Great Foreplay

Great Foreplay


Great Foreplay
Foreplay ideas to drive her wild in the bedroom
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Home » Optional » Foreplay ideas to drive her wild in the bedroom
If you think foreplay is a golf term, you really need to read this article because it’s going to change your entire game in the bedroom…
Foreplay is the foundation of good sex and yet, there are too many guys who overlook it. While intercourse might be your sole focus, it’s usually secondary for your lady. And if you’re skipping foreplay, we can pretty much guarantee that only one of you is happy in the bedroom.
It’s time to step up your foreplay sex game. Let’s explore what counts as foreplay, why it’s important, and foreplay ideas to make sure you both are smiling.
In short, foreplay is everything leading up to actual intercourse. And we aren’t just talking about oral sex and finger play. Foreplay can start hours or even days before any of that takes place.
Foreplay can be as subtle as a sexual hint like a note or as obvious as describing what you want to do. Foreplay helps to set the stage for what is to come.
It can add excitement and variety. In fact, it can be the only thing you do. Foreplay done right doesn’t necessarily require intercourse.
You might be a guy who likes to get right to the point during sex, but for the vast majority of women, intercourse alone doesn’t do it for them. Shocking, right?
Sure, women enjoy sex, but to bring a woman to orgasm, you need to do some extracurricular work.
Not only does foreplay ensure that your lady is getting what she wants and deserves, but it’ll make the experience of intercourse far better. She’ll be more into it because she’s better prepared both physically and mentally.
More important than the immediate gratification, foreplay allows you to become closer with your partner. Foreplay helps to build emotional intimacy and trust, which promotes the health of the overall relationship.
For example, proper foreplay can help a woman to become properly lubricated. Proper lubrication is important because sex could be painful without it. But getting her wet isn’t the same as you getting turned on.
Think of your penis like a light switch and her vagina as a coffee maker – stay with us for this comparison.
Like a light switch, a simple flick and the light comes on. When making coffee, you need to turn on the coffee pot, let it heat up and build up to get the finished product.
Diving right into sex is boring. Unless it’s a quickie where you both are running low on time but need to have sex now, there’s no need to rush.
Mental foreplay can involve describing what you’ll do in graphic detail or teasing her by acting like you’re about to do something but pulling back at the last moment. More ideas of mental foreplay are listed below.
Much like the coffee pot comparison from above, it’s all about the build up to the action, and mental or emotional foreplay is one of the best ways to do just that.
Here are some emotional foreplays tips that you can try and see which work best for you.
No one talks on the phone anymore, but here’s a good reason to start: phone sex. This is when you make the conversation all about your plans for when you both get home. This is essentially foreplay fuel as you’re describing what is going to happen.
She can’t see you, which is good because it lets her imagination run wild with ideas , thoughts, and desires. She is playing out the scene that will take place and you’re narrating the scene.
If phone sex makes you feel uncomfortable (for now) or you are surrounded by co-workers or friends, the next best option is to sext one another. Writers, this is where you can shine.
Sexting can start as subtle but work its way up to a graphic depiction of what you want to do to her and what you want her to do to you. It’s everything you’d describe during phone sex except you won’t cause a scene.
Careful with this one though; accidentally sending a sext to a friend is a bit embarrassing…
If you’ve been doing the basics of foreplay for a while, the next level for you could be roleplaying. This is where you both assume a role different than who you actually are.
The standard is acting like two strangers meeting in a bar for the first time and seeing where things progress from there as you get to “know each other.”
You can evolve roleplaying to include costumes such as a police officer and criminal roleplay scene. Or the porn classic: teacher and student (Remember: She doesn’t have to necessarily be the student for this one…)
It’s important to remember to make this fun. Don’t take it too seriously. It can be strange adopting these new personas so have a good time with it. The awkwardness quickly wears off and you’ll find that you can easily adopt your new role.
This is an excellent way to set the mood AND get conversation going about what you both like in the bedroom.
Some couples find it difficult to start a dialogue about what they prefer when it comes to foreplay and sex. Watching a porn together will present opportunities to ask questions (e.g., Do you like that?) and present new ideas (e.g., What if we try that?).
We suggest starting off with something pretty straightforward: one girl, one guy. Eventually work your way up to different types of porn such as threesomes, based on the comfort level of you and your girl.
