Grace in the Flames. Discovering God.s Power In Fiery Trials
👓 Douglas Scott Martin
Grace in the Flames. Discovering God.s Power In Fiery Trials✅ The author takes a closer look at the tragedy of the book of Job and finds Gods fingerprint of grace on every single page. He delves into the culture of Jobs time to make sense of the mannerisms of the characters involved in this extreme story of loss and Gods goodness. Many truths that are overlooked and hidden are brought into plain sight as we discover the frailty, humanity and flaws of Job. The author takes a look at centuries old assumptions and applies even older truths of the character of God which tells a different tale than we are used to. This book is refreshing, funny, painfully honest and a very easy read. If you are looking for answers to your Whys this book is a must have for you.

Murray John Clark «A Handbook of Christian Ethics»

Святой благоверный великий князь Александр Невский

Editor Rev Terry Kulakowski,Thomas Watson «The Christian Soldier»