Грамматика английского языка - Иностранные языки и языкознание контрольная работа

Грамматика английского языка - Иностранные языки и языкознание контрольная работа


Иностранные языки и языкознание
Грамматика английского языка

Изучение грамматики английского языка путем выполнения специальных заданий. Пути пополнения личного словарного запаса. Особенности использования специальной литературой для изучения грамматики английского языка. Написание топика на тему "Family".

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Студенты, аспиранты, молодые ученые, использующие базу знаний в своей учебе и работе, будут вам очень благодарны.

Английский язык является первым мировым универсальным языком. Более 500 млн. людей в 12 странах мира считают его родным. Еще 600 млн. говорит на английском в качестве второго языка. И еще несколько сот миллионов обладают определенными знаниями английского языка, который имеет официальный или полуофициальный статус примерно в 62 странах. И его употребление растет удивительными темпами. Сегодня в мире существует примерно 1,5 млрд. людей, говорящих на английском языке.
Цель моей контрольной работы изучить грамматику английского языка путем выполнения специальных заданий, пополнить свой словарный запас и научиться пользоваться специальной литературой.
1. Present continuous or present simple? Complete the sentences choo s ing the right verb form.
1. Do you like learning English? (Do you like / Are you liking)
2. I don't understand this program.
3. Jim and his father aren't watching TV. They are asleep.
4. Tony is upstairs in the bathroom. He is washing his hair.
5. Why are we running? Are we late?
6. There are some strange noises in the sitting room. What is Tom doing?
7. What time does John get up every day?
8. Fred and I are good dancers but we don't go to discos very often.
9. Do you come from Denmark? - No, I'm Swedish.
10. I always stay in the same hotel in New York.
11. Does it snow in winter in your country?
12. Joanna isn't cooking the dinner at the moment.
2. Complete the conversations. Put the verb in the correct form in the present or past.
1. Jim: Were you going (go) shopping when I saw you yesterday morning?
Kate: No, I was on my way to the bank.
Jim: I go to the bank every Friday, before the weekend.
Kate: Me too usually. But this week I do not have time, so I went yesterday.
2. Jan: Did you see that science program on TV last night?
Jan: It is wonderful. It shows a new way of repairing a heart.
3. Jill: Why are you looking at me?
Tony: Because you wearing a new dress and you look very good in it.
Jill: Thank you. I bought it yesterday.
4. Val: What is Jim doing this morning?
Jan: He's at the doctor's at the moment.
Jan: He fell and hurt his leg yesterday when he was running for a bus.
5. Vic: Was Sally working at half past seven last night?
Pam: No, she was helping me with the dinner. She often helps in the kitchen.
Pam: She didn't. She was staying at home all evening.
3. Complete the sentences with words from the box. In one sentence, no word is necessary.
At on in until since for from to
1. Pat's uncle left Canada in 1968 and went to Brazil.
2. John is getting married in the end of the month.
3. The accident happened on Monday morning when Sue was driving to work.
4. Alan has been feeling sick since he ate some fish last night.
5. Are you going to stay to the end of the film?
6. The birds started singing at half past four this morning.
7. We'll know the result of the exam in three weeks.
8. An American player won the tennis championship for Independence Day.
9. Robert is going to stop work next February.
10. I swim in the sea every day of summer.
11. Does John really enjoy working at night?
12. How long are you going to stay here? - until can speak the language perfectly.
4. Write down the questions that led to each of these answer.
1. Are you Mrs. Meier? That's right. Pleased to meet you.
2 Did you have a good flight? Yes, thanks, I had a very good flight.
3. Who would you like to see? I'd like to see Mr. Perez, if he's in the office.
4.Whith whom did you speak last visit? On my last visit I spoke to Ms.Wong.
