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How I became a Maid-bot Gromet Solo-F; F/f; FM+/f; roleplay; caught; maid; uniform; servant; college; project; collar; mindcontrol; transform; F2maidbot; programming; controlled; pod; recharge; experiment; cons; X

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© Copyright 2017 - Gromet - Used by permission

Storycodes: Solo-F; F/f; FM+/f; roleplay; caught; maid; uniform; servant; college; project; collar; mindcontrol; transform; F2maidbot; programming; controlled; pod; recharge; experiment; cons; X
Ever since I was a little girl I’ve always had a fascination with maids, I used to dress up as one and follow our two maids around the house as they went about their chores, they would get me to give them a hand with small tasks, I eventually was given a maid outfit in my size by my mother, who at this point had given up trying to dissuade me from ‘pestering the maids’ as she stated and let them get on with their work.
The two maids didn’t mind, they were both middle aged and thought I looked cute in my maids outfit, I sometimes even ate with them down in the kitchen. People who came by the house soon got used to seeing me in my maids outfit; I was a regular serving guests at parties and family gatherings at the house, though I was sent off to bed by early evening, much to my disappointment.
My parents thought it was just a phase I was going through and ‘entertained’ their little girl with the thought that she was just like the other maids in the house, although my Dad did have some reservations about the outfit but my Mother overcame those, saying that I would soon grow tired of being a maid and all of the work involved, plus they thought that as I grew up I would eventually grow out of this phase.
During my early teens I was more obsessed with study and found boys, so the maid in me took a back seat and the times that I would wear a maid outfit became less and less over time, much
Forced To Suck My Dick
Spanked Then Diapered
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