Granny Piss Outdoor

Granny Piss Outdoor


Granny Piss Outdoor

We Went Outside

People Peeing Outside


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We Went Outside

People Peeing Outside


H House


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Frames + Mounts


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You have the ultimate convenience. You first step away as far as you deem respectful, depending on your crowd. Or maybe you just turn your back without a break in conversation. You choose your location with the heart of a mischievous boy, and think to yourself, What would I like to pee on most in this area.. . Years of experience gives you olympian accuracy. You hang your head, relax your shoulders, and you watch your pee disrupt the stillness of what’s around you. Maybe you found a bush, and you peed all over its leaves and watched them shake as you insulted them. Or perhaps, there is a big rock you’d like to pee down. Maybe you watch it change color as it trickles away from your feet. I bet you’re the kind of person who loves to take a whiz in the snow. You wiggle your chilled ween, swirl it around, and let it melt into an artwork of drizzles and trails. Or, maybe, you’re the kind of person who likes to look around and soak it all in, and at night, you spot the moon. I bet you feel liberated. Freed from the bellow of your bladder. Freed from propriety. You feel as though you’ve just spit off of a high bridge. And you are not alone in your enjoyment of this act.
And all your secret business. So much consideration goes into the female outdoor piss. You must have skill about it. I know you consider the slope of the earth before you. I know you watch your stream to make sure it doesn’t splatter your jeans and sandaled feet. You have refined your technique with pride, because it is a challenge, isn’t it? You must watch out for thorns and nature’s booby-traps while you situate yourself to avoid mooning your friends. You always look down, don’t you? I bet it’s a long, strong pee too, because God knows you waited until you absolutely had to. I hope you’re the kind of woman that likes to take a leak in a meadow full of wildflowers while weeds poke your cheeks. Or just maybe, you’ve found a fallen tree to sit on so you can give your quads a break as you catch sight of a slimy snail and a few little mushrooms. Then, you probably do a little wiggle and drip dry or you grab a nearby leaf to wipe your excess. When your challenge is won and you’ve pulled up your pants, you want to strut back to your male brothers because you are no different. Your pee is also yellow.
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I about choked on my iced tea when I read the orignal post. LOL

Living in the mountains of Montana, male or female, you better be able to use the bathroom outside! Yes, we obviously have bathrooms here but we're outside hiking, snowshoeing and snowmobiling so
much that its gonna happen that you're gonna need to go where no bathroom exists. Its usually easy for us ladies to find 2 rocks/boulders reasonably close to one another to sit between them without
squating and guys, well, you guys have it easy.

Interesting topic to say the lease.
This is a funny topic! I grew up on an organic farm in the NW and there were outhouses and the males could of course pee outside. Now I have a permaculture style garden/yard and I urinate in a watering can from Lowe's that fits a woman's anatomy perfectly. I have several of them so I can add water and water the garden. I do think it would be weird to urinate outside because I would be so visible in my urban environment but since I prefer to save the urine to use in the garden it does not matter anyway! But I do envy the males that can just wing it off the deck. Thanks all! I will try to post a pic of my watering cans! Go girls! I am responding to this because when I spoke up about using urine in a recent permie class people were surprised about this.
Location: Portland, Oregon Maritime, temperate, zone 7-8.
OK, I am taking my cue from Paul.

This is some of the best fertilizer in the world we are talking about.

Naturopaths have told me that it is better for my health not to wear underpants at all, ever, because the air circulation is better for my skin and discourages unwanted bacteria. They are doctors. So I followed their advice and never regretted it, in fact, I have been much happier.

I find that applies somewhat to pants in general, so I almost always wear skirts.

I only wear underpants when on my moon.

So, when I wear a skirt - no problem. II can be standing, squatting, whatever I wish. I just hold it out so I do not pee on it and then air dry. I wait a few minutes before I sit down.

So simple.

If I am wearing a long skirt, I am home free anywhere. I think that public toilets are disgusting, so I have even peed in a park in the city and no one knew but me and the plants who loved the nitrogen.

It is very freeing. No tension about finding a disgusting public restroom.

At home I choose plants I want to fertilize that I will not be eating the leaves of. It is s joy to watch them green up.

