Granny Swallowing

Granny Swallowing


Granny Swallowing
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0:03 / 3:51 β€’ Watch full video Live

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0:43 / 11:25 β€’ Watch full video Live

OMG! 78 Years Old Massage Therapist Massage Asmr Stretching, Impressive
This guy has been massage therapist for almost 50 years, he knows everything about massage, and asmr too, he loves his job and that keeps him in excellent shape, he goes swimming every morning and has 6-7 clients a day. he is very strong even now, he does trigger point deep tissue massage techniques and helps a lot of people with different problems. Thank you for watching!

Timeline - World History Documentaries

Timeline - World History Documentaries

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0:43 / 11:25 β€’ Watch full video Live

OMG! 78 Years Old Massage Therapist Massage Asmr Stretching, Impressive
This guy has been massage therapist for almost 50 years, he knows everything about massage, and asmr too, he loves his job and that keeps him in excellent shape, he goes swimming every morning and has 6-7 clients a day. he is very strong even now, he does trigger point deep tissue massage techniques and helps a lot of people with different problems. Thank you for watching!

Timeline - World History Documentaries

Timeline - World History Documentaries

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0:43 / 11:25 β€’ Watch full video Live

OMG! 78 Years Old Massage Therapist Massage Asmr Stretching, Impressive
This guy has been massage therapist for almost 50 years, he knows everything about massage, and asmr too, he loves his job and that keeps him in excellent shape, he goes swimming every morning and has 6-7 clients a day. he is very strong even now, he does trigger point deep tissue massage techniques and helps a lot of people with different problems. Thank you for watching!

Timeline - World History Documentaries

Timeline - World History Documentaries

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