Grand Double Latex 519

Grand Double Latex 519


Grand Double Latex 519
Москва, Кутузовский проспект 36, стр. 11, пн-пт 10-19, сб-вс 11-18
Санкт-Петербург, Московский пр., 79,
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пн-пт 10.00 - 20.00 сб-вс 10.00 - 19.00
+7 (812) 502-72-26 (Санкт-Петербург)

Heritage Collections Handcrafted Double-Sided Natural Mattresses Made of geniune natural materials including rubber latex, cotton, and wool Warrantied for 10 – 15 years Complementary white glove delivery & installation
Heritage Collections Handcrafted Double-Sided Natural Mattresses Made of geniune natural materials including rubber latex, cotton, and wool Warrantied for 10 – 15 years Complementary white glove delivery & installation
Individually wrapped Quantum Edge coils provide perimeter support to eliminate a roll-off feeling and deliver a more consistent sleep surface. By combining motionless coils with 1″ natural latex rubber and plush quilted foam, this double-sided mattress provides medium-firm support ideal for back and stomach sleepers. Consider adding a topper for additional comfort.
With a combination of individually-wrapped Quantum Edge coils and two inches of natural latex rubber plus 1.5 pounds of quilted foam layers, this double-sided mattress provides a plush, yet supportive feel ideal for back and side sleepers.
This popular combination of open-end traditional innerspring coils is reinforced with steel supports around the edges. Hand-tufted 100% natural cotton batting on both sides of the mattress delivers breathable comfort and enhanced durability.
A soft surface with 2″ of quilted foam top layer on each side over a firm foundation. This popular combination of open-end traditional innerspring coils is reinforced with steel supports around the edges. Hand Tufted 100% natural cotton batting on both sides of the mattress delivers breathable comfort and enhanced durability.
A strong, yet contouring coil system and hand-tufted natural cotton batting on both sides of the mattress deliver greater firmness and enhanced durability with steel supports providing reinforced edges. Three layers of hand-tufted staple cotton on both sides of the mattress deliver cool, breathable comfort.
A plush sleeping surface with three layers of hand-tufted staple cotton, 2.5″ of natural latex, and foam on the top and bottom for ultimate comfort. The premium open coil system along with a strong steel border provides reinforced edges to keep its shape and lasting support.
Selecting the perfect mattress for years of restful, regenerative sleep can seem overwhelming. Talk to our friendly staff, and get the answers you need.
Handcrafted Mattress Starting at $235
Luxury All-Natural Designer Mattresses
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Copyright 2022 © Custom Comfort Terms Complimentary White Glove Delivery & Mattress Removal Throughout Southern California

21. December 2012
by tom
\multicolumn {number cols}{align}{text} % align: l,c,r
\multirow {number rows}{width}{text}
    \multicolumn {2}{c}{Multi-column} \ \
    \multirow {2}{*}{Multirow}&X \ \
\caption {Multi-column and multi-row table}
    \multicolumn {2}{c}{ \multirow {2}{*}{Multi-col-row}}&X \ \
    \multicolumn {2}{c}{Multi-column}& \ \
    \multirow {2}{*}{Multirow}&X& \multirow {2}{*}{Multirow} \ \
    X& \multirow {2}{*}{Multirow}& \multirow {2}{*}{Multirow} \ \
\caption {Schedule of electricity load level}
\multirow {3}{12mm}{Load Level} & \multicolumn {2}{|c|}{No daylight saving time} & \multicolumn {2}{|c}{In Daylight saving time} \ \ [0.5ex] % inserts table
