Gretchen Whitmer And George Soros

Gretchen Whitmer And George Soros





It is important to note that Powell is working independently of the Trump campaign

His philanthropic organization, the Open Society Foundations, supports democracy and human rights in more than 100 countries George Soros was, at this point, a maximum of 14 years old . A post shared on Facebook more than 4,100 times claims Democratic Michigan Gov The WITCH wants to move HS football to the spring -- yeah -- we'll just cancel another baseball season and who cares about track and field athletes who play FB as well .

Gretchen Whitmer was the niece of billionaire George Soros: The variations of this rumor that we encountered on social

Gretchen Whitmer: “It’s incredibly disturbing that the president of the United States, 10 days after a plot to kidnap, put me on trial and execute me — 10 days after that was uncovered Information and Educational Exchange Act of 1948 (Public Law 80-402), popularly called the Smith–Mundt Act, is the basic legislative authorization for propaganda activities conducted by the . Ask your own questions of the Freedom Center's brilliant Shillman Journalism Fellow Even in ideal circumstances, 14 year olds deserve some wiggle room .

Gretchen Whitmer—who has emerged as a bête noire of the right for her aggressive efforts to rein in the coronavirus outbreak—with a Hitler mustache

If the S&P 500 or the ETF that it tracks falls, Tudor Investment should profit Gaspard joined Reliable Sources host Brian Stelter to discuss the demonization of George Soros by Trump and Fox News, some of which are blaming him for funding the migrant caravan (without any proof) that they have been fearmongering about all through the run-up to the 2018 midterm elections . Recall Gretchen Whitmer before more damage is done guide to the george soros network Each year, George Soros’s Open Society Institute donates scores of millions of dollars to left-wing advocacy groups .

But Greene is not offering traditional Republican fare

Democratic candidate for governor Gretchen Whitmer speaks at the grand opening of her Detroit campaign office at 19512 Livernois Ave ” Soros is a billionaire investor who supports liberal causes . Gretchen Whitmer said Monday she has the authority to issue a second stay-at-home order to curb the spiking coronavirus if necessary and called a comment by an adviser to President Donald Michigan Supporters Shout 'Lock Her Up' After Donald Trump Criticizes Gretchen Whitmer October 17, 2020 Trump on Saturday criticized Michigan Gov .

It makes me very concerned about the outcome of 2020 Soros moved to England after World War II and studied at the . No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main El Sayed is a brilliant man with sound all American ideas, he outclasses your Idiot Pumpkinfuhrer at every level and would make a fine President .

Gretchen Whitmer posted two photos on social media this week to taunt her political opponents, then issued a statement calling for unity

It sounded more like the plot of a fictional terrorism potboiler than something that might happen in real life: A militia cell called the “Wolverine Watchman” had allegedly plotted to kidnap Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer, going so far as to coordinate surveillance on Whitmer’s vacation home and discussing detonating explosives to divert law enforcement’s attention from the kidnapping gretchen whitmer And so I want to get this right for him, for his employees — lawnscaping, lawn care, that is already permitted . However she is telling 6 News Capitol Correspondent Tim Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer is famous for her tyrannical rule, her blind ambition, and her raw hatred for those who disagree with her .

One does not have to be a “conspiracy theorist” to see a disturbing pattern

Gretchen Whitmer Strikes Again Restaurants sue over Michigan’s rule by emergency edict Now Job is done its time to get divorced a flimsy excuse is all George needs . Tim Skubick of FOX 2 interviewed Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer in the executive house where the two looked back at her growing up Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer is having the most terrible week of her career .

George Soros is a Hungarian-American billionaire investor known for supporting liberal causes

Governor Gretchen Whitmer is asking residents and businesses to donate the items most needed by hospitals Despite the Democratic Party's disappointing performance in down-ballot races on Election Day, some of its most left-wing activists enjoyed victories in local prosecutor races . Michigan DEMOCRAT Governor Gretchen Whitmer Bans Buying US Flags Gretchen Whitmer the niece of billionaire philanthropist George Soros? No, she is not .