I rotate the location so it does not smell too strong, or kill plants from too much nitrogen.

However, if you WANT to l kill a plant, simply apply urine to it until it dies. This works very well with poison oak. In that case, it is best to use a jar and pour it on without touching the plant.

Who originated the idea that we should have shame about the practical use of one of the best fertilizers in the word, and why did they do that?

Good questions.

Pamela Melcher

I have to say I am firmly in camp B, I have been peeing outdoors since childhood and have no issues. I much prefer going out doors especially when the indoor bathroom situation is less than optimal. I am not a big fan of public bathrooms I can understand however how many would be annoyed with the sprinkling situation, and squatting if you have bad knees. I was not happy about it either, but over the years I have made some "adjustments" that have helped and made peeing in the outdoors much easier. The first is the whole squat position. You do not necessarily have to completely squat down. I have found that standing with legs wide apart and leaning your torso forward and thrusting your hips/buttocks back (with just a slight bend in the knees) works just as well. Knee problem solved. As for aim, I agree with one of the comments above that "pushing" more will help. But also, and I am not really sure there is any delicate way to say this so I won't bother, it helps if before you pee, you "spread apart" parts of your genitalia with your fingers. As females things tend to get sort of "bunched up" and hence aim issues arise. As for clean up afterwards, I just use mullein leaves. We have a lot of mullein that grows on the property and it makes for excellent natural toilet paper. We have a bidet in the house so it makes it easier to clean up after.
Location: Portland, Oregon Maritime, temperate, zone 7-8.
The portal through which we all enter this physical plane of existence is sacred.

I finally read all of this thread and it is very freeing.

Masanobu Fukuoka says "Shit is Buddha." I think we can generalize that to urine.

I heard Masanobu Fukuoka speak in person, and he has a very thick Japanese accent, and pronounces it "Sheeet eees Buddha." And he smiles a big smile. Very loveable.

Only a little tangential - I think this is very practical. How women can reduce their use of toilet paper to 1/3 of present levels. When I use toilet paper after I pee, I save it in a bag, and the next time I need to pee I use the other side of that bunch of toilet paper. Washing my hands takes care of sanitation. I collect it and when I need to poo, I use the twice used toilet paper. Washing my hands takes care of the need for sanitation.

Saving trees and reducing industrial pollution by doing that makes me very happy.

Visualizing an earth with pure air and water and radiating health through healthy, well nourished plants and animals, including the human species.
Many Blessings,
Pamela Melcher
I like Pamela's 1/3TP idea. Having cloth diapered and use cloth moon rags, I'd gladly go cloth with that 1/3 approach. I was basically doing that with my daughter for toilet potties and when I approached my DH with the idea that we all do it, he balked. I think I'll revisit the idea for DD and I.

My most recent thoughts on how: there's a handy spray nozzle that attaches to the toilet plumbing ( DIY here ) to help with clinging residue, an attractive 'diaper' bucket , and enough cloth wipes for the household (and willing guests) for 5 days, with laundry every 3rd day. A lovely basket for the clean ones, too.

I like the wipes my grt aunt made for DD, 2 layers of attractive thin flannel sewn together. I've used old wash cloths and it's not the same experience .
I take a beach umbrella with me when there isnt enough privacy, open it, lay it on its side & tuck in behind it to do the job .
Hmmm...Why not build a pee only outhouse with a drainage hose that goes into the compost pile? I'll add that to my list of projects
I just had to get in on the pee thread! LOL I'm in the B camp. Even when it's not necessary to pee outside, I'll take the opportunity to do so..particularly at night. For some reason it feels so primal and right, almost like a marking of the territory for me. Our rhubarb was so very lovely this year!!

Been doing it ever since I was a little girl and, when you are raised with an outhouse as your toilet, it is far more comfortable to squat and pee in the winter than it is to sit on that ice cold seat.

