Great Ass Selfie

Great Ass Selfie


Great Ass Selfie
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Anna Breslaw , Taylor Andrews and Veronica Lopez

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This content is imported from Instagram. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site.

Let's Snap Your Best Thirst Trap Ever, Shall We?

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This content is imported from Instagram. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site.

This content is imported from Instagram. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site.

17 Subtle Ways to Tell Your Dude to Take Your Pic
Taylor Andrews
Taylor is one of the sex and relationship editors who can tell you exactly which vibrators are worth the splurge , why you’re still dreaming about your ex, and tips on how to have the best sex of your life (including what word you should spell with your hips during cowgirl sex )—oh, and you can follow her on Instagram here .

Veronica Lopez
Veronica Lopez is the sex and relationships editor at Cosmopolitan, where she covers and edits stories about single life, dating, relationships, sex, identity, and more.

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Allow us to introduce you to the belfie, aka, the butt selfie. (Yes, that is a real word, no, it’s not technically in the dictionary yet .) It’s when you, a camera-phone-owning hottie, stand in front of a mirror or your phone and snap a pic of your glorious behind. Clothes are optional, but if you’re going to send a naked butt selfie to someone, just, ya know, be careful. Revenge porn is real. However! An ~appropriate~ belfie is allowed and encouraged on Instagram, because you should absolutely be proud of your ass, and you should absolutely want to share it with the world. Big, small, square, round, curvy, flat—it doesn’t matter! All belfies are created equal, thank you very much.
Now, the technical part: The ideal butt selfie isn’t as easy to achieve as a regular, front-facing, “hi, here’s what I look like during golden hour” face selfie . Capturing your ass’ perfect plumpness requires a certain level of expertise, which is why we tapped some social media influencers who know a thing or two about prime photo-taking poses and techniques. So without further ado, read on for the tips and tricks you need to know to execute the perfect belfie if you 1) have a booty, which, hi, is all of you, and 2) are ready to take it to Instagram . And yes, you're definitely going to want to bookmark this one.
I'm pretty sure Instagram was invented for the sole creation of the belfie. The whole butt-fixation thing really got going back in 2015. Now, even though it’s the year 2022, we still can’t get enough. But do you blame us? With so many new influencers, fitness models, and body positive activists, butt selfies are one of the best things about scrolling through ze 'gram.
So peep the below pics from body positive influencers who will make you feel good about your body. Notice what they do with their legs, how they position their hips, where they put their hands, and tailor your poses to theirs. Here are some basic examples:
The good thing about your iPhone or Android is that it has tons of versatility for making sure you look as great as possible. Not only does using your own personal photo make things look more casual and less staged, but it’s handheld—which means it’s super easy and quick to send off to whomever you want to impress.
Pro tip: "Use the regular camera, not selfie style," suggests Instagram yogi and influencer Jessamyn . This will make your photos look more ~natural~.
I know I said all belfies are created equal, and they are! But there's a difference between a belfie in front of a streaky mirror with a square view of your toilet, and a belfie with nothing to distract the viewer but your perfect booty. Make sure to pick a setting that makes sense for what you're wearing, and that you're the center of attention—not whatever's going on behind or around you.
"Whether it is natural lighting, golden hour, a ring light or flash on your phone, lighting can change the look and the vibe of your selfie," says model Catherine Li . Her personal fave: natural lighting.
Unfortunately though, phones don’t capture too well in darkness, which can make it a lil difficult to find the best angle. Your solution: a ring light .
Literally all of the famous TikTokers out there have one. You can even buy a stand that holds your phone in between the ring light so you can just snap away without having to hold the phone in your hand.
Again, don't feel like you have to change anything about that beautiful selfie of yours, but if you want to try it with a filter or edit the background, there are so many amazing apps out there that help with a natural-looking color tone too. (Pro tip: Try Lightroom or Nomo ).
Whatever you want to wear and whatever makes you feel sexiest is what you should show off in your belfie picture. For body positive advocate and trainer Anna Victoria, high-waist pants are her go-to. “They accentuate the difference between your waist and booty,” she says.
If you want to go for a sexier look, try out some lingerie options that will make your partner go all kinds of crazy when receiving your pic.
For the classic belfie pose, “Position your hips away from the mirror, then twist your upper body toward it to keep your booty front and center,” says Anna, admitting that yep, “It’s a bit uncomfortable.”
If you're not really digging that position, there’s the option to bend over so your booty is hovering over the phone. It’s a low-angle, which makes your ass look enormous in the best kind of way. Just hold your phone and place it below your booty while standing. Then, by using the left-hand iPhone Volume button to secure the pic, snap it at just the right angle.
Another pose: The casual looking-over-your-shoulder mirror one. It doesn’t have to be in front of a mirror (but if you’re the one taking the picture yourself, it will have to be). All you have to do is face opposite the mirror, pick up your right leg, pop your foot, lean on your left hip, and look over your shoulder in whatever way’s comfortable.
And last but not least, feast your eyes on the seated pose. Best photographed on the beach by the water, it's when you kneel on the ground with your legs slightly apart. Have a friend help you take this one, as you'll want to be facing away from the camera or peeking cheekily over your shoulder.
In general, "get really comfortable with all of your angles, even the ones you think are bad," says Jessamyn. Her advice: "Imagine you’re making love to yourself when you’re taking the photo."
…or at least a response that’s like, “Umm, your ass looks amazing” followed by a billion drool emojis.