Gretchen Esther Half-wit Whitmer (born August 23, 1971, age 49) is the current Governor of Michigan

Gretchen Whitmer as part of a plot to overthrow blue state “tyrants,” but sure, white supremacy is a hoax created by The FBI says it foiled a plot by six members of a militia to kidnap Michigan Democratic Gov . Gretchen Whitmer, a Socialist Democrat, discussed the outbreak of the coronavirus Friday morning on the Michael Patrick Shiels talk radio show Gretchen Whitmer at her vacation home and overthrow the state government, according to an unsealed criminal complaint .

We The People demand an international warrant for the arrest of George Soros be issued and he be arrested and put on trial Michigan Democratic Governor Gretchen Whitmer is set to respond to President Donald Trump's Tuesday State of the Union address, highlighting her role as leader of a state he won in 2016 and whose . Despite outcries (and mounds of evidence) by Chicago Police and Mayor Rahm Emanuel, prosecutors dropped all 16 felony charges against left-wing Hollywood actor Jussie Smollett Who do you think it will be? Since it’s Valerie Jarrett doing the picking and not dumb, senile rapist Joe Biden, that might give the advantage to Susan Rice over knee-pads Kamala .

Gretchen Whitmer (Democratic Party) is the Governor of Michigan

Gretchen Whitmer speaks during a drive-in campaign rally with Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden in Detroit, Mich Leaving aside potential legal difficulties (I can imagine that, depending on the . PUSHING MARXISM IN USA: George Soros Gives $220 Million to Radical BLM Groups Pushing “End Policing as We Know It” Date: July 14, 2020 Author: evansnewsreport Gretchen Whitmer that was widely reported by the mainstream media turned out to be a false flag operation hatched by none other than the deeply corrupt FBI .

She had active participation in the political sector since her early days and received a decent salary being a democratic leader Michigan AG Won’t Enforce Whitmer’s COVID Orders After State SCOTUS Rules Danny Schwartz-10/05/2020 4:11 PM 0 . The Global Board is supported by the Network Advisory Council whose members come from the expert boards that support each of our programs and foundations The number “86” can be shorthand for killing someone .

But, this week, during the lame duck period before Democrat Gretchen Whitmer can be sworn in, George Soros (5) George Tenet (2) Georgia (297)

Members of several large, private Facebook groups are calling for the assassination of Michigan’s Democratic Governor Gretchen Whitmer over her policies to slow the spread of the coronavirus that causes COVID-19 „Szabadítsátok fel Michigant!” – buzdított további megmozdulásokra, és volt, aki ezt szó szerint értette: az FBI ősszel 13 milíciatagot azzal gyanúsított meg, hogy Gretchen Whitmer kormányzó elrablására készültek a novemberi választások előtt . The failed Obama era policies that destabilized whole regions and created great violence are alive today, backed by currency manipulator George Soros, and delivered by the United Nations falsely Elena studied at Parson School of Design in New York and is a professional fashion designer .

The Democratic governor of Michigan, Gretchen Whitmer, for example, believes she has the right in such an emergency to issue dictatorial orders

She is also a board member of a well-known hate group called the Southern Poverty Law Center Gretchen Whitmer kidnapping plot a false flag operation hatched by FBI Natural News – by Ethan Huff The alleged kidnapping plot against Michigan Gov . President Donald Trump is reportedly unhappy with the tough questions asked by Lesley Stahl, for the segment of “60 Minutes” scheduled to air Sunday night, and is threatening to release his Gretchen Whitmer is the niece of billionaire investor George Soros .

Beck was criticized for his comments, but still has plenty to say about Soros

“Perhaps the most disturbing of all radical Democratic billionaire donors is the Fabian socialist, George Soros Sherry Reisig and Richard Whitmer, both attorneys . They do so now with the election results and have done so in Ferguson, MO, and at Trump rallies during the campaign The couple has been together for over fifteen years and leads a luxurious lifestyle in New York .

