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There are few better feelings in the world than seeing a girl
lustily looking up at you while on her knees or in your lap and seeing
and feeling your member in her mouth; and then grabbing her hair and
moving her head around your lap as you sit back and enjoy the
oh-so-wonderful ride.
That’s the amazing feeling of getting a blow job. And even though
sex is amazingly enjoyable, there’s something particularly and uniquely
satisfying about blow jobs. But the question is: what’s involved in
learning how to get a blow job – and isn’t it hard to get a
blow job? The short answer is: no,
it’s not
hard to get a blow job. And today, I’m going to talk about how to put
yourself in a position to get exactly that. Here we go.
If the idea of talking to a girl about a blow job makes you
uncomfortable, or saying the words “blow job”, “head”, “dome”, or
“fellatio” makes you uneasy or blush, then you will not be a man who
can frequently get a blow job.
It does not matter how many times I say it, you simply cannot up
your sexual experiences with girls unless you make yourself a sexy man.
You have to fully internalize that women love sex and
that they will only fully open themselves up to men who understand that
Let me give you an example. A couple of weeks ago I was out on the
West Coast with a good friend of mine. We were out at a bar and we met
up with one of his old female friends
from his high school days. The conversation was pretty lively, and
given that fact, it inevitably turned to sexual topics.
And when that happened, his friend asked: “So I was watching the
Tyra show a few months ago and she was talking about how it is really
good for your skin if a guy cums on your face.”
Now, most guys would be taken aback by such a remark or would even
get very uncomfortable or awkward. But not the sexual man. My friend
and I are both sexual men and simply took it in
stride by offering our opinions. I told her that I had done some
research on the matter when I heard a couple of my other female friends
talking about it some years ago.
And just for your information: semen contains spermine, which is
composed of many antioxidants and proteins that are good for
replenishing skin and preventing wrinkles. That being said, it is also
full of testosterone, which is the main cause of acne. So definitely a
double-edged sword on that front.
And then we finished discussing the topic and moved on to other
topics – both sexual and nonsexual. And that is how it should go if you
are sexy
man . Talking about a sexual topic should be as normal to you
as discussing the weather. And once it is – the sky is the limit. And
if you’re not sure whether or not you are at that point, then try to
bring up a sexual topic with a girl you know and see how she reacts. If
she reacts awkwardly and/or seems disgusted, then you are not quite
there yet. If she laughs it off or just gives you a straight answer,
then you know you are in a good place.
Don’t worry, I’m not here to teach you how to get a blow job from men !
Au contraire . You see,
having the right male influences around you – in this case, men who are
comfortable getting sexual with women and don’t have sexual hangups of
their own – makes a big difference in your own ability to get women lining up
(or kneeling down) to perform fellatio on you.

This is an important point that doesn’t get talked about often
enough on this site. If you want to increase the frequency in which you
get a blow job, you should hang out with people – if possible – who can
already do so with a decently high level of frequency. Chase has often
mentioned that his progress was really supercharged when he surrounded
himself with naturals whom he could learn from.
And any aspect of seduction: approaching, rapport, getting the
number, and yes, even the ability to get a blow job, can be quickly
improved by being around people who are already good. Maybe you’re
saying the wrong thing to the girl. Maybe you’re not going for it at
the right time. Maybe you’re failing to be a sexy man after all. But
having people who are already successful in this area will allow you to
become a great suck-cess as well ;).
Just like sex, sometimes you will be moments away from
getting a blow job when everything falls apart at the last second. But
you have to remember: the girl owes
you nothing . Just because you got within minutes of feeling her
lips around your private parts does not mean that she has to follow
through if she does not want to.
So no matter how much work you put in, realize that sometimes things
will go wrong. Sometimes there will be some actual resistance. Just
shake it off, splash yourself with some cold water, laugh a little, and
move on with your life. It happens.
But this mindset is also important for not being desperate either.
If you try to maintain a sense of outcome independence then it will
only increase your likelihood of success.
To many women, sex is a big deal. If you really think about it, it’s
a massive act of surrender and vulnerability to let herself be
penetrated by another human being.
Here’s the secret every man who wants to know how to get a blow job
with any amount of consistency needs to know, though: for a huge swath of women, sex and blow
jobs are not the same thing .

A lot of girls just don’t really see
blow jobs in the same light as sexual intercourse. Yes, they are
servicing you, but a lot of
girls legitimately enjoy a good sucking session. And for them, it
doesn’t present the same level of open surrender as does having sex, so
they will much more willingly do it.