You’ve set the mood, you’ve intrigued her mentally, but let’s take it one step further. Here are some physical foreplay techniques that will help to continue building her up.
Light some candles to set a scene, but then put the candle wax to good use by gently spilling it on an area of the body that isn’t too sensitive.
The idea here is to experiment with varying temperatures. The candle wax is hot and it sends a sudden but welcome shock through her body. It’s not painful, but it’s not a light feather touch either. It’s right in the middle.
Another temperature foreplay trick you can use is on the other spectrum with ice. Take an ice cube, start at her neck and slowly draw the ice down her chest, around her nipples, and to her stomach.
Discuss this beforehand but consider bringing bedpost ties or handcuffs into the mix for this one. This allows you to tease her with temperature and it adds the element of submissiveness.
Guys, listen up: in order for a massage to be effective, it can’t immediately start with you massaging her butt then jumping into sex…
We’re all guilty of it , but in order for this to work, have a bit of self-control.
Massages should be suggestive, not explicit (not right away). Start at her neck and work your way down. Each time you pass her butt or inner thighs, gently brush them going by, but don’t stop there.
You’ll notice that she’ll eventually start getting antsy, but continue teasing and holding off on giving her what she wants.
Spend time at the erogenous zones, especially the neck, around her breasts, and upper hamstrings (just below her butt). Eventually, make your way up her thighs, but don’t cave in too quickly.
The longer you hold out, the more hot and bothered she gets, the better.
Much like we talked about with sexting or phone sex, using a blindfold adds the element of the unknown and anticipation into the mix. Not knowing what is coming next but feeling the anticipation building is going to be a foreplay paradise for her.
You can use a blindfold during one of the types of foreplay we mentioned above such as dripping candle wax, tracing an ice cube, and kissing her erogenous zones.
Again, consider getting permission to use handcuffs or bed ties along with the blindfold and other forms of physical foreplay.
There’s two ways to approach this one: you can masturbate one another or you can take care of yourselves while watching each other. The former is something you probably do already so we recommend trying the latter.
Watching each other as you pleasure yourselves is literally building up the tension to a point where it’s a waiting game to see who breaks first. If you’ve saved this for last, and you’ve done several of the other things on this list, chances are she’ll be jumping on you first.
If you’re not a fan of going down on your girl… we’re not going to tell you that you’re wrong, but we will say that you need to get with the times.
Since intercourse isn’t the primary way that women get off, they are looking forward to receiving oral sex. The majority of the vagina’s nerve endings are on the outside , not the inside, which means putting your tongue to good use will make her happy. You’ll also secretly get kudos from her friends.
Not sure where to begin? Try the alphabet method. Trace each letter of the alphabet with your tongue. Listen for clues that she’s enjoying one letter more than the others. Once you find it, keep at it.
During the physical foreplay, especially kissing, massage, and tracing an ice cube, we want you to pay attention to her erogenous zones.
These are areas of the body that are highly sensitive and when touched usually trigger a physical reaction that can help with foreplay.
What part of the body do you think is the number one erogenous zone? Would you believe that it’s your lips?
Humans are unique in that our lips extend outward where all other mammals have inward lips. What’s more, our lips are packed with an insane number of nerve endings. Take advantage of how sensitive the lips are with light kissing, tracing your finger, and gentle lip biting.
When most guys think of erogenous zones, the last part of the body they consider is the ear. Much like the lips, our ears are loaded with multiple nerve endings. They are also super sensitive to touch.
Ever have someone brush your ear before? Chances are you immediately developed goosebumps as a result.
Again, take advantage of this. Kiss and lightly lick – don’t slobber – her ear. If you’re skilled enough, maybe throw in a gentle bit on the earlobe (lower part).
Who can forget about the neck? It’s one of the most popular erogenous zones for men and women where even an accidental touch can send welcome shivers down your back.
Start at the ears, dance on the lips, then get to work on the neck. Light kissing where your lips are lightly brushing the skin works wonders. You can even throw in gentle sucking, but DO NOT leave a hickey. You’re not in middle school anymore.
Remember, before the pants come off and you jump right into the main attraction, take a step back. Think about sex like this: foreplay is for the woman. Make sure she gets hers and she’ll ensure you get yours.
Don’t be greedy . Focusing on foreplay will dramatically improve your sexual experience and overall relationship. You don’t have to incorporate every foreplay idea on this list at once. No good magician shows you all his tricks in one sitting.