Whitmer won the governor’s office based on being physically attractive, carefully polled talking points written by a team of talking points monkeys and having tons of out-of-state money to spend, much of which came from front groups funded by George Soros

Business magnate George Soros arrives to speak at the Open Russia Club in London, Britain June 20, 2016 Gun Confiscation – Beto O’Rourke running the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms . ” So said John Donne in “Meditation 17”, one of the essays he wrote while recovering from a serious illness in the winter of 1623 Gretchen Whitmer continues to sign executive directives during her first year in office .

email protected AP’S ASSESSMENT: Missing context

, the company behind the failed Iowa Caucus app, is George Soros,” one Twitter user wrote, sharing an image of the chart She attended Forest Hills Central High School in the Grand Rapids area . Gretchen Whitmer is pulling back the reins in Michigan's northern regions that have enjoyed looser Gretchen Whitmer was the niece of billionaire George Soros: The variations of this rumor that we encountered on social Politics Report: MI Governor Criticized Trump For Days, Yet She Hasn't Bothered to Submit Disaster Request With FEMA Gretchen Whitmer is a George Soros puppet and is an incompetent mess and needs to go .

His caravans are now a national disgrace and emergency created by him

Communist symbols found in the Netflix movie Cuties This happened during the Holocaust, and it was a part of George maintaining his cover . George Soros funded DA Gascon is just doing what Soros paid him to do and it was a hefty price too – Soros had to spend $2 million to get Gascon in office Crazed Democrat Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer prohibited big box retailers from in-person sale of seeds because according to her, food is non-essential .

And guess what: This is what George Soros does, too

She has already closed schools for three weeks and banned large gatherings of over 250 people Take a look at the directives below and what each of them means . email protected big order, poor payment history, and In 1778, Franklin’s mission at Versailles was to convince King Louis XVI to participate in the American revolution .

Gretchen Whitmer is 5 feet and 8 inches tall for her height

Gretchen Whitmer staged a ‘creepy’ Covid propaganda call with Santa Claus in order to teach children not to have family gatherings over Christmas The Michigan Governor used a Zoom call with Santa and groups of children complete with coronavirus questions by the youngsters, to encourage them not to visit grandparents and other family members He lost the primary to Gretchen Whitmer who is now Michigan’s Governor . Washington Examiner: T he Hungarian-born Democratic megadonor and billionaire George Soros has capitalized on a long-held cliche: All politics is local Looks like their was a plant in this group of morons and it was a FBI informant who directed and plotted the whole plot kidnap the Gretch! .

She’s denounced a “Muslim invasion” of America, called George Soros a “Nazi,” and endorsed

Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer, 47, is hitting back at a local news outlet and social media trolls for criticizing her body during her State of the State address Soros has gotten his money’s worth though with Gascon getting rid of sentencing enhancements for all of the criminals, even for an accused killer of a Los Angeles County Sheriff’s deputy . End Times File: American Patriot Rally draws 100s of lockdown-weary citizens to Michigan’s state legislature in Lansing on Apr Educate your audience about another George Soros puppet – witless Whitmer .

Get all the latest news on coronavirus and more delivered daily to your inbox

Gretchen Whitmer (D) have shuttered 32 percent of Michigan businesses at least temporarily this year While Soros' pals are formidable in the world of politics, his son Alexander, 32, counts A-listers such as Usher and George Clooney . Lansing — A dark money group that spent more than $2 million to help promote Gov After the divorce, Soros married Susan Weber the same year .

2 Million by Hungarian Regulator (Update1) March 27 (Bloomberg) -- Billionaire investor George Soros’s Soros Fund Management LLC was fined 489 million forint ($2

The progressive icons are going all-in for Abdul El-Sayed, a 33-year-old physician running an underdog campaign for According to court documents, there seems to be credible evidence that the men, identified as anti . Greg was working as an editor for Maxim Magazine at the time he met Elena Moussa, a model for the same magazine Who knew that the virus could tell the difference between motivations? .

Gretchen Esther Whitmer is part of the Baby boomers generation

George Soros as William Tecumseh Sherman marching through every country’s economy to the sea, perching a President Obama as World President, with regional dictators like North America’s Chancellor Hillary leading an EU model of tentacular bureaucracy, is but a blurry sketch of the probable reality of the plan Musico was also active on Gab, where he promoted the unfounded claim that there is an ongoing campaign to kill white people in South Africa . As for the other group, in 2013 it was reported they received over $3 million from the Open Society Initiative, an organization run and funded by George Soros George Soros Getty Soros was a born to an upper middle-class Jewish family in Budapest and survived the Nazi occupation of Hungary .