Some girls will even give a blow job without thinking twice about
it. They’ll engage in the activity as if it were on the same level as
making out. So if you want to put yourself in the position where you
get a blow job more often than you currently do, then it’s important to
stop building it up in your head.
I’ve also known some individuals in the seduction industry to
assuage a girl if she puts up any resistance by reiterating the fact
that ‘it’s not sex’. And then they get a blow job. You’d be surprised
at how effective that friendly reminder can truly be. So remember: it’s
just a blow job. It’s not sex. It doesn’t make her a whore . It’s
just fun and enjoyable.
Whenever I go out with a large group of guys, there is inevitably
one guy who, at the end of the night, starts bellyaching about some
girl he could have had. “But we were making out all night! I do not
understand why she did not come home with me!”
And I inevitably respond, as I have on many such occasions: “You
see, for most women, the bar is not a real place. It is a fictitious
space where people can completely unhinge their inhibitions without any
consequences and then walk back out into the real world as if nothing
had happened. And as soon as a girl crosses that threshold with you,
then you suddenly become a real human being. And then she has to start
thinking about the implications of her actions and her deeper desires.
Most girls just go out, dance a little bit – or a lot – and then go
home feeling really good that a lot of guys flirted with them and that
they made out with a few (or more).
That is how the bar goes for nearly every woman. And many men have
trouble accepting this fact.
But even with the men who do accept this fact, they do not realize that girls’ nighttime
promiscuity can be pushed to an even higher level . Most men
think that this looseness of women only applies to making out. But
they’d be wrong.
What if I told you that the only thing you need to get a blow job
from a girl in a bar is a moderate to high level of attraction and a
semi-private setting?
Well that is what I am telling you right now. That’s all you need.
The reason why more guys aren’t a part of the wonderful group who can
get a blow job in a bar is because they really haven’t earnestly tried.
They’re very timid about getting approval from the girl or maybe just
endeavor to kiss her instead of trying to pull her to a more private
area and a get a blow job.
But the thing is, if you pull a
girl somewhere where she can give you a blow job, and you smoothly
escalate, then you can get a blow job . It’s not going to happen
all of the time of course, but I assure you that it can and will happen
at least every once in a while. You just have to be the leader and make
it happen.
And if you read this site, you will learn nearly all of the facets
of how to build attraction . There
are many ways to build attraction. And I mean many ways. But if you set
the sexual frame with a girl and make her play with her hair and lust
after you, then the road to getting a blow job becomes that much
So focusing on touching her , making strong eye contact , telling sex stories , and framing the
interaction so that she’s the one chasing and pining after you will be
key to making it happen. Because if you do all these things… then this
won’t just be a frame anymore: it’ll be reality. 
Parties are some of the best places to get a blow job. It
is really easy to pull a girl into a dark room or even a bathroom in
order to do that deed. And if you need it to be done quickly, you can
also go that route, and then the two of you can continue on with the
good times. I know many people have done this fairly regularly during
their party outings.
Another way to execute this feat at a party is to play a childhood game . There is nothing
like a good game of seven minutes in Heaven or truth or dare –
especially combined with alcohol – to get things flowing when you want
to get frisky with a cute girl.
Also, retreats or outings in the
woods are some of the best times to get a blow job . I remember
back when I was in college I used to go on a yearly retreat with a
couple of groups that I was a part of. And inevitably, someone would
always return with the story of their sexual hijinks. I have heard of
guys disappearing into the forest to get a blow job; I have heard of
them getting one in a hot tub/hot spring/sauna; I have even heard of
them getting one on a tractor.
There is just something about the rare event combined with the
seclusion of nature that makes getting a blow job in these situations
that much easier. So take advantage of the secrecy and excitement
whenever you can.
When getting together with a woman, men are often highly concerned
about their performance. They want to be able to please a woman in bed,
and not put in a disappointing performance because of lack of skill,
inventiveness, passion , or by prematurely ejaculating . But
what a lot of men don’t realize is that girls worry about the exact same thing .
They worry about the fact that they may not be able to please a man
in bed or that he may not be fully attracted to them. And outside of
penetrative sex, they worry about the fact that the man may not get off
(or come close to doing so) if they give him a blow job.
If you’re a man who’s received more than one or two blow jobs in his
life, you have probably realized at this point that most girls are actually bad at giving blow
jobs . It’s true. Most women are actually not very good at it.