5. Who recommended the hotel to you? It was Mr.Grun who recommended the hotel to me.
6. Are you going to meet your husband? No, my husband is traveling with me. I'm meeting him later.
7. Till what time will you be staying here? We'll probably be staying till Friday morning.
8. Has he ever being here befor? No, this is his first visit. He's never been here before.
5. Complete each sentence with a suitable question tag.
1. The phone number is 518361 , isn't it ?
2. This machine doesn't operate automatically, does it?
3. We can send the catalogues by surface mail, can't we?
4. You've studied this subject for some time, haven't you?
5. We must confirm this by sending them a fax, mustn't we?
6. She isn't in the office today, is he?
7. They'll let us know before the end of the month, will not they?
8. It is the time for dinner, isn't it?
6. Rewrite these sentences in the passive form.
1. The postman will bring the letter. The letter will be brought by the postman.
2. They close shops at eight. Shops are closed at eight by them.
3. The guide met the tourists at the station. The tourists were met by the guide at the station.
4. They have already translated the article. The article has been already translated by them.
5. You must use a dictionary. A dictionary must be used by you.
6. Somebody made this plate in 1760. This plate was made by somebody in 1760.
7. Tom drives the car. The car is driven by Tom.
8. I am writing the test now. The test is being written now by me.
Посетители Британии часто удивляются странному поведению ее жителей. Британцы любят создавать очереди. Они встают в очередь, когда ждут автобус, стоят в очереди за билетами в театр, и в очереди в магазин. Широко известный писатель Георг Майкс, венгр по происхождению, шутил: «Англичанин, даже если он один, формирует очередь из одного».
Итак, самая страшная ошибка это садится в автобус, не дождавшись своей очереди. Британцы очень чувствительно относятся к такому поведению, и они могут по настоящему разозлиться на людей которые не ждут своей очереди.
Водители машин могут стать очень агрессивными, если им покажется, что вы проскочили без очереди в пробке. Газеты часто опубликовывают сердитые статьи о тех, кто платит деньги за то, чтобы обойти список людей в больнице, которые ожидают своей очереди попасть на операцию по быстрей.
Британцы, особенно англичане, очень скрытны, в отличие от людей других стран. Они не любят показывать свои эмоции. Они обычно не без труда вступают в разговор с незнакомцами. Им не нравятся вопросы личного характера (к примеру, сколько денег они зарабатывают или вопросы, касающиеся их семейной жизни). Им нужно больше времени, чтобы подружиться. Они сначала узнают вас получше, прежде чем пригласить домой. Так что не расстраивайтесь, если ваши английские друзья не приглашают вас к себе домой. Это не означает, что вы им не нравитесь.
Если вы приглашены на вечеринку, будет вежливо позвонить и предупредить сможете ли вы прийти или нет. На сегодняшний день большинство вечеринок неформальные, поэтому вам не придется беспокоиться о том, что одеть - что-нибудь начиная с джинсов и заканчивая костюмом сойдет.
Будет очень грубо или считаться плохой манерой курить в чьем-нибудь доме без разрешения «Не будете ли вы против, если я закурю?» Если вам понравился вечер, позвоните хозяйке на следующий день или напишите ей короткое благодарственное письмо. Возможно это покажется смешным, но британцы говорят «спасибо, спасибо, спасибо» постоянно! Они говорят «спасибо» даже когда расплачиваются с работником магазина.
В настоящее время большинство людей в Британии не носят очень строгую одежду. Конечно, они одевают ее когда находятся «на службе» (на работе), им приходится подчиняться определенным правилам. Вы не можете представить банковского работника без костюма или галстука. Но когда он уже не на работе, он может надеть старый свитер и джинсы, иногда с дырками на них.
Если вы выходите прогуляться, вы можете надеть почти все. Нет больше специальных требований для театров, посетители которых должны одевать вечернюю одежду. Итак, что вы наденете, будет зависеть, возможно, от того сколько вы заплатили за билет. В Королевском оперном театре в Ковент Гарден, к примеру, зрители в бельэтаже, в портере и на балконах обычно одеваются формально, в то время как ниже в амфитеатре могут одеть джинсы. Люди, тем не менее, имеют тенденцию одеваться более формально для балета и оперы, нежели чем для театра или концерта.
В последние годы курение получило плохую репутацию и мало кто сейчас курят. Никто больше не курит в Лондонской поземке, в кинотеатрах, в театрах и особенно в автобусах. Большинство компаний запрещают курить в своих офисах и буфетах. И некурящий может вести себя грубо по отношению к курящему, который не соблюдает правила и курит в публичных местах. В поездах есть, тем не менее, специальные вагоны для курящих и специальные фильмы для тех для тех, кто еще не начал курить.
Хорошие и плохие манеры составляют социальные правила страны, но их не просто выучить, потому, что они не написаны ни в одной книге! У британцев есть пословица на тему неписаных правил: «Когда ты в Риме, веди себя как римлянин».
1. Complete the sentences with the following adjectives:
Friendly delicious cheap busy interesting
1. The clothes are cheap. For example, you can buy a shirt for 1 pound.
2. The people are friendly. They always talk to you.
3. I love the street food. It's delicious.
4. It's interesting on Saturday. There are lots of people.
2. Match the adjectives on the left with the opposites on the right.
3 . Match the words on the left to the examples on the right.
