Grandfather Sex Stories

Grandfather Sex Stories


Grandfather Sex Stories
We are going to my grandfather’s for a birthday dinner and fun in his pool. For now we are stuck in the car, watching the trees pass and fade into desert. My grandfather lives in Arizona, the home if the lizards my momma calls it. Daddy came too, he held me in his lap like a special girl as we drove up the last mile of road and into the dusty drive way near a large white house with a huge all around patio.
The front yard had some cactus that grew under the shade of a swing set that looked old and rusty. I ran passed it as I slid out of the passenger door and ran up to the porch into Grandpas arms. He was big, warm, and his hands always tightly hugged me into him. “Hey Dale” He said to my father and then nodded to my momma. “Hey dad” Daddy said as he patted grandpa on the shoulder and carried a suitcase passed us into the house with momma not far behind with her purse.
“And how are you my dear Allie ?” Grandpa asked gazing down at me. I smiled and blushed. “I’m fine.. ” I said bashfully. Grandpa kissed my forehead and then ran a hand up and down my bum. “Good girl, now come in so we can dress you for swimming”.
When I was ready I came out of my room and raced out to the back yard where my mom and dad stood eating icecream. My grandfather was in trunks and sat in the pool with a beer. I raced into the pool and waded around happily. It was hot and sunny, unlike Minnesota where I lived. I loved Arizona, I decided.
Mr.Bojangles, the black cat, sprung along the fence posts a few feet away meowing for attention from my father. the cat was ancient, as my mother said, he had grey eyes now that were once blue, and his whiskers were wrinkled and hung down.
Daddy patted the kitty as I swam up to Grandpa and snuggled near him. He patted me and sipped more beer.
He swatted me lightly as I squealed and giggled with delight. Before he reached I felt my skin sizzle and tingle with each swat. I blushed and then he rubbed my bum curiously. “Did I hurt yeah sweetie ?” He asked. I shook my head and then grinned at him. “No Papa” I said smiling. He nodded.
After swimming I got my burger and ate in the house while watching TV. The lights were being turned off when I started to feel tired. “Allie time for bed” Daddy said loudly turning off the TV. I sighed and walked in my night gown to the bedroom and laid in my bed without need for blankets.
I awoke in the middle of the night in tears, the dream that had plagued me was forgotten but I was still scared and shaking. I headed into my Grandpa’s room and climbed into Grandma’s side, where she would have been if not for her death.
I laid down and hugged onto Grandpa’s arm. He grunted and opened his eyes, he almost closed them and then they went wide and his hand went to his crotch which I hadn’t noticed. He wasn’t wearing anything.
He sat up looking startled. “Allie, what the heck are you doing in here ?” He hissed through the darkness.

I sat up and felt tears leak out of my eyes. “I had a bad dream” I whispered my voice breaking. He looked torn and then patted my head very hastily. “Sweetie I’m sorry but Grandpa needs his sleep, I need you to go back to your ok ?” He said nervously. I shook my head “Its to dark”.
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He sighed and was startled when I leaned over and hugged into him. I sat on his lap, hoping he would hold me my momma did and stop protesting. “Okay… but just for a moment” He said patting my back. He laid back and hummed, trying to make me fall asleep, but I struggled.
I watched the moonlight dance through the blinds for awhile and then wiggled as something poked my leg, and then my crotch. For some reason that second poke caused an electric shock to run up my stomach and ball in chest. I held my breath and wiggled to feel it, I felt Grandpa grunt, his hand instinctively pressing me closer. I began to run against it, closing my eyes as it made my blood tingle and my skin turn into flames.
I began to rock hard enough to creak the bed, gripping grandpa with a new fury of passion,hoping whatever this was would stop and at the same time praying to god it never would. Grandpa lay quietly, only gripping me tighter as his poke got harder. It got so intense that grandpas arm began to lift my gown until the poke was this warm hard something rubbing into my private parts. I felt the need to pee and stopped, pure fear and dread filling me. “Papa, I’m gonna pee” I whimpered.
“Its ok sweetheart, you can go” He whispered gently. I began to move more as a rocket shot of electricity released me of all control and caused me to pee. The warm liquid covered this hard thing, and then I was so tired I didn’t care I was wet.
Grandpa held me, heaving, grunting, but not moving a muscle. He gave a tiny thrust that slid the hard thing along my privates. “No” He snapped at himself, spooking me.
He slid me off and got up so fast I didn’t get a chance to see what the hard thing was. I left to my bedroom, scared I was in trouble, but to tired to wait for punishment. I fell asleep in my bed my crotch wet with pee.
(To be continued)

