Grapefruit Felacio

Grapefruit Felacio


Grapefruit Felacio

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Metro News Reporter Saturday 12 Jul 2014 12:02 pm

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A woman claims her fellatio technique is so effective that men have died mid-blow job.
Sexpert Auntie Angel, AKA Denise Walker, told VICE her unique blow job move – dubbed the ‘Death Technique’ – has caused ‘massive heart attacks’ in men.
In a video on her YouTube channel, Angel, 43, explains her signature method, which involves a warm grapefruit with a hole in it and a bizarre, hoover-like noise.
The former mechanic, who revealed she got the idea when experimenting with fruit on a former boyfriend, said: ‘I have had women who have given their men my blowjobs and the men have passed away.’
As for the hoover noise – described by one YouTube user as ‘a vacuum cleaner dealing with a very thick carpet’ – Angel said she ‘wanted to do something that was so out-of-the-box that he would never forget you until the day he died.’
Chicago-based Angel has reportedly taught over 50,000 people in the last 10 years at her sex classes.
‘My advice for women is to become a beast,’ she said, but warned:

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Sie denken in Sachen Fellatio macht Ihnen so schnell keiner was vor, denn Sie blasen Ihren Liebsten regelmäßig um den Verstand? Dann passen Sie gut auf! Wir haben drei außergewöhnliche Fellatio-Techniken, die Sie garantiert noch nicht ausprobiert haben – es aber definitiv bald tun werden!
Diese Technik beweist: Eine Fellatio kann sich nach so viel mehr anfühlen als nach bloßem Oralsex. Bei dem Grapefruit-Blowjob wird Ihr Liebster nicht mehr wissen, wo oben und unten ist – und vor allem, ob er gerade nicht doch mit Ihnen schläft! Denn genau das ist der Trick bei dieser Fellatio-Technik: Sie fühlt sich an wie Sex und Blowjob in einem.
Dazu nehmen Sie eine Grapefruit und rollen diese mehrmals auf dem Tisch, damit sie weicher und saftiger wird. Dann schneiden Sie beide Enden der Frucht ab sowie in die Mitte ein Loch, das in etwa so groß ist wie der Penisumfang Ihres Partners.
Verbinden Sie ihm vor Blowjob-Beginn die Augen, um den Überraschungseffekt zu erhöhen. Nun stülpen Sie die Grapefruit über seinen erigierten Penis , reiben sie auf und ab, drücken sie hin und wieder etwas enger und liebkosen Eichel und Hoden zudem mit dem Mund.
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5 Anmachsprüche, die jede Frau hasst
Das sagt seine Nase über seine Persönlichkeit aus
Die Geschichte einer ganz besonderen Liebe
4 Gründe warum ein Blowjob echt gesund für Frauen ist
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Auf diese 6 Dinge achten Frauen beim ersten Date
Sie glauben, wer die Fellatio schlampig ausführt, versteht nichts vom Fach und kann nicht richtig blasen ? Falsch! Denn genau das ist Sinn und Zweck beim sogenannten Sloppy Blowjob. Bei dieser Fellatio-Variante gilt: je mehr Spucke, desto besser. Schlucken Sie beim Blasen also nicht mehr brav Ihren Speichel runter, so wie Sie es bisher getan haben. Denn je feuchter und wärmer es wird, desto mehr fühlt es sich für Ihren Partner wie Vaginalsex an.
Schämen Sie sich nicht für eventuelles Schmatzen, denn das spornt ihn nur noch mehr an. Schließlich klingt es für Ihn so, als würde Sie Ihn im Moment wortwörtlich vernaschen!
Zugegeben: Diese Technik erfordert Körperbeherrschung und Multitasking – doch Ihr Partner wird von dieser Fellatio nicht genug bekommen können. Nehmen Sie einfach etwas kohlensäurehaltiges Wasser oder, wenn Sie mögen, Sekt in den Mund. Am besten schön gekühlt!
Nun nehmen Sie seinen Penis vorsichtig in Ihren Mund und lassen die Kohlensäure alles Weitere erledigen. Sie und besonders Ihr Partner werden merken, dass die kleinen Bläschen bei ihm für ein komplett neues Erlebnis sorgen.
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Cunnilingus. Even the word itself seems more complicated than it has to be.
But when it come to stimulating her down there, the numbers don't lie: 30 to 50 percent of women say they cannot reach an orgasm through intercourse alone. And there are 8000 nerve endings on the visible nub of the clitoris to navigate (twice as many as the penis). You do the math.
Luckily, we're here to help, breaking down all the tips, tricks and techniques you need to wow your woman tonight in a simple six-step plan. Consider it your final oral exam.
1. Take the initiative. Oral sex is not just foreplay anymore, explains Ian Kerner, Ph.D., a sexuality counselor and author of She Comes First , "It should be considered core-play." Only about 43 percent of women can climax through penetration alone (most need direct clitoral stimulation). In order to fulfill all her needs, you'll have to put those mouth muscles to work—and the best move is to dive in eagerly. "You should let her know how much the thought of going down on her turns you on. Plant ideas into her head as to what you'd love to do to her," says Yvonne Fulbright, Ph.D., a sexologist and author of The Best Oral Sex Ever—His Guide to Going Down . And once you're down there, Fulbright suggests "making noises, which will indicate to her that you’re into it," putting any libido-lowering insecurities she may have to rest.
