Green March - issue #8

Green March - issue #8


Survey results on the "Plandemic"

We conducted a small survey at first of those more committed to solutions to the problems facing humanity and then to those in the larger truth community. Herewith observations of the results in summary:

  • Three quarters were very interested in our materials with one quarter less interested, none were disinterested
  • Nine out of ten people were working as a priority for Truth and the collective freedom struggle, with only one in ten prioritizing their own survival or that of their family
  • Six out of ten have read the Bible, four out of ten the Qur'an, four out of ten the "Protocols of the Elders of Zion", only two out of ten The Green Book and only one out of ten or less had read the Green Charter.

    This is exactly why we're doing what we're doing because the solutions are not clear in the Bible, originals of which have been lost, but made easy for everyone in The Green Book and result in rights such as in the Green Charter.
  • None said they did not read books at all, though only 5% of people polled answered the questions in the survey so we can assume that anywhere from 5-95% of people are averse to reading.
  • Two out of ten had read "A Brave New World" and no one had bothered with Karl Schwab's "4th Industrial Revolution" though it is the road map for the transition of humanity to total enslavement.
  • From solutions to the plandemic the majority see Prayers, meditation or strong faith as the answer, and that nine out of ten see that "white hats, or a savior or leader" is not the solution, these positions being equally common among both those actively seeking solutions ("revolutionaries") and those reacting as observers ("reactionaries").

    (Note: a much higher percentage of revolutionaries answered the survey questions, compared to reactionaries, and these survey results are only indicative, not definitive.)

    Among reactionaries, half see "united non-compliance, just say NO" as a solution, whilst among those actively seeking solutions it is somewhat less, perhaps aware that by everyone just saying no, the problem may be delayed but won't go away indefinitely. At least half of the revolutionaries see solutions including "building alternative power structure" as well as "common vision working together" as solutions. Among reactionaries these two solutions are only advocated by a small minority, with reactionaries much more favorable to the minority view that "cutting off the head of the snake" is a solution, revealing the deficit in understanding the nature of power and the pyramid, which children who used to play with stones instead of tablets, are only too aware of: removing the top bricks does nothing to collapse the pyramid, they are easily replaced.

    After two years of demonstration by the "transhumanists, eugenecists, technocracy advocates, Money Men Mafia" that their old version of "democracy" is a waste of time by deliberately inserting a senile pedophile into the puppet-seat, none of the revolutionaries nor reactionaries advocate "voting in the right people at election" and only one in ten among reactionaries now thinks "White hats, a savior or leader" will save them, after having been led up the garden path too many times. However, we'd need to conduct a further survey to find out how many would go for the "AI-technocracy" to replace "democracy" and how many would realize that the solution lies in the people exercising power themselves directly via legislative People's Conferences and executive People's Committees.

    None also saw "a hot war, or mass uprisings" as the solution, perhaps, although not necessarily, to the dismay of the architects of the plandemic.
  • A majority of those surveyed among revolutionaries, given their care for not only themselves but others, had experienced negative health effects, physical overwhelmingly but also mental, as a result of the plandemic, almost half have experienced financial stress or poverty as a result, one in five have had relationships broken, three in ten have had important plans obstructed, one in ten experienced death of a loved one as a result, and one in five experienced a significant reduction in their mobility.

    These results we believe will vary significantly depending upon people's location and circumstances prior to the Plandemic, and also will worsen over time. NONE reported having experienced NO real effects due to the Plandemic.
  • What we predicted to be a probably miscalculation of the Money Men Mafia planners assisted by their "AI" Artificial Intelligence, devoid of Spirit, is the spiritual aspects and effects of the Plandemic. Perhaps they thought by closing down or restricting congregational prayers, they'd lessen the blow of the "illogical, primitive, religious" and diminish the "God gene", however, more than half of the "revolutionaries" experienced a personal "more prayer or more spiritual", and almost half of reactionaries the same.
  • A majority of revolutionaries feel isolated in their views, which is not surprising, whilst only one in five of the reactionaries feel isolated in their views, given the effects of "consensus reality", "mass psychosis" and long term programming. A larger minority of revolutionaries are "pessimistic for the future" compared to reactionaries, and one in five feel "optimistic that we will win", with more reactionaries optimistic about "winning". Revoutionaries are equally divided between optimism and pessimism about winning against the future of the Plandemic, as well as "it could go either way". Many more revolutionaries, about two thirds, know that there is "no going back to normal", whilst about half of reactionaries feel that things "won't go back to normal". These results are disappointing as it shows that there is a real lack of consciousness even among the "revolutionaries". However, the flip side is that none of the revolutionaries see things "going back to normal" and only one in ten of reactionaries too.

    This seems to indicate a more ready acceptance of this fact by revolutionaries, and a more reluctant one, and one more of "hope", by the reactionaries, and is not surprising to us.
  • A big divide between "revolutionaries" and "reactionaries" regarding how they feel about the future, is that only the reactionaries, though only one in ten of them, feel about the future "confused", or believes that "nothing can be done", or "I wish I could do something".
  • Only one in five people, mostly revolutionaries, feel that "people get what they deserve" and this comes from an understanding that the Plandemic is the result, long coming, of the withdrawal of people from power and knowledge, freedom and responsibility, and therefore is to be expected, and thus, deserving. Why should we deserve otherwise, when we surrender all these essentials in return for "comfort and security"?
  • Survey results on what people "would like to see" are very encouraging, and are a little higher for revolutionaries than among reactionaries, however, there is not a great divide. This shows us that the solutions put forward by the Third Universal Theory to the problems such as that of power, is not, as "Marxist-type" revolutionaries would fear, the need for revolutionaries to exercise power at the exclusion of others, but validates our philosophy on the separation of revolution and power. We are aware that only those who have studied the Third Universal Theory in depth will understand the meaning of what we've said here.
  • The encouraging results on "what would you like to see" are more than half of all surveyed, and two thirds of revolutionaries, would like to see "a People's Trial and punishment of the Order givers and order followers", and that around two thirds of revolutionaries and almost half of reactionaries would like to see "A People's alternative to the World Health Organization", a "People's Revolution that sweeps away government and oppression", and "People taking responsibility for freedom and power instead of blaming the ''elite''". Over half of revolutionaries and one third of reactionaries would like to see "A world symposium of thinkers on alternative solutions to the problems facing humanity". Only one in ten "none of the above or other", and none at all, thankfully, "A United Nations intervention to put things right".
  • One in five would like to see "A Greater Reset and return to Natural Law even if it means destruction of AI and advanced technologies". We believe this will grow when more people become aware of the heavy disadvantages and extreme dangers of high technology when not under your own control, or that of the community but in minority hands of the Money Men Mafia who are the only ones who can afford to produce it.
  • Finally, if there was "a free country run by the people and ignoring all health and safety restrictions (no tests, no masks, no vaccines)" both revolutionaries and reactionaries hold similar views: two thirds would "move there if possible", more than half would "support them morally" (after all that doesn't cost anything), one third would "support them materially", and only one revolutionary would "fight for them even in war". This again shows the lack of knowledge, in that people still "want things for free", in other words, they'd be happy to move to such a place, but, not happy to materially support it (or at least before doing so) and very few if any would be actually willing to "fight for it even in a war". We are, after all, most revolutionaries and also many reactionaries recognize, in a war since a very long time. It is just not being fought with bullets.

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