Green March - issue #13

Green March - issue #13


How do the people organize themselves to take power?

There is only one democratic method that places the people themselves directly into power in a manner which is organized from the local community level and which unites all people without barriers of ideology, religion, nationality or any other divisions. And that is the following:

People's Conferences and People's Committees

People's Conferences are formal gatherings where the people themselves decide collectively by consensus their own policies, that is, they make decisions themselves, convincing others of the veracity of those proposals, and such decisions are resolutions to be carried out (executed) by the various people's committees.

Here an example:

The Brixton People's Conference convenes ("BPC") and forms a secretariat whose role is not to set an agenda and make decisions, but to facilitate the masses in the conference to raise issues of concern and deliberate on them. (Details of the functions of secretariats are in the literature of the movement, e.g. People's Authority Guide").

Let us say the Brixton People's Conference finds the majority agenda item put forward by its participating members is "vaccines" and upon everyone having turns to put forward proposals a consensus is reached as following example:

  • No "mandate" 
  • Freedom of choice
  • Publish information revealing facts about the vaccines and their companies
  • Educate on this by making information available 
  • Legal assistance for those facing "mandates"

This would be issued in a resolution that embodies the above and is endorsed by the members of the BPC after some tweaking so it reflects their collective will. Then volunteers are required in this case for e Committees:

  • Brixton People's Committee for Health
  • Brixton People's Committee for Justice
  • Brixton People's Committee for education

These three committees are tasked with carrying out (executing) the resolutions (legislation) of the Brixton People's Conference as in the above example.

They work together day to day, monitored by the secretariat of the BPC and directly accountable to the BPC where they report back their implementations. 

In this way both the authority of the people, exercised directly without representation, in their people's conferences instead of via misrepresentative politicians, and the administration via their people's committees instead of "government departments" and other dictatorial and unaccountable authorities, is satisfied.

This also solves the following problems which aren't addressed by informal "groups":

  • Decision making is done by all (Conference)
  • Execution is carried out collectively by those entrusted (Committees)
  • Legitimacy because decisions come from Conference not Committee
  • Accountability because committees serve the conferences

This is indeed the first human right article of the Green Charter:

"Democracy is the power of the people, not only the expression of the people. We declare that power belongs to the people. It is exercised directly, without intermediary or representatives in the popular congresses and the people's committees."

In the above example, all the People's Committees for Health in the London region make up the London People's Committee for Health at the municipal level, and all the municipal People's Committee for Health make up the National People's Committee for Health, etc. 

The motor to educate, mobilize and motivate the people to exercise their authority is the Revolutionary Committees who study this theory in great detail so that they can make the revolution a reality in which the people are masters of themselves.

The primary task of the Green Charter Movement of Revolutionary Committees is revolutionary education and especially on how the people can organize themselves effectively taking power into their own hands. Unlike other movements the revolutionary committees movement (RCM) does not aim for power but for the people as a whole, revolutionary or not, to possess power.

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