Green March - issue #14

Green March - issue #14


Continuing from past expositions of the need for solving problems at their root and not on the periphery, let us give the example of the "Plandemic Tree".

There is a barren soil, devoid of nutrients, upon which only poisonous plants can grow. It was not always like this, once the soil was fertile and healthy and thus healthy fruit trees with healthy fruits grew on it.

Along came modern man and profited from this soil and took from it, growing more fruit trees and harvesting, but without paying sufficient attention to putting back nutrients into the soil, thus degrading it over time.

In this analogy, compare the soil to the people, and the quality of the soil, to the amount of applied knowledge among the people. Now, the soil is barren.

Hence, the plandemic tree grows and this tree looks like this, when viewed from the soil below, all they see are the sick leaves, evidently the tree is sick, there are no green healthy leaves. But the leaves cover the branches still and thus the branches and trunk (root) of the tree are not easily visible.

Thus, the infertile soil clumps, or those wishing to become fertile again, look at the tree, see all the leaves, and take out microscopes to examine the leaves.

But first, let us understand the structure of the Plandemic Tree.

The root is called "PCR Test" -- without it there would be no branches which are called the Lockdown Branch, the PPE Branch, the Restrictions Branch, the Vaccinations Branch. Because the root is poisoned and grows on infertile soil, hence, the branches are naturally also all poisoned, and hence, all the leaves too.

Let us take a cursory look at the Vaccine branch: on it are various leaves, the Pfizer Leaf, the Astra Zenica Leaf, the Moderna Leaf, etc. While no one is checking the root of the tree, or at least not sufficiently (we'll return to this later), they're examining the leaves in great detail under the microscope. On the leaves of the vaccine branch:

"Oh WOW! Look at that!!! Aborted fetal tissue!!! Graphene Oxide!!! Poisons!!! Don't take those vaccines!!!"

This is not to say that no one should examine the leaves, for anyone can conduct any study or pursue any knowledge as they freely wish. However, for almost everyone this is totally unnecessary? Why, should be obvious, but we realize that the soil is so barren, so we'll point out the obvious, which was alluded to earlier:

Since the root is all poison (PCR Test) and since therefore all the branches are poisoned, and thus naturally the leaves and fruits are poisoned, why would we even need to consider taking any fruit from this tree or checking if the fruit is safe or not?

The question doesn't even arise. Since this tree is the Plandemic Tree, poisoned from its root, and growing on infertile soil, we don't need to waste our time with all that, and should leave that to the experts such as Dr Bakhdi.

What we should do however, is check the root. When the millions of people go and take their PCR tests, did even one single one of them bother to ask the laboratory for the full data of the tests conducted on their samples? No. They are just given a printout with the final conclusion: Positive or Negative.

Not even the doctor is given the actual data. And yet, for every other test you take you are always given all the data no matter how illiterate you are. You are free to use your X-rays, scans, blood tests, etc with all their data, however you want: as toilet paper to dry your backside after defecating and cleansing with water, or to hand to an "expert" to interpret or misinterpret, or to use it all yourself to interpret or misinterpret.

The point is, it is your data and you are always entitled to your data. So why not for the PCR tests? Try asking the lab, you will not get a "yes, here is your data" nor a "no, we're not giving it to you", for legal reasons, they'll simply not give you a response. Someone needs to force the issue with a lawyer, to compel an answer, why?

If they say Yes, here is your data, now you have the full data that blows holes in this PCR test being misused as a "diagnosis". If they say No, then you take them to court and win for denying you your own data, to which you are entitled, since it is your data.

This is the same reason the vaccinated should not respond with "yes" when asked, and the unvaccinated should not respond with "no" when asked about their status. Why? If you respond yes, then you are down the road of more vaccinations. If you respond no, then you are down the road of your first vaccination. If you respond correctly:

"That is my private business" then you are outside the two-options, in the Third Universal Theory which solves all problems, and notably the question of Power, at their root, there is always a third option and that third one is the correct one.

When pressed why won't you give us an answer? Then you give a great many reasons, which we'll not spend the time here, those wanting to know the fuller answers and key to solving all such problems, can attend our Seminars. This knowledge is not appropriate for everyone, you must start as some basics first and grasp those before we can even attempt to explain more advanced (but simple in hindsight) issues.

The cycle of ... Truth > Knowledge > Power > Freedom > Responsibility > Truth ... is a key factor in solving the problems facing humanity in knowledge, power, freedom and responsibility, and understanding this cycle and circle is also fundamental to applying these principles to other problems as they arise, and their solutions.

Otherwise by all means continue to waste time and energy on demonstrations, petitions, waking up the sheep, examining vaccines, pointing out how evil the "elite" are, and repeatedly pinching yourself just to verify that you are "awake" and it is all real. There are those who have been conscious for generations, learn from them.

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