Grapefruit Blowjobs

Grapefruit Blowjobs


Grapefruit Blowjobs

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What is the grapefruit technique for blowjobs? Does it work?




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Slice the grapefruit and then cut a hole reflecting the girth size of you or your partner's penis. (Pexels)
Ever heard of the grapefruit technique? It’s a unique blowjob method that—you guessed it—involves a grapefruit.
In the words of sex advice blogger Auntie Angel : “The grapefruit technique will make your man feel like you’re blowing him and f***ing him at the same time. The grapefruit technique is supposed to be so pleasurable, your partner could have a heart attack!”
Most internet users have at least heard of the grapefruit technique—but not everyone knows how to do it and indeed if it even works.
Follow these seven steps for the grapefruit technique. You must do the first four without your lover’s knowledge, according to Auntie Angel.
The initial explainer video by Auntie Angel made the technique viral. The clip starts with her seriously explaining the technique but later in the video, she unintentionally drives viewers wild with laughter.
Watch the Grapefruit technique by Auntie Angel below: 
At 02:40, she mimics oral sex on a large dildo and then places the grapefruit over it, and continues to suck it.
The noises she makes are the very reason it went viral.
Does the grapefruit technique actually work? Well, according to the internet… yes!
Some couples absolutely love this technique with its increased levels of sensation and fun.
What’s more, guys and girls who have tried it while giving head have said that it does make the blowjob easier to give.
But do keep the taste in mind… if you don’t like the taste of grapefruit, well, you won’t want to be sucking on it.
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According to the hundreds of comments online, it’s incredibly messy. Juice will pretty much squirt everywhere, so unless your room is made of towels, it might not be worth it.
The grapefruit juice is likely to drip down between the receiver’s butt cheeks too.
That sensation won’t be for everyone. But who knows… you or your partner might love it.
If anything, you might get some giggles out of this viral technique. Let us know about your verdict.
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grapefruit technique

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You do what with a grapefruit? How to turn a humble citrus fruit into the best sex toy ever. (You can thank us later.)
“Do you want a grapefruit blow job?” I asked my boyfriend, barely looking up from my phone after reading an assignment email my editor.
He looked at me mischievously, smiled and nodded.
“No, with an actual grapefruit,” I said, assuming he thought it was some kind of euphemism. “There would be a grapefruit involved in the blow job.”
“Whether there’s a grapefruit or not, I’ll be happy to get a blow job,” he said, which is a fair point if I’ve ever heard one.
The grapefruit technique, or simply “grapefruiting,” in which you cut a hole into a grapefruit and use it while you’re going down on a guy, has been made legendary by a funny, charismatic Chicago-based sexpert called Auntie Angel. She sells a line of sex-technique instructional DVDs (including “Angel’s Fellatio Secrets”) but has selflessly offered up her grapefruit blow job YouTube tutorial for free because, she says, “I believe every man should be grapefruited.” All righty! The sensation for him is supposed to be, uh, mind-blowing… and possibly cardiac arrest-inducing. Now that’s a powerful BJ.
“Men have said that it feels more like getting a blow job and having penis/vagina intercourse at the same time,” says clinical sexologist Dr. Kat Van Kirk. “There just seems to be more stimulation all the way around. Some guys also like to use grapefruiting as a masturbation technique. Many state that the texture feels a lot like the inside of a vagina.”
The prep for the grapefruit blow job is not unlike Saturday Night Live ‘s “Dick in a Box” skit: Cut the navel ends off a grapefruit, cut a hole the size of his penis’s girth in the middle of the grapefruit, and put his (erect) junk in that grapefruit. Then move and twist the grapefruit “ring” up and down his shaft while sucking the head of the penis. Easy enough.
Auntie Angel recommends springing the grapefruit on your (blindfolded) man as a surprise to make it less weird for him and — I’m guessing — to heighten the sensation. I had technically already ruined the shock factor by telling my boyfriend about it, so I waited a week after our discussion to hit the grocery store and select the perfect — or would it be “sexiest?” — grapefruit.
About an hour later, back at my apartment, I told him I had a surprise for him and to lie down on the bed while I blindfolded him. (Pro tip: If you ever want to see a man scamper to the bedroom as fast as a Twilight vampire, tell him you’ve got a surprise for him that involves a blindfold.) 
Once in the kitchen, I quietly sliced into the grapefruit and immediately realized I should have let the damn thing come down further to room temperature before we began, or at least warmed it between my hands (Auntie Angel says under no circumstances should you use a microwave). The flesh was ever so slightly chilly. But I’d already blindfolded him, so there was no turning back. I carved the hole and went for it.
From a blower’s perspective, it is profoundly weird to look down and see a grapefruit, Sunkist label still on, mid-bob. Plus, the grapefruit’s juices do run, so if you don’t want to ruin your 900-thread-count Egyptian cotton sheets, put a towel down first (though that seems overly OCD). However, the slippery texture is kinda fun to work with! And there’s a huge perk to this technique for women who don’t love giving BJs: If it’s the smell or taste that bothers you, the grapefruit’s scent and flavor is so strong it’s like going down on a grapefruit popsicle — much more pleasant than a normal beej.
Afterward, I asked my boyfriend what he thought. More specifically, did I traumatize him because the grapefruit was too cold?
Nope, the temperature was fine (thank god). He said the change in texture and temp felt like stepping from a sauna into a refreshing plunge pool — but it wasn’t quite the holy-$%*@-more-more-more widow-maker Auntie Angel promised.
Would he request the grapefruit blow job again? Probably not, he says. But…
“Again, I’m just happy to be blindfolded and get a blowjob.”
Verdict: This trick is worth a shot because a grapefruit costs literally 99 cents. Rather than buying an expensive couples’ vibrator in the hopes of spicing things up, you really can’t go wrong with spending a buck on a grapefruit. Just, um, let it come up to room temperature first.
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By Emily Madriga
Updated November 16, 2021

