Granny Sex Stories

Granny Sex Stories


Granny Sex Stories
In all my years, I had never thought of grandma Em in a sexual way until the day I walked into their house, yelled for her and got no answer. I could see that granda Willie was gone. His Chrysler’s absence meant he was either gone to play gin rummy with the guys or he
I had never thought of my Old Grannies in a sexual way, but for some reason everything changed. My granny went into an old folks home because she was getting on a bit so it was better for her and safer if she went into care. I can tell that this was very hard for
Jack laid back on his bed, cock in hand as he watched the adult video on his TV. The 18 yr olds mother would have a fit if she knew about the x rated tapes he hid in his room. It was almost six o’clock, Mom’s usual time home from work and He knew he
It had been the local residents’ idea, “helping the elderly” the note said “tick here and leave on your door for pick up if you need help” so I did and what a lovely surprise I got. My doorbell rang one morning and a young boy holding my signed note stood there “I’ve come round
It was some six years after TX Enterprises (for those who don’t Know about TX Enterprises and the fantasy to reality scheme, please read the stories entitled, “the Idea”) ceased to be, that out of the blue I received quite a lengthy email from a woman I did not know. This occurred only because I
It was the start of summer just before my 18th birthday. Ann and I had been going steady for almost two years and she was leaving the next day for summer vacation with her parents.We planned on making love for the very first time and I had asked my grandmother, who lived across town if
All stories, erotic novels, chatacters and events in this site, are absolutely fictional, not real.

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granny sex stories

Sex with Granny I had never thought of my Old Grannies in a sexual way, but for some reason everything changed.
My granny went into an old folks home because she was getting on a bit ( 92 years old and my Grandfather had just died a few months ago,) so it was better ..continue reading
Granny Sucks Good Todd Markham was a young man obsessed with boats. Occasionally he’d crew for some rich dude but what he really wanted was to own his own vessel. To this end, he saved up every penny he earned.

One morning, walking along the marina and drooling ove ..continue reading
My busty granny The house was in its usual chaos. My kid brothers and sisters were always scrambling to get ready, to get dropped off somewhere or my mother was scrambling to go pick them up. Dance, sports, band, so-and-sos house. Today mom was bopping from kitchen ..continue reading
Granny and two punks When you are eighteen years old and have a cock between your legs, you basically want to fuck everything that moves. Being young, dumb, and full of cum has a way of making you throw the normal thought process to the wind.

But still, when you’re th ..continue reading
Granny of a friend It was a summer of my youth in which me and my friends used to ride bikes in afternoon. one day Dinu came to pick me and then we went to pick Gaba. When we get to his house we shouted his name. Finding no reply we left the bikes outside and moved to ..continue reading
Granny from the Neighborhood I could not believe it when I looked out my bathroom window and saw Mrs. Turner peeking in my neighbor’s window. Her shorts and panties were around her ankles and it looked as if she was masturbating.

Mrs. Turner was the neighborhood gossip. She t ..continue reading
My pervert Granny It was early when I began indulging in our sexual fantasies about my mom. I had often spied on mom while she showered and dressed. I also stole her dirty panties from the hamper. This was the fuel for many of my jack-off sessions.

One day, when I ha ..continue reading
First time with my granny "Help your Grandma with shopping, okay hun?" My Mom said as we were driving to Grandma's. My Mom was nice, I hated my Dad so much. Like what's wrong with a 16 year old getting drunk on a Friday night? I returned home before midnight, I didn't have wo ..continue reading
Sassy Granny My name is Cathy. I’m a 43 year old widowed mother. I have a 21 year old son named Brian. I’m a rather tall, slim woman; five foot eleven inches, very long, dark brown hair that comes down to my waist and dark brown eyes. Tennis and running has k ..continue reading
My Journey Into Granny Two days into my summer I had to stay with my
grandparents. Grandpa was gone to the fields where he
would spend the day working cotton, soybeans and

Normally, I would have been in the city with my older
Brother, Harry. But two weekends b ..continue reading
Kinky Granny (gilf,granny,mature) Nicolette was riding me hard and fast. The way she always did.