1. Economy a) United Kingdom - 56 million people
4. Politics d) car, aeroplane, bus
5. Population e) the moon, Mars, a space station
6. Communication f) phone, satellite, e-mail
7. Climate g) government, president, The White House
4 . Underline the adjective which does not go with the noun .
1. Cities: cosmopolitan\ dangerous\ historic\ delicious \ busy
1. Weather: hot\ dirty \ dry\ wet\ cold
2. Beaches: clean\ dirty\ crowded \ empty\ modern
3. Countryside: flat\ small \ quiet\beautiful\ mountainous
5. Underline the word which is different.
6. Put the words in the right category.
1. Brother father aunt grandfather daughter children husband son wife sister parents mother uncle grandmother
Brother, father, Children, parents. Aunt, daughter, wife,
grandfather, husband, sister, mother, grandmother.
1.Underline the correct forms of the verbs:
2. I visit/visits my friends in the morning.
5. We eat/eats a special fish dish.
6. My brother usually watch/watches television.
7. Our parents give/gives us money.
8. I play/plays cards with my parents.
2. Complete the questions and answers:
1.A: Do they study German at school?
B: No, they don't study German. They study English.
2.A: When does she listen to music?
B: In the evening. She doesn't listen to music in the morning.
B: Yes, I do but I don't use the Internet to buy things.
B: I don't meet new people in bars I meet them at work.
B: No, he doesn't have a bank account.
B: I don't contact friends by e-mail. I use the phone.
1. Do they book hotels on the Internet?
2. Did he do a German course with a private teacher?
3. When do you usually speak to your friends?
4. Did Marianna meet new friends at school?
6. What do they buy on the Internet?
7. Trevor doesn't buy music in a shop or on the Internet
8. Do Sarah and Nicky study French?
4. Put the words in the correct order:
2. do you sometimes get a takeaway?
6. they usually meet friends on Sundays.
5. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tenses:
Sarah Jones and Judith Thomson, from England, grew up on the same street and became best friends. Judith was Sarah's bridesmaid in 1947. Then Sarah emigrated to the USA and they lost touch. Fifty-three years later, they bumped into each other while they were waiting in a queue at a petrol station in Nevada, USA. They immediately recognized each other, even though they hadn't seen each other for 50 years. While they were talking, they found out they had been living and working on the same street in the USA for seventeen years, but had never seen each other.
6. Correct the mistakes in the following sentences:
1. I was in Brazil last summer. It was wonderful.
2. This evening, I'm having dinner in a small, local restaurant.
4. In my life, I have traveled many times.
5. I meet people every day through my work.
6. I started studying English when I was at school.
8. This weekend I will go to an art exhibition.
7. Rephrase the sentences using the obligation verbs:
1. It's not necessary to wear uniforms at school.
We don't have to wear uniforms at school.
2. If you want to help your mother, it's a good idea to wash the dishes.
You can help your mother by washing the dishes.
3. There is no need for her to worry about us. We'll be fine.
She doesn't have to worry about us.
4. It wouldn't be a good idea to take the car without asking him first
You can't take his car with out having his permission.
5. My mother is always telling me not to eat so mush junk food.
6. Don't speak to any strangers in the street.
You mustn't speak to any strangers in the street.
11. My mother cooks dinner every day.
12. I don't meet new people in the bars.
a) am not meet b) doesn't meet c) don't meet
13. He doesn't contact friends by e-mail.
a) doesn't contact b) don't contact c) isn't contact
19. He looks for hotels in the Internet.
26. She has got a special mug from Poland.
29. I listen to music in the evening.
30. Have you got this sweater in large?
a) with somebody b) an instrument c) beer
a) Yes, it is b) Yes, There is c) Yes, there are
39. Are there interesting shops in the town?
40. On Sundays I go to church in the morning.
41. I go for a drink in the bar near my house.
a) are drink b) is drinking c)drinking
45. Are they smoking in the kitchen now?
a) are they smoking b) smoking they c) is they smoking
a) to design b) designing c) design
51. They didn't watch a movie yesterday.
a) not watched b) didn't watch c)isn't watch
55. Are there many cakes in the cupboard?
56. Take an umbrella because it rains a lot.
57. Chicago is more expensive than New Orleans.
a) expensiver b) most expensive c) more expensive than
58. It is the biggest restaurant in Hong Kong.
a) the most big b) biggest c) the biggest
59. I haven't seen Michael for ages.
a) didn't see b) don't see c) haven't seen
60. I'm sure we have never met before.
a) have never met b) haven't never met c) didn't met
When we speak about family it is necessary to touch the problem of relations b etween its members. It is interesting to know opinions of all members in the family about their relations. When we discuss this theme the students are given to read an article from the youth magazine “ Shout “. This is Sasha's letter. Here is her photo. Looking at this photo students must say what they think about this girl. Before reading her letter they read a short information about her problems:
Sasha is 14 and lives with her mum, dad, an older brother and a younger brother and sister. She doesn't get on well with any of her family and plans to leave home as soon as she is old enough…….