I Was 10 When My Grandfather Touched Me “Down There”. My Parents Were Just Upstairs.
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Partnered Post | Joycelyn Tan

8 Jul 2022

It happened when I was 10. It’s not like most stories that you might have read about; there was no struggling, no screaming, no taunting or violence. It was silent—mostly because I had no idea what was going on.
It didn’t happen in an alleyway, or in a sleazy motel room. Not even in my own bedroom. It was in a dusty half-lit store pantry on the ground floor of my grandfather’s house. With about 9 other relatives on the first floor. It happened when I wasn’t alone.
Was it frightening? Hardly. If anything, it was confusing. I was only 10.
I grew up in a conservative home. I didn’t know the word ‘f*ck’ until I was 15. I only understood its meaning a whole year later. And yet now we have 8-year-olds using the word in grammatically correct sentences. My parents were traditional in their ways (and very strict).
I never once asked them, “Mommy, where do babies come from?” Maybe I wasn’t quite an inquisitive child. I knew there was a hole somewhere in my nether regions but I thought it was just for peeing.
So when grandfather asked me to follow him into the pantry and put his hands down my panties, I just stood there like the good doll I was while he sat on a stool behind me. He was gentle. But determined. Quick—before anyone else came into the kitchen—but long enough for me to remember his stubby beard rubbing against my neck.
I can’t remember when I realised the disturbing intentions of his action. Maybe it was when I discovered porn by accident. Maybe it was when I studied Chapter 4 of Science in Form 3. Maybe it was during “girl talk” with my guy friends in school.
But even before I figured it out, I knew my grandfather did something bad. Bad enough for my parents to tell me to avoid going near him when we visit after I told them about how he touched me “down there”. However, in my 10-year-old mind, it couldn’t have been that bad since they never confronted him about it. There wasn’t any big hoo-ha or dramatic family intervention. They simply told me not to tell anyone about it—sorry, mom and dad, for this.
In their defence, they couldn’t have prevented it. Not before it happened anyway. They couldn’t have known that they shouldn’t leave me alone downstairs while they chatted happily just several metres away. They couldn’t have known that they should have told me from a young age to “scream for help and run if someone touches you here or here “. And for that, I’ve never blamed them.
That’s not the case for my grandfather. Although I listened to my parents and avoided him, it was out of obedience and ignorance. Not because I actually understood why I should. And when I finally did many years later, I hated him for it. Which is a difficult task to do even after all these years.
It might be because it’s hard to hate someone who’s been dead for at least 10 years (I don’t keep count of the exact number). There’s only so much hate that you can give to a dead person because you can’t really do anything about it.
I don’t have any extraordinary lesson for you, other than the predictable ones. Educate your children so that their understanding of “down there” is not lacking; be observant so that any changes in your child’s behaviour doesn’t go by unnoticed; and do something when your child confides in you so that they know they can trust you.
Because not every case of child sexual abuse and molestation is about a child kicking and screaming.
Sometimes it’s a silent one, not because they are unafraid, but because they are confused, unaware, and simply just don’t know any better.
I consider myself very lucky. It only happened once and I was still ignorant. Nevertheless I’m in no way belittling it. I’ve heard of horrific experiences from victims of abuse, and even if it happened once, twice, or many times, there is always one similarity between them—they will be affected.
I sometimes wish that my parents did make a big deal out of it. I wish my relatives knew what a creep grandfather was.
On the other hand, I’m relieved that they didn’t. I can’t imagine having to face the embarrassment and the humiliation. More importantly, I also can’t imagine handling the rejection if they all knew but still did nothing about it. Or worse still, didn’t believe me.
Am I traumatised and never able to trust men again? Not quite. I am, after all, happily married. But till this day, I can’t stand stubby beards.
Editor’s note: This article is in response to the sudden (but very necessary) interest in the ugly truth of child sexual abuse cases in Malaysia . The writer would like to remain anonymous; however she’d like to remind readers that if they have a sexually abused child, it’s your responsibility to make them feel secure and accepted. Lodge a police report, or seek professional advice from a child psychologist/counsellor. Let them know that they are significant and that their well-being matters. 
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Vulcan Post aims to be the knowledge hub of Singapore and Malaysia.
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Published by sonny on January 10, 2019 
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Ever since i was a little girl my grandpa spoiled me. he gave me a weekly allowance plus he bought me just about anything i asked for. i loved grandpa. not just because he was good to me, but because he was fun to be around. he liked to tickle me and i sat on his lap and played horsie and stuff like that. i was his only grandchild and i guess thats why he spoiled me . when i turned fourteen my grandma died and grandpa was really sad. he asked if i could spend the summer with him so he wouldnt be so lonely. my parents agreed and i went to stay with grandpa.