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Welcome to Butt Week, friends! An entire week dedicated to butts and butt-adjacent stuff: how-tos, thoughtful essays, original art, pop culture critiques, music and more! You are absolutely not ready for this and yet it is happening to you, right now. Today Vanessa will teach you how to butt selfie!
A butt selfie is a special gift. Butts are so good, and to capture your own via the trusty lens of a smartphone camera is a true accomplishment. All butts are perfect for selfies, and all butt selfies are to be celebrated. But(t) — even the most dedicated selfie photographer can struggle with getting the perfect butt shot. That’s what this guide is for. We are here today because we’re gay, and also because we’re going to learn how to take a perfect butt selfie together in honor of Autostraddle’s Butt Week and your perfect butt.
I’ve written quite a bit about taking photos of oneself and feeling hot as a personal journey. A couple of years ago the whole team weighed in on How to Take a Winning Thirst Trap and I gave my input. Last year I instructed you How to Choose Dating App Photos That’ll Have Babes Swiping Hell Yes , and I shared How I Claimed Being Thirsty as a Personal Lifestyle and Learned to Live My Dreams . One of the Autostraddle posts I am most proud of writing is my You Are Hot, Yes You manifesto: Your Homework For 2019 Is To Assume Everyone Thinks You’re Hot, I’m Serious . And just this past March, Molly and I told you that Selfies Are Gonna Save The World . I bring all this past work up to say, as always, my number one tip to taking a great selfie, of your butt or otherwise, is confidence . This list is going to address the nitty gritty of how to pose or angle your camera to achieve maximum butt goodness, but as cliche as it sounds, a butt selfie is best when you are feeling yourself and your butt. So slap your own ass and let’s get down to business!
It’s challenging to see your own ass, so of course it’s tricky to get a full blown selfie of it. When it comes to butt selfies, a well placed mirror is your BFF. You can take a casual mirror shot, where you stand in front of a full length mirror and angle your camera so that you can see your face and also a hint of your butt, like, oops wow look at that my butt just snuck into this selfie of my face! You can also take a more pointed specifically ass-focused shot, where you pose your butt in the mirror exactly how you want it and angle your camera so your butt is center stage, up close and personal.
If you’ve got a mirror you can move around – like it’s not nailed to your wall or bathroom cabinet – you can actually put the mirror on the floor or lean it against a chair to achieve the exact height you want to reflect your butt at. And it can’t be overlooked that for this purpose, a floor-to-ceiling mirror – whether it’s at your gym, in your dance studio, in your lover’s bedroom, or perhaps in your very own home! – is ideal, the literal dream.
A mirror is an amazing tool when it comes to capturing your butt on camera, but sometimes you don’t want to rely on a reflection. In this case, I am a big fan of a tripod, or for those of us who simply are not going to buy a device to take photos of our own butts, a makeshift situation that mimics a tripod!
The benefits of a tripod are that you can move it wherever you desire, so you’re not relegated to taking your butt selfies to the bathroom or to the only room in your house with an appropriately situated mirror. This is particularly useful if you live with other people and the ideal mirror exists in the common space (unless your housemates are very supportive of butt selfies in which case, fun group activity! And also, get excited for step 5!). You can also take a tripod outside to get perfect lighting, and if you’re feeling adventurous and really want to grab a butt selfie next to a waterfall or amongst a field of wildflowers, a tripod allows you to do this! The other main benefit of a tripod is that most come with a little remote control clicker for your phone/camera, so you don’t need to be holding your phone for the photo and are free to pose your hands however you desire.
Like I said, if you’re absolutely not going to purchase a tripod for this purpose but still want to make use of some of these perks, a makeshift situation works just fine. I’ve been known to lean my phone against a pile of pillows on my bed to get the perfect ass shot, or simply lean it against the place where the floor meets the wall for poses where I’m kneeling or crouching. You can do this in nature too – who hasn’t balanced her phone against a tree stump or a perfectly smooth rock to get that ass-in-nature shot? – but be mindful that if your phone falls it won’t be tumbling into a body of water, lurching off a cliff, etc.
