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Greece where to buy cocaine

Greece where to buy cocaine

Greece where to buy cocaine


Greece where to buy cocaine


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Greece where to buy cocaine

I want to like this book. It contains a lot of information about drugs in several relevant fields of study - history, biochemistry, law, econonomics, etc. Two issues are holding me back from giving it more than two stars. The first is factual. In the section on how drugs work one of the more interesting sections, IMO , Iversen includes some discussion on tolerance, defining the phenomenon like so: 'If the same drug is taken repeatedly, it may lead to a large increase in the liver enzyme s involved in its metabolism I get the impression that he sees such activism as nothing more than a hindrance to progress, not worth taking seriously. This all leaves a rather poor taste in my mouth. Jump to ratings and reviews. Want to read. Rate this book. Drugs: A Very Short Introduction. Leslie L. The twentieth century saw a remarkable upsurge of research on drugs, with major advances in the treatment of bacterial and viral infections, heart disease, stomach ulcers, cancer, and mental illnesses. These, along with the introduction of the oral contraceptive, have altered all of our lives. There has also been an increase in the recreational use and abuse of drugs in the Western world. This Very Short Introduction gives a non-technical account of how drugs act on the body and how therapeutic drugs are developed and tested, then goes on to review both legal prescription, alcohol, nicotine, and caffeine and illegal drugs, and discuss current ideas about why some drugs are addictive, and whether drug laws need reform. Loading interface About the author. Iversen 41 books 6 followers. Write a Review. Create a free account to discover what your friends think of this book! Community Reviews. Search review text. Pусский язык. Displaying 1 - 24 of 25 reviews. Being a student pharmacist and all, I loved this book. It was like a short revision after a whole year of a bunch of information. I had hoped that he mentioned more about the companies. All in all, very great, worth it. Daniel Wright. Koen Duizings. This very short introduction tackles mainly medicinal drugs and explains how they work. I found the chapter on recreational drugs is slightly disappointing as it did not provide much new information. Also, the book tends to use specific terms that make it a tough read for people not so well schooled in the field of pharmacology. Pretty good intro to drugs, both legal and illicit ones. Written by a person that is leaning quite towards drugs in the sense of medicine with quite a lot of descriptions about how the drugs act on the brain and the body in minute detail. Steve Mitchell. A great book that explains simply why cannabis should at the very least be decriminalised, why people that take cocaine and heroin need treatment rather than being sent to prison and how the big pharmaceutical companies are making profits off of people dying. The English review is placed beneath Russian one Начал читать книгу с полной уверенностью, что страниц через брошу, так как медицинская тема, за редким исключением, полностью не для меня, то есть если это не популярная серия, направленная на широкий круг читателей. Что удивительно, но именно такой книгой оказалась и эта работа. Автор, по существу, создал расширенную версию Википедии на тему медицинских препаратов. Я бы не сказал, что это было увлекательное чтение, но и откровенно скучным его так же нельзя назвать. Плюс, небольшой объём фактически ликвидировал воду, пустословие. Автор рассматривает всевозможные вопросы, связанные с темой лекарств. Начинает он с древних времен, когда самые первые таблетки, настойки, капли и пр. Автор коротко прошёлся по данной теме, упомянул некоторые моменты из истории древнего Рима и вроде Греции, а также некоторые их названии и от чего они помогали. Далее автор разбивает книгу на две большие, и я бы сказал, основные темы: лечение и релаксация. Автор начинает, довольно коротко, рассматривать вопрос того, как появились первые современные лекарства. Кто их изобрёл первым, когда и при каких условиях. Основное время — века, вплоть до наших дней. Что касается второй темы, то автор рассмотрит вопросы того, как изначально использовались вещества, которые сегодня обозначаются как наркотики. Как и откуда они взялись и для чего в те времена использовались. По сути, все они к середине XX века были запрещены. Следующий вопрос, это сами болезни, основные виды и пр. Тут я уже столкнулся с довольно сложным текстом, большую часть которого не понял. Сюда же но более доступно : как работают медицинские препараты в нашем организме при вдыхании, при глотании и так далее. Где-то уже