 & \multirow {2}{22mm}{From Monday to Saturday} & \multirow {2}{22mm}{Sunday and holidays} & \multirow {2}{22mm}{From Monday to Saturday} & \multirow {2}{22mm}{Sunday and holidays} \ \
\multirow {2}{12mm}{Light} & \multirow {2}{22mm}{00:00 to 06:59} & \multirow {2}{22mm}{00:00 to 16:59 22:00 to 23:59}
 & \multirow {2}{22mm}{00:00 to 06:59} & \multirow {2}{22mm}{00:00 to 17:59 23:00 to 23:59} \ \
\multirow {2}{12mm}{Medium} & \multirow {2}{22mm}{07:00 to 17:59 21:00 to 23:59}
 & \multirow {2}{22mm}{17:00 to 21:59} & \multirow {2}{22mm}{07:00 to 18:59 22:00 to 23:59}
  & \multirow {2}{22mm}{18:00 to 22:59} \ \
\multirow {2}{12mm}{Heavy} & \multirow {2}{22mm}{18:00 to 20:59} & & \multirow {2}{22mm}{19:00 to 21:59} & \ \
\caption {Schedule of electricity load level}
\renewcommand { \arraystretch }{1.5} % adds more space between rows
\begin {tabular}{p{0.12 \linewidth }|*{3}{p{0.20 \linewidth }|}p{0.20 \linewidth }}
\multirow {3}{ \linewidth }{Load Level} & \multicolumn {2}{c|}{No daylight saving time} & \multicolumn {2}{c}{In Daylight saving time} \ \ % inserts table
& \multirow {2}{ \linewidth }{ \centering From Monday to Saturday} & \multirow {2}{ \linewidth }{ \centering Sunday and holidays} & \multirow {2}{ \linewidth }{ \centering From Monday to Saturday} & \multirow {2}{ \linewidth }{ \centering Sunday and holidays} \ \
\multirow {2}{ \linewidth }{Light} & \multirow {2}{ \linewidth }{00:00 to 06:59} & \multirow {2}{ \linewidth }{00:00 to 16:59 \hfill 22:00 to 23:59}
& \multirow {2}{ \linewidth }{00:00 to 06:59} & \multirow {2}{ \linewidth }{00:00 to 17:59 \hfill 23:00 to 23:59} \ \
\multirow {2}{ \linewidth }{Medium} & \multirow {2}{ \linewidth }{07:00 to 17:59 21:00 to 23:59}
& \multirow {2}{ \linewidth }{17:00 to 21:59} & \multirow {2}{ \linewidth }{07:00 to 18:59 22:00 to 23:59}
& \multirow {2}{ \linewidth }{18:00 to 22:59} \ \
Heavy & 18:00 to 20:59 & & 19:00 to 21:59 & \ \
\multicolumn {2}{l}{ \bfseries \large Mixed Masters Walking} \ \
\arrayrulecolor {gray!20} \cline {1-6} \arrayrulecolor {black}
\begin {tabular}{|p{3cm}| p{3cm}*{1}{p{5cm}} | }
\newcommand { \myrule }{ \ifodd \rownum \arrayrulecolor {gray!20} \else \arrayrulecolor {white} \fi }
\begin {tabular}{|p{3cm}| p{3cm}*{1}{p{5cm}} | }
\rowcolor {blue} \bfseries \textcolor {white}{My text} & \multicolumn {2}{c}{ \bfseries \textcolor {white}{My multirow}} \ \
text   & First row: & color1 \ \ \myrule \cline {2-3} \arrayrulecolor {black}
& Second row: & color1 \ \ \myrule \cline {2-3} \arrayrulecolor {black}
text   & First row: & color2 \ \ \myrule \cline {2-3} \arrayrulecolor {black}
& Second row: & color2 \ \ \myrule \cline {2-3} \arrayrulecolor {black}
this is a very long text which should span multiple rows   & First row: & color1 \ \ \myrule \cline {2-3} \arrayrulecolor {black}
& Second row: & color1 \ \ \myrule \cline {2-3} \arrayrulecolor {black}
\newcommand { \specialcell }[2][c]{ %
  \begin {tabular}[#1]{@{}l@{}}#2 \end {tabular}}
\newcommand { \myrule }{ \ifodd \rownum \arrayrulecolor {gray!20} \else \arrayrulecolor {white} \fi }
\begin {tabular}{|m{4cm}| *{2}{p{3cm}} |}
\rowcolor {blue} \bfseries \textcolor {white}{My text} & \multicolumn {2}{c}{ \bfseries \textcolor {white}{My multirow}} \ \
text   & First row: & color1 \ \ \myrule \cline {2-3} \arrayrulecolor {black}
& Second row: & color1 \ \ \myrule \cline {2-3} \arrayrulecolor {black}
text   & First row: & color2 \ \ \myrule \cline {2-3} \arrayrulecolor {black}
& Second row: & color2 \ \ \myrule \cline {2-3} \arrayrulecolor {black}
this is a very long text which should span multiple rows & \specialcell {First row: \ \Second row: \ \Third row:} & \specialcell {color1 \ \color1 \ \color1 } \ \
\newcommand { \specialcell }[2][c]{ %
  \begin {tabular}[#1]{@{}p{3cm}@{}}#2 \end {tabular}}