One of the worst things about my house is the lack of privacy. If I disappear into my room for some peace, it's guaranteed that someone will come after me, wanting to know what I am up to. The thing is because I share a room with my little sister, I can't just shut the door, and keep everyone out. She's always complaining that it's her room, too. Even worse, it means nothing safe, I guess she goes through all my stuff, mucks about with my toiletries, and eats the sweets I keep in my room. If I want to keep anything secret, I have to use a lock and key on my cup board. грамматика английский язык топик
I don't know who I dislike more, my older brother, who is 16, or my younger one, who's 11. My older brother is a total creep. He pushes me around a lot and is always making nasty little comments about me. I hate being in the house alone with him. My little brother is just a geek. He asks me embarrassing questions about boys and stuff, and always shows me up in front of my mates. If I'm on the phone to one of my friends, he picks up the extension and listens in.
Although I'm nearly fifteen, my mum and dad treat me like a baby. They don't let me out at night during the week and if I want to go to a friend's house at the weekend, they phone up her parents first and arrange what time I've to be home by. Dad always asks me about boys, warning me that I'm not allowed to go out on a real date till I'm at least 15 - what a joke! He keeps nagging me about home work and studying, and he doesn't believe me when I say I don't have any to do. He just thinks I'm being lazy when I sit watching TV at night.
The other thing that bugs me is that I'm treated like an unpaid slave in the house. I have to do the dishes, help with the ironing…… I wouldn't object to this if everyone in the house did their fair share, but my brothers only keep their room clean, and my sister just acts like a baby and does nothing. Mum tells me that she needs the help and I'm the best at doing homework, but that's because I'm the only one who does it!
I'm going to leave home as soon as I'm old enough. It'd be great if I could get a job and a flat when I leave school, but that's not very likely, so I wish I just had one tiny room of my own. My mates always say that I'll miss my family once I leave, but I doubt that!
Why does Sasha want to leave home? Because She doesn't get on well with any of her family.
What relations does she have with her brothers and sister? She have bad relations with her brothers and sister.
Does she like her parents attitude to her? No she doesn't.
Why does she feel the lack of privacy? Because she shares a room with her little sister.
What can you say about relations with your parents? My relations with parents are well, because I live in my own flat. I love my parents and they love me.
3. Find English equivalents to the following words and expressions:
2) обращаться с кем-то - to treat smb
3) недостаток уединенности - the lack of privacy
4) ставить в неловкое положение перед кем-то - shows up in front of
6) скучать по семье - to miss a family
9) возражать против чего-либо - to object to smth
10) вносить равную лепту - fair share
11) не выносить кого-либо - to dislike smb
12) делать комментарии по поводу чего-то - making comments about smth
3. Match the words and phrases from the text with the closest meaning:
1. lack of privacy a) making you feel nervous and uncomfortable
2. show somebody up b) look at or examine carefully
3. embarrassing c) the state of being unable to be alone
4. nag d) behave towards someone in a particular way
5. act like a baby e) distribute the responsibilities in a fair way
6. do their fair share f) to make someone feel embarrassed by behaving in a stupid way when you are with them
7. treat g) express one's negative attitude to someone's behaveour in a very boring way
8. go through h) behave in a childish way Sasha has a lot of complaints.
4. Find the examples which Sasha uses to show that she has the following pro b lems.
1.” One of the worst things about my house is the lack of privacy,”
If She disappear into her room for some peace, it's guaranteed that someone will come after her, wanting to know what She is up to. The thing is because She shares a room with her little sister, which always complaining that it's her room, too.
Sasha's parents don't let her out at night. If She want to go to a friend's house at the weekend, they phone up her parents first and arrange what time She has to be home by. She is not allowed to go out on a real date till she is at least 15.
3.” I'm treated like an unpaid slave.”
She have to do all homework because Her brothers only keep their room clean, and her sister just acts like a baby and does nothing.
4.” They don't do their fair share.”
Because Her brothers only keep their room clean, and her sister just acts like a baby and does nothing.
5. Give your opinion on the following:
1. Do Sasha's complaints seem quite objective and fair to you? Why? Why not?
Yes, the complaints seem quite objective and fair to me, because this problem is very familiar to me. When I was a teenager this problems happened with me to.
