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Inside an Exclusive New Orleans Swingers Club Husband and wife John and Jackie Melfi run a club where all-inclusive annual membership runs $2,500 per couple.

Yeah it seems like its commonly one or the other, either you're not comfortable with people you see in other social contexts or your only comfortable people you see in other social contexts.

I am more comfortable with people i know, or at least have a connection to through friends, as there are more liberal or no ground rules, don't always have to use protection etc. Creampie, is that your experience as well when having encounters with people you know?
I think you should know the people. Having them in your social circle is a plus. But there are downsides to it. I'm willing to have sex with most of my guy friends. I take a more casual view of sex and almost view it as shaking hands. I wouldn't be close friends with a guy unless I was willing to fuck him. I need to know, I can go over to his house, take my clothes off, and get takin care of. Same with girls. I'm only close friends with girls if I'm willing to put my tongue in them.


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We have a small group of long time friends we play with at times. We've known each other for years and we feel safe with each other.
From reading these posts, looks like there are quite a few people who have had group encounters, but it seems like many people do so at swinger/lifestyle clubs or as part of organized gangbangs.

I've been a part of a couple organized gangbangs, but most of my group experiences have been with friends, or friends of friends, or someone im sleeping with, has slept with, is sleeping with etc, girl gotta girlfriend types of things.

Is this uncommon? Seems that its more common for people to engage in these types of activities in social clubs vs their own social circle. Agree/Disagree??

waynedunn and restless_stroker like this.

Is it weird to see them later - like out in public?
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Discussion in ' Free Love ' started by Mike0606 , Apr 19, 2013 .

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Plus Bengay on the scrotum: safe, but not necessarily smart.
I am a 34-year-old straight, single female. I have a fantasy I can’t find much about online, so I figured I’d ask you for advice.
My fantasy is to be blindfolded, bent over a table/couch/whatever, and fucked by whoever happens to walk by. I realize this would have to take place in a safe environment, but most sex clubs or parties tend to be for swingers, specifically couples. There’s a sex club nearby that looks like it might cater to my fantasy, but can I just walk in off the street and bend over? Do I need to go a few times first and talk to people? That kind of kills the fantasy of it, really. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
You could probably walk into a sex club and bend over — lord knows some gay men do just that — but it would be a bad idea.
But you can realize your fantasy, TAN, and here’s how: Most swinger clubs permit couples and single women to attend parties (sorry, single guys). Go to a few parties, keep your pants on, introduce yourself around, and find a couple or two with whom you click. Share your fantasy with your new friends and ask if they might be interested in helping you realize it.
And your fantasy is totally realizable — I’ve seen very similar ones realized once or twice — but the only way to do so safely is with a couple of trusted friends hovering nearby. You need someone there who’s making sure that men who take advantage of you in your bent-over-and-blindfolded state have condoms on and don’t attempt to do anything other than what you’ve consented to.
Sometimes realizing a fantasy requires a little suspension of disbelief, TAN, so you’ll just have to pretend your guardian angels aren’t there watching out for you. And if part of what makes the fantasy so hot is being a helpless sex object in a room full of strangers, you can always go with your friends to a different sex club, one where you don’t know anyone but that your new friends have checked out in advance.
I’m a single, straight guy who just turned thirty. Never had a serious relationship, had sex twice. Not for a lack of opportunity, but I wasn’t ready for it emotionally until I was about 25. I’m a good-looking guy with a good job. I’m funny, independent, and easygoing. But I feel like there is a wall preventing me from having a relationship. Part of it is that I like having my own space. I like solitude, but I feel like I could let someone in my life and make time for her and go from there. And another part of it is I cannot for the life of me flirt with a girl I find attractive. I can turn a girl I’m not attracted to beet red if I have to, but I get tongue-tied around girls I think are hot.
Now that I feel mature enough to have someone in my life, what can I do to break down this wall I’ve put up to protect myself?
P.S. I should probably add that I’m a submissive. Not that I’m looking to be emotionally dominated or anything, but being tied up in a corner and only speaking when Mistress tells me it’s okay sounds pretty awesome.
I’m glad you included that postscript, LOST.
Google the term “munch,” along with “BDSM” and the name of the city where you live (or the nearest big city if you live in buttfucknowhere). Munches are informal gatherings hosted by and for straight folks into BDSM; most are hosted by reputable BDSM or sex clubs — Orlando Power Exchange, Los Angeles’s Threshold Society, Seattle’s Center for Sex Positive Culture — and nothing happens at a munch. No sex, no play, just conversation and lunch. You’ll meet other kinky straight folks who are interested in what you’re interested in, and you’ll be forced to interact with the women there — even the ones who typically leave you tongue-tied.
Serious question here: Does putting toothpaste or Bengay or whatever else on one’s scrotum cause sterility or have any other negative health effects?
Um … nope. It would probably be for the best if the guys who’ve posted YouTube videos of themselves putting Bengay on their balls were all sterile, GBOF, but most will sadly reproduce.
I’m a pretty hairy dude. I like my hairy chest. I like growing a beard in the winter. I like my hairy arms and legs. The only place that I don’t like hair is my crotch. I shave my pubes pretty regularly, but I have long, scraggly, gross hairs all over my balls, which I could really do without. The thought of accidentally cutting myself down there has been a pretty good deterrent from going at it with a razor, and just the idea of putting some hair-removal product like Nair down there makes me wince. I’ve poked around the Internet and haven’t been able to find a real satisfactory answer, so I thought I’d turn to my last resort: Is there a safe, easy, relatively pain-free way to get rid of this unsightly hair?
Um … nope. Waxing is the way to go, but it smarts.
Your advice for Seriously Troubled Here, the MARRIED MAN whose WIFE made out with another man (who she CLAIMS was gay) was the kind of knee-jerk anti-male bullshit and anti-male bias that straight men have come to expect from therapists, advice columnists, and “sex experts.” She gets drunk and flirts with other men and MAKES OUT WITH THEM, and he’s the douchebag?
Fuck you and your misandry. Men shouldn’t seek your advice because you’re clearly incapable of taking their side. You may not like pussy yourself, you cocksucker, but you’ll take the twat’s side every time. The world doesn’t need another asshole “advice professional” who sides with the woman no matter what she does.
Excuse me? I’m the advice columnist — I’m practically the only advice columnist — who doesn’t automatically leap to the woman’s side in a dispute. I’m the guy who tells women that all men watch porn (so get over it or get a dog), that oral comes standard (sucking cock and eating pussy), and that under certain circumstances a husband (or a wife) has a right and a responsibility to cheat (just because you’re not interested in sex anymore doesn’t mean he has to go without for the rest of his life). You won’t get that from Prudie or Amy or Carolyn.
Sorry, MAD, and everyone else who wrote in: I stand behind my advice to STH. His wife was apologetic and recognized that her behavior would have to change because it was, at the very least, deeply upsetting to her husband. She also confessed to kissing another dude, a gay dude, two years before they married, and he was having trouble forgiving her. If the roles were reversed — husband kissed lesbian two years before the wedding and wife couldn’t forgive and move on — you can bet your clenched butts that I would’ve called the wife a douchebag.
For crying out loud, MAD, I’ve told wives — and husbands — to forgive and forget infidelities. Did you really expect me to tell STH to leave his wife over a kiss?

