Green Specter Ghost Pirate

Green Specter Ghost Pirate


Green Specter Ghost Pirate


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Ghost House / Sunken Ghost Ship Tileset

Kamen Rider Ghost Billy the Kid Damashii

2-8: The Potted Ghost's Castle (1/6)

2-8: The Potted Ghost's Castle (2/6)

2-8: The Potted Ghost's Castle (3/6)

2-8: The Potted Ghost's Castle (4/6)

2-8: The Potted Ghost's Castle (5/6)

2-8: The Potted Ghost's Castle (6/6)

2-8: The Potted Ghost's Castle (Bonus)

Blue Ghost (Binding of Isaac-Style)

Donut Ghost House (Alternative Exit)

Forest Ghost House (1/2) - Background

Forest Ghost House (Alternative Exit)

Ghost House (Super Mario Bros. 1 NES-Style)

The Ghost Muncher PT3 Ghosts (NES-Style)

Ghost Rider (Greithoth, Breaker of Wills)

Gold Ghost (The Binding of Isaac-Style)

Shy Guy/Lantern Ghost Generator Pipe Interior

Special Episode 1 - Ghost Pirate's Island of Coins

Special Episode 1 - Ghost Pirate's Island of Coins

They / Ghost (Zelda Game Boy-Style)

Yuyuko Saigyouji (Stationary Ghost)

Yuyuko Saigyouji (Tiny Ghost Mistress)

Kamen Rider Specter Specter Damashii

Kamen Rider Specter Tutankhamun Damashii

Bust-a-Move Deluxe / Bust-a-Move Ghost / Ultra Puzzle Bobble Pocket

Ghost Sweeper Mikami: Joreishi wa Nice Body (JPN)

Kamen Rider Ghost: Game de Kaigan!!

Kirby's Avalanche / Kirby's Ghost Trap

Nancy Drew: Ghost Dogs of Moon Lake

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Brenda Wade is a tough, independent millionaire-ess who runs Wade Enterprises, a high tech firm responsible for military contracts, tech development and a holding company for various subsidiaries like Wade-Mart, a national store chain. Delta City might as well be called Wade City. Ms. Americana is considered Brenda Wade's body guard by the general public. Occasionally Brenda Wade will arrange public meetings between the two, either though holograms or having a heroine like Got Gal dress as Ms. Americana to re-enforce they are separate people, a favor they routinely share. Brenda Wade is the adopted daughter of General Wade who was murdered by anti-US terrorists in front of Brenda when she was very young. She owes her prosperity and freedom to the American way and staunchly defends the American ideal. Her true origins are still a mystery. Nicknamed the "Queen of Justice", Americana is Delta City's premier super heroine and city idol. The city and media routinely promotes her winning exploits while downplaying her more embracing mistakes.

Her power include super endurance, super strength, and super healing. The source of most of her powers comes from the Americana Power Belt. The belt is an invention of Brenda Wade's and contains Wade Tech enhancements including a kinetic force-field that deflects high speed projectiles and increases impact resistance. This affords Ms. Americana some protection from small arms fire.

Tanya O'Donnel was a successful model turned news caster for INN news. One night, the vision of the Goddess of GOT, an ancient fertility goddess, appeared before her and awarded her the GOT emerald which unlocked her innate powers and made her a fertility servant of the goddess. Apparently the requirement for selection is not only Aphrodite ability but the candidate must have a deep seeded perverse sexual desire which allows them to suffer the ravages of their opponents. Charged by the Goddess to defeat all abominations, monsters, mutants and deviations that threaten the sexual purity of women Got Gal set out on her avengers. It is unclear if the goddess truly is serious about these servants defending fertility or if in some perverse way the goddess derives bizarre enjoyment from her servants' plights. In any event a busty woman in a bikini fighting monsters doesn't usually end well for the woman and Got Gal is routinely impregnated with monster babies. She tends to be arrogant and over confident and feels if someone can take her down then she got what she deserved for losing, again this maybe the effect of the emerald amplifying her inner deviant fantasies. Got Gal's first major fight was against an evil scientist named Dragon Queen. The mad woman managed to capture Got Gal and after Got Gal spurned her advances had the buxom blonde gang raped and impregnated by her ninja minions. Luckily Got Gal was able to use her emerald to negate the unwanted impregnation but Tanya was left with a wild desire for more action like this. Over the years Got Gal and Dragon Queen have fought on many occasions. Got Gal also is helped by Professor Whirter who researches mutants and any anomalous freaks of nature for the government.

Like Ms. Americana, Got Gal's power include enhances strength, endurance, and healing when she is in possession of the Got Emerald. It also comes with the added benefit of magical flight. Her emerald comes from the ancient Goddess of GOT. The gem unlocks its wearer's innate powers and is attuned to only its owner. Got Gal is the most powerful GOT emerald owner. The emerald has the ability to remove some unwanted impregnation if used within a certain period of time.

Lydia Wills was originally discovered at a young age in an orphanage by Brenda Wade who, at the time was developing a means to detect the Aphrodite gene. Lydia was kidnapped by a covert foreign government group wanting Aphrodites for breeding purposes. Ms. Americana saved Lydia from this shadow group with Lydia being a help in fighting the bad guys. Wade realized her test could be used to track down other Aphrodites and so abandoned it. So impressed was Brenda at Lydia's willingness to help she made her a ward and revealed her secret to Lydia. Now Lydia goes to school and works with Brenda Wade as her personal assistant. She is Ms. Americana's loyal side kick on their heroic adventures. Flag Girl also goes on her own, unauthorized adventures she likes to call Flag Girl's Secret Files. These little escapades usually involve team ups with other teen heroines like Shield, Amazing Babe, Azure Angel, Got Chic and Specter Girl with Flag Girl self electing herself as their leader.