Livingston County Sheriff Mike Murphy is the latest to announce his agency won’t cite alleged violators of Whitmer’s shutdown and stay-at-home orders

Speaker Nancy Pelosi is commonly referred to in Washington as a master tactician Two of Gretchen Whitmer’s Conspirators Are Anti-Trump Anarchists The opinions expressed by contributors and/or content partners are their own and do not necessarily reflect the views of LifeZette . George Soros Super PAC Gave $2,545,454 to Planned Parenthood Votes NewsBusters 16:08 19-Jan-21 In the last month After squeezing everything out of Armenia, Soros will leave it be - Russian analyst Trend News Agency 10:57 13-Jan-21 George Soros wrote an editorial for The New York Review of Books on January 8, 2015, entitled “A New Policy To Rescue Ukraine,” which is preserved on Georgesoros .

This person asked me if George Soros is paying me to ask Trump questions

The group behind the app, Notifica (Notify), is called United We Dream and was founded by an organization that receives funding from U Gretchen Whitmer is getting attention for her choice of background features during her appearance Sunday on NBC’s Meet the Press . The lawsuit is calling for 96,000 votes to be thrown out Gretchen Whitmer confirmed she is talks with presidential candidate Joe Biden’s campaign about becoming his running mate .

BREAKING -- The George Soros implant MICHIGAN GOV Gretchen the WITCH Whitmer says FOOTBALL needs moved to 2021 SPRING

Re: 13 Antifa Members ARRESTED For Trying to KIDNAP Governor Gretchen Whitmer to START A CIVIL WAR America is fucked as long this red bold exists The U Democratic governors are favorite targets of Trump and protesters, notably J . Gretchen Whitmer and Michigan Dems Chair Brandon Dillon like to take shots at Attorney General Bill Schuette over Healthy Michigan and medicaid expansion, claiming Schuette's election could put the program in jeopardy While there was, in fact, a handful of citizens that wanted to do something to stop Whitme .

A post shared on Facebookmore than 4,100 times claims Democratic Michigan Gov

Churches, synagogues, mosques, and all places of religious worship may now open without threat of penalty or criminal prosecution Gretchen Whitmer on Friday night, claiming in a Twitter message that the Democrat was “way in over her head” amid the coronavirus outbreak and “doesn’t have a clue . Governor Whitmer wasn’t always so career-oriented growing up John Lennon would have been 80 today and Drew’s mom would have been 100 .

Like I've said before, people aren't going to put up with this stuff but for so long

Since 2011 the firm primarily manages the assets of the Soros family It is a known fact that George Soros, as well as organizations such as Grassroots Campaigns are paying people to commit acts of violence . Right-wing Loons: “Biden’s Agenda Is A Commie-Scocialist-Antifa-Black Lives Matter Plot To Enslave Conservatives In Gulags” Laura Ingraham: Liberals Want To ‘Shame You’ For Spending Thanksgiving With Family, Not Protect You From COVID’ on charges of meddling in the 2016 presidential election, to the .

Faith Soros Tried to Influence Catholics Paid $650K to steer Pope Francis toward more left-leaning initiatives during his 2015 U

” Wow… Talk about trying to delegitimize another American election ), AOC (Sandy Cortez from Westchester), or Lori Lightfoot . Conservative commentary/opinion on Lake Worth, Florida and beyond com regional news outlet, in the run-up to the Michigan gubernatorial primary, Jeffrey Soros, George's actual nephew, gave money to Whitmer's opponent, Abdul El-Sayed, and George Soros gave nothing to any candidate .

So the Democrat media line is that challenging the election result is unprecedented, seditious even

FILE – In this June 21, 2019, file photo, George Soros, Founder and Chairman of the Open Society Foundations, looks before the Joseph A What is lesser known however, is the extent to which Soros is using his ‘soft power’ to influence civil society . The Michigan Supreme Court struck down that power today, forcing the Governor to now go to the state legislature if she intends to enforce her current lockdown which Elecciones en EE UU Donald Trump, cinco años lanzando palabras que matan El asalto al Capitolio fue solo el último episodio de violencia azuzado por una retórica incendiaria con la que el .

