Greek Men Dating

Greek Men Dating


Greek Men Dating
Home » What are Greek Men like - Dating Men from Greece
Greece is a Mediterranean paradise and men from this land appear to embody all the qualities of passion and drama that oozes from every pore of its art and culture. At the same time it is a challenge negotiating the fast changing world of gender and economy that being a part of the Western world entails. Here are however is a brief description of what you can expect when you meet Greek men.
TIP: This website has many Greek millionaire men looking for women to date. Living larger than life Greek men are fond of living life on a higher than average note. Not for them the predictability of a routine life which involves a certain number of hours at work, the gym and at home. Rather they like to fuel their entire beings on whatever they are doing at present and get completely involved – even to the point of forgetting other appointments. For instance a guy is completely capable of spending fourteen hours a day at work and then hanging out with co-workers or clients even after that. On the other hand if he has been having a great night at the bar, he may think nothing of continue to extend the fun to the next day, ignoring any other he many have planned up. This is not to imply that nobody works in Greece or that there is no work schedule or work culture to speak of – its just that men enjoy living in the moment and extracting every bit of fun as much as possible out from the fleeting second. In the same line, go anywhere in Greece, especially in summer and you will see large number of festivals taking place, with people participating and enjoying themselves – never mind a working day or a weekend. An endearing sense of spontaneity There is something in the air of Greece which makes the men spontaneous and happy-go-lucky. It is unusual for them to sit and agonize over whether a particular course of action would be right or wrong; so a guy may be comfortable walking up to tell you what a beautiful woman you are even though he is sporting a wedding ring. They are not likely to spend hours weighing the pros and cons of a situation but would much rather jump in the fray and enjoy themselves. So you will find a Greek man flirting outrageously with you, haggling with your over a piece of merchandise with great relish and even losing all he his money by gambling. At the same time though you can be assured that they will pick themselves up the next day and cheerfully start all over again. Addicted to high drama On the whole Greek men are highly emotional in nature. When things are going well for them, the joy and enthusiasm they radiate are exceedingly infectious and you cannot help but be drawn to celebrate the wonderful thing called life. On the downside though, they are apt to get extremely worked up when beset by even minor problems. If you are in a relationship with a Greek guy, be prepared for huge temper tantrums when your guy would rage about how the world and all the gods are conspiring to pull him down – he may even smash a couple of things and kick around the furniture for good measure. You can hold the high sense of drama in ancient Greek tragedy responsible for this kind of emotional ranting but then this is how a large number of men here behave. Smoky hot looks Not for nothing that you have heard about men here looking like Greek gods. You will find it very easy to fall for the perfectly-sculpted physique and the dark, raven hair of the Greek men. Add to this their brimming sensuality and you have all the makings of a passionate encounter at hand. However also watch out for some men who take their role of God’s gift to women way too seriously. So if you are on a trip to Greece, you may find men with greased hair and wearing gold chains, following you interminably even after you have made it clear that you want to have nothing to do with them. Be careful of another type who will woo you with amorous words and passionate gestures only to ask you to pay his bills and cover his rent. In this sense, Greek men are largely like those found anywhere else in the world - some good, some bad and the majority somewhere in between. Tied to the apron strings It is said about Greek men that they never truly get out from the shadows of their mothers. Greek mamas are a formidable presence in their son’s lives and if you don’t belong to their culture, chances are slim that she would approve of you as her son’s partner. Almost every mama wants a good, virginal wife for her son who can cook, clean and bear lots of children. Indeed maternal feeling runs so high that the mothers are perfectly happy keeping house for their sons even when the latter are way past adulthood. She is always in the background and her son knows that no matter what he does and how old he is, his mother will always be there to pick up after him. Thus it is little wonder that most Greek men grow up to believe that a woman’s place is – or at least should be – in the home, to cook, clean and take care of the kids. On the positive side though, Greek culture is highly centered on family relationships. The men – after they have got around to accepting the fact that they are married – take their family responsibilities quite seriously; they make good fathers and providers; and even though some may not be above flirting with a foreign woman once in a while, on the whole they make caring husbands as well. Most importantly the world is changing faster than ever – with it old notions about gender roles are giving way to more egalitarian views and today’s Greek men are hardly untouched by it.
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Are you interested in dating Greek men and women? This post is for all out there who: Aspire to come to Greece and live their summer love. It is for those who me a girl/guy from Greece abroad.
It is also for those who are curious about how to handle their Greek significant other and to know what does a Greek man looks for in a woman, which leads to attracting a Greek man.
Ladies and gentlemen, sit comfortably and read this guide. It will save you time and lots of frustration.
Let’s understand the Greeks. We assume you date someone from Greece or are getting into that situation. You may want to know how to tell if a typical Greek man likes you or how to make a Greek man fall in love with you.
Some of our ways of acting seem closer to those of Italians, but Italians are not Greeks (or maybe they are).
Wherever we travel, we stand out! People in other countries see that there is something “different” with us. You want to know what are greek guys known for or the 10 ways to woo a Greek man!
By the way, when in Greece, make sure to check this list too.
