Grab a Graduate

Grab a Graduate

On one hand it would have been nice to see each, even just to be lovers, after all, it had been an amazing night together. But I also understood and, curiously, had always had the inkling from the short time I had known Sarah that she wanted to be the independent woman.

In the end Sarah did not join the dive club (perhaps it was just an excuse to pick me up!) and since I studied at a department in an 'out of the way' part of the University we never saw much of each other. But we were always happy to chat and were always relaxed with each other when we did come across each other.

I ended my master's degree and left the University, but that was not the end of the story.

It was about two years later, and I had returned to see a friend (curiously part of the dive club) and was staying at his place. One night in the local pub, as I went to order drinks, who did I spot sitting at a table, but Sarah! She was now in her last year at University and we were soon chatting away. Well, my friend soon realised I might be staying somewhere else for the night and he was correct.

I went back to Sarah's place and we had another intense night of love making. The next day I had to head off and we never met up again. But, from time to time, I do wonder what she got up to in life!

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