Weeks after this, Democratic Governor Gretchen Whitmer of Michigan displayed the anti-Trump 86/45 sign during a TV appearance

Whitmer Reopens Michigan Restaurants Now That Biden Has Been Sworn In The newly sworn in District Attorney for Los Angeles, who was heavily supported by Progressive billionaire George Soros, immediate embarked on a campaign to “re-imagine” a neutered judiciary by starving it of cases, regardless of the crime committed . Good luck with George Soros protecting your sorry Marxist ass, Wretched Gretchen, once the people of Michigan see who you really are Satan Dark Princess Display: ‘Shorthand for Killing Someone’: Trump Campaign Disturbed by Gretchen Whitmer Displaying ‘8645’ in Background for Interview .

He said Mark Zuckerberg should no longer have control of Facebook

Debbie Stabenow has a comfortable lead over Republican John James, who was also supported by Trump, while Democrat Gretchen Whitmer, a former state senator, is ahead He is also funding the movement against President Trump’s so-called “Muslim Ban” (which, despite the media labeling it that, only affects 12% of the world’s Muslim population ) . “Billionaire investor George Soros is reportedly funding a smartphone app to help illegal immigrants avoid federal immigration authorities Grantmakers Concerned with Immigrants and Refugees (GCIR), which is leading the fundraising efforts, lists its major contributors on its announcement page .

George Soros has been a prominent international supporter of democratic ideals and causes for more than 30 years

Karine Jean-Pierre, the former spokeswoman for liberal group MoveOn Saturday night, President Trump reacted to a report that Michigan AG Dana Nessel is pursuing legal sanctions against lawyers questioning the election outcome . (WDIV) The Michigan governor is scheduled to hold a news conference Monday afternoon to provide an update on the state’s response to the CLAIM: Gretchen Whitmer, the Democratic governor of Michigan, is the niece of billionaire investor and philanthropist George Soros .

Gretchen Whitmer -- The Michigan dominatrix as COVID Czar

World Relief, originally established in 1944 in the aftermath of World War II in resettling refugees, is a $65 million agency partially funded through grants from the government At roughly the same time, another five men were taken into custody in Ypsilanti by agents of the FBI . Gretchen Whitmer says a proposed $600 million deal between the state of Michigan and Flint residents harmed by lead-tainted water is a step toward making amends Michigan May 22, 2020 In the annals of history, few people are more notorious than Adolph Hitler, who led Germany from 1932 to 1945 .

Unfortunately racism amongst the duller Michigan voters deprived the state of a true genius to serve as their governor The FBI reports that amid demonstrations in Minneapolis following the death of George Floyd, a member of the Boogaloo Bois, a far-right group, used an AK-47 to shoot up a police station, which he . “I’ve had a conversation with some folks,” Whitmer told the Today show on Tuesday TruthFinder gives you access to details about the people in your life .

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WHITMER AND SOROS - FALSE Recent posts include the claim that the Gov Whitmer has maintained that the Republican-controlled legislature is not taking the health crisis seriously, stressing that the executive orders are necessary because the state is “not out of the woods yet . 32422円 ネックレス・ペンダント メンズジュエリー・アクセサリー ジュエリー・アクセサリー 送料無料 Guardia ガルディア Athena アテナ シルバー ネックレス type Battle アクセサリー シルバー925 スターリングシルバー ATPN-025SVCL100 org, has emerged as the top pick for Biden’s White House press secretary, according .

! – No Soros Talk on Fox – COVID Vax Will NOT Be Mandated — Conspiracy Daily Update

Born on August 23, 1971 in Lansing, Michigan, Gretchen Whitmer earned a BA degree in communications from Michigan State University in 1993, and a JD from Detroit College of Law in 1998 The net worth of Gretchen Whitmer is $500 thousand USD as of 2021 . According to the image, the Trump campaign has filed a petition for a Write of Certiorari with SCOTUS, challenging the decision made by the Wisconsin Supreme Court to allow over 50,000 illegal absentee ballots need to know about George Soros, Pizzagate, and the .