the first day we had lots of fun. miniature golf and eating out and a movie. it was great and i was happy to be there with grandpa. he smiled a lot and he wrapped his arms around me and kissed me like we had been doin since i can remember. i always kissed grandpa on the lips. i dont know why, i just always had. grandpa had never touched me in a bad way or nothin.he never put his hand between my legs or anything. he treated me with respect. like a little lady he said.but the next day i found out that nice grandpa is a dirty grandpa.
he said he had to run some errands and he would be back later, so i just sorta roamed around the house looking at stuff. i went into his bedroom and shook the mouse on his computor . the screen came alive and it was filled with views from cameras. it was a monitor. one of the views was from the room i was staying in. another was from the bathroom. i clicked on the bathroom and view got larger , full screen. it was a very clear view of the entire bathroom. and when i rolled the wheel on the mouse , the camera zoomed in and then back out. i clicked onto the word saved at the bottom of the screen and a video came on with yesterdays date. it was a video of me taking a shower yesterday. from the time i closed the bathroom door until i finished and turned off the light. grandpa had recorded everything. he had watched me taking a shower.
i clicked onto the camera in my room and zoomed in to a closeup of the bed i was sleeping in . i clicked saved and there i was asleep . last night.
i wasnt angry. i was surprised. i wondered why grandpa would want to do that. who needs a camera in a bathroom. and then i thought . grandpa saw me naked. he saw everything. he watched me get undressed and he watched me get in the shower and he watched me dry myself off and he has it all right there. on his computer. i wasnt shy. i wasnt embarrassed. i just wondered why he wanted to see me naked.
i thought about sex when i was fourteen. of course i did. all girls that age think about it all the time. we know that boys that age have perpetual hardons and our panties are always wet. but i was still afraid of it too. afraid of a lot of things. how bad will it hurt. how will i know what to do. what if i suck at it it.
i thought about what guys look like naked and maybe sometimes i wished i could see one naked. but i never had. and no boy had ever seen me naked. now grandpa has. and i wondered if it had made his dick hard when he had watched me. did he maybe wish it was him in there and i was the one watching thru the camera. i wonder, what does grandpa look like when he is naked. i thought about it . alot.
i pretended as if i had never seen anything on grandpas computer and that night was a quiet night of television. i went to bed a little early and i mighta kissed grandpas lips goodnight with a flick of my tongue and i went off to bed.and i lay there with the light on . listening.
i knew the camera was there now. it was in the corner behind the door almost hidden by a picture frame. and i knew it was pointed at me.
grandpas room was right beside mine and after awhile i heard him go in there and close the door. i thought about him in there watching me right now. i knew he could see everything. he could zoom in on anything he wanted too. i thought about laying there naked and letting him look at my body. my titties werent that big yet but they were growing. momma calls them apple sized. i could pull my panties and let him have a good look between my legs.
but that night i was still not brave enough. just a young virgin thinking about naked bodies. i wasnt brave enough to show grandpa my pussy. so i rolled over and took my panties off and i put my pillow between my legs.i humped it like i did when i was at home sometimes and i was wondering what a dick looks like and feels like and maybe even. taste like. and i thought about grandpa. about him watching me hump my pillow while he is in there holding his dick and i wonder if its hard.and i moan a little and i hump faster and faster and harder and i just cant stop till i moan really loud like i always do because it feels so good.
the next day i played the totally grandaughter. i pretended it was just any old day like yesterday and i had no clue he had probably watched me fuck my pillow last night. i walked into the kitchen where he was cooking breakfast and i kissed him on the lips and we sat down and started the day. as if neither had a clue about the other. it was really exciting. i woke up feeling horny and i sat there with him wondering if he was thinking about my naked body. he said he had to run a few errands but that he wouldnt be gone long and then he would fire up the grill in the back yard. i kissed his lips again and i hugged him and i said i love you grandpa. and when he was gone i ran to his computer and i watched myself while i fucked my pillow. it was hot.
that afternoon, i changed into my bikini and i spread a blanket in the backyard and i soaked up the sun. grandpa got home and i ran to him and hugged him and kissed him. and he kissed me back. he had changed into shorts and he had no shirt on and i liked the way his bare chest felt against me. and i liked the way his hands brushed my ass when i pulled away.i had thought about it all day. i was gonna seduce grandpa. i was gonna get him to fuck me.

