Grammar of the Text: its Basic Units and Main Features (based on the novel by David Nicholls "One Day") - Иностранные языки и языкознание курсовая работа

Grammar of the Text: its Basic Units and Main Features (based on the novel by David Nicholls "One Day") - Иностранные языки и языкознание курсовая работа


Иностранные языки и языкознание
Grammar of the Text: its Basic Units and Main Features (based on the novel by David Nicholls "One Day")

Text and its grammatical characteristics. Analyzing the structure of the text. Internal and external functions, according to the principals of text linguistics. Grammatical analysis of the text (practical part based on the novel "One day" by D. Nicholls).

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"Grammar of the Text: its Basic Units and Main Features" (based on the novel by David Nicholls "One Day")"
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2. Худяков А.А. Теоретическая грамматика английского языка. - М., 2005
3. Close R. A. A Reference Grammar for Students of English. - M., 1983
4. Givуn T. On understanding grammar. N. Y., 1979;
5. Huston R. Word Grammar. - Oxford, 1984
6. Nicholls D. One Day. - London, 2010
7. Schiffrin D. Discourse Markers. - Cambridge, 1987
8. http://ru.
10. http://tpl1999.
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Grammar of the Text: its Basic Units and Main Features (based on the novel by David Nicholls "One Day") курсовая работа. Иностранные языки и языкознание.
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