this article was very well written. Furthermore, it doesn’t do anything except tell the reader in a half-dozen ways that squirting isn’t peeing. Argument about whether it should be printed aside, one has to wonder why the author thought this needed be printed, and when published a risque and controversial piece like this, the editor must ensure that the writing is top-notch.
i wanted to read about people’s opinions about it actually happening. as a male who has made a woman achieve this only one time i realize what a rare thing it is. she should have written about how effin sweet it is to be a male who makes a woman do this… talk about ego booster!
I agree with you, Laura. There is a time and place for everything and something of this nature splashed across the front pages of our newspaper dumbfounds me. It is poorly written, sensationalizied the taboo nature of the act and focused more on stressing the difference between urination and female ejaculation. Its not just a matter of censorship, its a matter of taste, and I find the Mustang Daily lacking in this particular (and in several other) instances. There are plenty of informative sources available for people who are interested in learning more about this topic–it does not need to be played up and posted in our school newspaper. Lets keep it classy, Cal Poly!
i think you’re making a blanket statement which, unless you read every article in the daily, is a mistake. there are a couple things that a paper needs to do: 1. know it’s audience 2. remain unbiased in it’s news stories. the daily certainly attempts at both. sometimes it succeeds, sometimes it fails. but saying that this story didn’t have a place in a collegiate newspaper is absurd. where the hell else would you put a story about squirting?
Anyone who listens to Loveline already knows this. This isn’t newsworthy at all. The “author” of this “article” needs to go back to english class and learn how to write, and find a topic that’s actually interesting.
This is just a rehash of a million other articles a million people have already written better.
How did this trite ridiculous article even get published? Oh yeah the Mustang Daily is desperate to try to be “current” and “trend setting”.
Excuse me while I go read a paper that actually doesn’t try so hard and fail.
They should stick to writing about events, not putting some haphazard “sex column” together. No one wants to read this crap.
It’s funny you say the author needs to go back to English class. You’re missing a comma in your statement there. I’ll let you look for it since you’re the English expert.
And another thing, look at the audience. The paper is primarily read by college students. I’m willing to bet that more students liked this article than not. This author is getting a lot more publicity with an article like this. Ever think about that? I work with retards here.
You shouldn’t use so many quotation marks. It makes you look like a douche.
Well, the quotation marks don’t help your case, but I guess you make yourself look like a douche with or without them.
1.) You are probably one of very few who find this ARTICLE to be boring. Most college students don’t spend their nights listening to Loveline.
2.) This happens to be a well written, well cited, informative piece. I’m not saying it should be up for the Pulitzer Prize, but, come on now… she’s a student, not a professional, so stop acting like you are a seasoned newspaper article critic. If student writing irks you soooo much BUY a “real” newspaper. One that will have thrilling stories of the gas prices and proposition H!! Wooo!!
3.) English should be capitalized; my 9-year-old brother knows that rule. Stop crucifying people for their flaws when you, yourself obviously need to go take a remedial English course. You, Melissa are not smarter than a 5th grader.
Aside from what I have already stated, all I got from your comment is that you are a bitter virgin who flunked out of the Journalism Department. Sorry about that.
Oh yeah, There’s a reason the journalism department at Poly is almost closing. If this is any indication of the “Writers” they produce, well then no wonder.
This is a VERY generalized statement that is ignorant and absurd. You should think twice before you make an outlandish comment that is unnecessary and unfounded.
Im not gonna say that im grossed out by this article, im not.
But why is a school who is generally known as one of the better public schools in the country publishing this shit?
This article really goes to show how poor the journalism major is.
Write something original!!
i love women squirting it gets me so hard and ready
me too Peter the other guys don’t know what they are missing.
1.) You are probably one of very few who find this ARTICLE to be boring. Most college students don’t spend their nights listening to Loveline.
2.) This happens to be a well written, well cited, informative piece. I’m not saying it should be up for the Pulitzer Prize, but, come on now… she’s a student, not a professional, so stop acting like you are a seasoned newspaper article critic. If student writing irks you soooo much BUY a "real" newspaper. One that will have thrilling stories of the gas prices and proposition H!! Wooo!!
3.) English should be capitalized; my 9-year-old brother knows that rule. Stop crucifying people for their flaws when you, yourself obviously need to go take a remedial English course. You, Melissa are not smarter than a 5th grader.
Aside from what I have already stated, all I got from your comment is that you are a bitter virgin who flunked out of the Journalism Department. Sorry about that.
My wife is now a squirter well gusher wow after 30 years of marriage she is maturing and letting go she wants me to finger her night after night with having at least 6 orgasms including penis penetration every man needs one
This article is wrong. I can squirt as tsunami… Litres at a time almost… And its not an orgasm… Very very different. And it is also not urine as its a different smell and colour.
having a woman squirt is one of the sexiest pleasures of sensual life.
>people implying our university is somehow too good for an edgy (if also somewhat inane) sex column.
Im glad there are people out there who can sit down and write an article such as the one above. When I read this article I was amazed at how much to sex there was still to be discovered, and I’m sure even more is still to be perfected and discovered in the future. I would love to learn how to make my wife squirt and thanks to this article it’s now a new challenge to help take our relationship to a whole other level. I think if your to damn immature to (willfully) read this, an article on the Internet not on the news or even in the paper for that matter where everyone had to see it. Then you need to grow the hell up….As for grammar and English , who gives a shit that’s not what a sex article is supposed to be about you dumb ass snooty bastards. I will admit I cannot write in proper English most the time, but I would be willing to bet there are tons of things I am a lot better at (that actually make a damn) I’m better at. You know things like making you car work when it breaks , fixing you furnace in 18 degree weather so you don’t freeze to death, fixing a high service pump that provides water to your town where you get water to wash ,clean , and flush you toilet. Bottom line this is a great article to help people learn who choose to .
Im glad there are people out there who can sit down and write an article such as the one above. When I read this article I was amazed at how much to sex there was still to be discovered, and I’m sure even more is still to be perfected and discovered in the future. I would love to learn how to make my wife squirt and thanks to this article it’s now a new challenge to help take our relationship to a whole other level. I think if your to damn immature to (willfully) read this, an article on the Internet not on the news or even in the paper for that matter where everyone had to see it. Then you need to grow the hell up….As for grammar and English , who gives a shit that’s not what a sex article is supposed to be about you dumb ass snooty bastards. I will admit I cannot write in proper English most the time, but I would be willing to bet there are tons of things I am a lot better at (that actually make a damn) I’m better at. You know things like making you car work when it breaks , fi
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