Group Incest

Group Incest


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Incest Group есть на Facebook. Чтобы связаться с Incest Group, войдите в существующий аккаунт или создайте новый.
Только участники группы видят, кто в ней состоит и что публикуется.

An SIA meeting is a unique tool to use during recovery. While SIA is not a replacement for therapy when needed, the camaraderie and fellowship which incest survivors feel when among others who have been through similar experiences as a child is not something easily described. The time spent with others who understand (and who ‘get it’ in ways no one else can) is a relief, and can be inspiring. SIA stresses the fact that we are not alone, and nothing else makes that point as vividly as taking part in an SIA meeting. All of us are in different stages of recovery, but all of us need validation that what happened was real, and that we are not to blame.
We think you’ll find in reading what other survivors have to say say about starting and participating in new meetings, that it’s not as daunting as we thought it was. Many of our meetings have been started by survivors who had never been to an SIA meeting. All SIA groups are autonomous. There is no one “correct” way to run a meeting. Formats differ from one group to another– you can find examples in the Downloadable Materials page. If you’re considering starting a meeting we’ve made these pages for you. The length of meetings differ from one group to another. If you’ve attended other 12 Step meetings that you like, you can model your SIA meeting after those. The caring support from other survivors is what makes our meetings what they are – a safe place to come together and share. As always, take what you like, and leave the rest.
New SIA Groups are added weekly and meetings change time and or location from time to time. The World Service Office and its volunteers rely on the groups to keep us informed of changes. We encourage you to try and attend these groups if they are near you and get back to us with what you found. This is a confidential list and is not to be used as a mailing list for any purpose. Each SIA group is autonomous and does not represent the SIA organization as a whole. According to tradition, any member of SIA may attend any meeting when they need one. The only requirement for membership is that you were sexually abused as a child and that you want to recover from the effects of that experience in your life now
The WSO registers online and phone meetings with the assurance that they abide by the SIA Traditions and the general operating principles of the SIA program. We encourage all newcomers to try out different meetings where possible, so as to find the best fit for one’s personal recovery.
You will find various online and phone meetings on the directory. Because of the Corona pandemic, some local, in person meetings are temporarily suspended.
Please check your local meeting to see if they are continuing to meet OR if they are meeting by virtual meetings.
You may click here to be directed to the SIA Coming Home Phone Line
Three to four meetings per day are available by phone on this particular line. Other phone meetings can be found in the directory.
There are many good ways to keep a meeting safe. Each group decides for itself what they will do. We have made several documents available sharing ways that work for those that created them. The WSO registers meetings with the assurance that they abide by the SIA Traditions and the general operating principles of the SIA program. We encourage all newcomers to try out different meetings where possible, so as to find the best fit for one’s personal recovery. Take what you like, adapt it as you will, and let us know of any great new changes you’d like to pass on.
As part of our efforts to help survivors across the world, we now provide all sorts of useful documents, forms, templates for easy download. We also list many “Best Practices” that have been brought to our attention by various groups everywhere. Please send us documents, templates and practices that your group has found helpful. Send your ideas to Due to time and space limitations, we also cannot post all entries, and we do reserve the right to edit to enhance functionality.
Many of our templates are available as PDFs and free to download. If you are unable to open that version, try the “PDF” version. To open PDF files you may need Acrobat Reader. You can obtain Acrobat Reader for FREE by clicking here. Finding out what works for your group, and then sharing that with the rest of us allows every group to benefit from your group’s idea. In this section, we have collected a variety of best practices from group around the world, and published them for everyone to see.
Each SIA group is autonomous and does not represent the SIA organization as a whole. The World Service Office makes suggestions, but it does not police groups and is not responsible for anything that occurs at group meetings. Groups are independent organizations and have control over their own activities.
The SIA membership has decided that anyone who has willingly sexually abused any child should not attend SIA meetings. Our primary purpose is to support the survivor. SIA is NOT the place to work on perpetration issues or questions. There are other programs and avenues available for survivors with perpetration issues.
SIA World Service Office suggests that groups which allow minors must be aware of the laws in their particular state or country. Many jurisdictions have laws that require reporting suspected (past or present) abuse of a minor. Therefore, confidentiality of the minor in such cases is limited. Adults who do not report the disclosures of minors may be in violation of their state or country laws. Teens and adults should be aware of this before they enter the room.