"Fuck me, baby, fuck me hard, that's it, that's it," she grunted, pounding up and down atop me, her pretty face buried in my shoulder, mine at hers.

I licked the salty, sweaty skin of t ..continue reading
Granny fucking story For the past 12 years I've spent every summer vacation on the same Greek island and often at the same hotel; 'The Caspian'. I've got an infamous reputation in the local village for bedding single girls. This reputation amuses the hotel staff. They've ..continue reading
Sassy Granny Nude And Licked I'm a 23 year old guy that is just a pervert. This all started when I moved into a neighborhood that had mostly older people. I have never had sex with a mature women a lot older then me before. Most of my sexual experiences where always with girls a ..continue reading
My Granny, her friend and I It was one of those days home alone watching a few rap videos on BET and after a while the half naked women gyrating and shaking their voluptuous ass sent blood rushing to my dick. It was hard and ready for action but the only way to vent my desire w ..continue reading
Granny Fucker My name is Brandon I'm 24 years old and work in shipping and receiving for a company that installs and services computers and computer servers. This past Friday on of our local small business customers had a stand alone server go down basically shutt ..continue reading
Granny pleasures My name is Tim. I am not, nor have I ever been, married. I have never wanted to be married. I know and have known some very special women. They have shown me that there are a large number of women who, through no fault of their own, are stuck in a lo ..continue reading
My First Granny Porn My grandma is eighty years old. She still lives by herself � grandpa�s been dead for 25 years -- drives and is very active. She�s just a little thing, maybe hundred pounds. Her hair is gray and she wears glasses. She�s my dads mother.

Im jus ..continue reading
Granny becomes Slut This happened early 70 s when I was 16 .
I was in disagreement with my Mum as she wanted me to go on holiday with her and my Aunt to a holiday camp for 2 weeks in the summer holidays and spending 2weeks with mum & aunt was something I was going to av ..continue reading
Sister's Jerk My sister Lauren is twenty, short, a little chubby, has long blonde hair and massive K-cup titties. I love staring at them. Tight shirts, her bikini when we go swimming, it all gets me hard as nails. Recently however, I discovered if I climb the tree ..continue reading
Ass to mouth My first three year of high school could have been better. I was a pudgy boy and only five foot nine inches with a pimply face. My confidence was low so it didn’t take much to bring out my shyness and that is what made my first year horrible.

Alth ..continue reading
Dod's Mum - Ssbbw sex story Belinda was a wonderful person, great personality, bubbly; jocular and always full of fun; she’d a list of friends as long as your arm. However, she had one large problem and she herself would be the first to admit it; she was built like a brick sh ..continue reading
Short porn stories : After school I am a graduate student at a large southwestern university. As required by my department, I teach two sections of introductory psychology every semester. These classes attract, as you may suspect, some of the most beautiful wenches on campus. Last se ..continue reading
Sexy and sweet story “Fuck...I forgot that Gloria was coming today. It sucks having friends sometimes” Beth groaned, putting her hands on Jericho’s shoulders and seeing his eyes go to her chest. She was loving the attention and she knew she looked good for a little ..continue reading
Orgy in the school I was told to be ready at 8:30pm sharp, dressed informally despite the supposed formality of the event. I was told to expect the unexpected. And I was told to have eaten and hydrated beforehand.