\newcommand { \myrule }{ \ifodd \rownum \arrayrulecolor {gray!20} \else \arrayrulecolor {white} \fi }
\begin {tabular}{|m{4cm}| *{2}{p{3cm}} |}
\rowcolor {blue} \bfseries \textcolor {white}{My text} & \multicolumn {2}{c}{ \bfseries \textcolor {white}{My multirow}} \ \
text & First row: & color1 \ \ \myrule \cline {2-3} \arrayrulecolor {black}
         & Second row: & color1 \ \ \myrule \cline {2-3} \arrayrulecolor {black}
         & Third row: & color1 \ \
text & First row: & color2 \ \ \myrule \cline {2-3} \arrayrulecolor {black}
         & Second row: & color2 \ \ \myrule \cline {2-3} \arrayrulecolor {black}
         & Third row: & color2 \ \
this is a very long text which should span multiple rows & \specialcell {First row: \ \Second row: \ \Third row:} & \specialcell {I'm the explanation of the First row. \ \I 'm the explanation of Second row, and want to be aligned with second row. \ \And I belong to Third row!} \ \
\begin {tabular}{|m{4cm}|*{2}{p{3cm}|}}
\rowcolor {blue} \bfseries \textcolor {white}{My text} & \multicolumn {2}{c}{ \bfseries \textcolor {white}{My multirow}} \ \
        & Second row: & color1 \ \
        & Second row: & color2 \ \
    &First row:& I'm the explanation of the First row. \ \
    \multirow {3}{*}{ \begin {minipage}{ \linewidth }this is a very long text which should span multiple rows \end {minipage}} & Second row: & I'm the explanation of Second row, and want to be aligned with second row. \ \
    & Third row: & And I belong to Third row! \ \
%\rowcolor{gray} % Color all 3 multi-row rows
\multirow {-3}{*}{Multi-row (3)}&Single-row \ \
\documentclass [border=10pt]{standalone}
    X& \multirow {3}{*}{Multirow} \ \
    \caption{Tabela de erro para polarização C.A. (Em porcentagem), comparando-se as Tabelas \ref{TabelaCAcalculados} e \ref{TabelaCAmedidoscalculados}.}
            \multirow{2}{*}{Erro}  &$A_{V_{NL}}$  &$A_{V_{L}}$   &$A_{V_{S}}$   \\ \cline{2-4}
                                    &2,0           &2,0           &5,5           \\ \hline
\multicolumn {5}{|c|}{Title} \ \ \hline
\begin{tabular}{| C | C{3cm} | C{3cm} | C{3cm} | C{3cm} |}  
     \textbf{category} & \textbf{absolute donations} & \textbf{donations relative to wealth} & \textbf{donations relative to income} & \textbf{Bekkers \& Wiepking} \\ \hline
    job & 1 & 6 & 4 & 5 \\ \hline
    wealth & rich > poor & poor > rich; exception: 7th decile; thoose who dont give have the least & rich > poor & \multirow{2}{*}{\parbox[c][/c]{3cm}{positive, but inelastic(growth in donations low income & unclear pattern & unclear &  \\ \hline
    real estate & rich > poor & poor > rich; exception: 7th decile; thoose who dont give have the least & rich > poor & 5\\ \hline
   social engagement & 5 & 6 & 4 & 5\\ \hline
\begin{tabular}{| *{4}{C{2cm}|} C{3cm} |}  
    \textbf{category} & \textbf{absolute donations} & \textbf{donations relative to wealth} & \textbf{donations relative to income} & \textbf{Bekkers \& Wiepking} \\ \hline
        job & 1 & 6 & 4 & 5 \\ \hline
        social engagement & 5 & 6 & 4 &\multirow{2}{*}{\parbox{\linewidth}{positive, but inelastic growth in donations low income}}\\ \cline{1-4}
    social engagement & 5 & 6 & 4 & \\ \hline
    social engagement & 5 & 6 & 4 & 5\\ \hline
        \headcol \multicolumn {1}{c}{}& \multicolumn {4}{c}{ILW-silo}& \multicolumn {3}{c}{LLW-silo} \ \ \midline
        \headcol \multicolumn {1}{c}{}& \multicolumn {1}{c}{Bituminised}& \multicolumn {3}{c}{Filter rods and metal scrap}& \multicolumn {3}{c}{ \multirow {2}{*}{Maintenance waste, filter rods, metal}} \ \
\caption {Key points of the applied samples and experimental configuration}
Type of Cell & \multicolumn {4}{c}{HeLa} \ \
