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By using our site, you agree to our collection of information through the use of cookies. To learn more, view our Privacy Policy. To browse Academia. Sport as a metaphor and analogy for business is dominating in most economic articles and plays an utmost role in business communication revealing implied meanings of tough competitiveness. The aim of our study was to review the main arguments of drawing parallels between sports and business, as most people regard the former as an equivalent of business rivalry. The results of the article disclosed the major sport metaphors that are commonly used in business by analyzing which sport they originate from and interpreted their metaphorical implications. Grounded on cognitive approach sport metaphors are identified as powerful figurative devices to perceive abstract business concepts by way of more concrete ones. Konstantin Cherevyk. The topic of the operation of non-governmental organizations NGOs of Kazakhstan is relevant, though poorly studied in the domestic political science. The article analyzes some of the legal foundations of the activities of Kazakh NGOs, and namely: legislative framework, definition, organizational and legal forms and directions of activities of NGOs, their accounting and control by the state. The author comes to the conclusion that there is no special law regulating the work of NGOs in Kazakhstan. Certain aspects of the topic are highlighted in national regulations on the non-profit sector and the state social order. At the same time, amendments containing modern legal norms for the work of NGOs in the country began to be introduced into the legislation from the end of It is from this moment that the modern stage of the development of the non-governmental sector starts. The state has created an electronic database of NGOs for the practical implementation of the adopted legislative amendments and coordination of the activities of NGOs in general, where the latter must submit information about themselves in accordance with the approved rules. Galina Asonova. Comparison of two languages is connected to a reciprocate interest of studying Russian by English speaking learners and of studying English by Russian speaking learners. The article has explained the process of communicative competence development with the help of understanding grammar as a highly important aspect of English and Russian as a foreign. Michael Ockiya. Elita Abdulaeva. Автор в статье отмечает существование солярного культа в прошлом у предков чеченцев. Его наличие подтверждается многими фактами. Особенно это прослеживается в погребальном культе и магической практике. О существовании в прошлом на территории Чечни солярного культа, говорят также многочисленные петроглифы, которыми украшали архитектурные сооружения. Автор подчеркивает универсальные черты, присущие солярному культу разных народов, их тесной взаимосвязи с погребальным культом и космическими представлениями, с почитанием Солнца. The author in the article notes the existence of the solar cult in the past the ancestors of the Chechens. Its presence is confirmed by many facts. This is especially evident in the funeral cult and magical practice. The existence in the past on the territory of Chechnya solar cult, as evidenced by numerous petroglyphs, which were decorated with architectural structures. The author emphasizes the universal traits of the solar cult of different peoples, their close relationship with the funeral cult and space views, with sun worship. Elena Kotelnikova. Анализ космических снимков являются мощным инструментом на первых этапах поиска и разведки полезных ископаемых. В работе рассмотрены результаты интерпретации космических снимков территории, которая расположена в зоне полупустынь в районе Казахского мелкосопочника, которая представляет собой интерес с точки зрения геологических критериев. Рассмотрены известные методы отображения различных наборов полос снимков. Полученные результаты выделения зон изменения, характеризующих возможное наличие медно-порфировой минерализации, хорошо коррелируют с результатами литогеохимической съемки территории. Тип лицензии CC поддерживаемый журналом: Attribution 4. В журнале рассматриваются вопросы развития мировой и региональной науки и практики. Для ученых, преподавателей, аспирантов, студентов. Бюллетень науки и практики. In Ukraine, gender research remains a fairly 'marginal' segment, which is 'predetermined' by the developed problem in post-Soviet science, domination of patriarchal power structures, the necessity of conceptual and practical self-determination of gender phenomena in modern conditions. Today, the need for a comprehensive study of indicators of gender competence, the solution of gender problems in Ukraine and the development of ways for further development of the gender-competent indicator not only in the society but also in the national education is being updated. Raymond O Ekpobodo. Kocharyan G. Глобальный Импакт фактор «Бюллетень науки и практики» за г — 0, Log in with Facebook Log in with Google. Remember me on this computer. Need an account? Click here to sign up. Download Free PDF. Venera Midova. Related Papers. Animal - science proceedings Challenge of change — Effect of Vernonia amygdalina as alternative to antibiotics on lymphoid cells in broiler chicken. Черты солярного культа в языческой культуре чеченцев.

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