Green March - issue 7

Green March - issue 7


Reaction without Solution

The masses continue without any clear ideology on how to solve their problem: the lack of power. Demonstrations, petitions, nothing changes...

If a problem hits you and you simply react to it without much thought, this is what we can call reactionary. Let us look at this in more detail, going back to basic principles.

If a cow hits an electric fence, it recoils. It reacts to the pain. The cow is awake and not asleep. This is similar to a person who upon noticing the pain of oppression, reacts.

The "great awakening" thus far consists of people, mostly in those countries where they had hitherto not experienced overt oppression, and they are almost all reactionaries.

Before their awakening they enjoyed the comforts of life and now miss those limited freedoms they had, and have now awoken to the farmer that has them in the pen.

They protest, they go on marches, holding up placards, shout slogans, led by people who are often agents of the state, and they do battle with the policy enforcers.

Having vented their frustration they return home, or to jail, or to hospital, and nothing changes in the equation of power. At best the oppressor modifies their strategies.

Worse, those who suffer cognitive dissonance and cannot believe that the oppressor has no mercy nor any compassion, sign petitions begging to be given their freedom.

In all cases, whatever the reactionaries do, they don't seek solutions. Let us look at some main options to consider when faced with oppression:

  1. Do nothing.
  2. Reaction.
  3. Revolution.

The first option will not solve the problem. Compliance only encourages the oppressor.

The second option also doesn't solve the problem on its own, in fact, it usually makes it worse: it gives the oppressor chances to modify their strategies but never causes them to abandon their end goal plans as evidenced by hundred years of history.

It also gives the oppressor the chance to target and destroy those who are aware of their oppression and are prepared to do something about it.

The third, revolution, is what is required.

Revolution means going full circle and back to basics, to natural law, to nature, which is powerful and on our side as humane beings.

It requires thinking, vision, planning, strategy, organization and effort.

"No revolution without revolutionary ideology"

The 1% of the awake 1% are capable of putting aside their prejudices, casting aside the programming, and resisting temptations to throw out the babies with the bath water.

They are able to objectively and cooly think and analyze the situation without losing their hot passion for justice, they are strongly motivated in pursuit of truth.

Finding the real and lasting solution to any problem requires finding the root of the problem. The root of the problem is lack of power and knowledge. Knowledge is power.

Power, is exercising it, not just individually, but collectively.

At the root of all the problems of dictatorship and coercion is power. Those who have power exert it over those who do not. No human rights Charter can have any effect if there is no power to back up the rights and freedoms it contains.

You can hold up the Green Charter of human rights, the Magna Carter, the Socialist Constitution of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, the Bible, the Qur'an, the Torah, or anything else in your hands, it won't protect from the barrel of the gun.

What protects is actual implementation of such principles and beliefs, in the practical sense of practice. Thus the Green Charter rightly points out that human rights cannot be in effect nor guaranteed in any society where the people do not hold the power.

So, how to the people, those free men and women who care, take power?

Not by targeting the head of the snake which is unreachable and replaceable.

Not by insanely repeating what hasn't worked for hundreds of years.

Not by replacing one instrument of power with another group or party.

Not by falsely believing that the elite has the power...

Where does that power derive from at each level of the pyramid of power?

At each level, it derives from the levels below it.

At whatever level of power people are at, bottom rung or higher up, it is those above them that derive all their power from those below them.

This is clear to any child that builds a pyramid of bricks.

Remove the top bricks, the pyramid is still there, easy to replace the top bricks.

Loosen and remove bricks from lower levels, the pyramid collapses, or diminishes.

It is clearly evident we have to remove ourselves from the pyramid system of power.

It is not at all evident where we go, so let us look at that:

  • Do we build another pyramid?
  • Do we just live on our own off grid remotely?
  • Do we just cater for our own personal survival?
  • Do we start building the alternative, the real power structure?

It is the last option that the revolutionaries, as defined above, opt for. So, what is the alternative? It is surprisingly simple, in fact, it is so simple and can be learned in a single week of light study, and this leads to the following problems:

  • Intellectuals overlook and disregard it "things surely cannot be so simple"
  • Skeptics or those out of comfort zone seek to modify it to suit pre-conceptions

However, those who are revolutionaries understand it well, embrace it, and make use of it as their tool to analyze the problem, solve it at its root, have the clear vision, and a practical method and means of organization that is effective to reach the goal.

It is the Third Universal Theory and once understood, all that remains is to put it into practice once again, so that the battle is settled in favor of freedom.

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