2. What resolutions of her problems has she chosen?
She decides to leave home as soon as she is old enough. Get a job and a flat or tiny room.
3. What does it tell you about her character?
She has strong character. She is aspires to be independent and I think she is good to go.
4. What alternatives would you suggest?
I would suggest to Sasha to reconcile to all and to try to understand her.
Повторил грамматику английского языка путем выполнения специальных заданий, пополнил свой словарный запас и научился пользоваться специальной литературой.
Список использованных источников и литературы
1. Ramond Morurphy. Inglish gramma in use.-Edinburgh.: Cambridge University press, 2001.-350с.
2. Аракин В.Д., Выгодская З.С. Англо-русский словарь \\ В.Д Аракин., З.С
3. Выгодская .-М.: издательство Русский язык, 1992.-606с.
История английского языка. Классификация грамматики английского языка, его морфология и стилистика. Язык как индикатор этнического менталитета. Авторские методы изучения английской грамматики. Формы личных местоимений. Времена английского глагола. курсовая работа [51,4 K], добавлен 10.09.2010
История появления американского английского языка. Факторы влияния, фонетические и лексико-грамматические особенности американского, канадского, австралийского и новозеландского вариантов английского языка. Отличие канадской грамматики от британской. реферат [24,8 K], добавлен 17.12.2010
Основы грамматики английского языка. Показатели третьего лица единственного числа глагола в Present Indefinite. Видовременные формы глаголов. Определение модального глагола или его эквивалента. Характеристика Participle I и Participle II, их функции. контрольная работа [24,5 K], добавлен 20.08.2009
Рассмотрение основных периодов в истории английского языка. Формирование литературных норм современного английского языка, особенности его грамматического строения. Синтаксическая структура языка и принципы развития целых лексико-грамматических классов. реферат [24,5 K], добавлен 13.06.2012
Формирование американского варианта английского языка. Различия в лексике, орфографии, произношении, грамматике. Образцы речи в американском варианте английского языка. Распространение американского английского в британском варианте английского языка. курсовая работа [50,4 K], добавлен 20.03.2011
Роль игры на уроках английского языка в младших классах. Место игры в процессе обучения в условиях 12-летней школы. Виды игр, используемых на уроках английского языка. Драматическая игра как средство изучения английского языка. Анализ их применения. курсовая работа [65,0 K], добавлен 12.03.2011
Особенности лексического состава древнеанглийского языка. Развитие и способы пополнения словарного состава языка. Развитие продуктивных способов словообразования. Заимствования новоанглийскогого периода. Образование новых слов путем словосложения. реферат [34,7 K], добавлен 17.12.2010
Работы в архивах красиво оформлены согласно требованиям ВУЗов и содержат рисунки, диаграммы, формулы и т.д. PPT, PPTX и PDF-файлы представлены только в архивах. Рекомендуем скачать работу .

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Грамматика английского языка контрольная работа. Иностранные языки и языкознание.
Реферат: Хто більше страждає від розлучення чоловік чи жінка
Справка По Итогам Административной Контрольной Работы
Курсовая Работа По Дисциплине Бухгалтерский Учет
Целеуказание на местности
Построение Сочинения Рассуждения
Сочинение По Картине Федора Решетникова За Уроками
Реферат: Биография Эдсон Арантес ду Насименту
Реферат: Американский стиль управления персоналом
Реферат На Тему Л.М. Лопатин. Вопрос О Свободе Воли
Заявление На Допуск К Итоговому Сочинению
Курсовая работа по теме Разработка маркетингового плана на создание и внедрение новой продукции на фабрике
Реферат: Nursing Lifting Transferring And Positioning Of Patients
Сочинение Всегда Ли Нужно Избегать Конфликтов Примеры
Выполнение Лабораторных Работ По Тоэ
Курсовая Работа На Тему Односекционный 9-Ти Этажный 54-Квартирный Дом В Г. Тихорецке
Сочинение Образ Пимена
Реферат: а заранее согласуется с директором (заместителем директора) соответствующего института. для вступительного экзамена по специальности должен иметь характер исследования. Он оформляется в виде рукописи объемом 20 25 страниц, композиция а произвольная, в со
Дневник Производственной Практики Бухгалтера По Дням
Контрольная Работа На Тему Сравнительный Анализ Рекламных Объявлений Кадровых Агентств
Реферат по теме Перелом костей. Оказание первой помощи. Лечение. Реабилитация
Право в системе социальных норм - Государство и право курсовая работа
Первые завоеватели воздуха - Биология и естествознание реферат
Проблемні питання скарг платників податків - Государство и право курсовая работа

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