Green tea's composition, beneficial properties, and the possibility of damage.

Green tea's composition, beneficial properties, and the possibility of damage.

Green tea is a drink that is made by mixing tea rub (camelia plant) leaves and warm water or milk. Green tea leaves are beneficial for the human body, and can even provide therapeutic benefits. The systematic consumption of this cold or hot drink with milk, lemon, jasmine and cinnamon as well as beeswax, which is free of sugar, helps in eliminating excess fluids in the body, and also boosts fat-burning. In other words, combining green tea and a nutritious diet and an active life style can help you lose weight.

In order to speed up the growth of the muscle mass of athletes, they must drink the tea 30 minutes prior the start of exercise. The caffeine content in Chinese green tea rapidly replenishes the energy levels and boosts vitality following sports activities. Green tea extract is used by women for their beauty.

Caloric and compositional content of green tea.

Green tea is rich in minerals, antioxidants (especially catechins), vitamins, and caffeine. Tea leaves that have been dried contain the calorific value of 140.7 Kcal per 100 grams.

The energy content of the final drink can be described in the form of

Green tea, 250 ml. Mug 6 kcal, added sugar 32 kcal, milk, honey, 12 kcal. Cream 32 kcal jasmine 2 kcal, ginger 1. 8 kcal. Lemon without sugar - 2. 2 kcal pouches of green tea 1 2 kcal. 2 kcal.

Tea in a pouch is advantageous for women and men just as long as the product has high-quality. It is true that in the majority of cases tea bags are composed of "tea rubbish" and are flavored with flavor as well as other harmful substances in order to increase the flavor. You should not purchase these drinks. One indication of the quality of a beverage is its cost.

Green tea with 100g nutritional value

Fat - 5.1 g, protein - 20 g, carbohydrates - 4 g.

The DG proportion of tea is 1/1. 3/0. 2 respectively.

Chemical composition of green tea per 100 grams of tableform:

Names of Chinese the green tea with fluoride composition, mg 10 ferrous mg 82 potassium mg 2480 sodium and mg 8. 2 Magnesium, mg 440 Calcium, mg 495 Phosphorus, mg 842 Vitamin A, mg 50 Vitamin C, mg 10 Vitamin B1 mg 0. 07 0. 07 Vitamin PP, mg 11. 3 Vitamin B2, mg 1.

A cup of coffee contains 80-85 mg of caffeine. In contrast, jasmine tea has 69-76 milligrams. Caffeine is a controversial substance in terms of its effects on the body. It's a controversial stimulant. But theanine, which is an amino acid psychoactive present in leaves of green tea can enhance the effects of caffeine. It also lessens or totally eliminates the effects. So, in contrast to coffee, green tea has few contraindications.

The green tea extract provides more antioxidants than normal beverages. It also contains amino acids and enzymes that are essential to our bodies. It also contains theanine, pantothenic acid, nicotinic acids and vitamin K as well as C. The caffeine is a topic of debate regarding its health benefits to our bodies. It is a controversial stimulant. Theanine can be described as a psychoactive amino acid found in green tea leaves that increase the effects of caffeine. Theanine also lessens or removes, the effects of side effects. So, as opposed to coffee, green tea is not a contraindication.

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