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By Jorge, 10 years ago on Being Married
Well one day my wife aked me if she could go to the club with her friends t...

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Well one day my wife aked me if she could go to the club with her friends to celebrate a graduation and I said ok but before that I notice that she wanted to drink more often so that might she went out she dissent come home till 5:00am and the next day she woke up hung over so it kind of concerned me because she can't handle liquor well so the next day I felt something was wrong so I went up to her and asked what happend and she said nothing happened I was worried because she's been coming home and leaving with a friend to go make jewelry and wasn't cleaning or feeding our kids seems the jewelry was more inportent so the next day after me feeling her distant I asked her if she could please start helping me clean and feed the kids befor leaving and she got mad saying that she does clean which she wasn't helping so while we were discussing that situation I brought up another one about her sister adding my wife's first the guy she first slept with on face book a problem that happend about 2 years ago but I felt insecure that my wife added her on face book agin after she deleted her because of that situation well it runs out that guy tryed to add my mother in law and a nother sister in law of mine that's why I felt insecure aboUut her having her sister on face book even tho my wife said that guy has been deleted don't worry it still was on my mind cause I didn't trust her sister so I told my wife that it's bothering me that her sister is on face book and as her husband cans she please delet her and she said no no no so I said its ether me or he and she said I choose herso that's how she ended our merrage but she tells me it's all the arguing in the past years what's really going on is it me or her she has new Frieda **** well so next day after she broke it off she said she is moving and wanted me to terminate our contract at the apartments and she seperated our cell phone contracts what's going on
Jorge I think she is done with the relationship. How do you feel about all this? If you are not there, Who will watch the children when she goes to her "jewelry classes"?
Yeah I she tells me she is done but I still try to convince her to try to work things out that I can change my ways I wasn't really that bad of a person just in the past with our arguments when they would get bad but as I'm getting older I'm changing don't want it to end cause I want my family together that's the only thing with me is my anger and our arguments but she has no respect for me the very next weekend she starred going out she keeps the car she wanted me to leaver her the apartment so she can get a roommate and I told her if she could please not move in a guy because of my lil girls and says it don't concern me she can do what ever she wants to do things like that she would take the girls with her or I'll take care of them or her mom so she can make jewelry
I feel like she gave up to easy she never seeked for me to stop me she would only tell me one thing tho that crosses my mind is how can you stop loving somebody overnight we have a 7 month old baby that don't even help not even the good memories and we have afour year old
Is there anyway to get your wife back?
You deserve better she doesn't want to be married. I think you should move on let her goand when she sees the masteak she made don't take her back.
You speak like you are about 5 years old. Are you mentally unstable? I see why she left you. It is because you are an idiot.

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