Type of Nanoparticles & \multicolumn {2}{c}{Cl$_2$ + FeCl$_3$ + Citrate} & \multicolumn {2}{c}{Cl$_2$ + FeCl$_3$ + Mannitol} \ \
Concentration of Nanoparticles & 2,4 \mu l & \multicolumn {2}{c}{4,8 \mu l} & 7,2 \mu l \ \
Incubation time & \multicolumn {2}{c}{24 h} & \multicolumn {2}{c}{48 h} \ \
Position of the Magnet & \multicolumn {2}{c}{underneath} & \multicolumn {2}{c}{at the side} \ \
Time of Excitation & \multicolumn {4}{c}{1-6 minutes} \ \
Applied force & \multicolumn {4}{c}{400 N} \ \
    \multicolumn {3}{c}{Multi-column} \ \
    \multicolumn {3}{c}{Multi-column} \ \
abc & \multirow {2}{*}{abc} & abc & abc \ \ \cline {1-1} \cline {3-4}
\multicolumn {9}{c}{Module P: Power Amplifier& Module U: Up Converter & Module M: Modulator & Module T:Terrestrial Equipment}
&Module P: Power Amplifier & Module U: Up Converter & Module M: Modulator & Module T: Terrestrial Equipment \ \
The column in the matrix& $1$ & $2$ & $3$ & $4$ \ \
row 2& \subcolumn {1}{2}{3}& \subcolumn {4}{5}{6}& \subcolumn {7}{8}{9}& \subcolumn {1}{2}{3} \ \
\caption {Representation of the matrix}
&Module P: Power Amplifier& Module U: Up Converter & Module M: Modulator & Module T:Terrestrial Equipment \ \
The column in the matrix& \subcolumn {1}{2}{3} & \subcolumn {4}{5}{6}& \subcolumn {7}{8}{9}& \subcolumn {10}{11}{12} \ \
\label {Representation of the matrix}
\caption {Representation of the matrix}
&\multicolumn{3}{>{\raggedright}m{0.14\linewidth}|}{Module P: Power Amplifier}& \multicolumn{3}{>{\raggedright}m{0.14\linewidth}|}{Module U: Up Converter} & \multicolumn{3}{>{\raggedright}m{0.14\linewidth}|}{Module M: Modulator }& \multicolumn{3}{>{\raggedright}m{0.14\linewidth}|}{Module T: Terrestrial Equipment} \\
The column in the matrix&1&2&3 & 4&5&6&7&8&9&10&11&12\\
&\multicolumn{12}{c}{\textbf{Panel B: Return and Profitability Descriptive Statistics}}\\
&Non Durable&Durable&Manu-facturing&Oil \& Gas&Chemi-cals&Bus Eqp&Phone \& TV&Utilities&Whole Ret&Health-care&Finance&Other\\[5pt]
\multirow{3}{*}{ROE}& 0.077& 0.057& 0.034& 0.031& 0.026& -0.069& -0.927& 1.096& 0.094& -0.281& 0.450& 0.001 \\
& 0.119& -0.111& 0.126& -0.755& 0.117& -0.050& 0.102& 0.116& 0.059& 0.067& 0.100& -0.000 \\
& -1.067& 6.948& -2.569& 7.551& -1.519& -0.240& -0.930& 3.766& 0.998& -8.318& 4.282& 0.053 \\[5pt]
\multirow{3}{*}{CF} & 0.061& 0.051& 0.060& 0.059& 0.044& 0.009& 0.029& 0.029& 0.062& -0.140& 0.003& 0.038 \\
& 0.062& 0.069& 0.058& 0.076& 0.058& 0.042& 0.054& 0.037& 0.052& -0.035& 0.021& 0.002 \\
& -1.044& -7.180& 2.385& -6.253& -6.694& -23.859& -8.631& -6.328& 11.392& -37.083& -6.982& 7.542 \\[5pt]
\multirow{3}{*}{\begin{minipage}{\linewidth}EBIT MAR\end{minipage}} & 0.043& -0.016& -0.066& -0.639& -0.443& -1.742& -1.598& 0.017& -0.012& -17.730& 0.018& -1.102 \\
& 0.075& 0.050& -0.050& -5.519& 0.034& -0.254& -0.163& 0.185& 0.020& -8.070& 0.095& -0.137 \\
& -2.244& -6.142& -0.519& 10.781& -4.773& -5.256& -1.514& -11.954& -2.024& -5.218& -0.509& -8.969 \\[5pt]
\multirow{3}{*}{GM} & 0.340& 0.262& 0.217& 0.152& 0.146& -0.847& -0.696& 0.221& 0.277& -14.841& 0.350& -0.587 \\
& 0.323& 0.285& 0.176& 0.042& 0.361& 0.285& 0.234& 0.279& 0.237& -7.230& 0.276& 0.165 \\
& 2.168& -2.748& 1.644& 0.820& -5.184& -4.208& -1.029& -9.724& 5.978& -4.262& 0.583& -7.792 \\[5pt]
\multirow{3}{*}{TAX} & 0.339& 0.309& 0.221& 0.264& 0.278& 0.141& 0.263& 0.392& 0.564& 0.249& 0.246& 0.138 \\
& 0.300& 0.131& 0.369& 0.276& 0.344& 0.162& 0.018& 0.329& 0.306& 0.207& 0.204& 0.216 \\
& 1.820& 5.471& -3.440& -0.289& -3.618& -1.018& 3.346& 2.985& 1.382& 0.862& 0.986& -1.205 \\[5pt]
\multirow{3}{*}{\begin{minipage}{\linewidth}RET12 L\end{minipage}} & 1.211& 1.223& 1.212& 1.240& 1.215& 1.320& 1.261& 1.166& 1.239& 1.322& 1.144& 1.232 \\