WHAT SHE SAYS: "Do not go straight for the clitoris. Do some work around the general area and tease us. Get us worked up before you get to the main event. " —Masha, 25, Carlsbad, CA
2. Be flexible. One ex might have loved your go-to oral sex move while another woman may hate it. "No two people are alike in what turns them on, so you need to be adaptive in your techniques, positions, etc.," says Fulbright. Keep an open mind when it comes to feedback—and be prepared to observe. "Watch her please herself," suggests Molly Adler, a sexuality educator at . "You will learn how she likes to be stimulated and get a great show. Get to know her body by paying attention to what she likes. And if she doesn’t know what she loves yet, figure it out together." By taking the time to experiment what works for her as you explore her body, you’ll become more focused on the overall journey instead of the orgasm outcome.
WHAT SHE SAYS: "I prefer a guy to have well-manicured clean hands without hangnails or jagged edges. Along the same lines, I think women also prefer that their man has good oral hygiene. Brush your teeth first, please!” —Megan, 35, Houston, TX
3. Start slow, finish strong. Arousal is a process. As women get more excited, the types of sensations desired will vacillate. "In general, you should start off light and delicate. Very rhythmic," explains Kerner. "Throughout the process, you should apply more pressure and more stimulation. What might have been uncomfortable at the beginning might be comfortable for her at the end." The most common mistake is to start rough or too intense, so warm up her entire vulva first before focusing in on the clitoris. "Once she's warmed up, bring her G-spot [which is basically the first inch to two inches of the vagina] to life while massaging her clitoris with the tip of your tongue," suggests Fullbright, adding that you should become familiar with all of her erogenous zones ( here's a quick primer ). The trick is to indirectly stimulate body parts that can become overly sensitive, like rubbing her mons pubis to give her clitoris a breather.
WHAT SHE SAYS: "When your tongue is on my clitoris, nod your head back and forth as if you're saying yes. But don't obsessively slob, spit or salivate." —Dema, 35, Washington, D.C.
4. Let her do some of the work. Reading a woman's body language is the best way to monitor the amount of pressure and speed you should use—and she can help you set the pace. "You don't necessarily want to make like a cobra by going super fast or getting super fancy with your swirls. But you want to apply a point of resistance," says Kerner, noting that—just as when a woman is on top during intercourse—you can allow her to control movement and pressure as you go down on her. And, of course, it helps to pay attention to what she's doing up above. Nonverbal cues, like a squeeze of your hand, clenching the sheets or running her fingers through your hair, are easy to follow. "If she is responding with excitement to what you are doing, keep doing it. Not harder or faster, just exactly the same way," says Adler.
WHAT SHE SAYS: "Don't be afraid to play with the clit. Even a little (very light) biting is welcome to me." —Yvette, 25, Brooklyn, NY
5. Use your fingers as extra instruments. When combined with direct clitoral stimulation, finger action is the key to turning a little G-spot teasing into a full-blown orgasm. As you lick her clitoris with your tongue, "slowly and gently insert a well-lubed—and well-coiffed—finger into the vaginal canal," suggests Adler. "Curve your fingers upward while maintaining direct clitoral stimulation, either with your tongue or a vibrator. Then move your fingers gently in and out of her vaginal canal while pressing firmly upward." The response will be explosive.
WHAT SHE SAYS: "I think at least 50 percent of oral sex should be good hand-work. Fingers can go deeper than a tongue, and the use of hands gives the guy’s mouth a break so he doesn’t get too tired too quickly." —Melissa, 39, San Antonio, TX
6. Mix up positions. "The preferred position is going to be very individual, boiling down to her comfort with the action and how much she wants to be in charge, versus being a more laidback receiver," explains Fulbright. "Being on her back gives her less control over what’s being stimulated and with what kind of intensity, while '69' can have her less focused on her own reactions as she tries to pleasure her partner." In general, the more a position exposes her clitoris, the greater the sensations and intensity of the action she’ll experience. To explore different types of oral sex maneuvers, check out the Men's Health Position Playbook .
WHAT SHE SAYS: "It helps to know the roadmap! But if you're feeling overwhelmed by the task at hand, you can always slow down and ask for directions." —Amanda, 35, Sacramento, CA