” Remember Grandpas picking you up from school Bianca. ” Her mum said as she got out of the car.
” Yes mum. ” She said stepping out closing the door.
She walked into school adjusting the headband in her long black hair.
Bianca 16 5ft 9. 30C 26 28 Body. She wore a mid thigh pleated black and red tartan skirt, white short sleeved blouse. She met her boyfriend at the class kissing him. If her mother knew she was sleeping with him.
After school she waited for her Grandpa. She saw his car approach. She said hi as she got in the passengers seat.
She sat her skirt covering her top half of her thigh. She started talking to him.
Charlie was 64 5ft 10 grey short hair he wore black shorts and a tee shirt.
” Shall we go for a ice cream ? ” He asked
” Ok ” Bianca said smiling. They got a ice cream and went to sit at the beach lookout.
They sat talking she itched her upper thigh over her skirt he looked down at her legs admiring them. She was a attractive girl like her mother. They sat talking and eating she noticed him looking at her legs. She knew she shouldn’t but she actually felt horny and aroused. Sitting at the beach with her grandpa.
Her pussy was moist and wet. She opened her legs slightly, she really wanted to rub her clit she looked down at his groin wondering it he was aroused. She casually slid her skirt up her thigh a bit more. Now most of her thigh visible. She saw him look down and caught his eye. He felt embarrassed.
” Looking at my legs. ” She replied.
” Sorry, you have nice legs. ” He said.
” Thank you grandpa. ” She said lifting her skirt higher up her thigh sliding her arse forward her panties visible.
” Like my knickers. ” She said. Hi looked down seeing the black lacy underwear with red lace trim around them.
” I don’t mind. ” She said reaching over putting her hand in his lap sliding it over his bulge.
” Its ok. ” She said cupping his cock over his trousers. With her other hand she grabbed his hand putting it on her thigh.
” We shouldn’t be doing this. ” He said.
He slid his hand to her inner thigh rubbing it his finger grazing her panties. He looked at her moving his fingers over her panties rubbing over her pussy. She opened her legs his finger slid inside onto her pussy rubbing her wet pussy lips. She groaned His cock twitched as he felt her wet pussy.
” Fuck no. ” She said kissing his lips. His hand up inside her skirt.
They looked around people outside walking around not realising what was going on inside the car.
” Shall we go somewhere private? ” He said.
” Ok ” she replied smiling. He took his hand out from up her skirt. He looked at her as he licked his finger tasting her
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