Greek guys are into a lot of good food. You must read this post .
Greek men and Greek women want to look good. “Good looks” is radically rising in Greece (to the borders of exaggeration in some cases). Don’t forget that the Greek Gods’ literature played a significant role in that.
Greeks want to look fit and sharp. In the old days, being “big” usually came along with lots of fat. Nowadays, the Greeks love to look good. Well, most of them.
Not only syrtaki and such. We love to dance as dancing is a form of expressing our feelings. Sometimes, some Greeks dance Zeimpekiko just because it “looks good,” but that is an exception.
A trend is rising among Greeks around their 40s where they start learning traditional Greek dances, again!
That is a kind of expression. We do that both when we are happy, sad, angry, or as a gesture of intimacy. Do you want to make a safe assumption? Just watch our tone of voice and facial expression.
From Eurovision to a game of backgammon or multi-sports, you will see Greek men and women get passionate. Heck…, women can get such when cooking too. Just throw them competition on who can make the best “ntolmadakia.” In our traditional coffee shops (called “kafeneio”), you will see two people playing backgammon and another ten around them shouting and giving instructions.
Remember the slap thing? Watch close as expressions may shift rapidly! Well, our face -even a slight nose twist- will give you a good hint on how we feel about what you are saying or showing.
Be patient. The hot temperament of Mediterranean people reflects all over the personality of someone from Greece. That stands for women too. We carry lots of our history within us, and as such, that history was not always a peaceful one. We love good food, and we love to be loved. Both men and women are passionate and show their emotions in all manners. We are ready to express them with words and gestures, even be it fury or passion.
Many think that food is a way to impress a man from Greece. However, that is not the only deal. Men are impressed by recognizing affection from women. They understand when they get “manipulated” (well, in many cases), and they let that get through. That comes from the understanding that -more or less- people have the exact needs all over the world. Many Greeks don’t abandon their “mom” syndrome until the day they die. Impress them by caring for them. The same happens with women and their mom and dad issues.
You may see us knocking wood or spitting. Fears have come a long way with Greeks (as with other nations).
They are carried over from generation to generation, getting less each time. They are what they are, but also carry a bit of culture inside them, as they are connected to our evolution through times and eras where they meant something for daily life.
Greek men and women get “rich” on those days. They give presents and money. The bigger the extended family, the better.
During those two days, Greeks tend to take you out and treat you at their expense. It is called “kerasma.”
Well, we don’t. We think we do. For some particular reason, there is a rumor that Greek taxi drivers know everything. But they don’t (maybe).
Are you married to a Greek woman? If she is slightly traditional, prepare to consume lots and significantly cooked food.
When we order food, we tend to order more than we will eat. When Greeks cook for a name day, birthday, Christmas, New Year Eve, Easter Sunday, and many other holidays, they cook many different foods.
If you are invited to a Greek house for dinner then -usually- the mother will cook a lot of things. That has to do with our belief that nobody must leave the table feeling not fulfilled. That is another superstition, of course, but it is part of our idea for hospitality.
These are the most common names you will find in many Greek families. Some families have ten named Nikos.
It comes from the tradition to name the newborn with the name of the father’s/mother’s father/mother to “keep the name in the family.”
It makes no sense. The name is not unique. This is showing gratitude and respect for the elders and their contribution to your upraising.
Well, it also means that you can shout out Maria in a square, and 50 women will turn their heads. Try it.
We haven’t invented all the things. We have provided terminology and knowledge for many, though, and this is used worldwide.
Greeks have contributed (at least ancient Greeks did) with the philosophical background on Reason. However, history shows we were not the only ones.
Chinese did, too, along with more ancient civilizations like Egyptians, Persians, and more.
So, did we invent all? It seems not all, but we for sure mainly contributed.
When we live abroad, we miss Greece. We mostly seem to lose friends, sea, sun, beaches, food, wine, talking aloud, and many more. You can swim on Greek beaches without being afraid you might get eaten by any mammal.
You can walk in Greek forests without thinking that all plantations and insects may kill you.
Greeks abroad miss Greece for the “chaotic” part too. Too much “structure” and “safety” are acceptable for daily routine, but when you want to have fun, things need to be a little “rough.”
As in all countries, we have our music, deeply rooted in tradition. It is a combination of ethnic and jazz, maybe, but not exactly there. As in all nations, our music expresses emotions of the moment or the past.
Depending on where you come from in Greece, local music produces feelings of heroism, sadness, festivity, humor, or even seduction.
In the past, it was our way for opposite sexes to come closer when society’s customs were strict.
A hero for girls and the first heroic model for boys. The bond that is formed between a father and his children never breaks but only with death.
Even when they argue and disagree and “fight,” that relationship remains. This is something still alive in Greece, along with the family concept.
Enough said. For Greek men, that is true. Respect it, even if it is not like that. It will save you lots of trouble.
They are due to the concept of family that still exists in Greece. Even with their flaws, extended families live.
In many countries, families break after kids reach adulthood. When abroad, the family concept is -deliberately- cultivated as a way to protect kids.
This has a good and a wrong side, though. Many times kids are over-pampered.