NOTE: As children, some survivors were forced, emotionally or physically, to abuse other children. Because they were forced, the SIA community does not consider such survivors to be true perpetrators. The adult(s) who staged the abuse were 100% responsible. You are welcome here even if you have no clear memories of the abuse. You will not be discounted because what happened to you seems “minor.” You will not be rejected because your abuse seems too horrible. If you feel you belong here, we believe you and welcome you.
Generally, meetings are divided into types: open and closed. Open Meetings are meetings everyone can attend, whether or not they are survivors. If you have a therapist, family members or friends who provide support for you, they are “pro-survivors” and are welcome at open meetings. Most SIA meetings are closed. Closed meetings are for survivors of child sexual abuse only.
What If I Don’t Have Proof – or Don’t Remember the Abuse?
No one here needs more than your word that you survived the abuse. Most of us were children when the abuse occurred and often do not remember it fully. If you believe you were a victim or have reason to think you were, then we believe and welcome you. That’s enough to get started. However, this is not a court to deal with your perpetrator. This is a spiritual support group where you join other survivors in fellowship towards health, healing and happiness.
In this anonymous program, we use only first names (and occasionally last initials). It’s your choice how you introduce yourself. Most people will begin speaking by saying “I’m (first name) and I’m an incest survivor.” This lets others know your name helps you to break the silence you’ve kept for so long. If you would like to use a pseudonym, do so. Trust will develop as you recover further and get to know us. Some will add “I was sexually abused by my father, mother, uncle, baby sitter, etc., and neglected by (whomever).”
No one is really in charge. Leadership in SIA is shared by all. The chairperson of a meeting is a survivor like you, who is willing to read the format and facilitate the meeting. S/He can be the leader for a given period of time. This is called a service position. Leadership and service positions rotate, giving everyone an opportunity to contribute to the meeting. Other service positions may include the Treasurer, Liaison, Secretary, Regional Intergroup/World Service Representative, Set-up and Clean-up helpers, etc.
There is NO COST for meetings. We do have group expenses such as rent, literature, outreach, and donations to the World Service Office, Regional Intergroups etc., which vary from one meeting to the next. Our Seventh Tradition states that we are self-supporting. We take up a collection for the Seventh Tradition but no one is obligated to contribute. Through these collections, our bills are paid and contributions are made to the Regional Intergroups where they have been formed and to World Service Office for updating the Directory of Meetings, literature production and distribution, information phone lines, offices and speakers bureaus.
No. There are many formats of meetings: speaker meetings, where a speaker does most of the talking; topic meetings, where discussion is open but directed toward a specific topic and all are invited to participate and Literature meetings where some official SIA literature is read and discussed. At a small number of meetings, people are called on to speak, but even then a member can ALWAYS pass on that option. At other meetings the floor is open to anyone wishing to speak, but no one is called on. You can choose not to speak. If you are in a group that rotates the discussion and you do not wish to speak, just say “I pass” so that the next person can begin. No one has to speak at discussion meetings, but everyone is encouraged to speak. As survivors, we have had to keep the sexual abuse secret so many of us come in uncomfortable talking about it. That’s fine. Listen, keep coming, and give yourself time.
You may find that, as a result of the abuse, even though the abuse ended long ago, it still affects your life today. Some of us come to this program full of anger at our perpetrators and hurting. We find that by breaking the silence and telling the secret, and then talking about the things in our lives that were and still are affected, we can begin a long, slow, glorious process of recovery. Generally, in a discussion meeting each person (time permitting) is given an opportunity to speak. Some groups allow cross-talk (brief, positive feedback), but no advice is ever given. We encourage you to be respectful of the number of survivors that are sharing the meeting time. Some large meetings may time the sharing of each member to assure time for every member.
When you do share, it is suggested that you limit your comments to your own experiences. Keeping our sharing focused on our own experiences, using “I” statements (first person), and avoiding political issues and outside causes, keeps us in line with our primary purpose. Generally, if you’re a newcomer or an old-comer in crisis and have a burning need to get something off your chest, it is a good idea to speak early in the meeting so that there is time to reflect on the issue. Most groups will begin and end at a specified time. As survivors we often have problems with limits and work on these issues. If your questions don’t get answered in the meeting, ask someone to speak with you, get phone numbers of other members afterward. Many things will only begin to make sense given time. Just keep coming back.
Survivors of Incest Anonymous for Adult Survivors of Childhood Sexual Abuse is a 12-step, self-help recovery program modeled after AA. Our mission is to empower survivors of childhood sexual abuse and to help them thrive.
The SIA World Service Office is run by members. Our activities are only funded by your contributions and through the sale of downloadable literature. SIAWSO is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization and all donations are tax-deductible.

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