Gromet's Plaza

Gromet's Plaza


Gromet's Plaza

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maidbots stories

© Copyright 2017 - Gromet - Used by permission

Storycodes: Solo-F; FM/f; Machine/f; roleplay; maid; latex; maid-bots; uniform; bonnet; device; mind-control; program; transform; F2maidbot; computer; pod; tubes; insert; servant; controlled; recharge; cons; X
Stacy walked up to the front door of her parents new house, she’d been away at college when they bought this new mansion, her parents owned a large company that provided well for the family. She felt the stress and strain of the past year or so in college, all of the studying, the tension in her body from the exams that she had crammed for recently, many long nights later she was pleased that she had got through it. But that was all behind her now.

She stood on the porch and rang the doorbell, she was a day early than expected, but couldn’t wait to get back home to spend some time with her family. As she waited for the door to open, she looked around at the manicured garden, “They seemed to have done well with this property by the looks of things.” She thought.
The door opened and there stood a robot maid, her outfit was what you always envisaged a maid to look like, black dress, white frilly apron and cap, black stockings but looking at the maids feet showed that she was wearing high heels; she felt some old stirrings of things that she’d done in the past. Her thoughts were interrupted by the maid-bot speaking, “Welcome Miss Stacy, your early, please enter and I’ll take your bags.”
“Thank you maid… sorry what do I call you?” Stacy asked.
“You can call me Andrea, Miss Stacy, that’s what my designation is.” The maid answered.
“Thank you Andrea, is my mother home?”
“Yes Miss Stacy, please come in and I’ll let the Mistress know that you’re here.”
The maid-bot took her bag and disappeared down a long hallway, Stacy stood there taking in the grand entrance of her parents’ new home. There was a staircase each side that led up to the next level, hanging from the ceiling was a very large chandelier, and the new house seemed to be much larger and grander than her old home. Shortly she could hear footsteps coming back down the hallway, her Mother and the maid-bot walked into view.
“Hello darling, you’re early we didn’t expect you until tomorrow.” Her Mother said.
“I caught an earlier flight,” Stacy said, “I wanted to see you all. Is Dad home?”
“Well, welcome home anyway,” her mother said and began to embrace Stacy in a hug, kissing her on the cheeks. “And no your Dad is still busy at the office I’m afraid, he won’t be home until late this evening.”
“Okay”, Stacy replied, returning the hug.
“Oh this is a wonderful surprise, it’s great to see you after so long, and how do you like the new house?”
“It looks very big,” Stacy said, “and the gardens look lovely.”
“Let me show you around and then we’ll have some lunch and catch up.”
Mother took Stacy by the hand and led her through several grand rooms on the ground floor, then up the staircase to the second floor, showing Stacy each and every bedroom including the master bedroom. Every bedroom seemed to have its own bathroom attached, the rooms all looked immaculate, each room was clean and tidy, and not a thing out of place unlike Stacy’s apartment back near her college.
“The place looks very neat, how do you manage to keep everything clean?” Stacy asked he mother.
“Oh, that’s where the maids come in; they are wonderful at keeping the place spotless.”
“Well they seem to be very efficient.” Stacy said.
Over lunch her mother quizzed her on everything in Stacy’s life, how things were at college, did she have anyone in her life, what boys did she see? Stacy tried to keep up with the constant barrage of questions that her mother was asking her. By the time lunch was over her head was spinning.
“Mother,” Stacy asked, “I’m feeling a bit tired from the journey, where am I sleeping?”
“Well Darling, I know just how hard that you’ve been working, all those long hours, the strain in your voice I heard during our telephone calls told me just how tired you were. So I’ve arranged a little surprise for you, one that I know that you’ll enjoy.”
Stacy looked at her mother, the look on her face showed that she was a bit confused.
“Well Darling, I had this idea to stop you from studying whilst here, you need a rest and your mind needs a break. Plus I still remember back at our old house how you used to follow the maids around, helping them with their tasks, even though you got in their way, they still allowed you to play out your game.” Her Mother stated.
“Shhh Dear, we never stopped you playing those games, you seem to be content and enjoyed being a maid. Besides this is your vacation, what better way to enjoy yourself than indulging yourself in your old games. And I don’t want you stressing out and studying whilst you are here, you need to relax, unwind and let your mind rest.”