It was all very mysterious and cloak and dagger. But e ..continue reading

Incest Sex Story: A boys love for his grandmother surprises them both
Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Reluctant 
Grand Parent 
Oral Sex 
I was still in the process of looking for a summer job when word reached my parents that mom's mom, in other words, "Granny" had fallen and hurt her back. I'd finished high school, and though I'd earned a partial scholarship from having played football, it still wasn't near enough to allow me to attend even one of the local universities. My folks were in no financial condition to help much either, so my going was going to entirely depend on me earning and saving up enough money to do so.
When mom suggested to Granny that I should come up there and help her out for a few weeks, I was all for it. I always enjoyed visiting Granny, mainly because she was about the only person that didn't treat me like I was still a kid. If anything, it was almost the opposite, sometimes she forgot in many ways, I still was one.
And the other thing was, I had a very hard time thinking of her as "Granny," even though all my cousin's called her by that name. For me, it was a kind of a compromise, I called her Gran, which she accepted as being that perhaps. Though I was also the only one of her grandkids who did and got away with it. To everyone else it was simply "Granny".
And I think that was the other reason I couldn't call her that either. She just didn't look like any "Granny" I'd ever known or seen. Sure ... she wasn't some young glamour model or anything like that. And yes, she had a few streaks of grey in her shoulder length dark hair. But she was still damn attractive. To be perfectly honest and candid about it, in many ways, she looked younger than my mother did. Maybe it was the fact she still somehow managed to run a small little ranch all by herself that did it. Plenty of exercise for one thing, so she was never one to sit around. She had a few horses which all needed caring for, had a few chickens she raised, though mostly for the eggs and once in a while for butchering for herself. She grew a bit of corn, some hay and alfalfa, but mostly all for her own use, and for feeding the horses she kept there. Still, all in all for a single woman now working it alone, it was a lot of work.
My grandfather had died three years previous, and everyone automatically assumed "Granny" would end up selling the place. I was the only one who wasn't when she didn't. Deciding to work it all by herself, until she simply couldn't do it anymore. Which at the moment, didn't look like it would be anytime soon. The fact she had hurt her back was of concern however. Without help, she couldn't hope to take care of the place. And knowing her, back or no back, she'd do whatever it took to feed and water the animals, even if it killed her. So, needless to say, I was more than anxious to go up and stay with her at the ranch for a while, or for however long I was needed. It would give me a chance to get away from my parents who'd begun pressuring me to take "any job" as they saw it, though to me at the time, just taking a job to have a job wasn't the way to live either. But working for Granny, even if I wouldn't get paid for doing it, was the best job I could think of doing at the time.
Though the bus ride itself was long and boring, I had used the time to catch up on some much needed sleep. Before I knew it, the bus was pulling over, and as I looked up and out the window, I could see Gran waiting for me in her pickup at the top of the mile long dirt road leading back to the ranch. Grabbing my duffle bag, I half flew out of the bus and into her truck. The smile on her face told me she was just as excited to see me as I was in seeing her.
"Give your ole' Gran a kiss," she told me. And I did. Kissing Gran wasn't a hardship either. And as far back as I can remember, we'd always kissed on the lips, never just the cheek. And even kissing her on the lips wasn't one of those pucker up and smooch-noise kind of kisses either. She kissed. Which was something that always made me wonder what she might have been like when she was my age. Gran had soft sensual lips, and when she pressed them against yours, you knew you'd just been kissed by somebody that knew what the fuck they were doing. Which again ... made me wonder about a whole bunch of other things too.
Gran was also wearing what she usually always typically wore. At nearly sixty, if she wasn't already, though she'd never say, she wore a pair of Jeans and still looked damn good in them. In addition to that, she wore a man's shirt, though usually with the shirttail tied in a knot just beneath her breasts. And these too looked a hell of a lot better than on any other woman her age I'd ever seen. She wasn't overly large breasted, though they were certainly on the low end of that scale. And with one or two more buttons usually undone than most might think appropriate, especially for someone her age, she had great looking tits. I never failed to appreciate seeing the gentle swale of her breasts, those soft twin slopes that just sort of dove down inside her blouse. And though whatever bra she was wearing probably provided them with some much needed support, I had admittedly fantasized about Gran's tits even more than Julie Ann Mobley's, and she had the biggest set of tits in school!