& 1.217& 1.241& 1.208& 1.257& 1.176& 1.312& 1.293& 1.151& 1.229& 1.318& 1.212& 1.208 \\
& -1.006& -2.006& 1.176& -2.261& 5.777& 1.258& -2.815& 6.934& 1.854& 0.631& -23.983& 6.033 \\[5pt]
I always forget how to do this. If you have the same problem, here is a quick post for your bookmarks…
Using * as width in the multirow command, the text argument’s natural width is used ( multirow package documentation ).
The examples provided are very basic. Drop me a comment below in case you are having problems with a more complex table. Also, the color is just for illustration purposes and for simplicity reasons not part of the minimal working examples above. See here for how to color table columns or rows.
Use \cline{columns} for a horizontal line spanning one or several table columns.
in the multiple columns and multiple rows examples, are you sure pictures match with code?. I think alignment of “X” is not “c”.
Right, I used a more complex column definition and changed the code to keep it as simple as possible. Also, the color is not reproduced by the example.
Hi. Thanks for the help. I am having trouble with multiple multirows in a table. It doesn’t seem to recognise that the second multirow exists. Any ideas?
Hi Rachael,
Here is an example with multiple multirows in a table. If this doesn’t help solving your issue, please provide a minimal example.
this code in not working every time a error occured “I can’t write on file mainnew.pdf .. pls reply
Thanks for your question. I don’t think there is a problem with the code. The error sounds like there is another problem, i.e. the file cannot be replaced. Perhaps you opened mainnew.pdf with another program which locks the file. See here for a similar question .
Thanks for the post. It helped me a lot.
I wonder if it is possible to centralize the cell named “Sunday and Holiday” in the following example.
I assume you were asking about centering horizontally. You can achieve it by placing \centering in front of the text within \multirow .
I also took the liberty to clean up your table a bit. The main change is to define column width relative to \linewidth in order to optimally make use of space using p{\linewidth} . Let me know if you have questions.
I have one question
Is there a option to prevent page break in multicolumn? Im using tabular
So I need to second multicolumn be on separate page, if it’s to big for one page.
Thanks for the question. I suggest to use the longtable package which automatically inserts page breaks. Take a look at my post on the topic and also this trick to color every other row .
Do you know if it’s possible to combine multirows with alternating rowcolors?
I want all the rows within one multirow to be the same color, but the “main” rows to change color every second row.
When just specifying \rowcolors{2}{white}{grey} , the rows within one multirow will also alternate colors, which I don’t want. And preferably I don’t want the multirows to have visible lines between them.
Found something similar here, but with multicolumns: .
Interesting question, thanks! In the example on tex.SX, usage of \cline doesn’t change the color for the subsequent row. You might want to try that instead of \multirow . To make the small lines between rows with the same color disappear, give \cline the same color:
If this doesn’t answer your question, please provide a minimal working example.
Thank you for looking into this issue. Your comments helped me one step in the right direction: I’ve managed to hide the cline by coloring it the rowcolor.
Here is a stripped example of my table, wh
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