Great Guide On How To Be Stress Free!

Great Guide On How To Be Stress Free!

Everyone faces days where it feels like the worries of the world are resting squarely on their shoulders. This large weight can bps 5 reviews be very unbearable at times. This feeling is caused by stress, and when this occurs you need to practice some methods for reducing your stress.

Take time for a mini self-massage. Taking the palm of your hand and simply massage it with the thumb of the other hand in a circular motion can help to relieve your stress. You could also use a massage tool to do this. Massage works wonders at getting rid of stress.

A great tip that can help you fight stress is to simply pet your dog. Studies have shown that the simple act of petting a dog can greatly reduce stress levels in the body. The next time you're feeling stressed out just pet your dog for a few minutes.

Avoid factory farmed meats, eggs and dairy products. These products are filled with adrenaline due to the horrible cruelty experienced by the animals. Excess adrenaline will raise your levels of the stress hormone, Cortisol. This will cause you to experience excess stress levels, decreasing your level of overall health and happiness.

Before you do or say anything you might regret, stop and count to 10. Take a moment away from the thing or person causing you stress and get yourself together. Take a few deep breaths, recite an affirmation, or stretch. Do whatever it takes to re-center yourself, and get rid of the stress.

Avoid, overusing the word "stress". When you tell yourself that you're starving all the time, your body will quickly decide that it must eat. The same concept is true when it comes to stress. When the word keeps coming up in your speech and mind, you notice it more emotionally, so give yourself the gift of finding another way to say it.

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