So, you, who are interested in a relationship with a Greek woman/man, try to figure it out.
So many songs were written about broken hearts in Greece. Yet love affairs are not the only adventures we are into.
We tend to think out of the box. We are inventive, and maybe that is the reason we thrive in environments where thinking like that is necessary. Maybe that answers the question “are greek men good lovers”?
We break the rules. Sometimes with good, while others with bad results. We don’t go “by the book.” Many times we neglect safety and Reason.
Yet, “somehow” seems to work in the long run.
We love our past. We also have near-mythical origins . Do we need an article for that? No. Our history is taught all over the world.
We have a weird mixture of altruism, volunteerism, and “cruelty” at the same time. There are times when “our enemy” will get our help when they don’t expect it.
When we are pressed down, we seem to bring up our best to help. When we are living well, we tend to forget that.
That relates to how our mum and dad were raised. Generations that were introduced in World War II were exaggerated in almost everything. They wanted their kids to have lots of food, more than one house, continuous safety (i.e., working for public service), and more.
During war times, many kids didn’t survive due to a lack of food and other necessities. Many parents became overprotective.
So, all these created issues and also got many kids spoiled. You may date one of them. Don’t worry; they will -logically- come to Reason if they love you.
We ate Greek yogurt or chobani or whatever you like to call it far before it was a trend. Foods like “gemista” are part of our diet, while the famous Greek salad is considered a complete meal.
Paleo? We ate “Paleo” before that was invented, yet we cook our meat a little more. Try “Souvlaki” and let me know if you don’t get addicted.
No-Carbs-Diet? We didn’t invent that since we consume a good amount of potatoes and spaghetti (macaroni).
“Eating organic,”? Just visit a Greek village where many things are homegrown and get invited to a table. Is there more organic than that?
We knew how to eat (even when eating lots) correctly, and we still -try to- resist fast-food culture.
There is a reason why most come to Greece for vacations; they take a “few extra pounds.”
Please read the posts in our travel blog here . See the light, color of the say, and photos. Summer in Greece is unparalleled.
Depending on where you stay, you can access great beaches, spectacular cultural events, terrific forests, and mountains. All in a short distance!
Working is needed to live life after work. Mark our words Living the Greek way is the right way. The future will prove that.
People need more free time, less work, and more resting time. This is how ideas come forth.
We do it at the very last minute, from hosting the Olympics to submitting our tax returns or even ordering the “thing” we must-have today.
In some weird and twisted way, this works most of the time. Why? It remains a mystery. Perhaps we work better under pressure.
Test this with a Greek mother. Tell her that 15 of your friends will come for lunch tomorrow and the next thing is you find a ton of food cooked by morning time, enough for 30 people.
Well no. We are moody because we are so passionate.
We tend to be jealous a lot too. There is a fire in us. This may not come out nicely all the time.
But again, who is excellent all the time, right? After all, tragedy and comedy are Greek words!
Have you ever dated a Greek man or woman? We would like to know your opinion.
Greeks certainly have a lifestyle focused on wellbeing, which is something I love about my Greek boyfriend. He works hard, but knows he needs to enjoy rest and things that are meaningful and bring pleasure. He has a really lovely sense of occasion that is part of well-being – for example, he always takes time to light a candle, put relaxing music on in the background and a flower on the table before we eat something he’s taken time to prepare for dinner.
The downside is that Greeks aren’t conventionally ‘nice’ as we in the UK and North America know and love it. My boyfriend is passionate, confident in his beliefs, gets angry (which involves gesticulating, loud shouting, banging his hand on tables, taking the moral high-ground, lecturing me, sulking and withdrawal for a while then carrying on as if a storm’s just passed overhead) and very direct/blunt in stating what he feels. I am from a family of opinionated people, unafraid of an argument but, even so, I find this difficult.
I would be interested to hear the opinion of other Greeks on this: do you think that, behind this ‘darker’ manifestation of Mediterranean passion, lies a sensitivity and desire to connect deeply with other people, so that when they feel misunderstood they are fearful that connection will be lost and become fiery, angry, passionate, as a defence? Perhaps I’m talking rubbish, of course, and they are just spoilt and selfish….
Whatever, there are many upsides to this passion, even if it means Greeks aren’t always nice, sweet, and docile! OPA!
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Home > Love > Dating Greek Men

By Maria Montgomery on March 29, 2015
I have never dated a Greek, but my best friend has. As a result I ended up with a lot of Greek friends, so I can tell you first hand that Greeks are unlike Americans in some ways, for better and worse.
I know the Greek community in Los Angeles and they stick together through thick and thin. If you become someone’s friend, everyone will look after you. That’s just how it is. My best friend’s ex boyfriend’s brother recently offered to put me up. My best friend broke up with his brother five years ago. Through thick and thin, Greeks have each other’s back.
If you want a man who cooks you soup when you are sick (even if it came in a can), look no further. Greeks, as a general rule, will care for their friends.
My best friend’s ex is the cleanliest person you will ever meet. His apartment was immaculate. We often hung out there, even stayed there whe
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