Grool Nsfw
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"Grool...I meant to say cool and then I started to say great."
Co-starring with Scarlett Johansson, Gordon-Levitt plays a porn-addicted muscle man in the upcoming dark romantic comedy.
The camera clearly loves him, and so do we. The Lost River director was as handsome as ever in Gucci at the film's premiere.
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''Guardians of the Galaxy'' star at photo shoot, with thoughts on career (and a beer)
Writing about romance, history, crazy characters, the Aussie outback and extraordinary places.
Paul Walker. Fast and Furious by NJHutch on
We should be so Loki, Loki, Loki, Loki.
A great smile on a man can make any woman melt..
Josh Charles in Pie in the Sky (1995)
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