Green March - issue #11

Green March - issue #11


The world continues to turn without change, the masses still expect magic to happen, for freedom to drop on them from above, without effort nor struggle.

Those who stop and think are aware that what is now experienced is deserved: for when you relinquish all power to others, those others will use that for their benefit.

Long ago have the masses given up whatever power they had, out of laziness, ignorance, convenience, comfort, progressively day by day, year by year, until they awoke and found they have no power left.

Without power, you cannot have freedom for those with power will prevent you from exercising it. Without knowledge of how power works in modern times and complex societies and how to solve the problem of power, "democracy", you won't achieve it.

If you seek that knowledge and take the short-cut to the real understanding of power and contemporary solutions to apply it, via The Green Book and the educational programs of revolutionary committees, then you need responsibility to exercise it.

That responsibility in turn means you are responsible not only for exercising your revolutionary freedom but also to seek that knowledge and share it, thus completing the cycle of power. Yet, only the minority are seeking any such solutions.

The revolutionary is the one who does not merely react to situations and circumstances but goes back to the root of the problem, analyzes it and applies the natural law of the Third Universal Theory to solve it.

The reactionaries are those majority who react to situations when they face them and thus includes the majority of the so-called awake who are merely awake to their own situation, but lacking the consciousness which also implies collective responsibility.

This is the situation few are those who know fewer are those seeking solutions and even fewer those willing to spend time and efforts on solutions. Truth: > Knowledge > Power > Freedom > Responsibility > Knowledge > … that circle must be complete and cycling like blood in the body.

All our big problems of oppression are rooted in the lack of power due to lack of knowledge. With power comes freedom with freedom comes responsibility with responsibility comes the need to seek and share that knowledge and apply it.

Revolutionaries go to the origins of things but let’s define our words. What is a revolution? Going full circle back to origins to natural law and applying it. Reactionaries let us define reaction it is reacting to situations just like the awake people from this plandemic almost all are reactionaries.

Revolutionaries go to the root of any problem. The Plandemic tree is in barren soil which is the lack of knowledge of the people enabling it. Its root is the PCR TEST. without that poisoned root there are no poisonous branches of lockdown, PPE, restrictions, vaccine branch. Without vaccine branch there’s no poisonous leaves of Pfizer, AZ etc.

But the awake are examining the leaves instead of checking why the root is even growing and the soil under it enabling it. They look at the sick leaves the obvious visible as the leaves cover the branches and root and they exclaim “wow aborted fetal tissue, graphine!!!” while the revolutionary doesn’t bother with this since the vaccine branch and even the root and the tree itself doesn’t apply to him he’s instead exposing the root and fixing it there: “Stop testing! Demand the actual data from your tests if you do! Look at this tree the root and the soil and let’s fix that soil and then the natural trees will grow bearing healthy fruits!”

If you want to change your situation you must make a daily, weekly and monthly program and this entails study: commitment of time and effort to the revolution of the mind, acquiring knowledge of the Third Universal Theory before applying it.

The revolutionary committees know that collective study has a great many benefits which are not achieved with only individual study and so this is part of their program of education.

Those key books and teachers containing the knowledge of power and its relationship to freedom were of course attacked and all but destroyed by the current money men mafia of the pyramid of contemporary power.

One of our important duties is to salvage those publications and resurrect them, translate those copies that survived, and share them for the benefit of humanity.

Like with all efforts the natural law is that any burden when carried when many is as light as a feather. What cannot be done by one alone, or comes at great cost to individual survival and is in effect suicidal, is made possible when done with others.

Once the vision is clear the road to salvation is incumbent upon the few and finally when more start to see its manifestations they join in until that road is made easy and everyone wants to drive on it and benefit from it without a thought.

Start with a reading of the short document "Green Charter" to see what human rights and freedoms are achieved, when the people rule themselves by themselves without a government, in their People's Conferences and People's Committees.

That vision should thus motivate for a reading of The Green Book, especially in collective Study Circles guided by the educational programs of the Mobilization, Information and Education Division of the Revolutionary Committees Movement.

The understandings acquired are then applied in practical work to achieve the revolution of the individual and group spreading to the community and this is the role of these new revolutionaries who join themselves into revolutionary committees.

This journey is for those who love freedom and justice and right and truth and have the courage to apply their convictions in concert with others, it is not for those who seek entertainment, consumption, or other selfish pursuits.

In this movement we do not merely aim for power to exercise it on behalf of others. Nor do we include the reactionaries within our ranks. Instead our function is revolution. This is not the revolution of Marxism or technology, this is the people's revolution to establish the Authority of the People.

Via information, education and mobilization we can achieve the results, and the time taken to achieve those results is only determined by the efforts put in.

Further information and updates, join and invite others.

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