The grapefruit technique is a special technique for giving blowjobs. The grapefruit technique will make your man feel like you’re blowing him and fucking him at the same time. The grapefruit technique is supposed to be so pleasurable, your partner could have a heart attack!

By Emily Madriga
Updated November 16, 2021

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It seems like everyone on the internet has heard of the grapefruit method — but not everyone knows what it really is! For starters, yes , the grapefruit technique is a real sex tip and can actually (safely) be used. The hype all started with an unintentionally hilarious YouTube video in which a sex advice blogger named Miss Angel gave her best blow job tip of all:
Beginning around 2:40 in the video Miss Angel mimics oral sex on a large dildo. The noise she makes is what initially made most people laugh so much and want to share the video with their friends. It’s such a serious video for the topic that the noise is completely unexpected.
As the video went viral, people actually tried the grapefruit technique to varying degrees of success, which we’ll explore throughout this post. The technique became so popular that it was even shown (with disastrous results) in the Girls Trip movie.
1. Get a grapefruit. Preferably a ruby red grapefruit. (Miss Angel says, “sweeter is easier”). A large navel orange can be substituted if a grapefruit is unavailable.
2. Get the fruit to room temperature. Do this by leaving it out of the fridge. DO NOT MICROWAVE IT.
3. Roll the grapefruit against a hard surface. Rolling it between your palm and a table top helps loosen the fruit and make it juicier.
4. Slice the sides off the grapefruit. These should be thin slices that get rid of both navels (the bumps on the outside of the fruit. You will be left with a thick “wheel” of grapefruit.
5. Cut a hole in the middle of your grapefruit. This should be about the size of your partner’s penis.
6. Blindfold your man. The previous steps should be done earlier in the day or away from him so he doesn’t see what you are doing. This is a surprise sensation for him to experience.
7. Begin a bj as normal. Get your partner erect so that you can begin using the grapefruit.
8. Place the grapefruit around his penis. Twist and move the grapefruit up and down while you suck on the tip.
“I surprised my husband with this one night. He was laughing and laughing, until he started to make other kinds of happy sounds. Said it was a very weird experience knowing he was enjoying being pleasured by a citrus fruit. We agreed it was lots of fun, smelled great, and was so incredibly messy (all those little grapefruit bits everywhere, even with big towels) we would never ever do it again.”
“I have received it. It was an orange not a grapefruit but there’s hardly any different in the texture I think. I wasn’t blind folded but it was good. I suggested it to my SO because i wanted her to enjoy it as much as possible as well, she wasn’t a massive cock sucker. Didn’t make the noises though which was disappointing.”
“I tried this with the guy I am fucking. First of all – yes, juice everywhere. I mean everywhere. We put down a towel, but the bed still got wet. In addition to this, he also was not fond of the sensation of the juice dripping down between his butt cheeks. For me as the giver, it was sloppy, tasted weird (I hate grapefruit, haha) and completely silly. I could barely stop laughing. He said that it was too wet, too weird and too sloppy. The smell of citrus fruit was no plus either. Conclusion: fucking weird experience, but totally hilarious.”
“I have him cut the grapefruit ends off and a hole in the middle – easy peasy, right?
Slip into my nightie and saucily tell him to lay on the bed while I get to work. Okay…this is messier than I thought it would be so I put my hair in a ponytail. I slide the grapefruit down his shaft while I begin to jerk him off with it twisting back and forth while sucking on the head.
Do you know what it was like? A God damned porno parody, that’s what. All I could think of is, “that lying bitch! This is nothing like the video!” Don’t get me wrong, it made the blowjob taste great but the juice began to leak and squirt everywhere.
It was running down my chin, soaked my nightie, all over my chest, running down to the floor, soaking through the towel onto his bed and as I later discovered through the sheets and into the mattress. Mind you I’m on my knees trying my best because damn it were going to be kinky on VDay and I’m twisting this damn grapefruit back and forth on his dick trying to make the best of it.
Everything is covered it grapefruit by now, the more I twist and pump the more it goes everywhere, everything’s sticky and scented, and I have no idea what I’m doing anymore. I awkwardly asked if he was enjoying it to which he said he was and that it felt good but nothing Earth shattering as Auntie Angel promised.”
“So, after all my hemming and hawing, how did the grapefruit blowjob turn out? It went AMAZINGLY well. From the second I put that slice on there, my boyfriend could not get enough of this goddamned grapefruit.
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