Government Support Programs in Germany for small businesses, self-employed people, solo-businesses, agencies, companies and other ways to apply for benefits (applicable in the state Berlin).

Government Support Programs in Germany for small businesses, self-employed people, solo-businesses, agencies, companies and other ways to apply for benefits (applicable in the state Berlin).

There are so far several program to apply for these days to receive benefits from the government. Our research is specifically for the are Berlin since every state (Bundesland) has their specific forms. So the forms and documents below are focussed on Berlin. We would like to point out that the bureaucratic language should be understood in a very abstract sense and situations have to be put also in abstract contexts in order to find fast feedback from officials on applications, the more realistic, specific and on point the request is, the easier a resolution can happen.

So far we have filled today (20.03.2020) one application with an artist from Berlin but via Skype call together, he did not fill it along our guideline, we basically translated it and put it in an excel, tried to correct words and observe the steps from downloading the form to putting the full list of attached documents and the filled form in an envelope. Since Wohngeld is the first instance to apply for at the moment, we have translated the document in English, as well as the checklist for necessary enclosed documents. Please understand that we can't guarantee the correctness of the content and also not the guarantee that your filed applications are valid.

We count on you to also get feedback on issues that might appear while reading, notes on some understandings as well as miss-understanding, extra info that we didn't take into account yet or other useful information and tips that help to optimize those translations so they can be useful to others too.

Of course this costs a lot of time and constant maintenance and as well assistance that we want to offer and that we also see as responsibility by publishing an official text. Therefore we ask for a small donation that you personally feel this might be worth and what of course is possible to spend.


With love and resepct,

Sophie , Endémico



Instagram: @endemico_agency


Different Programs (german and english title)

Antrag auf Wohngeldzuschuss - Submission for housing costs benefit


Investitionsbank Berlin (Liquiditätsengpässe wegen Coronavirus) - IBB

Loans - other packages for agencies, small businesses- and companies

Bundesministerium für Arbeit - Federal department for labor (

  • Grundsicherung / Arbeitslosengeld (everyone without work - tbc which categories there are and how this works)
  • Hilfepaket für Solo-Unternehmen (for artists, pr's, manager, booker, freelancer, self employment,- application tbc)
  • Kurzarbeitgeld (for Companies / Agencies)
  • Steuerstunden verhandeln (for comapanies / agencies / small businesses)

Corona-Hilfe: Einmalzahlungen für Profi-Künstler von bis zu 2000 Euro. Antragsformular beim Kulturministerium. Ministerin: „Puffer“ fürs erste.

Updates: 21. March 2020


Antrag Sofortprogramm zur Unterstützung freischaffender Künstlerinnen und Künstler aufgrund der Auswirkungen der Coronavirus-Krise

Zusammenarbeit zwischen der Künstlersozialkasse und der Kranken-/Pflegekasse





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