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14 Sex Positions to ~Feel~ More When You’re on Top

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Emma Glassman-Hughes
Emma Glassman-Hughes (she/her) is a freelance writer for Cosmopolitan and a part-time editor at the Boston Globe.

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Just a bunch of tips you can absolutely let go to your head.
The blow job is the wild west of sex acts. There are no rules, only instincts. For anyone who’s ever wondered how to give a blow job, the literal only certainty is that it begins when you put a penis or any phallic item, like a dildo, in your mouth —beyond that, you can suck, lick, kiss, stroke, grind on, sing to, or, yes, even blow on that member if that’s what you and your partner are into. For those who are less experienced in the art of giving head —and believe me, it’s way more of an art than a science—it may seem like a great BJ is defined by fancy tongue maneuvers and taking it so deep that you full-on gag on the D. But the secret to a great blowie is the secret to great sex of any kind: Talk. It. Out.
Atlanta-based sex coach and founder of Velvet Lips sex education center Marla Renee Stewart, MA , says that if you’re going down on someone with a penis, you should feel empowered to ask them what they like. Do they usually orgasm from BJs? How do they feel about eye contact, or using your hands? Do they want to be able to hear how much you enjoy having them in your mouth?
She says it’s important to cater to your partner’s “seduction style,” something she describes in her book — The Ultimate Guide to Seduction and Foreplay: Techniques and Strategies for Mind-Blowing Sex , co-authored with sex therapist Jess O’Reilly, PhD —as a person’s preferred sexual stimuli.
Is your partner super visual? Are they more tactile? Perhaps they go crazy for certain sounds? Whatever sensations they most respond to, “those are certain needs somebody has with regards to the feedback or the connection that they appreciate,” says Stewart. And playing to those needs will make all the difference when performing oral sex .
But just as your partner has needs, you should feel similarly empowered to share your own. Maybe you’d rather give head on your back while they kneel over you. Maybe cum skeeves you out and you’d prefer them to finish somewhere other than your actual pharynx. Maybe you only like performing oral sex on a peen when said peen is wrapped in a strawberry banana flavored condom . Whatever it is, your needs are just as important as your partner’s, and the experience will be way more enjoyable for the both of you if you’re happy and comfortable throughout.
“You always need to have some sort of enthusiasm” when giving head, Stewart says. “If you don't want to be there, it's gonna show, so just don't do it. It's important for both parties to know your boundaries.”
OK, so you’ve talked to your part
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