“So what have you planned for me?” Stacy asked, knowing that her Mother always got her own way.
“Andrea here will take you to where you’ll be staying, once there just follow her directions. I don’t want to spoil the surprise, but I know that you’ll love it. I have some things to attend to today, so follow Andrea and she’ll show you. Now go and relax.”
Stacy stood up and walked over to the maidbot Andrea, “Please follow me Miss Stacy.”
Stacy looked back at her mother, “Go Stacy, enjoy your present.” Her Mother waving her away with her hands.
Following the maid-bot Andrea out of the kitchen and down the hallway, they came across a doorway to the left, the maid-bot opened the door and Stacy followed her inside, they walked down another corridor to a room at the far end. Andrea opened the door for Stacy, “Please step inside Miss Stacy.”
Stacy walked inside the room, there were several capsules dotted around the room, each one currently empty as the maid-bots that occupied them were busy around the house. She looked all around the room, there were no windows, just plain painted walls, and a table in the middle had some component parts on it. Andrea walked past Stacy towards a pod leaning up against the wall in the far corner. “Come Miss Stacy, this is where you’ll be staying.” The maid-bot said.
“Well Miss Stacy, Mistress has informed me that you are to be one of the maid-bots here in the mansion during your stay. Your Mother is very concerned with your well-being and wants you to spend time as one of the maids here; she said that you enjoyed being a maid when you were younger.”
“But I was a young girl back then…”
“Your Mother has insisted that you’re to be one of the maids here, if necessary I can use force to enable this to happen, but your Mother insisted that I give you the opportunity to volunteer first.” Andrea interrupted.
“No buts Miss Stacy, you will become a maid-bot for the weekend, this will be where you are staying whilst here, now I need to prepare you to become a maid-bot, please step this way.”
Stacy could see that she had no choice in the matter; the maid-bot was clearly under direct orders from her Mother that she make her a maid for the weekend. ‘Well it’s only the weekend,’ she thought, ‘why not relax and enjoy it.’
“Okay where do you want me?” Stacy asked.
“That’s good Miss Stacy; I would have not liked to have forced you.” Andrea said, “Now please undress from those clothes and put this uniform on.” Andrea said handing Stacy a maid’s outfit.
Stacy quickly stripped off her clothes, a little embarrassed with the maid-bot watching her, but took all of her clothing off.
“You need to remove your underwear too.” Andrea stated.
Reluctantly Stacy pulled her bra off revealing her breasts in all their glory, her face reddened as she then reached down and pulled her panties down and stepped out of them. She now stood there naked in front of Andrea, not sure where to put her hands to cover herself up. Andrea stood there impassively and handed Stacy some frilly knickers for her to wear.
Stacy looked at them, “I’m to wear these?” she asked.
“All the maids here wear them, its standard issue for all the maid-bots.” Andrea stated.
Taking them from Andrea’s outstretched hand Stacy pulled them up her legs and settled them into place around her crotch. Then Andrea handed her a bra that matched, “This one was specially made for you to hold your breasts in place, the other maid-bots don’t require them.”
Putting on the bra, she adjusted herself so that she was comfortable, and then stepped into the maid dress that Andrea handed her. Stacy put her arms through the sleeves, noting that each only covered the top of her arms and ended up with a white frill cuff. Just like the outfit Andrea was wearing. The stockings came next and she rolled these up her legs, these were no ordinary stockings but had a deep black sheen to them.
“It’s made of rubber Miss Stacy, the same as the dress and your underwear, it’s easy to keep clean and wipe off any stains and is also hard wearing.” Andrea said impassively.
Stacy hadn’t realised what the dress was made of until Andrea pointed it out. She looked back at Andrea and realised that they were wearing the exact same outfit. Andrea then walked over and began to comb her hair, she took her time and Stacy began to relax and enjoy the sensation of having her hair brushed. Andrea then put a band around the ponytail that she’d brushed Stacy’s hair into, the band was also latex and had white frills to match.
Now Andrea added the maid’s ribbon hat to Stacy’s head, but before attaching it said, “This is the control device that will connect you to the main frame computer that controls all of the functions of the house, once on you won’t be able to remove it, the controls won’t allow it. You will be given instructions via the headpiece that will enable you to function as a maid-bot of the house, just like all of the other maid-bots.”