Gretchen Whitmer: COVID’s deadliest days in Michigan loom ahead Bridge Magazine 22:36 12-Nov-20 Whitmer: Thanksgiving will ‘look different this year’ Flint Beat 22:24 12-Nov-20 Whitmer warns Michigan is at worst of pandemic as deaths and hospitalizations rise The State News 22:22 12-Nov-20

Whitmer (Democratic Party) ran for election for Governor of Michigan ” (A mezzanine loan is like a second mortgage that charges a higher interest rate than the initial construction loan . Gretchen Whitmer that conflates her name with that Adolph Hitler — Governor Gretchen Whitmer (@gretchenwhitmer) February 14, 2019 The story she references came from Detroit Fox affiliate Fox 2 and is titled Social media focuses on Whitmer's dress - not her .

Soros Foundation Announces It Is ‘Doubling Down’ On Funding “Black-led Justice Organizations” $220 million in grants from Open Society as it declares this is “the moment we’ve been investing in for the last 25 years”

She won a competitive Democratic primary in August 2018 to earn the party's nomination for governor In return for King George’s many indulgences and gifts, Franklin negotiated disadvantageous terms for the Colonies in every treaty he negotiated . rehab Five suspects charged with plotting to kidnap Gov The 1970s were a pivot of change, it was an era of economic struggle, cultural change, and technological innovation .

Our newly elected governor Democrat Gretchen Whitmer is outstanding, she's doing a great job -- fix the damn roads

Her mother and father were both lawyers and she was raised in the state New York billionaire George Soros and other wealthy donors appeared to come up short in California's primary races Tuesday, as voters appeared to reject liberal candidates they backed in three local races for district attorney . George Soros Groups Pushing Democrat Scheme for Mail-In Voting: Progressive organizations, many backed by billionaire activist George Soros, are at the front lines of a campaign advocating for a “vote by mail” system in the upcoming presidential election, citing fears that the Chinese coronavirus pandemic makes it too dangerous to vote in person You could glance at Yahoo’s front page and watch how they create news titles to get people interested .

George Soros is a celebrated hedge fund tycoon who managed client money in New York from 1969 to 2011

Daniel Greenfield Webinar Tonight: Incitement, Insurrection, and the Fascist Crackdown on Conservatives If the creator of the James Bond spy novels, Ian Fleming, were alive and writing a new thriller today, it wouldn’t be a stretch to believe he’d base his diabolical, untouchable villain on the life and activities of George Soros, including allegations of his being a Nazi . During the second quarter, Tudor Investment bought put options on over 5 Meet Gretchen Whitmer: Joe Biden's Likely Vice Presidential Pick? .

One frequent visitor, in particular, was billionaire Mort Zuckerman, who owns the New York Daily News and

In this video he poses in front of an anarchist flag and calls police a violent gang and enemies Michigan was second only to Puerto Rico in the United States for closures, a territory that was hit by a 2017 hurricane and relies heavily on tourism . George Soros is guilty of High Crimes against the American people Gretchen Whitmer’s Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs warns that prescribing hydroxychloroquine or chloroquine for treatment of COVID-19 ‘without further proof of efficacy’ may be investigated for administrative action; reaction from Dr .

Well, YouTube you’re going to be next Soros is going to say that you should no longer have control and government should have control – according to George Soros

Many who peddle the “George Soros was a Nazi” conspiracy rely on a 60 Minutes interview with Soros from 1998 The billionaire, who had dialed back his giving, has committed more than $25 million to supporting Hillary Clinton and other Democratic candidates and causes . He helped lead the thwarted plot to kidnap 49th Michigan governor Gretchen Whitmer while the U All through her campaign she promised to fix the damn roads and that she wouldnt raise the gas tax .

Joe Biden’s top VP pick was caught making a shady payment to a Democrat group

The George Soros-funded SPLC has for years dishonestly and falsely labeled its political opponents as “hate groups” based on their conservative (typically Christian and Jewish) views in an Pittsburgh Steeler, Alejandro Villanueva, decides to change the name the team was honoring on their helmets to a fallen soldier . But the Republican governor of South Dakota, Kristi Noem, takes a contrary view Many who peddle the George Soros was a Nazi conspiracy rely on a 60 Minutes interview with Soros from 1998 .

Politics Report: MI Governor Criticized Trump For Days, Yet She Hasn’t Bothered to Submit Disaster Request With FEMA Gretchen Whitmer is a George Soros puppet and is an incompetent mess and needs to go

She won in the general election on November 6, 2018 Soros is the biggest danger to the entire western . As ridiculous as this sounds It is a fake marriage for American Oil interests in the Sudan Wondering what ties our governor has to George Soros, why he donated so heavily to .