Try one or two of these foreplay techniques, work it into your sexual routine, master them, and then incorporate a few more. If you have your own foreplay ideas, share with other readers and let us know about them in the comments below.
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Here's something that might surprise you:
Most women secretly wish that guys would spend more time on foreplay.
And in fact, if you're not good enough at foreplay… there's an almost zero chance that a girl will sleep with you again.
That's because foreplay does something huge for women:
It makes them feel desired, and turned on enough to enjoy sex–both physically AND mentally.
Those are the two keys that will make your sexual experience feel like it's on another “level” (for both you and her).
So today I'm going to show you 5 simple yet “out of the box” foreplay moves, that will consistently impress every hot girl you take home.
These are moves that my buddies and I personally use all the time, and I have to say they work incredibly well if you want to get a girl to sleep with you again.
I think my favorite move is #5 to be honest… but first things first. Let's get started with move number one:
Did you know that 85% of women can't come from sex alone?
And in fact, most women need a little “extra” stimulation to reach orgasm.
One of the easiest (and fastest) ways to give her this extra stimulation is with your fingers…
And there's one move in particular, that can give almost any woman multiple orgasms, using only your 5 fingers.
It's called “5 Finger Tantra,” and here's how it's done:
When you're making out, and the clothes are coming off, you can start touching her like this…
And then you do this with your middle and ring finger… and make a motion like THIS.
By then she should be just about ready to explode…
And then there's only one thing left to do… but it's kinda hard to explain:
It's not always easy to get a girl to “let loose” when you're with her.
Especially when things are starting to get sexual… a lot of girls can be timid, and this is particularly true if you haven't slept together a lot.
So in my experience, when a girl always waits for you to make the first move, or never seems to initiate the action herself…
You can easily get her to open up by touching one of her “hot spots.”
These are small, “friendly-seeming” areas all over her body… NOT in sexual places like her boobs or her a**…
… yet because these spots are chock-full of sexual nerve-endings, that few men know about… when you touch one or two of these “hot spots,” she'll get turned on REALLY quick.
And 9 times out of 10, she'll be the one to jump on top of you, start unzipping your jeans and ask if you want to go to the bedroom:
This move is a little experimental, because you can use it in public without getting caught.
It's called the “Swedish Slide” … and it was discovered by a short, fat Indian man who wanted to sleep with really hot Swedish girls.
He went on a trip to Sweden to see exactly what he could do to sleep with these hot Swedish chicks…
And he tried everything (lines, buying girls drinks, even gimmicky “routines” )…
But none of it worked… until he saw a guy using this one-finger touch trick in a bar one night.
The guy would just walk right up to these tall, gorgeous blonde girls… not say much of anything… use the trick with his left pointer finger… and then a few minutes later?
At least one (if not more) of these girls would be all over him for the rest of the night.
And he got to choose which one he wanted to go home with.
Well anyway, this short fat Indian man was really impressed by this one-finger trick…
… so he brought the “Swedish Slide” back to the states with him, to share with his close inner circle of friends.
Well, this “short fat Indian man” also happens to be my mentor Magic…
We've all heard about the 50 Shades of Grey phenomenon… and survey after survey has proven it to be true:
Of course, even though most women desire this kind of sex… it doesn't mean they're used to it.
So sometimes you have to “ease” a woman into it, with a few simple “safe,” yet highly pleasurable rough moves.
My mentor Ruwando is the pioneer of these simple rough sex moves… and these 3 are a great place to start:
This last trick isn't really a “move,” but it is experimental… and I consider it “foreplay” because it starts before sex, but makes sex way better too.
It's this combination of 5 bloodflow-boosting foods, that you can eat for harder, longer-lasting erections that hot girls love.
No matter how good you are at foreplay…
No matter how many amazing sex moves you have in your back pocket…
If your parts *down there* aren't operating at “full mast” once it's time to do the deed?
She's gonna notice. And more likely than not, it's gonna be a big turn-off.
They boost your bloodflow, so you'll be able to get harder quicker… last longer… and as an added bonus, you'll be able to blow bigger loads too (I've found that hot girls really love this haha)…
And because they make you feel “fuller,” odds are the girls you sleep with will notice, and want to have sex with you more often because of it. 😉
[ Note: This post was updated by Gotham Club on October 16, 2019.]
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