ближе к концу автор рассмотрит такие темы как вирусы и бактерии, включая вопросы борьбы с ними. Интересный момент, когда автор писал о том, что сложность борьбы с болезнями представляет та доза, которую нужно избрать. Это — первый момент. Второй момент, это проблема постоянной мутации вируса, когда он может, чуть ли не за один день, измениться, из-за чего принимаемое лекарство оказывается неспособно справится с болезнью. Что касается наркотиков, то тут автор коротко рассмотрит основные их виды, их воздействие на человека, то влияние, которое они оказывают и как они использовались раньше в человеческой истории. Рассказ будет включать также 3 основных разрешённых наркотика: табак, алкоголь и кофеин. В принципе, ничего нового тут нет. Заключительная часть посвящена тому, как появляются новые лекарства от создания до выхода на массовый рынок , какие существуют в этом вопросе перспективы и роль права в данной отрасли. Автор приходит к заключению, что такой наркотик как марихуана и его опыт легализации, показывает, что это не приводит к увеличение количества потребителей и что в будущем государства придут именно к решению о его легализации. В принципе, книгу можно прочить, чтобы иметь поверхностные знания по данной теме. Книга небольшая, читается легко и в дальнейшем может помочь при чтении более специальных текстов в книгах или журналах. I started to read the book with full confidence that in pages I will quit reading, because the medical topic, with rare exceptions, is not completely for me, i. Surprisingly, this work turned out to be such a book. The author essentially created an extended version of Wikipedia on the topic of medicines. Plus, the small volume actually eliminated the verbiage. The author considers all sorts of questions related to the topic of drugs. He begins with ancient times, when the very first tablets, infusions, drops, etc. The author briefly described the topic, then mentioned some points from the history of ancient Rome and Greece, as well as some of their drugs names and from what sickness they helped. Then the author breaks the book down into two big, and I would say, main topics: treatment and recreation. The author begins, quite briefly, to consider the question of how the first modern medicines appeared. That is, how and when civilization has made that main and important step from herbs to the present, conditionally speaking, pills. Who invented the first modern drugs, when and under what conditions. The main time is the 19thth centuries, up to now. As for the second topic, the author will consider how substances that are today designated as dangerous drugs were originally used. How and where they came from and what they were used for in those days. In fact, they were all banned by the middle of the 20th century. The next question is the diseases themselves, the main species, etc. Here I have already encountered a rather complicated text, most of which I did not understand. Here as well but more accessible : how do medicines work in our bodies by inhalation, swallowing, etc. Somewhere towards the end, the author will look at topics such as viruses and bacteria, including how to control them. An interesting point is when the author wrote that the complexity of disease control represents the dose to be chosen. This is the first point. As far as drugs are concerned, the author briefly discusses their main types, their impact on the human being, the impact they have and how they have been used in human history. The story will also include 3 main legal drugs: tobacco, alcohol, and caffeine. Basically, there is nothing new here. The final part is devoted to how new medicines appear from creation to mass market , what are the prospects and the role of law in the industry. The author concludes that a drug such as marijuana and its experience of legalization shows that this does not lead to an increase in the number of consumers and that in the future, states will decide on its legalization. In principle, the book can be read to have basic knowledge of the subject. The book is small, easy to read and can further help when reading more special texts in books or magazines. I never would have thought that so much information can be compressed within a very short introduction. I got the audiobook version, and it is instantly worth listening to again. The only negative is that the book feels a little fragmented, as it jumps forward and backwards in tracking the historic development of different cures. As an interesting side effect, this book also chronicles the development of medicine itself, covering the basics of modern medical standards. The look behind the scenes of the pharmaceutical industry is fascinating, the astonishing fact that a single chemist can go thorough tens of thousands of compounds with 'robot chemistry' is hard to