"How's your folks?" she asked as she turned the pickup around and began heading back towards the ranch.
"Oh you know ... same ole' same ole'," I told her.
"Still bugging you about delivering pizza or some such?" she asked.
I laughed, "Yep. Can't understand why they can't accept the fact I don't want to do that, even if I'm trying to earn and save some money to try and finish school. Applied for a few minor construction jobs, but so far ... no luck." Gran smiled at that.
"Well, you're certainly strong enough, remind me a lot of your grandfather," she said. Granddad was indeed a strong bulky man, though he'd been working farms and ranches for years. He'd probably still be doing that too if a drunk driver hadn't plowed right into the front of his car on his way back from the city after picking up a few needed supplies. And that too had been hard on Gran, losing him, and now living off by herself on the ranch ever since. I couldn't even begin to try and imagine what that might be like.
The main lodge as Gran called it was big enough for the Walton Family. Which is why she had most if not all of the top floor pretty much closed up. She'd even moved her own bedroom back downstairs where it fed out onto the back porch where she very often slept during the summer time when it was so hot. The patio connected from there to the kitchen, and then on around to the other side of the house, sort of making it into a horseshoe where that same patio extended and connected on to some other downstairs rooms, which is where I would be sleeping. Basically, our rooms faced one another, separated and connected by that comfy patio which is where we basically spent most of our free time.
Directly out back from there was the pond. It was a naturally fed fairly good sized pond with several species of fish in it. Gran swam in it during the summer time almost daily. And during the winter, as kids, I remember drilling holes in the ice and fishing it right alongside my grandfather. With plenty of tall fur pines, asps and several other spruce trees about, it was about as rustic a place as you'd ever want to see, and I could understand why Gran wasn't ready to give it up. It was truly beautiful.
We'd enjoyed a nice simple dinner together, and were now sitting out on the back porch watching the sun go down. Gran had opened us a couple of beers, handing me one without even question. Though like I said before, she sometimes treated me more like I was a fully grown man rather than just coming into it. Though I did happen to like beer, something my own parents would never have allowed me to have at home.
I had noticed during the course of the evening that Gran did walk about a bit stiffly. It was obvious her back was hurting as she tended to favor herself. Something I wasn't at all used to seeing. And as such, I did most of the carrying of anything and everything there was to carry, rather than letting her do it, though most often she'd start out doing so without asking me to help, or even expecting me to. I knew then I'd have to keep a constant eye on her and do things for her before she did something to even more permanently injure herself.
I noticed as we sat there watching the sun just then disappearing that she was rubbing the back of her neck with her hand. "You know Gran, I've got some really good ointment with me, used it all the time when I was playing ball for all those aches and pains you get. How'd you like me to rub some of that into your back and shoulders for you?" I asked.
"Would you? Oh my Peter, that would feel heavenly I'm sure!" she said "Can't believe how sore this can get trying to hold my back and neck straight all of the time. The doctor told me he was half tempted to put me in a neck brace as it was, if I wasn't careful. So I've been trying to be, but it's still pretty damn sore!"
"No problem, happy to do it," I told her, and then raced back to my room for the ointment. Seeing no point in turning the light on, there was just enough light left that I could still see by, I emptied out the contents of my bag on the bed, spotting the ointment and picking it up. As I did, I glanced out the window of my room back across the patio to where Gran was still sitting. What I saw surprised me a little. She had undone the little knot in the front of her shirt. Taking off her blouse, she now sat there for a moment in nothing more than a white bra and her jeans. As I thought about it, it made perfect sense that she might. I mean after all, I was going to need to rub her back for her anyway, and the shirt would have been a real nuisance trying to do that with it on. But it was then that I watched her suddenly reach back behind herself, though not without wincing a little in order to do so, and unclasp her bra. I stood there, watching as it fell away. I watched then as she turned, hanging up the discarded garment on the back of the chair. Even at this distance I could see the fullness of her breasts, each capped by a rather large dark colored nipple. As she turned back around, she re-gathered up the shirt she'd been wearing and placed it over her chest, covering her boobs, holding it in place at her sides with her arms and sat waiting for me. I went through the side door straight out onto the patio rather than going back through the house the way I had come, now that the do
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