Green Sea Turtles Fascinating Creatures of the Ocean

Green Sea Turtles Fascinating Creatures of the Ocean

Sea turtles are majestic creatures that have roamed the world's oceans for millions of years. The green sea turtle, in particular, is a fascinating species that is admired by people all over the world. These turtles are so named due to the greenish hue of the fat layer under their shells. While they spend most of their time in shallow lagoons and bays, they can also be found in open water.

Green sea turtles are a medium-sized turtle species, typically weighing between 200 and 500 pounds. However, there have been reports of some green sea turtles that weigh nearly 700 pounds! Their shell, or carapace, is brown to black in color and is characterized by a smooth surface with a slightly serrated edge. Their flippers are long and paddle-like, making them excellent swimmers, and their head is small with a serrated jaw.

One of the most fascinating things about green sea turtles is their diet. They are herbivorous and feed on seagrass and algae found in shallow lagoons and bays. In addition, green sea turtles have a unique way of feeding. They swallow rocks and use them to grind up their food in their stomachs, a process known as gastroliths.

Green sea turtles are also known for their remarkable navigational abilities. They can travel thousands of miles from their nesting beaches to feeding grounds and back again. They can even navigate by sensing the Earth's magnetic fields, a skill that scientists are still trying to understand.

Unfortunately, green sea turtles are listed as endangered species due to hunting, habitat destruction, and accidental capture in fishing gear. Conservation efforts have been put in place to protect these magnificent creatures, and their populations are slowly recovering. By educating ourselves and taking steps to protect their habitats, we can help ensure the survival of green sea turtles and other sea turtle species for generations to come.

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