imagine. The social dynamics of poverty and evaluate to modern medical discoveries is also discussed, albeit briefly. Interesting facts abound; such as all drugs being molecules made of less than atoms!. In brief, this is a highly recommender read. Shhhhh Ahhhhh. Fantastic book. It revealed the extent of my own ignorance on the subject. It covered everything you might imagine could be called a drug, legal, illegal, prescription, otc, etc. It talked about the ways that drugs can work, methods for delivery and why those work the way they do, dose-response relationships, and, very broadly, abuse, dependance, and tolerance. Brief discussion on analogues. Very good book. Andre William. The book is quite useful and interesting. For people in the medical field it will be useful to read and take a different look at this field. The book covers a wide range of topics, including the origins of drug use, the effects of drugs on the brain and body, the role of drugs in medicine and society, and drug policy and regulatory issues. The purpose of the book is to provide readers with a balanced and informative view of the complex issues surrounding drugs and drug use. What surprised me the most was the effects of drugs such as Diazepam , Pregabalin, Codeine. They have different effects in a variety of cases. It is an O. K book not what I was expecting though, more one the illegal drugs than drugs in general. Aspirin, Drug registration, company wars were informative. The case for Cannabis though it is from we are seeing a turn now for legalization. Good VSI. A truly concise introduction to the history, development and the future of Drugs. This book reminds me of why I never ventured into the field of biomedicine or pharmacology in the first place. The Chapter - 'Drugs as Medicine' left me googling a lot of terms before I gave it up halfway. Rex Libris. This book lives up to its name: It is an introduction to drugs. The authors discusses the different types of drugs, how they were developed, how they are used and abused , and to what effect. If you have a passing interest in pharmacology, this book is well worth a read. The book is too short for the number of subtopics it wanted to deal with. They should have avoided the legal drugs and focus on the illegal one or use a more comprehensive approach. It was interesting and informative, especially the chapter in which the process of drug registration was explained. Written in a way that is easy to understand and with information that is very important to understand. The highly portable size is a underrated bonus. This is how every Very Short Introduction should be. It was interesting, relevant, logical, to-the-point, with useful examples. Learned a little something. Shamma El-shafi. Surprisingly, it answered a lot of questions. Audrey Kalman. Laurian R. Pretty basic. These are hit or miss. Could have sonmething useful in it, though. Teo Tuberculosis mortality rates dropped dramatically during the twentieth century 1. History 2. How drugs work 3. Drugs as medicines 4. Recreational drugs 5. Making new medicines 6. The twentieth century and beyond References Further reading Index. An exemplary VSI on a very important topic that impacts all of our lives. Join the discussion. Help center.

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Greek police arrested four U. Nearly kilos of cocaine was concealed in banana shipment. Photo: Greek Ministry of Citizen Protection The four suspects, two of whom are alleged leaders of an international drug trafficking ring, were detained in a residence near Thessaloniki, the Greek police said in a statement. The fifth member of the gang remains at large. The arrests came after about kilograms of cocaine were intercepted in Italy last month during an operation conducted by Italian customs authorities and the U. The group is also suspected of being engaged in a similar effort to transport more than kilograms of cocaine hidden in 23 crates of bananas aboard a ship discovered by Italian officials in April. In this case the drug was accidentally delivered to supermarkets in several Czech cities. Расследования и новости о коррупции и организованной преступности у вас в почте раз в неделю. Язык рассылки — английский. We use cookies to improve your experience by storing data about your preferences, your device or your browsing session. We also use cookies to collect anonymized data about your behaviour on our websites, and to understand how we can best improve our services. To find our more details, view our Cookie Policy. Your cookie preferences We use cookies to improve your experience by storing data about your preferences, your device or your browsing session. Audience Measurement Cookies. Essential Cookies. Accept my choices Accept All.

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