As for wiping...a brisk shake and a few seconds to air dry is mostly adequate. Carrying a bandana or family cloth with you on your choring in the woods and fields is also an option.
Edit: I forgot to point out the recent forum moving is making things really hard to find, I had to wait for this thread to show up as an ad at the bottom because I searched in all the compost and humanure ones for it, bummer

I imagine Paul doesn't actually come read this forum, but I thought if he does he might like to know it was actually originally the first one I wanted to reply to on permies, but I wasn't a member yet and I was in a rush that day. I love this topic, as I grew up in a family who went camping and gold mining every single summer, so I have been "peein' in the wooods" since diaper age. I remember being really little and mom or dad would put their hands out under our knees so when we squatted we were kinda sitting on their arms so we didn't fall, until we were big and balanced enough to do it ourselves. I also remember being kids playing in the sprinkler in the summer and my sister and I both would just run to a rose bush, still standing, move our swimsuit bottom over and pee on the rose bush. We were always proud of our standing pee during sprinkler times, lol. Now, as a 28 year old adult, I live in a travel trailer that is not hooked up to septic. It never will be either, the toilet is going to be ripped out and replaced with a composting 5 gallon bucket set up, but anyways...for right now I kept a folgers can with the lid, but I don't seal the lid. It sits in the bath tub as we do not use our shower right now anyway. I can easily step in there, pee in the can which I just hold at an angle to make easier, otherwise you splash yourself. Drip dry. Every morning or sometimes more often if I have drank coffee lately and peed a lot, I take my folgers can with lid out and dump it either where we plan to have our next garden or in an existing one that won't be harvested anytime soon. I of course still make sure to do this when the male room mates are not home, as our trailer is in someone's yard (out of city limits). I'm lazier than most probably would be with actually washing it, but I do that once in awhile. Sometimes I just let it sit out on a rainy day, then go empty the rain and let it sit upside down in the sun til its dry. The longer you store pee, and higher amount, the more smell you will get, I can definitely tell you that. That is why I just let the lid sit loose now, and the bathroom roof vent is always cracked so odors can escape better.

My advice to anyone who is against going outside to pee is go learn about septic systems. My dad installed them for many years, so I know how much of an unhealthy, environmental nightmare they are. I also know that WOMEN cause the most pollution in them, stop flushing tampons and pads, they are NOT flushable no matter how many times the damn box lies that they are. Also, the treatment and maintenence of modern sewage systems proves how wrong these systems are. They require so much input and constant monitoring and WORK that they are the definition of unsustainable, you just don't know it because you aren't the one who has to go swim in shit and bloody tampons at work every day. When you throw something away there is no away, where do you think all your urine and poo go? Women, of all people, should be more aware of how often they send toxins off for someone else to deal with, when if they had done it right those toxins would have been mere fertilizer for their closed loop of proper health and wellbeing.

This was our first year growing food and we have tomatoes so good people are begging for more of them, they can thank our pee, as my boyfriend also walks to the garden to pee. And for clarification, NO, neither of us take pills of any kind, and haven't for a lot of years. We are also disease free, which I don't think the stores' tomatoes fertilizier can claim.
I like to pee near a large- and soft-leafed plant, preferably a goosefoot maple, for TP. A skirt is great for hiding the stream, but a wide shirt or jacket will also do well. When I am concerned about splashing, I squat but with my butt way up in the air. Also you have to squat with your legs wide apart.
Granted I'm young (22), strong and limber, but I've never had a splashing problem unless I aim at a bad spot on the ground. No wiping needed, but an occasional shake off helps. But, maybe it's also because I've had lots of practice...been doing it since I was very small, don't remember what age I started. I suspect my dad was more supportive of said activity than my mom when I was a kid, she gets a little testy if she knows I'm "going" outside. And we live on 6 wooded acres...plenty of cover. So yeah, I'm a group B'er, and comfortable doing so (well, in private at least).
Location: La Palma (Canary island) Zone 11
Haha, there is even a way we ladies can pee standing up like males!

The problem is that "real" males can do it publicly, and that is a bit of problem for women, like once someone looking strange at me when I was on my way back (was I really as female as I did look?)

About toilet paper, well, a hand and a little bottle or a glass of water just do fine.
It is traditionally the left hand, the right one being for eating...
Ok, I just tried this .. Because I am curious. How hard is this?? Well not too hard. I just pretended I was a guy and directed my parts with my hands. I just clasp my hands around my vaginal openin
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