Due to the power belt she wears, Flag Girl abilities are the same as Ms. Americana, but at half strength.

Anita Jackson was a young college girl who was a huge fan of Got Gal and would follow her and report on the heroine's exploits for her school news paper, leaving out the more sexual aspects. At one point Got Chic was attacked by a mutation and was save by Got Gal. Later the Goddess of GOT awarded Anita with her own emerald, though smaller than Got Gals. Anita now works as a camera girl for INN news as well as goes to Delta college for a journalism degree. Got Gal and Got Chic routinely fight crime and evil monsters and have gone on several adventures. Got Chic also sometimes teams up with other teen heroines in her own adventures.

Got Chic has the same powers as Got Gal thanks to the Got Emerald that she own, but at half strength.

Axanna Morgan was a rich businessman's trophy wife. After he died while saving her from a kidnapping attempt, Axanna was inspired by his heroism to take up the superheroine mantle herself and to begin fighting crime as Green Specter.

Summer Morgan is Axanna Morgan's daughter. After finding out that her mother is a superheroine, the bored honor student pleaded with her mother to allow Summer to become her sidekick. Axanna finally gave in and now she and Specter Girl fight crime together.

Hexanna's tribe are the guardians of the Skull Staff. The staff, an ancient South American artifact has been handed down for generations to the most attractive girl in the village. The women of her Brazilian village are bred for their beauty, health and sexuality. Using the staff has its price seeing how the staff's energy comes from the souls of the sick, demented and evil. These souls demand sacrifices from the owners such as sexual acts, dances and other perversions to keep them cooperative. At times the staff will turn on its owner and either refuse to work or worse, turn its magic on its owner, taking its due in the form of intense sexual assault. At times the staff has even failed Hexanna at the right time to allow her to be assaulted and raped for the souls sick enjoyment. Hexanna's spells are really chanted songs convincing the staffs souls to act in her favor. Most of the time the souls cooperate as long as she appeases them.

Hexanna is an above average athlete. Without her Skull Staff she is a fair combatant and skilled authority on the occult. Her powers come from her Skull Staff which is a prison for the souls of the evil she vanquishes. These souls must fulfill their time in the staff before they can move on to the other side. The staff has a myriad of powers including teleportation, flight, fire attacks, creation of simple objects, healing and more. The staff is not limitless and requires the souls of vanquished evil doers to replenish its energies.

Dana McQueen was four when their family's airplane crashed over the jungle under mysterious circumstances. Both her parents were killed and she was raised by local villagers. It is believe the spirits of the jungle bestowed abilities on her to commune with animals and taught her the ways of the wild so she could be a defender of the jungle. At age 16 loggers found the young girl and returned her to the outside world. Dana discovered she was heiress to the McQueen oil empire which was taken over by her uncle Titus whom she later discovered was the one who sabotaged the plane her parents died in. She lost control of the company but still had her family fortune which she uses to defend the earth's jungles from exploitation and destruction.

Jungle Babe is a Type 1 Aphrodite, which grants her the abilities of heightened healing, agility, and strength. She also an affinity with communicating with animals and understanding nature.

Sara Kraft, the "Tomb Huntress", travels the world in search of relics and treasure mostly for the excitement and adventure. She is as well read and educated as she is blatantly arrogant and narcissistic. Born to a wealthy lord she has never known poverty or daily hardship instead she uses her inheritance to indulge her thrill seeking fantasies. Also know as the "Tomb Raper" by real archaeologists and critics. Sara Kraft is notorious for looting and destroying otherwise sacred and priceless sites. She has no hesitation about destroying and violating ancient sites to get what she wants. Her motto is "They're all dead anyway so they don't need it." Sadly for the spoiled rich girl she often times falls into traps set out for the naive and over confident. Also, her lack of restraint has gotten her captured and raped by competitive fortune hunter and thugs on a few occasions. Its has been rumored she was captured raiding an Egyptian tomb and was sold into white slavery for nearly a year but that has never been verified Sara Kraft now works in conjunction with with the British museum of antiquities as a procurer of ancient artifacts.

Sara Kraft is a highly skilled athlete and in top physical condition. She is also well educated in archaeology and the occult. She believes in shooting first and talking later and brandishes all sorts of fire arms. Her favorite weapons are her silver chrome 45 magnums which she carries on her at all times. She is also an expert mountain climber. Cave explorer and outdoors-man. She speaks several languages and knows several cultures but is rather intolerant of foreigners and anyone she feels is beneath her.

Angela Grear graduated top of her glass at Delta City college. Driven by memories of her father who died as a police officer in the line of duty. Angela was determined to become the city's best district attorney and put the scum of the streets behind bars. Sadly, the system was slower and less efficient than she liked plus she felt the police were not doing a great job rounding up criminals. If only the city had someone outside the law that could strike at crime without mercy. Thus Lady Midnight was born. Wearing her satin costume, vinyl boots, mask and gloves. Lady Midnight slips through the murky world of Delta City's night life using surprise and stealth to catch criminals red handed. Plus using her position as prosecutor she is able to administer devastating justice with her fore-knowledge of the crime and the criminals. Lady Midnight is considered a dark avenger: law enforcement in Delta City tolerates her illegal back door activity but just barely. Criminals are usually very wary of her because of her reput
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