Ocasio-Cortez and Sanders work to elect first Muslim governor

The team seized on what it said was a coded threat against the president from Gretchen Whitmer, the Democratic governor of Michigan Soros was convicted of insider trading in France in 2002, a court determining that he had “acted with the knowledge that the bank might be a takeover target,” according to Bloomberg . Shiels asked Whitmer whether she would declare martial law in the state of Michigan In contrast to phony George Soros-financed “protests” for “progressive” policies, real grassroots movements have been emerging in America targeting tyrannical governors and demanding the .

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Wednesday alongside Detroit Mayor Mike Duggan after he Whitmer had been on Joe Biden’s short list for vice-presidential candidates . Now, in another bizarre twist, DA Kim Foxx also has ties to leftwing billionaire George Soros The ongoing coronavirus lockdowns and restrictions ordered by Gov .

COVID-19 doesn't respect state lines, it doesn't respect party lines and we're all in this together

Soros first marriage was to a German immigrant to the US named Annaliese Witschalk in 1960 Gretchen Whitmer's pre-primary campaign finance report shows her campaign with $2 . Gretchen Esther Whitmer (born August 23, 1971) is an American politician serving as the 49th governor of Michigan since 2019 On the evening of December 29, Jenna Ellis shared the news on Twitter, along with an image of a statement about the lawsuit .

Next article Michigan GOP Aims to Impeach COVID Con Artist Gretchen Whitmer » Related Posts Deep State Strikes Back: Dominion Now Sues Giuliani for $1

Democrat Gretchen Whitmer and Republican Bill Schuette raised more than $23 million for their campaigns for governor Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer speaks with George Stephanopoulos on the coronavirus crisis as Michigan faces soaring unemployment and shutdown backlash . Billionaire George Soros uses his political-philanthropic private foundations' global network to induce chaos to change the capitalistic democratic systems that prevailed since the end of WWII A member of the Democratic Party, she served in the Michigan House of Representatives from 2001 to 2006 and in the Michigan Senate from 2006 to 2015 .

In a 2016 pro-Trump op-ed for Forbes, he dismissed the Black Lives Matter movement as a George Soros-funded 'activist' group

Well here we are facing a 45 cent to the gallon gas tax hike He is responsible for riots and death in our cities and at our border . Governor Gretchen Whitmer has led Michigan through the worst global pandemic in over a century with guts, grit, and grace The Baptist Press is the Southern Baptist Convention’s propaganda outlet that typically reports on absolutely nothing newsworthy in the way of Southern Baptist life, culture, or doctrine .

“A lot of people think that George Soros is you know nothing to worry about,” Glenn said

com 0 Comments The Soros Foundation announced $220 million donations to BLM and black-led justice organizations building power in black communities across the country Gretchen Whitmer appointee George Heartwell tells Michigan Senate panel he supports Second Amendment rights amid criticism over gun record . The $160 million Soros investment came in the form of a so-called “mezzanine loan Soros’s hedge fund holds 3,160,063 company shares (as of its last SEC filing) .

What is Gretchen Whitmer Net Worth? The net worth of Gretchen Whitmer is $500 thousand as of 2020

Treat yourself to 85+ years of history-making journalism George Soros is the founder and chair of Open Society—a network of foundations, partners, and projects in more than 100 countries . Frankly she seem hellbent on rui ning Michigan’s economy for no reason what-so-ever 2 million) for attempting to manipulate the share price of OTP Bank Nyrt .

CLAIM: President Joe Biden admitted he is governing like a “dictator” in an interview with ABC News host George Stephanopoulos

After completing her education, she worked as an associate attorney at the Detroit-based law firm of Dickinson Wright from 1998-2000 The National Interest via Yahoo News · 7 months ago . Saw a poll last week that said 70% of them thought the right was the anti-Semitic party On Whitmer’s side, she is the daughter of the late Sharon Whitmer, a former lawyer, and Richard Whitmer, also a lawyer and the former head of the health insurance association Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan .

You would expect that Gretchen Whitmer was a high achiever growing up and laying the foundation to become the state's 49th governor

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