Some are much too light and tentative. Some don’t understand that a lot
of teeth in that area is an unpleasant experience. Some do far too much
pulling and tugging. Some are much too sloppy.
It’s not as easy as some people may think to give or get a quality
blow job. And because of this fact, many girls are actually
self-conscious about their blow job skills. So if you enter a sexual
situation with a girl you want to see repeatedly, you can do one of two
Pretend that her blow jobs are enjoyable to protect her ego
Teach her to be good at giving
blow jobs
The latter option is much more preferable. Most girls don’t actually
know what makes men feel particularly good, so they just do whatever
comes to mind and assume that the man is enjoying it. Sometimes it is
the case that the man is enjoying it. But I would say often times he is
not enjoying in nearly as much as he could be. But if he does not say
anything, then that is his own fault .

But women are out there to please their men. So if you instruct her
on what you find pleasurable and how she can give the best blow job
possible, then of course she will follow those instructions and aim to
make you happy. I first learned this with a girl I dated many years
ago. She wasn’t terribly sexually experienced, but she really cared
about me and wanted to make sure that I was being fully satisfied in
that department.
So she told me to tell her the kinds of things that I liked. And
when I told her, she started doing those things. She started doing them
every time. And before I knew it, she was giving some fantastic blow
jobs whenever we hooked up.
Much like the first time one has sex, I think every man will
remember the first amazing blow job he’s ever gotten. Since there’s
such a large pool of mediocrity, the experiences that truly stand out
are simply incredible.
The first time I got a simply amazing blow job occurred about 6
years ago. It happened with one of the first girls I had ever hooked up
with, but years after our first encounter. Our first encounter was
sloppy and awkward because neither of us knew what they were doing. And
then the years passed, and she was able to get some practice as we both
went off on our own singular adventures.
And then when we reencountered each other… it was unreal. At that
point I had had sex with a few girls and I had been able to get a blow
job from a handful more. But… it was like getting a blow job for the
first time. My mind went a little blank, and she was able to get me to
finish in under a minute. And then, after I recovered, she did it
again. I had no defenses. It just felt too good. I still have such a
vivid memory of it even today. And since then, there have been many,
many more sexual encounters. And certain girls have come close, but
none have been able to top that truly incredible experience.
The original girl is long since out of my life and in a different
part of the world, but I will forever retain fond memories of that
experience. And if you’ve ever gotten a truly incredible blow job, you
understand exactly how I feel right now – filled with much happy
nostalgia. Sigh.
I’ve encountered – both personally and indirectly – girls who
actually prefer having sex to giving a blow job. Some girls find it a
little nasty, others just don’t enjoy the activity itself, others
actually view it as a bigger act of surrender than sex (she’s on her
knees, your member in her mouth, not getting anything out of the
exchange), and others still would just much rather have sex and get to
the good part than mess around with foreplay.
And if you encounter these types of girls, you’ll just have to take
the bullet and have sex with them instead of getting a blow job. It may
be slightly disappointing, but you’ll just have to deal with it.
One of the best parts about getting a blow job is the fact that even virgins can do it . It doesn’t
matter if the girl has never had sex before. Because once again, it is not sex . Your girl may be a
virgin because she is just not ready to have sex; or because her
parents have been pressuring her to hold on to her virginity; or
because she is a very religious girl . But no matter
what the case may be, that certainly will not stop her from giving you
a blow job. Even in the religious realm, there aren’t too many
religions that will stand in your way if you want to get a blow from a
conservative girl (unless… she is a Mormon. But that’s a topic for
another day). 
So even if you encounter a moderate to highly conservative girl, you
know that you can still get a blow job and it will be something that
the both of you are sure to enjoy.
Now you know how to get a blow job with the best of them – all the
most effective ways to go about getting her to service you orally.
You have to:
At the end of the day, getting a blow job is really not incredibly
hard once you master the art of being a sexy man. The key is making
yourself into a man who girls want to put their mouths on. Once you do
that… it’s a cakewalk.
And once she pulls down your pants, I can only hope she makes the
occasion a memorable one.
Raised in the American Midwest, Colt Williams made a name for himself in dating with a style based on soulful poetic seductions and playful dance floor antics. His style is all about inspiring girls and drawing them into one’s world. You can book phone coaching with him here , or get a copy of his guide to getting laid on Tinder , the product of months of study and experimentation by him on the medium.

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