Stacy at first felt a wave of panic, but relaxed herself and calmed her mind, “Please Andrea, go ahead and place the hat on me.”
“Okay Miss Stacy,” Andrea said, “please standby to receive instructions.” And then placed the maid’s hat on her head, clipping it in place.
Immediately it was attached Stacy felt her mind being taken over, her mind seemed to clear of all her worries and concerns, all thoughts of exams and studying were suddenly gone from her mind. Just a flow of information, plans of the house, who was who – even though she knew her family, she was also instructed on possible visitors. Various duties and how to conduct them were placed into her memory.
‘I didn’t know just how many ways there was to make a bed?’ Stacy thought.
Then she realised that she could still think for herself. Her mind though cleared of her concerns and troubles; she was still able to make rational thoughts.
“Yes Miss Stacy,” Andrea said in answer to her thoughts, “you can still think, you still have your memories, your parents just want you to relax and enjoy, though your movements will be controlled by the main frame, you can still enjoy the experience.”
“But as a maid I can’t be Miss Stacy, can I?” Stacy asked.
“No Miss Stacy, that you won’t, we will get to that once the program has finished downloading into you.”
More information flooded into Stacy’s mind, her cooking skills will be greatly improved by the information she received as well as her housekeeping too.
After 5 minutes the program finished running, Stacy sat there with a blank look on her face, though her brain was still active and she could experience everything around her, she found that she couldn’t move.
“Maid-bot state your designation.” Andrea asked.
“Maid-bot Stacy”, she replied automatically.
“To serve the household, wash, clean and cook as directed by my owners.” Maid-bot Stacy replied.
“Good Maid-bot Stacy, follow all instructions given to you by the main frame, you are now property of the owners, the house system and RobotMaids Inc.” Andrea said.
“Yes this maid-bot confirms, I am property of the owners, the house system and RobotMaids Inc.” Stacy the maid-bot replied mechanically.
“Get to work Maid-bot Stacy; your Mistress requires refreshments served in her study.”
Maid-bot Stacy stood up in her heels; the first couple of steps a little un-steady but the computer took control and gave her the information needed to walk in them. Her latex dress rustled as she walked out of the maid’s room and down the hallway towards the kitchen.
‘Cool,’ thought Stacy, ‘this feels great and the latex outfit seems to fit me well, even better I can walk in heels for the first time.’ She relaxed her mind and followed the prompts that directed her to the kitchen, once there she automatically went to the refrigerator and withdrew the required drinks and snacks without being told what was required, the system controlled her every move.
‘Amazing,’ she thought, ‘how did I know what Mot…’ her thought was interrupted by the main frame computer. “You will refer to your owner as Mistress.” Said the voice in her head correcting her.
‘But she’s my Mot…’ Stacy thought. Again the main frame interrupted her, “Mistress.” This was followed by a slight buzzing inside her head making her feel dizzy. She reached out to hold onto something to steady herself. More information flowed into her brain and her thoughts changed to reflect that she was owned by the Master & Mistress of the house.
Now her head cleared, Stacy found that she could stand again without the fear of falling, picking up the tray of drinks and snacks; she headed off to where the main frame told her that she would find her Mistress.
‘Wow, that was intense,’ Stacy thought, ‘better not make that mistake again. You’re a maid-bot now after all.’
Stacy walked into the study where she found her Mother, now Mistress. She found her in conversation with several other women, each looked up at her briefly before going back to what they were talking about. Stacy felt ignored, placing the tray down on the table as the instructions told her, she began to prepare and hand out drinks to the women around the table.
Her Mother watched her as she served them, a smile forming on her face as she looked at her daughter in the maids outfit, this brought back memories of when Stacy was a young girl pretending to be a maid in the house. The other women didn’t even bother to acknowledge Stacy; she was just another maid-bot as far as they were concerned and took their drinks from her without comment.
“Thank you maid,” her Mother/Mistress said, “please return to your duties.”
Stacy turned on her heels and began walking out of the room, a little sad that she wasn’t noticed but also relieved as she would have died of embarrassment if she’d been discovered. She was also a little sad that her mother/mistress had dismissed her as she would have with any other maid, but then she smiled in her mind, that was what she actually wanted. ‘I’m just another maid-bot,’ she thought as her step lightened as she walked from the room.