Whether you’re using a mirror, a tripod, or simply your own flexible arm, experimenting with different poses is the key to achieving the perfect butt selfie.
It must be noted that depending on the size and shape of your butt, your ability to photograph it at certain angles is going to be easier/harder/etc. That’s why experimenting is so important! I can tell you what works for me, but I cannot guarantee it will work for you. What I can guarantee is if you go into this venture of taking the perfect butt selfie with enthusiasm about the project and enthusiasm about your own butt, you’ll have fun and you’ll definitely succeed.
To get you started, here are some poses that work for me:
I think it’s a misnomer to assume a butt selfie has to be inherently thirsty or slutty, and I think a major way to make it clear if your butt selfie is For Cruising or For Wholesome Light Flirting or perhaps even Just For Fun is through the outfit you choose to cover your butt with.
Imagine a butt selfie where the butt is clad in denim. Hot and fun! Now imagine a butt selfie where that denim back pocket is flagging a red hanky. Hot and sexy and potentially cruising! Now imagine a butt selfie where the butt is not covered at all, but is lightly framed by a perfect pink velvet thong? Hot and extremely thirsty!
Your outfit can also come in handy if you’re a little shy about taking a butt selfie. Wearing a skirt that you can hike up a tiny bit to show the very bottom of your butt cheeks and nothing else is a great way to dip your toe into the world of butt selfies (and very hot, in my opinion!). If you’re really confident in your ass but kind of shy about posting photos of it, you can model a hot new bikini and post a butt selfie like, “oh look at my cute bikini!” And of course, if you’re sending deeply sultry thirst traps to a crush or a pal and you want to spice up your bare naked ass, fancy lingerie, skintight pants, or a particularly slutty short skirt all work great.
This is controversial, but I don’t ever feel like a selfie needs to be taken all by yourself to qualify. Sure, the term selfie literally means a photo you take of yourself, but when I learned self-portraiture in high school photography class our teacher let us know that if we didn’t have a tripod and a remote for our manual film cameras, it was perfectly acceptable to set up a shot exactly how we wanted it and then ask a friend to push the button. I feel the same way about selfies. Asking a friend for help isn’t cheating – it’s community!
(This portion of advice assumes you are taking COVID precautions into account. Try not to hangout with friends outside of your pod indoors, to take butt selfies or do anything! Wear masks, stay outside, avoid large public gatherings, etc.)
It’s totally fine to ask a pal to help you take the butt selfie of your dreams; if they want some butt selfies too you can return the favor and give feedback about what’s working and what could be improved! I find it helpful to model exactly how I want the shot; I have my friend act as “me” and pose so I can take the photo and frame it perfectly to my liking. If you don’t have a pal who you trust to actually take the butt selfies for you, you can still ask for your friends’ help – text them your favorite butt selfies and ask for input and feedback and compliments, duh.
And finally, a great way to ask a friend for help in this venture is to take a butt selfie with your pal! The only thing better than one butt is two butts, so why not take some fun butt selfies together? Nothing says “queer community” like a group butt selfie!
Feature image shows Vanessa’s butt and Nikki’s butt.
Have you ever taken a butt selfie before? Are you going to take a butt selfie now? What’s your favorite way to take a butt selfie? Are you going to send a butt selfie in for our A+ Community Butt Gallery , publishing this very Friday, in celebration of BUTT WEEK? (How many times can I say butt selfie?!)
If you would like to be included in our butt gallery, which will feature anonymous butt selfies from our very own community and which will only be available behind the A+ paywall and is only open to readers 18+, email me – vanessa [at] autostraddle [dot] com – with the subject line MY BUTT by WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 21. No additional info needed, all butts will be anonymous, simply send me a high-res photo of your butt. Nudity absolutely not required; if you do decide to be nude you may include your crack but no holes please! HAPPY BUTT WEEK!

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