Stacy spent the day cleaning the bedrooms upstairs along with the other maid-bots, though the rooms looked spotless to her, the main frame insisted that she clean every speck of dust from every room. Her body remotely followed the commands given to her; Stacy relished the mere fact that she was no longer in control and gave in to the system that controlled her.
She then received instructions to report to the study, her Mistress required her attention. Stacy the maid-bot took over and she walked confidently out of the room she was cleaning, down the stairs and to the study as requested. Stacy walked in and found that the women were just leaving, they still chatting amongst themselves ignoring Stacy.
Stacy began helping them with their coats, and showing them the way out, holding the door open as they all said their goodbyes. Her Mother/Mistress standing there as they all left, waving them all goodbye.
“Thank you Stacy,” her Mother turned as said.
Stacy the maid-bot curtseyed, “My pleasure madam.” And closed the door as her Mother walked away back to her study.
“Please clean up the mess in my study Stacy.” Mistress ordered.
“Yes madam.” And Stacy walked into the study and began gathering glasses onto a tray, feeling a pleasant, tingly sensation as she complied with the command.
All the while her Mother watched her work, the maid in Stacy following instructions without a thought in the world. She then went and sat down behind her desk and began working as Stacy continued to clean. Stacy took a couple of trips to gather all of the glasses and plates and take them to the kitchen for cleaning.
“Stacy…” her Mother said when she returned the last time. “I want to say…”
“Yes madam?” Maid-bot Stacy asked, clearly deep in maid mode. ‘I wonder what Mo… Mistress was going to say?’ Stacy thought, hoping that she would acknowledge her daughter as the maid in front of her.
“N... Nothing Stacy, please return to your duties.” Her Mistress changing her mind about what she was going to say, but then dismissed her. Her Mother leaving her to her thoughts and her maid duties.
Stacy cleaned all of the plates and glasses in the kitchen, placing them back where they belong. She continued her duties as instructed, returning to cleaning the upstairs bedrooms.
Later in the evening her Father arrived home, one of the other maid-bots had greeted him at the door and taken his coat. He walked down to where his wife was working in the study.
“Hello dear, had a good day?” he asked.
“Yes dear, I did the girls came over and we chatted for a bit, had lunch and enjoyed each other’s company.” She replied. “Oh and Stacy came home today too.”
“Well, you remember our plan to help her relax,” she said.
“Well yes but I didn’t think that you’d get her straight into it!”
“Uhm, well she looked very stressed when she turned up, so I decided to implement the surprise we had arranged for her.” She said.
“So she’s one of the maid-bots then?” he asked.
“Yes, she seems to have taken to it quite well.” She replied.
“It would have been nice to talk with her for a while before changing her. But you know best I suppose. Where is she now?”
“I’m not sure; she’s been cleaning upstairs today when not serving the ladies drinks.”
“You had her serve your friends drinks, what if they’d noticed?” he asked.
“None of them did, no one guessed that she was now a maid-bot, she looks so convincing. Let me show you.” She said. “Maid-bot Stacy, bring Master his favourite drink in my study.” She said into the speaker.
Stacy received the command and began to move from the bedroom, down to the kitchen, there she got the required drink, plus an ice bucket, placed them on a tray and walked to the study. Upon entering she saw her father sitting there and walked over to serve him.
‘Hi Da…’ she thought, her thought interrupted by the system “Master, you’ll address your owner as Master.”
“Here’s your drink Master,” Stacy said in her maid-bot voice, and curtseyed as she handed him his drink.
“Stacy, great to see you home.” Her Father said.
“Sorry Master, Stacy-bot has always been part of the system here at the house.” She replied matter of factly.
“Stacy, it’s me your father…” he said.
Stacy was having a great conflict in her mind, she wanted so desperately to respond to her father, but the system would not allow it. A look of confusion came over her face, which her mother spotted immediately.
“Dan, stop.” She said, “The system won’t allow her to be your daughter, you’re confusing her, remember they said that it would override her and that she would only be able to respond to commands.”
“Sorry Stacy,” he said, “I didn’t realise that you would be in this deep.”
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